"Time for a political poll" I created earlier was an attempt at being facetious to wake people up


Active Member
Jun 13, 2017
Earlier I created a thread under the heading of "Time for a political poll" which was meant to be taken as sarcastically funny as well as reach out to a part of the population that continues to be in denial about the Democratic party. Like so many others these days I'm finding myself becoming more and more frustrated with not only how corrupt government has become, but also that the left's supporters defend their actions no matter what. And that's a very slippery slope that continues to put this country in serious jeopardy.

We the people are the only ones who still have the power to stop this type of criminality whether it happens on the left or the right. Or rather in all probability we HAD that power.

By pulling the election off in 2016 America dodged a very serious dangerous bullet. But even so, due to many key people Obama appointed and set in place, which are referred to as the "Deep state," he continues to carry on his nefarious agenda even today although he no longer holds office.

As far as the election went, Hillary came very close to winning alright but only because Obama and his minions at the DNC rigged the system severely to help her. First of all if not for them, the election probably would have been between Bernie Sanders and Trump. And secondly if not for them, the election between Trump and Hillary wouldn't have even been close. Obama and they did this by first loosening the borders to allow millions of illegals to cross the border ahead of the election. All of which were given ballots and the names of dead people by the same officials who to this day still operate sanctuary cities. And those same blue states allowed illegals to vote numerous times. Absentee ballots were also falsified as well. And all that while the DNC's deep pockets buddy George Soros paid universities and all media outlets to push their leftist socialist agenda by means of using extreme brainwashing tactics.

But in the aftermath of what happened, I can pretty much guarantee the DNC won't make those same mistakes again. Long before the next election rolls around they'll have analyzed what went wrong and fixed whatever problems to ensure their candidate wins. And until that time, they'll continue to brainwash the populace into believing Trump is a nut job horrible bad guy who should have been impeached when in fact he hasn't done anything wrong and is actually trying to put the country back on track.

Is he perfect? No..but what president ever was? I can't remember even one that I or the public couldn't find some kind of fault with. But here's the thing, the last thing the American people should do is knowingly elect a system which is obviously corrupt, rigs elections, brainwashes our kids in universities as well as the masses with fake news, and tries to strip American's of their first amendment rights of freedom of speech, ALL of which happened during the 2016 election!
But even so, due to many key people Obama appointed and set in place, which are referred to as the "Deep state," he continues to carry on his nefarious agenda even today although he no longer holds office.

"Deep state" is now a very useful term. Whenever you hear it, it instantly alerts you that the speaker is supremely butthurt conspiracy cult snowflake, dedicated to corruption and the destruction of American democracy. That prevents you from wasting time trying to reason with such a hardcore Stalinist, and it cues you to immediately back away before the speaker drools on you.
Earlier I created a thread under the heading of "Time for a political poll" which was meant to be taken as sarcastically funny as well as reach out to a part of the population that continues to be in denial about the Democratic party. Like so many others these days I'm finding myself becoming more and more frustrated with not only how corrupt government has become, but also that the left's supporters defend their actions no matter what. And that's a very slippery slope that continues to put this country in serious jeopardy.

We the people are the only ones who still have the power to stop this type of criminality whether it happens on the left or the right. Or rather in all probability we HAD that power.

By pulling the election off in 2016 America dodged a very serious dangerous bullet. But even so, due to many key people Obama appointed and set in place, which are referred to as the "Deep state," he continues to carry on his nefarious agenda even today although he no longer holds office.

As far as the election went, Hillary came very close to winning alright but only because Obama and his minions at the DNC rigged the system severely to help her. First of all if not for them, the election probably would have been between Bernie Sanders and Trump. And secondly if not for them, the election between Trump and Hillary wouldn't have even been close. Obama and they did this by first loosening the borders to allow millions of illegals to cross the border ahead of the election. All of which were given ballots and the names of dead people by the same officials who to this day still operate sanctuary cities. And those same blue states allowed illegals to vote numerous times. Absentee ballots were also falsified as well. And all that while the DNC's deep pockets buddy George Soros paid universities and all media outlets to push their leftist socialist agenda by means of using extreme brainwashing tactics.

But in the aftermath of what happened, I can pretty much guarantee the DNC won't make those same mistakes again. Long before the next election rolls around they'll have analyzed what went wrong and fixed whatever problems to ensure their candidate wins. And until that time, they'll continue to brainwash the populace into believing Trump is a nut job horrible bad guy who should have been impeached when in fact he hasn't done anything wrong and is actually trying to put the country back on track.

Is he perfect? No..but what president ever was? I can't remember even one that I or the public couldn't find some kind of fault with. But here's the thing, the last thing the American people should do is knowingly elect a system which is obviously corrupt, rigs elections, brainwashes our kids in universities as well as the masses with fake news, and tries to strip American's of their first amendment rights of freedom of speech, ALL of which happened during the 2016 election!

I don't think Democrats will ever change, no matter what. You see, a Democrat has about as much brainpower as a Rhode Island Red. You can watch chickens in a pen and if the gate is open and it sees sees some corn outside the pen it will spend hours trying to get to that corn through a chicken wire fence. Even if it is only 3 feet from the open gate it will starve to death trying to get through the fence. It never sees the gate. And if you pick that chicken up and set it at the gate the critter will get mad, squawk, ruffle it's feathers and run back to that spot at the fence. Any one with a chicken pen will attest to that.
Tenacity? I could go on about the tenacity of a Democat.....er, Democrat but that's another story.
But even so, due to many key people Obama appointed and set in place, which are referred to as the "Deep state," he continues to carry on his nefarious agenda even today although he no longer holds office.

"Deep state" is now a very useful term. Whenever you hear it, it instantly alerts you that the speaker is supremely butthurt conspiracy cult snowflake, dedicated to corruption and the destruction of American democracy. That prevents you from wasting time trying to reason with such a hardcore Stalinist, and it cues you to immediately back away before the speaker drools on you.
Or it could mean that something has gone awry that the American people need to open their eyes and see before it's too late. Case and point are the two Obama appointee federal judges who were both instrumental in over riding Trump's authority which in itself was beyond ludicrous. One of them was a judge from Hawaii named Derrick Watson who stopped the Muslim travel ban which would keep those from flooding into the country from hot spot areas of terrorism without proper vetting. The second was William Orrick from California (what a surprise huh?) who stopped Trump's efforts of defunding Sanctuary cities that to this day are continuing to harbor illegal aliens many of which are the infamous Ms13 gang members which are currently terrorizing America.
You're too well trained on the talking points.

That gives it away.

You know, the whole "paid propagandist" thing.
You're too well trained on the talking points.

That gives it away.

You know, the whole "paid propagandist" thing.
I just stay well informed and pay close attention to what's happening. I was a staunch democrat and actually voted for Obama but only his first term. Soon after observing what he was really up to and never liking Hillary knowing who and what she was as well, I started researching politics heavily and have since switched to the other side. Now I'm crystal clear as anyone can be given the facts we Americans are able to glean from whatever news sources are available. Luckily I have a pretty fair amount of common sense that helps in that endeavor.

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