Tim has been in foster care for 10 years. If there are so many couples looking for a child to adopt, why is he still waiting? This is not an exception

You don't have to be filled with money or be perfect to adopt from the State. In fact, it is possible to get a stipend and have medical paid for----depending on who was just elected in name your state.

People are afraid of teens. People are afraid of having to deal with the behavior from the trauma. They truthfully want newborn white babies.

I am talking about the front end to pay all the expense of the adoption process and the long waiting time.
I am talking about the front end to pay all the expense of the adoption process and the long waiting time.
Not if you are adopting a child in custody. There is no front end cash expense. You have to be approved which takes a bit. Some states do a 6 month trial adoption period which is to make sure that everyone is doing fine with adjustment. A hearing is held for the adoption. You are done.

There are websites that you can find children that are ready to be adopted.Just like the one in the OP.
Fuck off dumbass. First, you post a link that clearly states that a child can be dropped off at a safe haven by either parent. I mean 15 seconds into reading the link,

Safe haven laws generally allow the parent, or an agent of the parent, to remain anonymous and be shielded from criminal liability and prosecution for child endangerment, abandonment, or neglect in exchange for surrendering the baby to a safe haven

I don't understand why you keep beating a dead horse. Your "proof" that a woman can abandon her responsibilities without repercussion also states that a father can too, as I have already quoted.

And then you want to claim that a mother can just give up a child, give her privileges as a mother and not pay child support, but a father can't do that. Which is more ignorance. Neither a father or a mother can simply give up their privileges and remove the responsibility of child support. The power is in the hands of the custodial parent. And like I said, been there, done that. And I am here to tell you, that may have been the most difficult decision I have ever had to make. I would have been fine getting no child support, but the part about completely removing themselves from the lives of their children, how do you think that made the children feel? Just thinking about it makes me want to choke the life out of both of them.

I don't give two shits what you think. Tomorrow is Mother's day. And guess what, Mother's day is a bigger holiday for me than Father's day. I get them both. Because I was both, for three amazing young women. I mean I did find someone else, someone that stepped up and became their mother, and also gave me three sons to add to my "army". But all of them know the sacrifices I made and every day they show me that it was well worth it. I doubt there is a group of six siblings that are as tight as them, thick as thieves, and that is my legacy.
a father cant do it if he doesnt have custody of the child dumbass

safe haven is for the child not the parent,,
Take a gander at this,

There are also issues that can surround the person with whom you are having the child. He will be subjected to the same sort of scrutiny by the courts that you are subjected to. If he engages in any behaviors that can cause danger to you or your child, it may negatively impact your custody arrangements. There are definitely issues that can arise when you bring another person into your relationship, so you and he both need to be prepared.

They met at an NA meeting. Two drug addicts, having a baby, when she was still married. Not that damn hard dude. Living in subsidized housing, she didn't have a job, neither did he--again, not that damn hard dude. I made good money, lived in my own house, and had a support network from hell. Not that fawking hard, sorry you didn't have it that easy.
that link proves you lied more than told the truth,,

you said almost all states,, now show a law that backs that up or go suck a cock,,,
Not if you are adopting a child in custody. There is no front end cash expense. You have to be approved which takes a bit. Some states do a 6 month trial adoption period which is to make sure that everyone is doing fine with adjustment. A hearing is held for the adoption. You are done.

There are websites that you can find children that are ready to be adopted.Just like the one in the OP.


The MINIMUM is a few MONTHS to over a year depending on factors of the adoption process.

Adoption Network

Why Adoption can Take so Long​

In both domestic and international adoptions, average wait times for adopting a child can range from a few months to over years. A lot goes into adoption, and there are often very stringent requirements set in place by the government, as well as adoption agencies and professionals, in different states and countries.


Family Equality

Average Adoption Costs in the United States​

Foster-to-Adopt: Adopting through the foster care system can generally be accomplished for under $2600, and often entirely for free, as these adoptions are through the public child welfare system.

Domestic Adoption: Adopting an infant domestically through either an adoption agency or an independent attorney ranges from $20,000-$45,000 depending on where you live and the agency or attorney you choose.

International Adoption: Adopting internationally, one of the most legally challenging options for LGBTQ+ people, has varying costs depending on the birth country of the child. Often, these costs range from $35,000- $70,000.


Adoption costs varies a lot

You write:

"There are websites that you can find children that are ready to be adopted.Just like the one in the OP."

He has been waiting for TEN FUCKING YEARS!


You are not good at this.

The MINIMUM is a few MONTHS to over a year depending on factors of the adoption process.

Adoption Network

Why Adoption can Take so Long​

In both domestic and international adoptions, average wait times for adopting a child can range from a few months to over years. A lot goes into adoption, and there are often very stringent requirements set in place by the government, as well as adoption agencies and professionals, in different states and countries.


Family Equality

Average Adoption Costs in the United States​

Foster-to-Adopt: Adopting through the foster care system can generally be accomplished for under $2600, and often entirely for free, as these adoptions are through the public child welfare system.

Domestic Adoption: Adopting an infant domestically through either an adoption agency or an independent attorney ranges from $20,000-$45,000 depending on where you live and the agency or attorney you choose.

International Adoption: Adopting internationally, one of the most legally challenging options for LGBTQ+ people, has varying costs depending on the birth country of the child. Often, these costs range from $35,000- $70,000.


Adoption costs varies a lot

You write:

"There are websites that you can find children that are ready to be adopted.Just like the one in the OP."

He has been waiting for TEN FUCKING YEARS!


You are not good at this.
Actually, I'm really good at this.

The same website that everyone is using will also have stats that say people talk about adopting State kids but don't go through or inquire into a home study. Number of people who talk about adoption versus number of people who follow through.

Two, people want newborn white babies. You can adopt through foster care. That's a different set up. The child in the OP is legally free.

If you become a foster parent in the hopes of finding a child to adopt it takes longer if you have kids where parental rights are still intact. Because the goal is to try to reunify with the parents. Different set up. That's one hell of an emotional ride.
Actually, I'm really good at this.

The same website that everyone is using will also have stats that say people talk about adopting State kids but don't go through or inquire into a home study. Number of people who talk about adoption versus number of people who follow through.

Two, people want newborn white babies. You can adopt through foster care. That's a different set up. The child in the OP is legally free.

If you become a foster parent in the hopes of finding a child to adopt it takes longer if you have kids where parental rights are still intact. Because the goal is to try to reunify with the parents. Different set up. That's one hell of an emotional ride.

You post ZERO evidence, and the child has been in foster care for TEN years because it isn't that easy you ARE LYING idiot!

You have no idea what the process even for the Foster to adopt process is from my State:

Foster Care Adoption in Washington​

How does a foster care adoption in Washington work?​

To complete a Washington foster care adoption, you must:

  1. Choose a Washington foster care adoption professional.
  2. Complete the pre-service training course your foster care agency requires. Regardless of whether you wish to foster parent or adopt from foster care in Washington, you must complete this course. It will help you to prepare to care for a child that may have been neglected or abused or may suffer from an attachment disorder.
  3. Apply to adopt a foster child with the professional you choose. You should expect to give information about yourself, your home life and any reasons you have for pursuing adoption. In this application, you will also let your foster care professional know what you might be comfortable with in an adoption scenario, such as whether or not factors like age, gender or special needs matter to you.
  4. Complete an adoption home study, just as you would if you were pursuing any other type of adoption. A home study includes a documentation stage, an inspection of your home and interviews with each family member living in the home.
  5. Wait for an adoption match. Please keep in mind that the more flexible you are on your adoption application, the more likely that you will adopt within a faster time period. For example, if you say you are open to adopting a child of any age or gender, you will most likely find a match more quickly than someone who is only willing to adopt an infant boy.
  6. After you bring your child home with you, it will be time to finalize their adoption. This will involve a finalization hearing in which you receive your child’s final decree of adoption.
Once you have received your child’s final decree of adoption, the Washington foster care adoption process is over. However, please keep in mind that adoption itself is a lifelong journey. Even after the finalization hearing, it’s an adoptive parent’s job to make sure their child is comfortable talking about their adoption as well as addressing any questions or concerns. It’s important that your child knows their adoption story is something to be proud of!

that link proves you lied more than told the truth,,

you said almost all states,, now show a law that backs that up or go suck a cock,,,
Fuck off you stupid sheet. You sure as hell ain't no "progressive hunter", since you aren't even carrying a pea shooter. I be damned if I jump through hoops for your sorry ass. You posted a link proclaiming women could drop off their kid and lose all responsibility, and that very link said a man could too. Fuck you. All you have done since then is piss and moan and attempt to deflect. If anything, your link showed that men were given preferential treatment in cases of abandonment.

Look, I am sorry you are such a sorry asshole that you had trouble in your child custody hearing. And yes, in some states, a woman can't even get a divorce if they are pregnant, the caveat, if the father of the child conceived outside of that marriage shows up. Well hello, howdy, that is exactly what happened in my case. Hell, after the ex parte the sorry bitch committed herself to a mental institution, you really think it was hard to gain permanent custody? But in your case, sorry, but wanting custody simply so you don't have to pay child support is probably not going to cut it. You got to have an action plan, you have to have a support network. In this thread you have proven that you are a piece of total shit. Posting links without even reading them, accusing me of lying because you just aren't the man I am, crying about your experience in child custody cases. I mean you lost for a reason.

And I am here to tell you. Raising children as a single father is pretty rare. But I plugged myself into a network of the men in the same situation. And to the person, they were absolutely amazing men. You could never rise to that standard, which is why you lost. Yes, ever since Kramer verses Kramer, men have always been held to a higher standard. But bitching about it is a copout, just meet the higher standard and enjoy the benefits. Screeching about "pro-life" is some easy ass shit. Stepping up and doing something about it actually means something.
Fuck off you stupid sheet. You sure as hell ain't no "progressive hunter", since you aren't even carrying a pea shooter. I be damned if I jump through hoops for your sorry ass. You posted a link proclaiming women could drop off their kid and lose all responsibility, and that very link said a man could too. Fuck you. All you have done since then is piss and moan and attempt to deflect. If anything, your link showed that men were given preferential treatment in cases of abandonment.

Look, I am sorry you are such a sorry asshole that you had trouble in your child custody hearing. And yes, in some states, a woman can't even get a divorce if they are pregnant, the caveat, if the father of the child conceived outside of that marriage shows up. Well hello, howdy, that is exactly what happened in my case. Hell, after the ex parte the sorry bitch committed herself to a mental institution, you really think it was hard to gain permanent custody? But in your case, sorry, but wanting custody simply so you don't have to pay child support is probably not going to cut it. You got to have an action plan, you have to have a support network. In this thread you have proven that you are a piece of total shit. Posting links without even reading them, accusing me of lying because you just aren't the man I am, crying about your experience in child custody cases. I mean you lost for a reason.

And I am here to tell you. Raising children as a single father is pretty rare. But I plugged myself into a network of the men in the same situation. And to the person, they were absolutely amazing men. You could never rise to that standard, which is why you lost. Yes, ever since Kramer verses Kramer, men have always been held to a higher standard. But bitching about it is a copout, just meet the higher standard and enjoy the benefits. Screeching about "pro-life" is some easy ass shit. Stepping up and doing something about it actually means something.
based on your off the wall claims that just dont exist you have no place talking about other people,,
You post ZERO evidence, and the child has been in foster care for TEN years because it isn't that easy you ARE LYING idiot!

You have no idea what the process even for the Foster to adopt process is from my State:

Foster Care Adoption in Washington​

How does a foster care adoption in Washington work?​

To complete a Washington foster care adoption, you must:

  1. Choose a Washington foster care adoption professional.
  2. Complete the pre-service training course your foster care agency requires. Regardless of whether you wish to foster parent or adopt from foster care in Washington, you must complete this course. It will help you to prepare to care for a child that may have been neglected or abused or may suffer from an attachment disorder.
  3. Apply to adopt a foster child with the professional you choose. You should expect to give information about yourself, your home life and any reasons you have for pursuing adoption. In this application, you will also let your foster care professional know what you might be comfortable with in an adoption scenario, such as whether or not factors like age, gender or special needs matter to you.
  4. Complete an adoption home study, just as you would if you were pursuing any other type of adoption. A home study includes a documentation stage, an inspection of your home and interviews with each family member living in the home.
  5. Wait for an adoption match. Please keep in mind that the more flexible you are on your adoption application, the more likely that you will adopt within a faster time period. For example, if you say you are open to adopting a child of any age or gender, you will most likely find a match more quickly than someone who is only willing to adopt an infant boy.
  6. After you bring your child home with you, it will be time to finalize their adoption. This will involve a finalization hearing in which you receive your child’s final decree of adoption.
Once you have received your child’s final decree of adoption, the Washington foster care adoption process is over. However, please keep in mind that adoption itself is a lifelong journey. Even after the finalization hearing, it’s an adoptive parent’s job to make sure their child is comfortable talking about their adoption as well as addressing any questions or concerns. It’s important that your child knows their adoption story is something to be proud of!

The training takes on average 2 days. Some places have them on line. There you have the home study.

Nothing I have said is a lie. Some states have a 6 month trial adoption period.
You post ZERO evidence, and the child has been in foster care for TEN years because it isn't that easy you ARE LYING idiot!

You have no idea what the process even for the Foster to adopt process is from my State:

Foster Care Adoption in Washington​

How does a foster care adoption in Washington work?​

To complete a Washington foster care adoption, you must:

  1. Choose a Washington foster care adoption professional.
  2. Complete the pre-service training course your foster care agency requires. Regardless of whether you wish to foster parent or adopt from foster care in Washington, you must complete this course. It will help you to prepare to care for a child that may have been neglected or abused or may suffer from an attachment disorder.
  3. Apply to adopt a foster child with the professional you choose. You should expect to give information about yourself, your home life and any reasons you have for pursuing adoption. In this application, you will also let your foster care professional know what you might be comfortable with in an adoption scenario, such as whether or not factors like age, gender or special needs matter to you.
  4. Complete an adoption home study, just as you would if you were pursuing any other type of adoption. A home study includes a documentation stage, an inspection of your home and interviews with each family member living in the home.
  5. Wait for an adoption match. Please keep in mind that the more flexible you are on your adoption application, the more likely that you will adopt within a faster time period. For example, if you say you are open to adopting a child of any age or gender, you will most likely find a match more quickly than someone who is only willing to adopt an infant boy.
  6. After you bring your child home with you, it will be time to finalize their adoption. This will involve a finalization hearing in which you receive your child’s final decree of adoption.
Once you have received your child’s final decree of adoption, the Washington foster care adoption process is over. However, please keep in mind that adoption itself is a lifelong journey. Even after the finalization hearing, it’s an adoptive parent’s job to make sure their child is comfortable talking about their adoption as well as addressing any questions or concerns. It’s important that your child knows their adoption story is something to be proud of!

While I am at it, let me point out that one of the reasons that kid has not been adopted is because people like you are spreading bullshit. It's hard to understand the process.

It's hard on parents. It's hard on foster parents. But, that kid is hurt the most.
The training takes on average 2 days. Some places have them on line. There you have the home study.

Nothing I have said is a lie. Some states have a 6 month trial adoption period.

I posted the evidence and have not and the training is variable from state to state.

You are full of shit all over the map with no evidence the government isn't going to do this in two days you moron!


  1. Choose a Washington foster care adoption professional.
  2. Complete the pre-service training course your foster care agency requires. Regardless of whether you wish to foster parent or adopt from foster care in Washington, you must complete this course. It will help you to prepare to care for a child that may have been neglected or abused or may suffer from an attachment disorder.
  3. Apply to adopt a foster child with the professional you choose. You should expect to give information about yourself, your home life and any reasons you have for pursuing adoption. In this application, you will also let your foster care professional know what you might be comfortable with in an adoption scenario, such as whether or not factors like age, gender or special needs matter to you.
  4. Complete an adoption home study, just as you would if you were pursuing any other type of adoption. A home study includes a documentation stage, an inspection of your home and interviews with each family member living in the home.
  5. Wait for an adoption match. Please keep in mind that the more flexible you are on your adoption application, the more likely that you will adopt within a faster time period. For example, if you say you are open to adopting a child of any age or gender, you will most likely find a match more quickly than someone who is only willing to adopt an infant boy.
  6. After you bring your child home with you, it will be time to finalize their adoption. This will involve a finalization hearing in which you receive your child’s final decree of adoption.
I posted the evidence and have not and the training is variable from state to state.

You are full of shit all over the map with no evidence the government isn't going to do this in two days you moron!


  1. Choose a Washington foster care adoption professional.
  2. Complete the pre-service training course your foster care agency requires. Regardless of whether you wish to foster parent or adopt from foster care in Washington, you must complete this course. It will help you to prepare to care for a child that may have been neglected or abused or may suffer from an attachment disorder.
  3. Apply to adopt a foster child with the professional you choose. You should expect to give information about yourself, your home life and any reasons you have for pursuing adoption. In this application, you will also let your foster care professional know what you might be comfortable with in an adoption scenario, such as whether or not factors like age, gender or special needs matter to you.
  4. Complete an adoption home study, just as you would if you were pursuing any other type of adoption. A home study includes a documentation stage, an inspection of your home and interviews with each family member living in the home.
  5. Wait for an adoption match. Please keep in mind that the more flexible you are on your adoption application, the more likely that you will adopt within a faster time period. For example, if you say you are open to adopting a child of any age or gender, you will most likely find a match more quickly than someone who is only willing to adopt an infant boy.
  6. After you bring your child home with you, it will be time to finalize their adoption. This will involve a finalization hearing in which you receive your child’s final decree of adoption.
While I am at it, let me point out that one of the reasons that kid has not been adopted is because people like you are spreading bullshit. It's hard to understand the process.

It's hard on parents. It's hard on foster parents. But, that kid is hurt the most.

You are stupid as shit!

I haven't done fucking thing against it and never talked about it outside this forum.

The kid is IN FOSTER Care which is the one that cost the least and takes the shortest time to make the adoption happen

To remind your small brain:

"Foster-to-Adopt: Adopting through the foster care system can generally be accomplished for under $2600, and often entirely for free, as these adoptions are through the public child welfare system."



Newbie Foster Care Question: How Long Does it Take to Adopt a Child I’m Fostering?​

Jennifer Mellon May 13, 2016


On average, it can take families a year to 18 months to complete the entire process from fostering to adopting. This process to adopt from foster care is similar to the process of applying to become a foster parent. The requirements vary from state to state, but it usually starts with a pre-training (typically 4 to 10 sessions) and application. The next step is beginning a home study, which is conducted by your caseworker. Your home study can take between three to six months to complete.

TPR to Adoption

Preliminary 2014 estimates show that children waiting for adoption (whose parents’ parental rights have been terminated) spent an average of 21 months in foster care following the termination. Once parental rights are severed, the child is available for adoption. TPR must happen before a child is considered legally able to be adopted. It can be voluntary or involuntary. In some states there is a period of time in which the birth parent(s) can appeal the termination if it was an involuntary decree made by a judge. Once a child has been legally made available for adoption, the birth parents cannot claim a child or petition for his or her return.

Finalize the Adoption

There is typically a six-to-twelve month period of transition once the child is placed in your home. The adoption can often be expedited if the child you have been fostering has been in you family’s care for over six months. A finalization hearing is the last step in the adoption process. This court proceeding typically lasts about a half an hour and is the last step in the process of adopting your child. You are now a forever family!


You are stupid as shit!

I haven't done fucking thing against it and never talked about it outside this forum.

The kid is IN FOSTER Care which is the one that cost the least and takes the shortest time to make the adoption happen

To remind your small brain:

"Foster-to-Adopt: Adopting through the foster care system can generally be accomplished for under $2600, and often entirely for free, as these adoptions are through the public child welfare system."



Newbie Foster Care Question: How Long Does it Take to Adopt a Child I’m Fostering?​

Jennifer Mellon May 13, 2016


On average, it can take families a year to 18 months to complete the entire process from fostering to adopting. This process to adopt from foster care is similar to the process of applying to become a foster parent. The requirements vary from state to state, but it usually starts with a pre-training (typically 4 to 10 sessions) and application. The next step is beginning a home study, which is conducted by your caseworker. Your home study can take between three to six months to complete.

TPR to Adoption

Preliminary 2014 estimates show that children waiting for adoption (whose parents’ parental rights have been terminated) spent an average of 21 months in foster care following the termination. Once parental rights are severed, the child is available for adoption. TPR must happen before a child is considered legally able to be adopted. It can be voluntary or involuntary. In some states there is a period of time in which the birth parent(s) can appeal the termination if it was an involuntary decree made by a judge. Once a child has been legally made available for adoption, the birth parents cannot claim a child or petition for his or her return.

Finalize the Adoption

There is typically a six-to-twelve month period of transition once the child is placed in your home. The adoption can often be expedited if the child you have been fostering has been in you family’s care for over six months. A finalization hearing is the last step in the adoption process. This court proceeding typically lasts about a half an hour and is the last step in the process of adopting your child. You are now a forever family!


No. I'm not sure why you would pay unless you want your own attorney.

The question posed in the above is by someone who is fostering. It's also from 2016.

If you have a child already in your home as a foster parent and then go through the parental termination there is an added wait for parents to appeal that termination. I live in a state that does that.

Meanwhile, the adoption paperwork is sent to the State office. They go through and make sure everything is there and in order. Sometimes other documents have to be hunted down. Then someone goes to the home with the adoptive parents and gives them all information about the child. Then they get it set for a court date for the adoption.

If you have a kid move in there is usually a 6 month trial period. It can be extended for another 6 if it's rocky. That's referred to in your info as a transition period. Same thing.
No. I'm not sure why you would pay unless you want your own attorney.

The question posed in the above is by someone who is fostering. It's also from 2016.

If you have a child already in your home as a foster parent and then go through the parental termination there is an added wait for parents to appeal that termination. I live in a state that does that.

Meanwhile, the adoption paperwork is sent to the State office. They go through and make sure everything is there and in order. Sometimes other documents have to be hunted down. Then someone goes to the home with the adoptive parents and gives them all information about the child. Then they get it set for a court date for the adoption.

You have no concept on how long the process takes, I posted the evidence you never counter any of it.

You seem to have the delusion that government will be very fast with the adoption process.

That is delusional.

My wife and I separated. I didn't fight for custody of my two daughters. Three months later, she was pregnant with another man's child. I leaped into action, took out an Ex Parte order granting me custody of the two daughters, and had the judge place a restraining order on her preventing her from getting an abortion. The father was all too willing to go along, relinquishing his rights as a father and testifying on my behalf at the custody hearing. It was a landmark case, my lawyer was also on the state court of appeals. The end result, I was the single father of three girls, the oldest six, and I got zero child support.
I admire you for stepping up like that. A lot of men in your position wouldn't have.
You have no concept on how long the process takes, I posted the evidence you never counter any of it.

You seem to have the delusion that government will be very fast with the adoption process.

That is delusional.

After termination in this area it's about 90 days. Increased by 30 days due to new policies FOR foster parents that are adopting kids that have lived with them for 6 months.

Elections bring policy changes. If anything happens to foster kids, that will set in motion new laws or changes to existing policies.

When the lifespan of a case can be 2+ years that is a drop in the bucket.

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