Tim has been in foster care for 10 years. If there are so many couples looking for a child to adopt, why is he still waiting? This is not an exception

youre missing an important point,, a women can do it without the fathers permission,, a father cant do it without hers,, more so if she wants child support,,
Don't post links you don't bother to read, it will come back and bite you in the ass.

In addition, six States require the department to check the putative father registry before a termination of parental rights petition can be filed.
no he cant,, but the mother can,,

As has been pointed out, it takes a bit of time before the infant is actually up for adoption. The man can go to court and get the baby in that time, if he chooses. He is the biological parent. But the men willing to do that are few and far between.
Don't post links you don't bother to read, it will come back and bite you in the ass.

In addition, six States require the department to check the putative father registry before a termination of parental rights petition can be filed.
doesnt change anything,, a women can give up a child with no kickback and a man can not,,
As has been pointed out, it takes a bit of time before the infant is actually up for adoption. The man can go to court and get the baby in that time, if he chooses. He is the biological parent. But the men willing to do that are few and far between.
but can he go and surrender his responsibilities??
no he cant and a women can,,
after I said not equal,, the mother can choose to abandon her child but the man cant,,
Look it dude, I read your links. Pops can show up, drop the kid off, and "poof", it's all done. Nobody is required to go looking for the mother. Now sure, in four states it has to be the mother, but in all the others it can be the father too. Hell, in several it can be someone either the father or mother designates. But when the mother drops the kid off, in almost every state, they are required to attempt to track down the father before placing the kid for adoption.

So hell yeah, it is not equal. A father of a child left at an infant safe haven is looked for, nobody looks for the mother. You best stop digging.
Adoptive parents typically want infants or toddlers. This boy was 3 when he went into foster care, to old for most would be adoptive parents. The OP's video had no 'back story' as to why this boy went into foster care at 3, that would add pertinent information in the discussion of the OP's question.
They used to have the Wednesday child spots on a news station out of DC.....They misrepresented children so badly that they were sued multiple times by adoptive parents bilked into adopting them.

One couple was even attacked by a deranged mother of a child when she was given the adoptive parents address by MD social services.

Most of the issues I read of were with MD social services and since they could not be easily sued they went after News 4.....And either won or settled.

From what I understand the leftist states are a nightmare to try to work with to adopt. They purposely hide the kid's mental and health status, have all kinds of money grab fees, court hearings no end, background investigations that would make the feds blush, and it all comes with a price tag.

Then after all that you better hope baby momma does not want the kid back because she has dibs.....No refunds.

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