Tillerson stopped Saudi Arabi and the UAE from attacking Qatar

Rex Tillerson stopped Saudi and UAE from 'attacking' Qatar

Thank god. Saudi Arabia I will never understand is an US Ally but shouldn't be. That's where most of the 9/11 terrorists came from and the US protects the bastards still....disgusting behavior. I also read Qatar is already recovered from the sanctions Saudi Arabia put on them...

we have criminals in the USA too. Osama bin Laden was actually
Rex Tillerson stopped Saudi and UAE from 'attacking' Qatar

Thank god. Saudi Arabia I will never understand is an US Ally but shouldn't be. That's where most of the 9/11 terrorists came from and the US protects the bastards still....disgusting behavior. I also read Qatar is already recovered from the sanctions Saudi Arabia put on them...

we have criminals in the USA too. Osama bin Laden was actually

Classed as "ethnic Yemeni". Was born in SA.
Rex Tillerson stopped Saudi and UAE from 'attacking' Qatar

Thank god. Saudi Arabia I will never understand is an US Ally but shouldn't be. That's where most of the 9/11 terrorists came from and the US protects the bastards still....disgusting behavior. I also read Qatar is already recovered from the sanctions Saudi Arabia put on them...

For the life of me I cannot believe that we favor SA over other ME countries.
Rex Tillerson stopped Saudi and UAE from 'attacking' Qatar

Thank god. Saudi Arabia I will never understand is an US Ally but shouldn't be. That's where most of the 9/11 terrorists came from and the US protects the bastards still....disgusting behavior. I also read Qatar is already recovered from the sanctions Saudi Arabia put on them...

we have criminals in the USA too. Osama bin Laden was actually

Not according to wikipedia (and every other resource I found).

'Bin Laden's father was Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden, a Saudi millionaire from Hadhramaut, Yemen.[12] His mother, Alia Ghanem, was from a secular middle-class family based in Latakia, Syria.[13] He was born in Saudi Arabia and studied at university in the country until 1979, when he joined Mujahideen forces in Pakistan fighting against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan.'

Osama bin Laden - Wikipedia
Rex Tillerson stopped Saudi and UAE from 'attacking' Qatar

Thank god. Saudi Arabia I will never understand is an US Ally but shouldn't be. That's where most of the 9/11 terrorists came from and the US protects the bastards still....disgusting behavior. I also read Qatar is already recovered from the sanctions Saudi Arabia put on them...

we have criminals in the USA too. Osama bin Laden was actually

Not according to wikipedia (and every other resource I found).

'Bin Laden's father was Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden, a Saudi millionaire from Hadhramaut, Yemen.[12] His mother, Alia Ghanem, was from a secular middle-class family based in Latakia, Syria.[13] He was born in Saudi Arabia and studied at university in the country until 1979, when he joined Mujahideen forces in Pakistan fighting against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan.'

Osama bin Laden - Wikipedia
He was born in Saudi Arabia but he is OF Yemeni stock.
Another breathless leak by traitors in the "intelligence community" designed to undermine the Trump administration?
Rex Tillerson stopped Saudi and UAE from 'attacking' Qatar

Thank god. Saudi Arabia I will never understand is an US Ally but shouldn't be. That's where most of the 9/11 terrorists came from and the US protects the bastards still....disgusting behavior. I also read Qatar is already recovered from the sanctions Saudi Arabia put on them...

For the life of me I cannot believe that we favor SA over other ME countries.

who says "WE" favor Saudi Arabia? It happens that right now-----SA is politically kinda important to the USA. Most americans like Italy----but Italy was a political enemy in the 1940s
Rex Tillerson stopped Saudi and UAE from 'attacking' Qatar

Thank god. Saudi Arabia I will never understand is an US Ally but shouldn't be. That's where most of the 9/11 terrorists came from and the US protects the bastards still....disgusting behavior. I also read Qatar is already recovered from the sanctions Saudi Arabia put on them...

we have criminals in the USA too. Osama bin Laden was actually

Not according to wikipedia (and every other resource I found).

'Bin Laden's father was Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden, a Saudi millionaire from Hadhramaut, Yemen.[12] His mother, Alia Ghanem, was from a secular middle-class family based in Latakia, Syria.[13] He was born in Saudi Arabia and studied at university in the country until 1979, when he joined Mujahideen forces in Pakistan fighting against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan.'

Osama bin Laden - Wikipedia

He was ethnic Yemeni-----both sides----his EXTENDED family is Yemenis in background. Be not impressed---Yemen----traditionally, in ANCIENT times---- was considered part of ARABIA. The whole area was "tribal"----not really a "country" Would you like my hubby's recipe for the famous
TZOUG? It was in Yemen that the culture of COFFEE was developed----complete with the addition of cardamom, ginger and cinnamon----and whatever else they toss in. -------Yemen in bygone times was more SOPHISTICATED than was "arabia' Its got the Port Cities
Rex Tillerson stopped Saudi and UAE from 'attacking' Qatar

Thank god. Saudi Arabia I will never understand is an US Ally but shouldn't be. That's where most of the 9/11 terrorists came from and the US protects the bastards still....disgusting behavior. I also read Qatar is already recovered from the sanctions Saudi Arabia put on them...

we have criminals in the USA too. Osama bin Laden was actually

Not according to wikipedia (and every other resource I found).

'Bin Laden's father was Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden, a Saudi millionaire from Hadhramaut, Yemen.[12] His mother, Alia Ghanem, was from a secular middle-class family based in Latakia, Syria.[13] He was born in Saudi Arabia and studied at university in the country until 1979, when he joined Mujahideen forces in Pakistan fighting against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan.'

Osama bin Laden - Wikipedia

He was ethnic Yemeni-----both sides----his EXTENDED family is Yemenis in background. Be not impressed---Yemen----traditionally, in ANCIENT times---- was considered part of ARABIA. The whole area was "tribal"----not really a "country" Would you like my hubby's recipe for the famous
TZOUG? It was in Yemen that the culture of COFFEE was developed----complete with the addition of cardamom, ginger and cinnamon----and whatever else they toss in. -------Yemen in bygone times was more SOPHISTICATED than was "arabia' Its got the Port Cities

You typed 'Osama bin Laden was actually Yemeni'.

That means what country was he born in. You don't call an American 'Scottish' because his grandparents came from Scotland. You call him 'American' because he was born in America.

Osama bin Laden was born in Saudi Arabia...True or false?
Rex Tillerson stopped Saudi and UAE from 'attacking' Qatar

Thank god. Saudi Arabia I will never understand is an US Ally but shouldn't be. That's where most of the 9/11 terrorists came from and the US protects the bastards still....disgusting behavior. I also read Qatar is already recovered from the sanctions Saudi Arabia put on them...

For the life of me I cannot believe that we favor SA over other ME countries.

who says "WE" favor Saudi Arabia? It happens that right now-----SA is politically kinda important to the USA. Most americans like Italy----but Italy was a political enemy in the 1940s

Qatar is more important strategically to the US than SA. You need the airbase there.
Rex Tillerson stopped Saudi and UAE from 'attacking' Qatar

Thank god. Saudi Arabia I will never understand is an US Ally but shouldn't be. That's where most of the 9/11 terrorists came from and the US protects the bastards still....disgusting behavior. I also read Qatar is already recovered from the sanctions Saudi Arabia put on them...

For the life of me I cannot believe that we favor SA over other ME countries.

who says "WE" favor Saudi Arabia? It happens that right now-----SA is politically kinda important to the USA. Most americans like Italy----but Italy was a political enemy in the 1940s

Qatar is more important strategically to the US than SA. You need the airbase there.

I am not sure why you wanted to make that ^^^^ questionable
Rex Tillerson stopped Saudi and UAE from 'attacking' Qatar

Thank god. Saudi Arabia I will never understand is an US Ally but shouldn't be. That's where most of the 9/11 terrorists came from and the US protects the bastards still....disgusting behavior. I also read Qatar is already recovered from the sanctions Saudi Arabia put on them...

we have criminals in the USA too. Osama bin Laden was actually

Not according to wikipedia (and every other resource I found).

'Bin Laden's father was Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden, a Saudi millionaire from Hadhramaut, Yemen.[12] His mother, Alia Ghanem, was from a secular middle-class family based in Latakia, Syria.[13] He was born in Saudi Arabia and studied at university in the country until 1979, when he joined Mujahideen forces in Pakistan fighting against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan.'

Osama bin Laden - Wikipedia

He was ethnic Yemeni-----both sides----his EXTENDED family is Yemenis in background. Be not impressed---Yemen----traditionally, in ANCIENT times---- was considered part of ARABIA. The whole area was "tribal"----not really a "country" Would you like my hubby's recipe for the famous
TZOUG? It was in Yemen that the culture of COFFEE was developed----complete with the addition of cardamom, ginger and cinnamon----and whatever else they toss in. -------Yemen in bygone times was more SOPHISTICATED than was "arabia' Its got the Port Cities

You typed 'Osama bin Laden was actually Yemeni'.

That means what country was he born in. You don't call an American 'Scottish' because his grandparents came from Scotland. You call him 'American' because he was born in America.

Osama bin Laden was born in Saudi Arabia...True or false?

huh? how do YOU know what I call whom? I have known lots of Scottish
americans who were born in the USA-----people who RETAINED a Scottish identity culturally for CENTURIES. Same is true of ITALIANS -----my hometowns were full of them. Getting back to Saudi Arabia and yemen----I got news------them human beans are even MORE TRIBAL than are the Scottish people of my childhood hometown (USA) Among my childhood
playmates were SERBS-------parents born in the usa---------the whole family
still spoke whatever that language is that serbs speak. I can assure you----
in the OPINION of other YEMENI MUSLIMS-----Osama's family is YEMENI.
Cultural identities do not MAGICALLY vanish depending upon the location of
the maternity ward. People from Yemen still focus on PROVINCE OF ORIGIN
SA and other countries are important as enemies of Iran. Israel is also 'friendly' with many of them re their interest in containing Iran. It's called ' Geo-politics', and only idiots think any country can survive without playing the Great Game, hegemon or little guy.

ME oil is running out; hopefully we use up as much as we can of theirs while leaving ours in the ground, but obviously too many stupid people with short-sighted and immediate gratification neurosis's want cheap stuff right now, never mind the later costs, and this childish view extends to infantile foreign policy stupidity as well. When their oil runs out, so does their money to buy weapons and terrorist gangsters with. You want Iran to end up with all the oil fields, just because you don't like Jews, Bush, and Xians? Congratulations, you're a complete moron, and will be wildly popular with the other morons, who might give you free pot once in while.
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SA and other countries are important as enemies of Iran. Israel is also 'friendly' with many of them re their interest in containing Iran. It's called ' Geo-politics', and only idiot think any country can survive without playing the Great Game.

ME oil is running out; hopefully we use up as much as we can of theirs while leaving ours in the ground, but obviously too many stupid people with short-sighted and immediate gratification neurosis's want cheap stuff right now, never mind the later costs, and this childish view extends to infantile foreign policy stupidity as well. When their oil runs out, so does their money to buy weapons and terrorist gangsters with. You want Iran to end up with all the oil fields, just because you don't like Jews, Bush, and Xians? Congratulations, you're a complete moron, and will be wildly popular with the other morons, who might give you free pot once in while.

Pic----for you, your post is UNUSUALLY LOGICAL----however----I cannot
imagine just who is the "you" in your post ----ie the "complete moron"---
who wants "free pot"
SA and other countries are important as enemies of Iran. Israel is also 'friendly' with many of them re their interest in containing Iran. It's called ' Geo-politics', and only idiot think any country can survive without playing the Great Game.

ME oil is running out; hopefully we use up as much as we can of theirs while leaving ours in the ground, but obviously too many stupid people with short-sighted and immediate gratification neurosis's want cheap stuff right now, never mind the later costs, and this childish view extends to infantile foreign policy stupidity as well. When their oil runs out, so does their money to buy weapons and terrorist gangsters with. You want Iran to end up with all the oil fields, just because you don't like Jews, Bush, and Xians? Congratulations, you're a complete moron, and will be wildly popular with the other morons, who might give you free pot once in while.

Pic----for you, your post is UNUSUALLY LOGICAL----however----I cannot
imagine just who is the "you" in your post ----ie the "complete moron"---
who wants "free pot"

My posts on politics always fit with existential reality, unlike most other people's, who base theirs on some silly ideological rubbish or other. Lifelong Interest in history and political economy always ends up as studying foreign policy, from ancient times to the present, at many points.

As for who the morons are, the previous sentence before that 110% correct comment makes it obvious who the 'yous' are. If you those shoes fit you, then congratulations. If they don't, then you aren't, at least re this topic. I'm addressing the topic, not any named individual. IF I were referring to you, it would be clear I was addressing you personally; I'm not bashful, I'm not running for office and don't need anybody's votes or approval, so you can go ahead and get all butthurt, I don't mind either way.
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no fit-------interestingly enough-----although I am a child of the 1960s---
I have never used pot------I came close only once----but my companions
told me----YOU HAVE TO INHALE. Back then I would have used the
edible thing if I did not have to pay for it. Now---I have decided to forego
COMPLETELY -----even if offered free of charge

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