Tim Scott to run for POTUS.....

Bet money you didn't give Trump his due when Black unemployment was at a record low during his administration ? Regardless you think isn't honesty that causes people like yourself to denigrate a black person because they do not have the political beliefs that you do ?
When did that happen?
The Democrat Party is the scum of America. It is a party of hate, racism and division. It gets votes by appealing to the greedy welfare queens.

They hate a Black like Scott that refuses to be one of their House Neggras.

The Democrat Party is a coalition of all the filth in this country.

Blacks that vote their welfare check and race.
Queers and Trannies
Environmental Wackos
Anti Gun Nuts
Moon Bats (ring a bell there, Sport?)
Union Bosses
Confused College Kids and their Bat Shit Crazy Marxist Professors
Yawn. It's cute how you wield your right wing grevience list as if that somehow makes an intelligent arguement.
As if proof will make even a miniscule difference.

You have already been told what to think.

Black unemployment fell to a record low in August, helped by a jump in the number of black women on the job.
The unemployment rate for black workers fell to 5.5% from 6%, according to the Labor Department data. The previous record low of 5.9% was set in May 2018.
The unemployment rate for black women fell to a record 4.4% from 5.2% in July. The unemployment rate for black men crept up to 5.9% from 5.8%. But the previous month’s rate was a record, so the rate is still near its historic low.

Unemployment among workers who identify themselves as Hispanic or Latino also fell in August to 4.2%, which matched a record low set earlier this year.

Slightly better, but up to that point Trump had the best record, what exactly did Biden do different or did he just continue what Trump was doing, also black women did better under Trump Biden must be a misogynist
There's no way the incarnation of the ReNaziKlan will nominate an African-American for POTUS. He just another Alan Keyes, the politically acceptable Black Conservative Male that Cons like to trot out to prove how their not really racist.
Let's give them the benefit of the doubt....after all, Herman Cain almost made it.
When did that happen?
We were told that sexual abuser Trump himself was responsible for black unemployment so obviously, then, we have to say the same thing about Biden.
Isn't it fun how things get flipped on their heads just because Tater is in office?
Black unemployment fell to a record low in August, helped by a jump in the number of black women on the job.
The unemployment rate for black workers fell to 5.5% from 6%, according to the Labor Department data. The previous record low of 5.9% was set in May 2018.
The unemployment rate for black women fell to a record 4.4% from 5.2% in July. The unemployment rate for black men crept up to 5.9% from 5.8%. But the previous month’s rate was a record, so the rate is still near its historic low.

Unemployment among workers who identify themselves as Hispanic or Latino also fell in August to 4.2%, which matched a record low set earlier this year.

Slightly better, but up to that point Trump had the best record, what exactly did Biden do different or did he just continue what Trump was doing, also black women did better under Trump Biden must be a misogynist
Already making excuses, moving goalposts and deflecting.

You love Trump a lot don't you?
You weren't supposed to notice that.
Oh wow. A comedian, a day time talk show presence and an article from Fox lie to trumpers or they will watch something else" news.

So nothing substantial as I expected.
Oh wow. A comedian, a day time talk show presence and an article from Fox lie to trumpers or they will watch something else" news.

So nothing substantial as I expected.
Oh, they didn't say what they were reported to have said?
Isn't it fun how things get flipped on their heads just because Tater is in office?
I know right? As soon as sexual abuser Trump leaves office then suddenly black unemployment records are no big deal and have nothing to do with Biden.
I know right? As soon as sexual abuser Trump leaves office then suddenly black unemployment records are no big deal and have nothing to do with Biden.
I say bravo for Quid Pro having enough sense to get out of the way of TRUMP! momentum, who worked to keep The Fragile One's momentum going, but I don't see it lasting much longer. This economy has storm clouds gathering, especially if they don't get inflation under control.
Oh, they didn't say what they were reported to have said?
No, they did.

So what?

I asked who just to see the prominence of who was saying that and it turned out just like I expected. A comedian, a talk show personality and a fox news article.

On a side note, why would trumpers even use fox news as a source since they admitted they lie...oh yeah, I remember; it's because if they don't lie to trumpers they will go somewhere else.formtheir lies.

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