Tim Scott to run for POTUS.....

As if proof will make even a miniscule difference.

You have already been told what to think.

Actually, it IS a miniscule difference.

For context (from your link);

Reuters Graphics

Reuters Graphics
The data for March shows that has not occurred, yet. The 0.7 percentage point decline in the African American unemployment rate was the largest since November 2021 and was led by Black women, for whom joblessness dropped to a record low 4.2%. The rate for Black men ticked up to 5.2% from February's record-low-matching 5.1%.

Moreover, the gap between jobless rates for whites and African Americans also narrowed to 1.8 percentage points, the lowest since the Labor Department began tracking it half a century ago.
Tim Scott has officially announced his intention to run for President. This is great news for me. I'm a huge TS fan even though I still prefer Nikki Haley.

What are your thoughts on Tim Scott running for President?

The larger the field the more it benefits Trump.

If we could somehow end up in 2024 with neither Trump nor Biden on the ballot it would show that perhaps we have not gone too far over the edge yet.
Actually, it IS a miniscule difference.

For context (from your link);

Reuters Graphics

Reuters Graphics
The data for March shows that has not occurred, yet. The 0.7 percentage point decline in the African American unemployment rate was the largest since November 2021 and was led by Black women, for whom joblessness dropped to a record low 4.2%. The rate for Black men ticked up to 5.2% from February's record-low-matching 5.1%.

Moreover, the gap between jobless rates for whites and African Americans also narrowed to 1.8 percentage points, the lowest since the Labor Department began tracking it half a century ago.
So you agree.

Let's give a high five to Biden.
I wouldn’t vote for Tim or Nikki since they both abdicated support for democracy by thinking it is subservient to party and have shown the backbone of a jellyfish standing up to the worst elements, not just of the GOP, but of humanity
You wouldn't vote for them because they have an R next to their name. Just be honest.
The goddamn Democrats will start their hate campaign against him now. Label him as an Uncle Tom, attack him for being a Christian, saying that he hates Blacks etc.

"He ain't Black" because he didn't support Potatohead.
Seems like you are ahead of the curve there.
Tim Scott has no chance. America has not recovered from the shitstain obama devastation.
The meat puppet faggot is not a "black" American. He is a hybrid red diaper baby that has never faced a real struggle or work for anything in life. He has never exerted himself doing manual labor. He has never been hungry and did not have access to an easy meal. He has never been hot or cold and unable to seek better shelter. The MPF has absolutely no idea what a real black American that wasn't born into affluence has experienced. He was handed everything, protected from being exposed as the sniveling effeminate incompetent genetic disaster he is and I don't think Scott will have a hard time AT ALL highlighting the distinction between himself and that malignant piece of plastic hawaiian commie shit.

Once the GOP finally realizes they win elections by drawing distinctions between themselves and treasonous regressive bed wetting democrook filth they will sweep elections no matter how many civil war veterans mail in their ballots.
Your ignorant as fuck if you don't think that's exactly whats going to happen. There is no other way you can interpret Biden's words and that is exactly the way every white leftist feels about any Black person that deviates from the Democratic Parties mandated behavior for minorities.
Another race baiter in before the curve.
You are confused Moon Bat.

The Democrat filth are the masters at playing the race card against a Black that has the intelligence to think for themselves and not be a House Slave on the Democrat Welfare Plantation.

He will be attacked ruthlessly.

"You ain't Black if you don't vote for Joe Potatohead". Remember that hate?
The Race Card Card...........in before the curve.
Tim Scott has officially announced his intention to run for President. This is great news for me. I'm a huge TS fan even though I still prefer Nikki Haley.

What are your thoughts on Tim Scott running for President?

There's no way the incarnation of the ReNaziKlan will nominate an African-American for POTUS. He just another Alan Keyes, the politically acceptable Black Conservative Male that Cons like to trot out to prove how their not really racist.
Yawn...more Biden is bad.

It's not racist, just honest.

Lowest black unemployment ever and you think that's racist?

Good job Biden.
We were told when TRUMP! had the lowest black unemployment ever that he was just coasting on what Obama did. Obviously, then, we have to say the same about Quid Pro Joe.
Yawn...more Biden is bad.

It's not racist, just honest.

Lowest black unemployment ever and you think that's racist?

Good job Biden.
Bet money you didn't give Trump his due when Black unemployment was at a record low during his administration ? Regardless you think isn't honesty that causes people like yourself to denigrate a black person because they do not have the political beliefs that you do ?
Pay wall. Calm down. You seem a bit triggered.

The Democrat Party is the scum of America. It is a party of hate, racism and division. It gets votes by appealing to the greedy welfare queens.

They hate a Black like Scott that refuses to be one of their House Neggras.

The Democrat Party is a coalition of all the filth in this country.

Blacks that vote their welfare check and race.
Queers and Trannies
Environmental Wackos
Anti Gun Nuts
Moon Bats (ring a bell there, Sport?)
Union Bosses
Confused College Kids and their Bat Shit Crazy Marxist Professors
We were told when TRUMP! had the lowest black unemployment ever that he was just coasting on what Obama did. Obviously, then, we have to say the same about Quid Pro Joe.
We were told that sexual abuser Trump himself was responsible for black unemployment so obviously, then, we have to say the same thing about Biden.

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