Tim has been in foster care for 10 years. If there are so many couples looking for a child to adopt, why is he still waiting? This is not an exception

And the rest of the story?
My wife and I separated. I didn't fight for custody of my two daughters. Three months later, she was pregnant with another man's child. I leaped into action, took out an Ex Parte order granting me custody of the two daughters, and had the judge place a restraining order on her preventing her from getting an abortion. The father was all too willing to go along, relinquishing his rights as a father and testifying on my behalf at the custody hearing. It was a landmark case, my lawyer was also on the state court of appeals. The end result, I was the single father of three girls, the oldest six, and I got zero child support.
sure the father can surrender the child,, but you havent explained how a father gets custody of the child in the 4 days after birth,, thats if he even knows a child has been born,,

so as I said, a women can surrender a child with no kickback and a father once he finds out a child even exists can not,,
Yes he can, all the father has to do, if he is contacted, is say, "Nope, don't want it". No child support, nothing, nada. That is the definition of a safe haven.
My wife and I separated. I didn't fight for custody of my two daughters. Three months later, she was pregnant with another man's child. I leaped into action, took out an Ex Parte order granting me custody of the two daughters, and had the judge place a restraining order on her preventing her from getting an abortion. The father was all too willing to go along, relinquishing his rights as a father and testifying on my behalf at the custody hearing. It was a landmark case, my lawyer was also on the state court of appeals. The end result, I was the single father of three girls, the oldest six, and I got zero child support.
I call bullshit,,

you dont take out an ex parte granting yourself custody
Yes he can, all the father has to do, if he is contacted, is say, "Nope, don't want it". No child support, nothing, nada. That is the definition of a safe haven.
of course you have an example to back that up??

didnt think so,,

the definition of safe haven is for the child not the parent,,
Why do Liberals LIE about what Roe v Wade REALLY MEANS? It returns the control TO THE STATES, it DOES NOT ABOLISH ABORTION. Can I make it any clearer for you?
What a damn cop out. You mean to tell me that all this fight over all these years was simply to return control to the states? Why the hell did they call it the "right to life" movement? Shouldn't it have been the states rights movement. I mean what was the goal, to protect the lives of the unborn or to create an abortion tourist industry? I mean that whole "return to the states" bullshit is a huge ass copout. Either fight for life or STFU.
I call bullshit,,

you dont take out an ex parte granting yourself custody
In almost every state, becoming pregnant during separation is an automatic loss of custody given a motivated parent. Ex parte means I showed up at the court with my lawyer in the morning and walked away with custody that afternoon, a trial to follow within 30 days. The sperm donor showed up at the trail, the mother did not bother. The sheriff department greeted her when she left the hospital and delivered the baby to me.
In almost every state, becoming pregnant during separation is an automatic loss of custody given a motivated parent. Ex parte means I showed up at the court with my lawyer in the morning and walked away with custody that afternoon, a trial to follow within 30 days. The sperm donor showed up at the trail, the mother did not bother. The sheriff department greeted her when she left the hospital and delivered the baby to me.
gonna call dbl bullshit on that one,,,

at this point nothing you say means shit and you should be mocked for being a liar and a dumbass,,,
I see no reason Winston would lie about this. He is wrong about fathers being able to give up responsibility but he has given no indication he is a liar.
I see no reason Winston would lie about this. He is wrong about fathers being able to give up responsibility but he has given no indication he is a liar.
sorry but he flat out lied or he would have backed it up with documentation,,,

I spent a long 4 yrs playing the custody game in court and nothing he said exist or is true,,
You are acting childish I already admitted he is wrong on your point but you just want him to be worse with no evidence to support your claim.
I didnt make a claim you stupid fuck,, he did and I happen to know that what he claimed is not true cause I spent 4 yrs in and out of court fighting the system, FYI in fighting the system I spent dozens if not hundreds of hrs reading the laws,,
brothers and sisters: we can't have these kids who don't see life as it should be. what kind of life are we giving these kids. 10 of his 13 years on earth on death row...i mean in foster care

brothers and sisters: we can't have these kids who don't see life as it should be. what kind of life are we giving these kids. 10 of his 13 years on earth on death row...i mean in foster care

So the solution is to have had him killed as a baby?
gonna call dbl bullshit on that one,,,

at this point nothing you say means shit and you should be mocked for being a liar and a dumbass,,,
Fuck off dumbass. First, you post a link that clearly states that a child can be dropped off at a safe haven by either parent. I mean 15 seconds into reading the link,

Safe haven laws generally allow the parent, or an agent of the parent, to remain anonymous and be shielded from criminal liability and prosecution for child endangerment, abandonment, or neglect in exchange for surrendering the baby to a safe haven

I don't understand why you keep beating a dead horse. Your "proof" that a woman can abandon her responsibilities without repercussion also states that a father can too, as I have already quoted.

And then you want to claim that a mother can just give up a child, give her privileges as a mother and not pay child support, but a father can't do that. Which is more ignorance. Neither a father or a mother can simply give up their privileges and remove the responsibility of child support. The power is in the hands of the custodial parent. And like I said, been there, done that. And I am here to tell you, that may have been the most difficult decision I have ever had to make. I would have been fine getting no child support, but the part about completely removing themselves from the lives of their children, how do you think that made the children feel? Just thinking about it makes me want to choke the life out of both of them.

I don't give two shits what you think. Tomorrow is Mother's day. And guess what, Mother's day is a bigger holiday for me than Father's day. I get them both. Because I was both, for three amazing young women. I mean I did find someone else, someone that stepped up and became their mother, and also gave me three sons to add to my "army". But all of them know the sacrifices I made and every day they show me that it was well worth it. I doubt there is a group of six siblings that are as tight as them, thick as thieves, and that is my legacy.
I didnt make a claim you stupid fuck,, he did and I happen to know that what he claimed is not true cause I spent 4 yrs in and out of court fighting the system, FYI in fighting the system I spent dozens if not hundreds of hrs reading the laws,,
Take a gander at this,

There are also issues that can surround the person with whom you are having the child. He will be subjected to the same sort of scrutiny by the courts that you are subjected to. If he engages in any behaviors that can cause danger to you or your child, it may negatively impact your custody arrangements. There are definitely issues that can arise when you bring another person into your relationship, so you and he both need to be prepared.

They met at an NA meeting. Two drug addicts, having a baby, when she was still married. Not that damn hard dude. Living in subsidized housing, she didn't have a job, neither did he--again, not that damn hard dude. I made good money, lived in my own house, and had a support network from hell. Not that fawking hard, sorry you didn't have it that easy.

Because you have to be filled with money and be a perfect person to adopt a likely troubled child.

The Adoption system as it is has been fucked up for many years.
You don't have to be filled with money or be perfect to adopt from the State. In fact, it is possible to get a stipend and have medical paid for----depending on who was just elected in name your state. It's even possible to have the attorney fees paid for.

People are afraid of teens. People are afraid of having to deal with the behavior from the trauma. They truthfully want newborn white babies.

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