Tiki-Torch Wielding Virginia Dems Caught Faking White Supremacist Photo Op to Smear Glenn Youngkin.

Oops, wrong as usual. This was a PR stunt by Republicans who unleashed Sarah Palin on the country. You were doing your human shield act for these same people just 6 years ago.
Oops, wrong as usual. This was a PR stunt by Republicans who unleashed Sarah Palin on the country. You were doing your human shield act for these same people just 6 years ago.
No it's actually a desperation move by the Democrats because they see a race they should be winning easily quickly going south on them! They're trying to smear someone with the "racist" charge because it's all they've got left. Parents in Virginia are incensed that liberals think they know better than they do about what their children should be taught in school.
Nope, I’ve never supported RINO globalist or pedophiles.
Oh, you definitely sucked the butts of every member of the Lincoln Project. People who brought us Sarah Palin and all manner of dog whistle racism that was music to your ears. 6 years ago, you would have tossed yourself at their feet to be a human shield, just as you do for the Trump cult now.

This is all a fine illustration of Trump cultism, really.
Oh, you definitely sucked the butts of every member of the Lincoln Project. People who brought us Sarah Palin and all manner of dog whistle racism that was music to your ears. 6 years ago, you would have tossed yourself at their feet to be a human shield, just as you do for the Trump cult now.

This is all a fine illustration of Trump cultism, really.
Really? I never even heard of the Lincoln Project until President Trump came along.
Funny how every act of racism turns out to be perpetuated by Democrats.

Nahhhh... not "every" act... just most of the stupidly obvious unintentional ones... :badgrin:

Most White Democrats - like most human beings - are racist to some extent or another - they just try to mask it better in order to glean votes...

Most White Republicans - like most human beings - are racist to some extent or another - but their mistakes aren't quite as stupid or spectacular...
Wrong, as usual. As you would already know, if you weren't a lazy ass that doesn't ever actually read any of the articles presented to you.
In a State that is heavily Democratic a well known Democrat is struggling to defeat a Republican, Fort! Common sense tells one there has to be a reason for that! You don't have to bring in Barack Obama, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to stump for you if your message is resonating with the voters...you don't have to stage phony photo op stunts like this if your message is resonating with the voters! You have to do that if your opponent's message is kicking your ass in a State where that shouldn't be happening!

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