Tim Scott to run for POTUS.....

No, they did.

So what?

I asked who just to see the prominence of who was saying that and it turned out just like I expected. A comedian, a talk show personality and a fox news article.

On a side note, why would trumpers even use fox news as a source since they admitted they lie...oh yeah, I remember; it's because if they don't lie to trumpers they will go somewhere else.formtheir lies.
And you expect all the other good little liberal talking heads to just be really nice to Scott? Heck, no. They'll keep pulling the race card out and flinging things at him they would shriek in horror if they heard said about any black liberal. It will be entertaining if some talking head has the cajónes to call them out on it.
I say bravo for Quid Pro having enough sense to get out of the way of TRUMP! momentum, who worked to keep The Fragile One's momentum going, but I don't see it lasting much longer. This economy has storm clouds gathering, especially if they don't get inflation under control.
Trump momentum. Lol. The sexual abuser trump crashed the economy, praised Xi and lied to America while telling Woodward the truth about the virus.

In the meantime sexual abuser Trump ignored Fauci's advice, threw billions at big pharma, bullied his own agencies to fast track the vaccine because he had an election coming up.

That's not momentum. That is an abject failure on Trump's part.
And you expect all the other good little liberal talking heads to just be really nice to Scott? Heck, no. They'll keep pulling the race card out and flinging things at him they would shriek in horror if they heard said about any black liberal. It will be entertaining if some talking head has the cajónes to call them out on it.
Hate to break it to you but some people are mean.

It's always been that way. Don't let it trigger you.
Trump momentum. Lol. The sexual abuser trump crashed the economy, praised Xi and lied to America while telling Woodward the truth about the virus.

In the meantime sexual abuser Trump ignored Fauci's advice, threw billions at big pharma, bullied his own agencies to fast track the vaccine because he had an election coming up.

That's not momentum. That is an abject failure on Trump's part.
When did Fauci say to hold back the vaccines?
Don't forget, libs, if you don't vote for Tim Scott or say anything negative about him you're a racist. These are the standards you all have set.
The standards for liberals talking against minorities is racist has a large asterisk - Except if they are Republican.
At that point, not only is it allowed to speak against them - but you are encouraged to do so to maintain your gold virtue signaling badge.
Mean is one thing, openly racist is another.
Hardly seems openly racist unless your hyper sensitive but since you seem to be speaking for black people for some reason, why don't you tell me why you think black people think it's openly racist?
his campaign slogan should be I’m not Trump
I like Tim Scott but can we trust that he won't coddle the RINO swamp?.... no we can't and there lays the problem with him getting my vote...
Oh wow. A comedian, a day time talk show presence and an article from Fox lie to trumpers or they will watch something else" news.

So nothing substantial as I expected.
Sen Durbin's remark came after others have called Tim Scott a token.

Hardly seems openly racist unless your hyper sensitive but since you seem to be speaking for black people for some reason, why don't you tell me why you think black people think it's openly racist?
I look at such statements and how they would be viewed if said about a black liberal. They would be protested and the speaker would be shut down, possibly violently. If black people think it would be openly racist to say those things about Al Sharpton but not Scott, I can't help them, because they would be basing charges of racism on political ideology, not race. And no, I don't speak for black people. I don't have to, because I have a brain and can decide if something is openly racist or not.
Sen Durbin's remark came after others have called Tim Scott a token.

They called his police plan reform a token.

You are really desperate to find some racism aren't you?
I look at such statements and how they would be viewed if said about a black liberal. They would be protested and the speaker would be shut down, possibly violently.


If black people think it would be openly racist to say those things about Al Sharpton but not Scott, I can't help them, because they would be basing charges of racism on political ideology, not race. And no, I don't speak for black people. I don't have to, because I have a brain and can decide if something is openly racist or not.
You seem to think a lot of things are racist. I don't think others, including black people, are as sensitive.
So why did Durbin apologize ? You know the left uses the word token to describe Black Conservatives.
I don't know why he apologized. Probably to avoid cancel culture from trumpers.

Everyone is scared to speak their mind these days in fear Trumpers will get offended and conceal culture/boycott them.

Even green M&Ms and Xbox controllers aren't safe anymore.
Trump will be the nominee but it will be interesting to see how he handles TS. Scott said some pretty nasty stuff about Trump after the stolen election so there's no way he gets the Veep's spot. That's almost certain to go to a woman. I'd like to see Kristi Noem run with Trump.
Not Kari Lake? I thought she was the shoo in!
Whoa a glowing endorsement from Rwinger! Maybe Tim Scott has a chance!

Unfortunately, Tim Scott is “Black”

Like every black Republican before him, Republicans will pretend he is a candidate and then dump him

Republicans do not nominate blacks, women, non-Christian’s, gays……

Scott must not have gotten the memo

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