Time for a Full Investigation......... Of the FBI

No one needs to die for us to admit Obozo stood by and allowed NK and Iran develope nukes.

NK developed nukes when Bush was in office, and Iran hasn't developed nukes yet.

It isn't the nukes that's the problem, it's Trump's saber rattling.
/----/ NK has been saber rattling since the 1990s. Pres Trump is the first one to stand up to his antics. You prefer our old policy of paying him off with a few billion a year to prop up his commie slave state? In your personal life at what point to do stand up to a bully?
/----/ NK has been saber rattling since the 1990s. Pres Trump is the first one to stand up to his antics. You prefer our old policy of paying him off with a few billion a year to prop up his commie slave state? In your personal life at what point to do stand up to a bully?

It would kind of depend on the consequences. The thing is, North Korea is an impoverished country that really isn't capable of bullying anyone.

Paying him a few billion a year is cheaper than a war, which is would cost hundreds of billions very quickly.
/----/ NK has been saber rattling since the 1990s. Pres Trump is the first one to stand up to his antics. You prefer our old policy of paying him off with a few billion a year to prop up his commie slave state? In your personal life at what point to do stand up to a bully?

It would kind of depend on the consequences. The thing is, North Korea is an impoverished country that really isn't capable of bullying anyone.

Paying him a few billion a year is cheaper than a war, which is would cost hundreds of billions very quickly.
/----/ So other rogue nations take note and think, if it works for NK it will work for us and now we're forking over billions a year to keep the peace. You really think that's sound policy?
/----/ So other rogue nations take note and think, if it works for NK it will work for us and now we're forking over billions a year to keep the peace. You really think that's sound policy?

again, still cheaper than forking over hundreds of billions and thousands of lives to fight wars.

The biggest threat North Korea actually poses is the regime collapsing and 22 million people fleeing to China and South Korea looking for food.
/----/ So other rogue nations take note and think, if it works for NK it will work for us and now we're forking over billions a year to keep the peace. You really think that's sound policy?

again, still cheaper than forking over hundreds of billions and thousands of lives to fight wars.

The biggest threat North Korea actually poses is the regime collapsing and 22 million people fleeing to China and South Korea looking for food.
/----/ Caving into blackmail is exactly why we are in this situation. As always Libs take the wrong position.
It is the reputation of the Federal Bureau of Investigation itself that is even more dangerously tarnished. The conventional wisdom is that there are plenty of good, patriotic civil servants in the FBI — and that is undoubtedly true — but not since the days of J. Edgar Hoover has the organization’s leadership been so suspect, their opaque decision-making process so fraught with defensive self-preservation and political bias. Sometimes, it seems the “G-men” spend far more time dodging FOIA requests — redacting almost everything in sight, lest it be “misunderstood” by we in the great unwashed — than in stopping crime. That may not be so, but the reasons for the perception are undeniable.

Something must be done and quickly. The latest revelations about Comey make the recusal of Mueller more urgent, but the overall situation is yet more severe. The FBI itself needs some form of investigation and reorganization. A true reform. Otherwise a huge percentage of the country will continue to distrust it and that distrust, pending the results of the closely tied Mueller-Russia inquiry, will only continue to grow. That is untenable in a democratic republic.

Time for a Full Investigation... of the FBI

Time to drain the swamp and end the corruption.
You voted for a corrupt piece of shit and now you are butthurt by your own folly...

Caving into blackmail is exactly why we are in this situation. As always Libs take the wrong position.

what situation is that? A comic opera tinpot rattling his saber? I mean, the Kim Dynasty provides us with great comedy, but trying to pretend it's a real threat is laughable.
/----/ I think you are completely uninformed about what is happening. You are the only one not concerned by the actions of this tin-horn dictator.
It is the reputation of the Federal Bureau of Investigation itself that is even more dangerously tarnished. The conventional wisdom is that there are plenty of good, patriotic civil servants in the FBI — and that is undoubtedly true — but not since the days of J. Edgar Hoover has the organization’s leadership been so suspect, their opaque decision-making process so fraught with defensive self-preservation and political bias. Sometimes, it seems the “G-men” spend far more time dodging FOIA requests — redacting almost everything in sight, lest it be “misunderstood” by we in the great unwashed — than in stopping crime. That may not be so, but the reasons for the perception are undeniable.

Something must be done and quickly. The latest revelations about Comey make the recusal of Mueller more urgent, but the overall situation is yet more severe. The FBI itself needs some form of investigation and reorganization. A true reform. Otherwise a huge percentage of the country will continue to distrust it and that distrust, pending the results of the closely tied Mueller-Russia inquiry, will only continue to grow. That is untenable in a democratic republic.

Time for a Full Investigation... of the FBI

Time to drain the swamp and end the corruption.
A full investigation while the Deep State is still in control. They are more concern on what Pres. Trump has done as a child in the first grade, rather all the previous crimes that Hillary has done recently. The people and all the military troops needs to stop taking any orders from anyone that doesn't respect Pres. Trump. Y'all can keep on wishing that our intelligence agencies are here to protect you dummies. But I'm going to let you know that they do not give a damn about anyone of you. Pres. Trump needs to stop the funding of these intelligence agencies, and support the troops only. But not the military leaders. They are with the Deep state. All the crimes that were committed by them, but none of them has not been locked up. But Joe Apraio ....You guys better leave that fantasy land that you have seen on T.V. That the intelligence agencies super heroes, like James Bond 007. But that is not reality. But reality is when you see that they are waiting around to put their pecker into your mouths and your children and pets mouth as well.


/----/ I think you are completely uninformed about what is happening. You are the only one not concerned by the actions of this tin-horn dictator.

Actually, most sensible people aren't really concerned by this guy. this is the usual saber rattling by the Military Industrial Complex.

Reality- most of North Korea's military equipment is vintage 1950's. Their military looks great on paper, but they'd probably collapse in about 3 days of actually fighting.

Past presidents realized how to deal with the guy. You talk very sternly and then come to some kind of agreement and aid package to pacify them. LIke giving an unruly child a binky

Trump is just incompetent enough to escalate a trivial irritant into an actual war.
A full investigation while the Deep State is still in control. They are more concern on what Pres. Trump has done as a child in the first grade, rather all the previous crimes that Hillary has done recently. The people and all the military troops needs to stop taking any orders from anyone that doesn't respect Pres. Trump. Y'all can keep on wishing that our intelligence agencies are here to protect you dummies. But I'm going to let you know that they do not give a damn about anyone of you. Pres. Trump needs to stop the funding of these intelligence agencies, and support the troops only.

Okay, I want you go back and listen to yourself. What you are saying is that the career intelligence agencies and military personnel should defer to a FUCKING GAME SHOW HOST.
A full investigation while the Deep State is still in control. They are more concern on what Pres. Trump has done as a child in the first grade, rather all the previous crimes that Hillary has done recently. The people and all the military troops needs to stop taking any orders from anyone that doesn't respect Pres. Trump. Y'all can keep on wishing that our intelligence agencies are here to protect you dummies. But I'm going to let you know that they do not give a damn about anyone of you. Pres. Trump needs to stop the funding of these intelligence agencies, and support the troops only.

Okay, I want you go back and listen to yourself. What you are saying is that the career intelligence agencies and military personnel should defer to a FUCKING GAME SHOW HOST.

U.S. Navy leaders are scrambling for answers after two guided-missile destroyers collided with other ships in the Pacific within months of each other, causing millions in damage and costing the lives of sailors aboard. Why Are Navy Ships Colliding in the Pacific? Experts Weigh In | Military.com

People are allowed to make one mistake. But two in a short period of time, only when Pres.Trump became the President.

A full investigation while the Deep State is still in control. They are more concern on what Pres. Trump has done as a child in the first grade, rather all the previous crimes that Hillary has done recently. The people and all the military troops needs to stop taking any orders from anyone that doesn't respect Pres. Trump. Y'all can keep on wishing that our intelligence agencies are here to protect you dummies. But I'm going to let you know that they do not give a damn about anyone of you. Pres. Trump needs to stop the funding of these intelligence agencies, and support the troops only.

Okay, I want you go back and listen to yourself. What you are saying is that the career intelligence agencies and military personnel should defer to a FUCKING GAME SHOW HOST.
/----/ You didn't mind when the military deferred to a fucking community organizer who thinks we have 57 states.
U.S. Navy leaders are scrambling for answers after two guided-missile destroyers collided with other ships in the Pacific within months of each other, causing millions in damage and costing the lives of sailors aboard. Why Are Navy Ships Colliding in the Pacific? Experts Weigh In | Military.com

People are allowed to make one mistake. But two in a short period of time, only when Pres.Trump became the President.

Okay, dude, that's just paranoid.

My guess as to why we are having issues. Because after 16 years of pointless war, people aren't picking the military as a career. My guess is that when reviews are done, we are going to find out that inexperience and under staffing were causes of these accidents.
/----/ You didn't mind when the military deferred to a fucking community organizer who thinks we have 57 states.

Okay, you see, that was a slip of the tongue, one time, 8 years ago.

As opposed to your boy Trump,who not only says stupid things every day, but then types them out on Twitter when he should at least have a chance to think about it before he hits "Send'.
U.S. Navy leaders are scrambling for answers after two guided-missile destroyers collided with other ships in the Pacific within months of each other, causing millions in damage and costing the lives of sailors aboard. Why Are Navy Ships Colliding in the Pacific? Experts Weigh In | Military.com

People are allowed to make one mistake. But two in a short period of time, only when Pres.Trump became the President.

Okay, dude, that's just paranoid.

My guess as to why we are having issues. Because after 16 years of pointless war, people aren't picking the military as a career. My guess is that when reviews are done, we are going to find out that inexperience and under staffing were causes of these accidents.

Paranoia? You guys had written the book on it. Going around being paranoid that a reality star is a Russian's agent.

/----/ You didn't mind when the military deferred to a fucking community organizer who thinks we have 57 states.

Okay, you see, that was a slip of the tongue, one time, 8 years ago.

As opposed to your boy Trump,who not only says stupid things every day, but then types them out on Twitter when he should at least have a chance to think about it before he hits "Send'.
Oh I'm just getting started: And don't forget CORPSMAN
1. How many states?
Vice President Dan Quayle was virtually laughed out of Washington for misspelling potato back in 1992, yet Barack Obama made a more elementary flub when, during the 2008 campaign, he said: “I’ve now been in 57 states-I think one left to go.”

2. Hero soldier mix-up: While commending troops at Fort Drum, N.Y., for their completed deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan, President Obama said, “A comrade of yours, Jared Monti, was the first person who I was able to award the Medal of Honor to who actually came back and wasn’t receiving it posthumously.” Wrong hero. Sgt. 1st Class Jared Monti was killed in action, another soldier, Staff Sgt. Sal Giunta, was the first living recipient of the Medal of Honor that fought in Afghanistan.

3. What year is it? During a trip to London’s Westminster Abbey, President Obama signed the guest book and dated it 24 May 2008. Oops. It was 2011. (Maybe he was wistfully dreaming about his 2008 election campaign at the time.)

4. Look at the map: Not only does Obama not know how many states there are, he also doesn’t know where they are. During the 2008 primary campaign, he explained why he was trailing Hillary Clinton in Kentucky: “Sen. Clinton, I think, is much better known, coming from a nearby state of Arkansas. So it’s not surprising that she would have an advantage in some of those states in the middle.” Obama’s home state of Illinois, and not Arkansas, shares a border with Kentucky.

5. What language is that? In April 2009, on one of his many foreign trips, President Obama mused, “I don’t know what the term is in Austrian” for “wheeling and dealing.” Oops, Mr. President. There is no Austrian language.

6. Twister casualties: After a devastating tornado hit Kansas, Obama discussed the tragedy without help from a teleprompter, saying, ”In case you missed it, this week, there was a tragedy in Kansas. Ten thousand people died-an entire town destroyed.” He was only off by 9,988 as the twister killed 12 people.

7. How old is Malia? The President last month thought he was so clever, unfavorably comparing Republican procrastination on the debt limit to his daughters finishing their homework early. In his remarks, Obama made a reference to daughter Malia, saying she was 13 years old, when at the time she was 12. Imagine the press reaction if Michele Bachmann made a misstatement about any of her five children or 23 foster kids.

8. Special Olympics insensitivity: The President called and apologized to the head of the Special Olympics, after making this insensitive comment following a game of bowling: “No, no. I have been practicing. … I bowled a 129. It’s like-it was like Special Olympics, or something.” Maybe he should have also apologized to bowlers for his feeble effort.

9. Faith confusion: No wonder so many Americans are unsure of the President’s faith, as he seems to be confused himself. During the 2008 campaign, during an interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos, Obama said, “What I was suggesting-you’re absolutely right that John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith,” before Stephanopoulos jumped in to help, saying ”your Christian faith.”

10. Health care inefficiencies: During the health care debate, President Obama explained all the benefits of ObamaCare, saying, “The reforms we seek would bring greater competition, choice, savings and inefficiencies to our health care system.” Mr. President, we already have enough inefficiency in health care and, yes, your “reforms” will only make it worse.
If you ever wondered what Right Wing Flop Sweat would look like in print, it's the above two posts.

Look, guys, you all messed up nominating trump. Admit it, you'll feel better.
You leftists got Trump elected.

Of course....right there....the trumpanzees blaming the Left for them voting for trump. It's never ever on them.

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