Tick Tock: Obama’s Countdown To Medicare’s Bankruptcy


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011
Tick Tock: Obama's Countdown To Medicare's Bankruptcy - GOP

Rather Than Fix Medicare, Obama Took Over $700 Billion From It For ObamaCare Obama Told ABC’s Jake Tapper That One-Third Of ObamaCare Is Funded By Cuts to Medicare. ABC’s JAKE TAPPER: “One of the concerns about health care and how you pay for it — one third of the funding comes from cuts to Medicare.” BARACK OBAMA: “Right.” TAPPER: “A lot of times, as you know, what happens in Congress is somebody will do something bold and then Congress, close to election season, will undo it.” OBAMA: “Right.” ( ABC News , 11/9/09)

■Obama Deputy Campaign Manager Stephanie Cutter Bragged About ObamaCare’s Cuts To Medicare. CUTTER: “Well, you know ask the wealthy to pay a little bit more. Cut waste from the government. Reform Medicare. More than $300 billion in savings from Medicare. On top of the savings we’ve already achieved. You know I heard Mitt Romney deride the $700 billion cuts in Medicare that the president achieved through health care reform.” (CBS’ “Face The Nation,” 8/12/12)
Obama Doesn’t Have A Plan To Address Medicare’s Fiscal Challenges
“When It Comes To Deficit Reduction And Entitlement Reform, President Barack Obama Has Been A Master Of Mixed Signals.” (Carol Budoff Brown, Glenn Thrush and David Nather, “Showtime For President Ambivalent About Deficit,” Politico, 4/12/11)

■Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner Admitted The Administration Doesn’t Have “A Definitive Solution” To The Long-Term Problems Posed By Our Entitlement Programs. REP. PAUL RYAN: “Because we got 10,000 people retiring every day, and healthcare costs going up…” TREASURY SECRETARY TIMOTHY GEITHNER: “That’s right. We have millions of Americans retiring every day, and that will drive substantially the rate of growth of healthcare costs. You are right to say we’re not coming before you today to say we have a definitive solution to that long-term problem. What we do know is, we don’t like yours.” ( Testimony Before The House Committee On The Budget, U.S. House Of Representatives, 2/16/12)
The Trustees Of Social Security And Medicare Predict That Medicare’s Trust Fund Will Be Exhausted In 2024. “The estimated exhaustion date for the HI trust fund remains at 2024, the same year shown in last year’s report. As in past years, the Trustees have determined that the fund is not adequately financed over the next 10 years.” (“2012 Annual Report Of The Boards Of Trustees Of The Federal Hospital Insurance And Federal Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Funds,” The Boards Of Trustees, Federal Hospital Insurance And Federal Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Funds , 4/23/12)


Tick Tock: Obama's Countdown To Medicare's Bankruptcy - GOP

Rather Than Fix Medicare, Obama Took Over $700 Billion From It For ObamaCare Obama Told ABC’s Jake Tapper That One-Third Of ObamaCare Is Funded By Cuts to Medicare. ABC’s JAKE TAPPER: “One of the concerns about health care and how you pay for it — one third of the funding comes from cuts to Medicare.” BARACK OBAMA: “Right.” TAPPER: “A lot of times, as you know, what happens in Congress is somebody will do something bold and then Congress, close to election season, will undo it.” OBAMA: “Right.” ( ABC News , 11/9/09)

■Obama Deputy Campaign Manager Stephanie Cutter Bragged About ObamaCare’s Cuts To Medicare. CUTTER: “Well, you know ask the wealthy to pay a little bit more. Cut waste from the government. Reform Medicare. More than $300 billion in savings from Medicare. On top of the savings we’ve already achieved. You know I heard Mitt Romney deride the $700 billion cuts in Medicare that the president achieved through health care reform.” (CBS’ “Face The Nation,” 8/12/12)
Obama Doesn’t Have A Plan To Address Medicare’s Fiscal Challenges
“When It Comes To Deficit Reduction And Entitlement Reform, President Barack Obama Has Been A Master Of Mixed Signals.” (Carol Budoff Brown, Glenn Thrush and David Nather, “Showtime For President Ambivalent About Deficit,” Politico, 4/12/11)

■Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner Admitted The Administration Doesn’t Have “A Definitive Solution” To The Long-Term Problems Posed By Our Entitlement Programs. REP. PAUL RYAN: “Because we got 10,000 people retiring every day, and healthcare costs going up…” TREASURY SECRETARY TIMOTHY GEITHNER: “That’s right. We have millions of Americans retiring every day, and that will drive substantially the rate of growth of healthcare costs. You are right to say we’re not coming before you today to say we have a definitive solution to that long-term problem. What we do know is, we don’t like yours.” ( Testimony Before The House Committee On The Budget, U.S. House Of Representatives, 2/16/12)
The Trustees Of Social Security And Medicare Predict That Medicare’s Trust Fund Will Be Exhausted In 2024. “The estimated exhaustion date for the HI trust fund remains at 2024, the same year shown in last year’s report. As in past years, the Trustees have determined that the fund is not adequately financed over the next 10 years.” (“2012 Annual Report Of The Boards Of Trustees Of The Federal Hospital Insurance And Federal Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Funds,” The Boards Of Trustees, Federal Hospital Insurance And Federal Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Funds , 4/23/12)


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Over the next 10 years Obamacare will charge additional taxes of $257 billion from here:
The ObamaCare Medical Device Manufacturing Tax
A 2.3% tax on pacemakers, prosthetic limbs, stents, and operating tables manufacturers will pass on to patients $20 billion over the next 10 years.

The ObamaCare High Medical Bills Tax
$15 billion additional taxes from out-of-pocket medical bills. Every American can deduct medical expenses that exceed 7.5% of adjusted gross income.
Obamacare raised the level to 10% meaning these deductions won't be allowed unless they are more then 10% of adjusted income.

The ObamaCare Flexible Spending Account Cap
$13 billion more in taxes that at least 24 million Americans will pay because they were able to set aside up to $5,000 before taxes for medical expenses.
After Obamacare up to $2,500.
This is especially onerous on special needs tuition that used to be covered.. now cut to $2,500.

The ObamaCare Surtax on Investment Income
$123 billion from capital gains tax increase and dividend rates. Wonderful eh??
Well most of these are from 401Ks, mutual funds, pension funds all hitting average americans!

The ObamaCare Medicare Payroll Tax increase
$86 billion from an increase in Medicare tax for employers.

Five major ObamaCare taxes that will hit your wallet in 2013 | Fox News

Who said Obamacare wasn't going to cost anything to cover the 8 million that truly need coverage?
And remember Obamacare was passed by JUST 6 votes and I'm confident that this big lie convinced some of the "YES" votes... the LIE: Obamacare will cover the 50 million "uninsured".. except there ARE NOT 50 million.. not when you realize that
10 million counted as Uninsured ARE NOT legal Americans!
14 million are already Covered by Medicaid and
18 million under 34 pay their own medical expenses that average less then $1,000/ year out of pocket therefore have NO NEED for insurance!
That means there are less then 8 million truly uninsured and Obamacare will not address them!
The Trustees Of Social Security And Medicare Predict That Medicare’s Trust Fund Will Be Exhausted In 2024.

That 2024 date optimistically assumes an Obama victory in November.

Romney has pledged to accelerate Medicare's spending, exhausting the trust fund sometime around 2016.
Amazing how the neocon/teabagger propaganda machine just gets more intricate with it's lie about Obamacare. Here's how FactCheck.org lays it out:

FactCheck.org : Medicare’s ‘Piggy Bank’

Republicans claim the president’s $716 billion “cuts” to Medicare hurt the program’s finances. But the opposite is true. These cuts in the future growth of spending prolong the life of the Medicare trust fund, stretching the program’s finances out longer than they would last otherwise.

Mitt Romney has claimed that President Barack Obama has “robbed” Medicare. Rep. Paul Ryan, Romney’s running mate, said Obama “turned Medicare into a piggy bank to fund Obamacare,” promising to “stop the raid on Medicare.” And the Republican National Committee is promoting on its website a feature it calls “Obama’s Countdown to Medicare’s Bankruptcy,” which lists the days, hours, minutes and seconds left until the Medicare Part A trust fund is exhausted. But there would be even fewer days until the fund’s exhaustion if Obama’s health care law hadn’t included those $700 billion in spending reductions.

It’s true that experts, including Medicare’s chief actuary, doubt that some of those spending cuts will actually be implemented. But if they are, Medicare would spend less each year than it had been expected to otherwise, allowing Medicare to stretch further the income it receives from payroll taxes and premiums.
Tick Tock: Obama's Countdown To Medicare's Bankruptcy - GOP

Rather Than Fix Medicare, Obama Took Over $700 Billion From It For ObamaCare Obama Told ABC’s Jake Tapper That One-Third Of ObamaCare Is Funded By Cuts to Medicare. ABC’s JAKE TAPPER: “One of the concerns about health care and how you pay for it — one third of the funding comes from cuts to Medicare.” BARACK OBAMA: “Right.” TAPPER: “A lot of times, as you know, what happens in Congress is somebody will do something bold and then Congress, close to election season, will undo it.” OBAMA: “Right.” ( ABC News , 11/9/09)

■Obama Deputy Campaign Manager Stephanie Cutter Bragged About ObamaCare’s Cuts To Medicare. CUTTER: “Well, you know ask the wealthy to pay a little bit more. Cut waste from the government. Reform Medicare. More than $300 billion in savings from Medicare. On top of the savings we’ve already achieved. You know I heard Mitt Romney deride the $700 billion cuts in Medicare that the president achieved through health care reform.” (CBS’ “Face The Nation,” 8/12/12)
Obama Doesn’t Have A Plan To Address Medicare’s Fiscal Challenges
“When It Comes To Deficit Reduction And Entitlement Reform, President Barack Obama Has Been A Master Of Mixed Signals.” (Carol Budoff Brown, Glenn Thrush and David Nather, “Showtime For President Ambivalent About Deficit,” Politico, 4/12/11)

■Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner Admitted The Administration Doesn’t Have “A Definitive Solution” To The Long-Term Problems Posed By Our Entitlement Programs. REP. PAUL RYAN: “Because we got 10,000 people retiring every day, and healthcare costs going up…” TREASURY SECRETARY TIMOTHY GEITHNER: “That’s right. We have millions of Americans retiring every day, and that will drive substantially the rate of growth of healthcare costs. You are right to say we’re not coming before you today to say we have a definitive solution to that long-term problem. What we do know is, we don’t like yours.” ( Testimony Before The House Committee On The Budget, U.S. House Of Representatives, 2/16/12)
The Trustees Of Social Security And Medicare Predict That Medicare’s Trust Fund Will Be Exhausted In 2024. “The estimated exhaustion date for the HI trust fund remains at 2024, the same year shown in last year’s report. As in past years, the Trustees have determined that the fund is not adequately financed over the next 10 years.” (“2012 Annual Report Of The Boards Of Trustees Of The Federal Hospital Insurance And Federal Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Funds,” The Boards Of Trustees, Federal Hospital Insurance And Federal Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Funds , 4/23/12)


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Rather Than Fix Medicare, Obama Took Over $700 Billion From It For ObamaCare Obama

That's been proven to be a lie. I'm not even going to bother explaining. A simple Google search and you can find out the truth. Such determined ignorance, pity.

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