Tim Kaine's Marxist Priest

When "white guilt" becomes an energy drink addiction for unbalanced folks, they dive wildly for the rocks of way waaaay overdoing the saving humanity thing. The SPOTLIGHT on confused Catholic men and thier saucy relations with sexuality issues sometimes turns into the predator trolling innocent youth. Like dude is waaay overzealous in his effort to be a savior of everything he can call a "civil rights" issue. Kaine imagines himself Hispanic as well as Catholic, as well as straight as well as God only knows his lost son else. " ?Donde esta my little children?" stupid pervy Kaine is one of the three Amigos of Wankerville politics: SLUTTS all 3: KAINE BILLYBOB WIENER. And no has to make this stuffup. Wonder where the Marxist priest went. Maybe he did more than feed the poor children?

Tim Kaine strikes me as a typical suburban college educated Catholic; guilt ridden, confused morally and not a deep thinker, just goes with the flow of his college reference group.

And I think it highly likely this priest ass fucked him repeatedly.
And I bet you think about it a lot.
Mr. Pervert Weiner gets his weenie rocks off by sexting gals his private weenie by phone just to taunt his horrible huma email scandalous wife. WHAT PLANET do you live on if you haven't heard of the sex and politics scandals of Mr. Weiner, Mr. Clinton, and Mr. Kaine.
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Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, accompanied by traveling press secretary Nick Merrill, left, and director of communications Jennifer Palmieri, right, listens to a question from a member of the media as her campaign plane prepares to take off at Westchester County Airport in Westchester, N.Y., Tuesday, Sept. 6, 2016, to head to Tampa for a rally in Tampa.

"They must be attracted to the systematic thought and severely backwards gender relations and must be totally unaware of Christian democracy," he said.

Palmieri replied, writing, "Catholicism is the most socially acceptable politically conservative religion. Their rich friends wouldn't understand if they became evangelicals."

Another 2011 email sent to current Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta from the head of a progressive group called for a "Catholic Spring," adapting the pro-democracy "Arab Spring" in the Middle East.

"There needs to be a Catholic Spring, in which Catholics themselves demand the end of a middle-ages dictatorship and the beginning of a little democracy and respect for gender equality in the Catholic Church," Voices for Progress President Sandy Newman wrote.

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