Time for a Full Investigation......... Of the FBI

You leftists got Trump elected.


No, that was the Russians.

The people said no. By about 3 million votes.
Who gives a shit what 5 counties in KKKalifornia voted for? No one except you moonbats clinging to an irrelevant concentration of leftards.
Well, we know that trumpanzees don't care about numbers of people.....until they do like at rallies (lies), inaugurations (lies)........:lol:
Oh I'm just getting started: And don't forget CORPSMAN

Wow, that's like an average week for Trump.

Look, I realize that the scary black man in the white house still has y ou really upset, but you need to get over it.
/---/ Lame attempt at deflecting. I know you can do better than that. Try playing the race card against me.
If you ever wondered what Right Wing Flop Sweat would look like in print, it's the above two posts.

Look, guys, you all messed up nominating trump. Admit it, you'll feel better.
You leftists got Trump elected.

Of course....right there....the trumpanzees blaming the Left for them voting for trump. It's never ever on them.
/---/ Its amazing how you can twist and distort. We don't blame the left for voting for Trump. We credit leftists policies and crooked Hillary for driving many to the polls to vote for Trump. Big difference
/---/ Lame attempt at deflecting. I know you can do better than that. Try playing the race card against me.

I don't HAVE to do any better than that. When you get down to it, 90% of why you fuckheads lost your shit when Obama was elected was because he was black.

If he was a white guy with a white-bread name and an R behind his name, you'd be wanting to put him on Mount Rushmore for doing the same things he did as pretty much a centrist president.

And that's not a bad thing. Because at the end of the day, they all turn into Centrists. Only Nixon could go to China.
If you ever wondered what Right Wing Flop Sweat would look like in print, it's the above two posts.

Look, guys, you all messed up nominating trump. Admit it, you'll feel better.
You leftists got Trump elected.

Of course....right there....the trumpanzees blaming the Left for them voting for trump. It's never ever on them.
/----/ Oh so a cut throat commie dictator building nukes and ICBMs threading Japan SK and Guam is all Trumps fault. Your hate filled bias is showing again. Thank God Hildabeast lost. BTW you said it was laughable but you're not laughing???????
/---/ Its amazing how you can twist and distort. We don't blame the left for voting for Trump. We credit leftists policies and crooked Hillary for driving many to the polls to vote for Trump. Big difference

But that's really not the case. Trump got less of a percentage of the vote than the Weird Mormon Robot got. He even did less well with White People than the Weird Mormon Robot did.

The problem, of course, is that the media put out two narratives.

1) That the silly non-scandals like Emails and Benghazi meant that Hillary "was just as bad as" Trump (she wasn't).

2) That the polls all say Hillary has this in the bag, so if you want to vote for a third party candidate in protest, knock yourself out!

so we ended up with a guy most of us didn't want, whom both parties know isn't fit for the job. But no one can do anything about it, because the remedies to remove an unfit president are limited.
Oh so a cut throat commie dictator building nukes and ICBMs threading Japan SK and Guam is all Trumps fault. Your hate filled bias is showing again. Thank God Hildabeast lost. BTW you said it was laughable but you're not laughing???????

No, I'm not laughing because Trump once asked his military advisors "why can't we use nukes".

North Korea is always going to be a pain in the ass. it's been a pain in the ass for 65 years now. But it's not a threat with its missiles that can't get off the launch pads half the time.
/---/ Lame attempt at deflecting. I know you can do better than that. Try playing the race card against me.

I don't HAVE to do any better than that. When you get down to it, 90% of why you fuckheads lost your shit when Obama was elected was because he was black.

If he was a white guy with a white-bread name and an R behind his name, you'd be wanting to put him on Mount Rushmore for doing the same things he did as pretty much a centrist president.

And that's not a bad thing. Because at the end of the day, they all turn into Centrists. Only Nixon could go to China.
/----/ Another straw man argument from Mr Debate Champ on the Special Ed short bus. We didn't like Obozo's political policies. It had nothing to do with his race and you know it. It's like me saying you leftists hate having a white guy in the White House
Oh so a cut throat commie dictator building nukes and ICBMs threading Japan SK and Guam is all Trumps fault. Your hate filled bias is showing again. Thank God Hildabeast lost. BTW you said it was laughable but you're not laughing???????

No, I'm not laughing because Trump once asked his military advisors "why can't we use nukes".

North Korea is always going to be a pain in the ass. it's been a pain in the ass for 65 years now. But it's not a threat with its missiles that can't get off the launch pads half the time.
/---/ can't get off the launching pad? Are you that seriously deluded? Misinformed? Lying?
/----/ Another straw man argument from Mr Debate Champ on the Special Ed short bus. We didn't like Obozo's political policies.

Except they were the same ones you guys advocated FOR YEARS!

Sweet evil Jesus, man. YOu guys have no problem with ObamaCare when it was called "RomneyCare". Democrats would rather have single payer or even HillaryCare, but we went along with ObamaCare because you all insisted on making the insurance companies richer.

It had nothing to do with his race and you know it.

It had everything to do with race. Or did you just all vote for the guy who insisted Obama wasn't born here over guys who were more qualified but actually concede he was?
It is the reputation of the Federal Bureau of Investigation itself that is even more dangerously tarnished. The conventional wisdom is that there are plenty of good, patriotic civil servants in the FBI — and that is undoubtedly true — but not since the days of J. Edgar Hoover has the organization’s leadership been so suspect, their opaque decision-making process so fraught with defensive self-preservation and political bias. Sometimes, it seems the “G-men” spend far more time dodging FOIA requests — redacting almost everything in sight, lest it be “misunderstood” by we in the great unwashed — than in stopping crime. That may not be so, but the reasons for the perception are undeniable.

Something must be done and quickly. The latest revelations about Comey make the recusal of Mueller more urgent, but the overall situation is yet more severe. The FBI itself needs some form of investigation and reorganization. A true reform. Otherwise a huge percentage of the country will continue to distrust it and that distrust, pending the results of the closely tied Mueller-Russia inquiry, will only continue to grow. That is untenable in a democratic republic.

Time for a Full Investigation... of the FBI

Time to drain the swamp and end the corruption.
You voted for a corrupt piece of shit and now you are butthurt by your own folly...

Says the Hillary lover who got Trump elected.

As a community organizer once said. Elections have consequences!
It is the reputation of the Federal Bureau of Investigation itself that is even more dangerously tarnished. The conventional wisdom is that there are plenty of good, patriotic civil servants in the FBI — and that is undoubtedly true — but not since the days of J. Edgar Hoover has the organization’s leadership been so suspect, their opaque decision-making process so fraught with defensive self-preservation and political bias. Sometimes, it seems the “G-men” spend far more time dodging FOIA requests — redacting almost everything in sight, lest it be “misunderstood” by we in the great unwashed — than in stopping crime. That may not be so, but the reasons for the perception are undeniable.

Something must be done and quickly. The latest revelations about Comey make the recusal of Mueller more urgent, but the overall situation is yet more severe. The FBI itself needs some form of investigation and reorganization. A true reform. Otherwise a huge percentage of the country will continue to distrust it and that distrust, pending the results of the closely tied Mueller-Russia inquiry, will only continue to grow. That is untenable in a democratic republic.

Time for a Full Investigation... of the FBI

Time to drain the swamp and end the corruption.
You scared, bro?

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