Tiki-Torch Wielding Virginia Dems Caught Faking White Supremacist Photo Op to Smear Glenn Youngkin.

Oh, so you're just calling them that over nothing. Got it.
Pretty much over the long history of the Dimwinger party being the party of racists. Segregation, Jim Crow, KKK.............all Dimwinger creations.

Throw in Robert KKK Byrd and your racist Potted Plant In Chief for shits and giggles.

And the fact every Dimwinger looks at every issue based on skin color.
As campaign trolls go, it wasn't a bad idea, but to be successful they should have used hired actors from a university drama dept. rather than actual known dimocrap operatives.
That and putting a black dude in the lineup...The desperation is flooding the state.
This is his quote "I don't think parents should be telling schools what they should teach". I tend to agree with him. If every parent had a choice of what exactly to teach their kids then schools as we know them wouldn't exist. Allow professionals to make these decisions. That doesn't mean parents don't get any say. They have PTA meetings, parent/teacher conferences and the latest wingnut community theatre taking place in school board meetings.

FYI, schoolboards tend to mirror the local populace that elected them.
Why on earth wouldn't parents be telling schools what they should teach? Those "professionals" as you refer to them, Happy...have been using their positions in education to push THEIR vision of the world to the point where parents are now being told that even though they FUND schools...that they have no say in what is taught in schools and if they DO speak up then your "professionals" respond by accusing them of domestic terrorism and siccing the FBI on them! Then you wonder why parents are angry?
The polling in this race switched from -5 to +8 almost overnight but you can be sure that will be erased with more democrat election theft.
This VA election will be the barometer going forward.
Why on earth wouldn't parents be telling schools what they should teach? Those "professionals" as you refer to them, Happy...have been using their positions in education to push THEIR vision of the world to the point where parents are now being told that even though they FUND schools...that they have no say in what is taught in schools and if they DO speak up then your "professionals" respond by accusing them of domestic terrorism and siccing the FBI on them! Then you wonder why parents are angry?
Why haven’t these parents recalled the school board? If they were elected then they can be removed.
Why haven’t these parents recalled the school board? If they were elected then they can be removed.
Trust me...that's happening! I think what took place, Roshawn is that Covid had students learning remotely with parents watching what was being taught to their kids by teachers that have gotten more and more liberal and those parents were shocked by what they saw and heard. Then when the parents went to school board meetings to complain, they were accused of being domestic terrorists by liberal school boards that were used to doing what they felt like with little feedback from parents. THAT set off a firestorm of outrage from already upset parents!
Trust me...that's happening! I think what took place, Roshawn is that Covid had students learning remotely with parents watching what was being taught to their kids by teachers that have gotten more and more liberal and those parents were shocked by what they saw and heard. Then when the parents went to school board meetings to complain, they were accused of being domestic terrorists by liberal school boards that were used to doing what they felt like with little feedback from parents. THAT set off a firestorm of outrage from already upset parents!
But so far I’ve heard no mention of recall.
There was a time when republicans were for the sensible center...now you guys act like crackheads who buy into every conspiracy theory out there.
there was a time(2016-2020) AMERICA was self sufficient....everybody working, enjoying 2 dollar a gallon gas, heating costs very low, there was even food on store shelves----assholes, like you, that put scum demonRATS in the white house, should be destroyed at all costs---before you shit stains wipe AMERICA out
you are anti-AMERICA TRASH

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