Time For An English Only Law.

I have no problem with private business hiring only people who are bilingual. I do have an issue that official government papers, documents, etc being printed in multiple languages.

See, I won't go into a business or work with a business that promotes itself as bilingual.
I'm sure they miss your business

I won't patronize a business where the clerk can speak Spanish

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Ich spreche kein Spanisch


Only Americans who can speak good English shood bee allowed two stey hear.
I don't know if any of you have noticed, but the U.S. has become a dual language country. There are about 80 Spanish channels on cable TV. Many phone numbers you call will also have a Spanish option. I have a niece who applied for a job at a fast food restaurant once. But they wouldn't hire her because she wasn't bi-lingual. This isn't the kind of "America" I want. I say it is time to roll up the red carpet and put it away. Make the U.S. an English language only country!

Not gonna happen. Find another windmill to tilt at.

Boy. Are you going to be surprised when it does.
Pour que ? I get in a car accident, and then ask the moron that crashed into me "are you all right, can I help you? Some 300 LB Hispanic whale woman (?) says.. que? Stuff like that, where we need to have common language so we can help one another. This insistence on allowing multiple lingual groups to coexsit here is counterproductive and NOT what the spirit of Freedom of Speech was meant to be.

There's a completely un-American statement for ya.

You are the last person who should be telling anybody what it means to be American.
I don't know if any of you have noticed, but the U.S. has become a dual language country. There are about 80 Spanish channels on cable TV. Many phone numbers you call will also have a Spanish option. I have a niece who applied for a job at a fast food restaurant once. But they wouldn't hire her because she wasn't bi-lingual. This isn't the kind of "America" I want. I say it is time to roll up the red carpet and put it away. Make the U.S. an English language only country!

If America were to adopt English as its one and only official language, it would have NOTHING to do with the examples you provided. Those are private enterprises, who are free to pursue/accommodate customers whose first language is not English.

If the Federal government, or any state government, were to adopt English, all it would mean is that official government publications, election material, etc, would be in English only. I'm all for that.

If you're suggesting we should enforce English only on private businesses, I pass.

Nobody conducting any kind of business in the U.S. that doesn't use English should be conducting business in the U.S.
I don't know if any of you have noticed, but the U.S. has become a dual language country. There are about 80 Spanish channels on cable TV. Many phone numbers you call will also have a Spanish option. I have a niece who applied for a job at a fast food restaurant once. But they wouldn't hire her because she wasn't bi-lingual. This isn't the kind of "America" I want. I say it is time to roll up the red carpet and put it away. Make the U.S. an English language only country!
I don't know if any of you have noticed, but the U.S. has become a dual language country. There are about 80 Spanish channels on cable TV. Many phone numbers you call will also have a Spanish option. I have a niece who applied for a job at a fast food restaurant once. But they wouldn't hire her because she wasn't bi-lingual. This isn't the kind of "America" I want. I say it is time to roll up the red carpet and put it away. Make the U.S. an English language only country!
I'd require both naturalized and American born citizens to learn the Constitution, Bill of Rights and local police procedures, and sign agreements to follow laws and police procedures, respect due process, not obstruct justice and to pay costs of prosecution, incarceration and restitution if convicted of a premeditated crime. If they don't have financial or legal ability, they would require a cosigner to act as legal guardian and accept financial responsibility if that person breaks the law. If they can't afford the cost of crimes, they can't enable anyone to impose that cost on others.

This should apply to Both natural born Americans and Naturalized citizens do there is NO discrimination. Law-abiding people would be rewarded with citizenship and anyone who breaks laws and has to work to pay restitution can trade places with immigrants applying for citizenship wiling to work for a living and obey laws in order to live here. Deported criminals can take over sweatshop labor for trafficked victims, where there is an exchange between each person sent to prison under this agreement, and each guest worker who applies for residency or citizenship, either short term or for life, during the length of that sentence.

You say a lot to say nothing at all.
I don't know if any of you have noticed, but the U.S. has become a dual language country. There are about 80 Spanish channels on cable TV. Many phone numbers you call will also have a Spanish option. I have a niece who applied for a job at a fast food restaurant once. But they wouldn't hire her because she wasn't bi-lingual. This isn't the kind of "America" I want. I say it is time to roll up the red carpet and put it away. Make the U.S. an English language only country!

the white supremacists got 2 million fewer votes in this election. you don't get to enact your bigotry and lunacy.

Stick your lies up your ass. What "White supremacist" ran for president. What one ran in the last election. How many votes did both get. Also, I am not a White supremacist. White people just happen to be supreme. I am a White separatist. Now if you want to talk about supremacy, look at what Menachem Begin had to say.
I don't know if any of you have noticed, but the U.S. has become a dual language country. There are about 80 Spanish channels on cable TV. Many phone numbers you call will also have a Spanish option. I have a niece who applied for a job at a fast food restaurant once. But they wouldn't hire her because she wasn't bi-lingual. This isn't the kind of "America" I want. I say it is time to roll up the red carpet and put it away. Make the U.S. an English language only country!
I don't know if any of you have noticed, but the U.S. has become a dual language country. There are about 80 Spanish channels on cable TV. Many phone numbers you call will also have a Spanish option. I have a niece who applied for a job at a fast food restaurant once. But they wouldn't hire her because she wasn't bi-lingual. This isn't the kind of "America" I want. I say it is time to roll up the red carpet and put it away. Make the U.S. an English language only country!
I'd require both naturalized and American born citizens to learn the Constitution, Bill of Rights and local police procedures, and sign agreements to follow laws and police procedures, respect due process, not obstruct justice and to pay costs of prosecution, incarceration and restitution if convicted of a premeditated crime. If they don't have financial or legal ability, they would require a cosigner to act as legal guardian and accept financial responsibility if that person breaks the law. If they can't afford the cost of crimes, they can't enable anyone to impose that cost on others.

This should apply to Both natural born Americans and Naturalized citizens do there is NO discrimination. Law-abiding people would be rewarded with citizenship and anyone who breaks laws and has to work to pay restitution can trade places with immigrants applying for citizenship wiling to work for a living and obey laws in order to live here. Deported criminals can take over sweatshop labor for trafficked victims, where there is an exchange between each person sent to prison under this agreement, and each guest worker who applies for residency or citizenship, either short term or for life, during the length of that sentence.

You say a lot to say nothing at all.

You need it shortened more? eblasphemer

Require all citizens either natural born or naturalized
to agree to sign contracts accepting financial and legal responsible for all costs to taxpayers.

If a premeditated crime is committed, this includes paying for costs of prosecution, incarceration, restitution to victims and society
and any other costs to taxpayers.

If a person is not legally or financially able, then a cosigning sponsor must sign for legal guardianship and accept the financial and legal burden of both themselves and the person they are sponsoring until they become self-reliant.

Thus all citizens agree not to impose a burden on taxpayers they don't pay for or have a sponsor agree to pay for.

And any severe criminal violations requiring lifelong labor to pay the restitution
can include exchanging citizenship with an immigrant applicant on the waiting list.

Thus, people are rewarded with citizenship for lawabiding productive contributions to society,
or face revocation of citizenship and even deportation to serve a sentence of labor in prison
in cases of capital crimes, where they can trade places with immigrants willing to work
an honest living to have rights and freedoms of citizenship.


Death penalty alternative
Regarding "Jury sentences Bellaire cop killer to death" (Page B1, Wednesday), I believe the law should
include other alternatives besides either the death penalty or life in prison without parole,
which adds to the burden on taxpayers and security risks to prison personnel.

I applaud the prosecuting attorneys for meting out the most severe punishment to those such as Harlem Lewis III,
found guilty of deliberately killing a law officer; but I believe the government should offer the option of
revoking citizenship in place of imposing the death penalty. Not everyone agrees the state has authority to
terminate life, but since government grants citizenship, it should equally exercise full power to revoke it
and to deport individuals who refuse to comply with law enforcement, regardless of birthright.

Perhaps it's time the U.S. government started a prison exchange program with Mexico and other countries,
where convicts who commit premeditated crimes could face deportation.

Considering Lewis' young age at 23, he could still work for the rest of his life to pay restitution to society,
such as through a Mexican prison, losing his rights to live freely in the U.S. as a consequence for abusing
those freedoms and as a stronger deterrent against capital offenses.

Emily T. Nghiem

Thursday letters: Death penalty, immigration, marijuana
The Houston Chronicle, July 30, 2014
I don't know if any of you have noticed, but the U.S. has become a dual language country. There are about 80 Spanish channels on cable TV. Many phone numbers you call will also have a Spanish option. I have a niece who applied for a job at a fast food restaurant once. But they wouldn't hire her because she wasn't bi-lingual. This isn't the kind of "America" I want. I say it is time to roll up the red carpet and put it away. Make the U.S. an English language only country!

the white supremacists got 2 million fewer votes in this election. you don't get to enact your bigotry and lunacy.
Some people will believe anything propagated by the so-called media. Do you believe multilingual media hype, or do you believe only English-language hype?

Your first sentence is right. One of the bullshit things propagated by the media is that having the U.S. be bi-lingual is ok.
I don't know if any of you have noticed, but the U.S. has become a dual language country. There are about 80 Spanish channels on cable TV. Many phone numbers you call will also have a Spanish option. I have a niece who applied for a job at a fast food restaurant once. But they wouldn't hire her because she wasn't bi-lingual. This isn't the kind of "America" I want. I say it is time to roll up the red carpet and put it away. Make the U.S. an English language only country!

If America were to adopt English as its one and only official language, it would have NOTHING to do with the examples you provided. Those are private enterprises, who are free to pursue/accommodate customers whose first language is not English.

If the Federal government, or any state government, were to adopt English, all it would mean is that official government publications, election material, etc, would be in English only. I'm all for that.

If you're suggesting we should enforce English only on private businesses, I pass.

Nobody conducting any kind of business in the U.S. that doesn't use English should be conducting business in the U.S.

"Shouldn't" be or shall not? The former is your opinion, that latter involves mandatory enforcement by armed government agents. That would be fascism.
I don't know if any of you have noticed, but the U.S. has become a dual language country. There are about 80 Spanish channels on cable TV. Many phone numbers you call will also have a Spanish option. I have a niece who applied for a job at a fast food restaurant once. But they wouldn't hire her because she wasn't bi-lingual. This isn't the kind of "America" I want. I say it is time to roll up the red carpet and put it away. Make the U.S. an English language only country!
I don't know if any of you have noticed, but the U.S. has become a dual language country. There are about 80 Spanish channels on cable TV. Many phone numbers you call will also have a Spanish option. I have a niece who applied for a job at a fast food restaurant once. But they wouldn't hire her because she wasn't bi-lingual. This isn't the kind of "America" I want. I say it is time to roll up the red carpet and put it away. Make the U.S. an English language only country!
I'd require both naturalized and American born citizens to learn the Constitution, Bill of Rights and local police procedures, and sign agreements to follow laws and police procedures, respect due process, not obstruct justice and to pay costs of prosecution, incarceration and restitution if convicted of a premeditated crime. If they don't have financial or legal ability, they would require a cosigner to act as legal guardian and accept financial responsibility if that person breaks the law. If they can't afford the cost of crimes, they can't enable anyone to impose that cost on others.

This should apply to Both natural born Americans and Naturalized citizens do there is NO discrimination. Law-abiding people would be rewarded with citizenship and anyone who breaks laws and has to work to pay restitution can trade places with immigrants applying for citizenship wiling to work for a living and obey laws in order to live here. Deported criminals can take over sweatshop labor for trafficked victims, where there is an exchange between each person sent to prison under this agreement, and each guest worker who applies for residency or citizenship, either short term or for life, during the length of that sentence.

You say a lot to say nothing at all.

You need it shortened more? eblasphemer

Require all citizens either natural born or naturalized
to agree to sign contracts accepting financial and legal responsible for all costs to taxpayers.

If a premeditated crime is committed, this includes paying for costs of prosecution, incarceration, restitution to victims and society
and any other costs to taxpayers.

If a person is not legally or financially able, then a cosigning sponsor must sign for legal guardianship and accept the financial and legal burden of both themselves and the person they are sponsoring until they become self-reliant.

Thus all citizens agree not to impose a burden on taxpayers they don't pay for or have a sponsor agree to pay for.

And any severe criminal violations requiring lifelong labor to pay the restitution
can include exchanging citizenship with an immigrant applicant on the waiting list.

Thus, people are rewarded with citizenship for lawabiding productive contributions to society,
or face revocation of citizenship and even deportation to serve a sentence of labor in prison
in cases of capital crimes, where they can trade places with immigrants willing to work
an honest living to have rights and freedoms of citizenship.


The Houston Chronicle, July 30, 2014
The extremely obese Hispanic woman that didn't speak American that ran a stop sign and crashed into me was having a diabetic seizure. Que? I don't care. I can't communicate with her and that was HER fault, her illness precluded her from driving (she didn't have insurance OR a legal drivers licence, either). So I am screwed for the damage AND we have to pay for her medical treatment TOO, because some fat ass illegal incompetent creep has rights? Love that. Que?
Find out if she was a Mexican national. MaryL then join Trump and all other families he supports in suing Mexico.
Claim land along the Mexican side of the border as restitution and assign all undocumented nationals to claim residency there, where they can earn dual citizenship in exchange for working off and paying back for all debts damages and violations.
I voted trump, sorry kids. I don't want a wall, EITHER. I just want immigration laws enforced, particularly against exploitative employers that created this sorry mess to begin with. And, if you are here illegally, at least acclimate and learn English. Don't thumb your noses at us ,antagonize us in Spanish and pretend you are a victim. Acclimate.

We already have a wall. What we need is a better one. With minefields. Also, too much damage has already been done for simply enforcing immigration laws to do any good. Repealing the fourth amendment and retroactively stripping away any citizenship "latinos" have gotten under it for the past 50 years would help. Then deporting them all!
I can agree with punishing those who employ them. But with them willing to work for such a cheap wage, you would have to go pretty far down the totem pole of employers.

As far as those who are here illegally, they don't need to learn English. They need to be gone! And as far as acclimation goes, obviously it is Americans who are expected to acclimate to them. I can tell you something I would rather acclimate to. And it would take very little "acclimation." Roads lined with their impaled and preserved bodies.

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