Time for Moderates to grow a set of balls

And by the way, I have been very civil in the conversation, despite lies from other people, especially Candy Corn.

However, people will spread lies about me and exaggerate them.
Hmmm. You're the guy who just criticized someone else because THEY tried to tell YOU your views, eh?

I am not looking for your views, am I? So when I "critized" your views, don't blow a gasket.

Again, moderates are not independents. Why is this so hard for people to understand?
Hmmm. You're the guy who just criticized someone else because THEY tried to tell YOU your views, eh?

I am not looking for your views, am I? So when I "critized" your views, don't blow a gasket.

Again, moderates are not independents. Why is this so hard for people to understand?

definition via wikipedia
"In politics and religion, a moderate is an individual who is not extreme, partisan or radical."
To take anything else from it is to make up your own definition of the word, which you seem to be doing. A moderate is NOT defined as someone who tries to find the middle ground between two parties, it is perfectly ok to describe someone as moderate who has some beliefs the are considered conservative and some beliefs that are considered liberal.
In our 200 year history, we have relied on moderates of both parties to find the middle ground. That was how politics was done, come in with extreme positions and then have your moderates work out a deal

In America today, moderates cower in fear and meekly shrug..."What can I do?". Moderates fear that they will be driven from their party if they do not toe the extremist line. Compromise used to be a sign of intelligence and maturity...now it is a sign of weakness

There are no win-win situations anymore. Win-win means the other side also wins so it is looked at as defeat.

It is time for moderates of both parties to take back control of their parties. Our government no longer functions and every minor decision requires a filibuster proof majority.

Come on moderates......Grow a set of balls

Moderates HAVE no balls to grow, You either want to save the country from becoming a 3rd world shit hole or you vote for a Democrat
bull fucking shit.....you just got through telling me that you either develop a political philosophy OR YOU DONT.....which is it?

Have you developed a sound political philosophy or haven't you.....which is it?

......and who the hell are you to decide what the fuck a proper Political Philosophy is?

Why do you lie? I never proclaimed that I have the correct one. However, I have a strong and consistent one. I also appreciate diversity of thought which you seem to be incapable of.

........People who follow Party lines DONT think for themselves......people who go against Party lines think for themselves.....and im praising my thinking skills?.....what the fuck are you doing with your first fucking Sentence?....."Sorry bud but I don't take my marching orders from any party"......kinda sounds like what i said earlier.....the poster who called you an idiot just may be right......you sure as hell sound like one.....

Look at you, you got your panties in a bunch.

Again, moderates are not independents. You seem to be confused.

Have you developed a sound political philosophy or haven't you.....which is it?

yea ....like i said its called the Harry Dresden Philosphy....."if you dont like it.....eat shit"....hows that?.....

Why do you lie? I never proclaimed that I have the correct one. However, I have a strong and consistent one. I also appreciate diversity of thought which you seem to be incapable of.

no?.....but you sure have no problems judging someone else's....and YOU appreciate diversity of thought?.....dont make me fucking laugh.....what the fuck are you doing criticizing everyone else's then?........some fucking diversity....

Again, moderates are not independents. You seem to be confused

and Dumbass where have i ever said such a thing?.....your the only one Confused here.....
Didn't your commander in chief admit that there is no social security trust fund? That they have commingled social security premiums with general revenue funds ? That fedgov may not be able to deliver your check come August?


.There never has been a pot of money with your name on it. Social Security has worked for generations and will keep working

As long as Republicans do not fuck with it

How does it not go broke without tax increases?

Change the age of retirement
.There never has been a pot of money with your name on it. Social Security has worked for generations and will keep working

As long as Republicans do not fuck with it

How does it not go broke without tax increases?

Change the age of retirement

thats what they talk about doing every 3-4 years......why dont they just get rid of retirement all together and everyone works until they drop dead on the job,and then bring a new guy in and it starts all over again...........
Social Security has been delivering on it's promises for 75 years. It is a solid program and is relied on by hundreds of millions of Americans.

Didn't your commander in chief admit that there is no social security trust fund? That they have commingled social security premiums with general revenue funds ? That fedgov may not be able to deliver your check come August?


.There never has been a pot of money with your name on it. Social Security has worked for generations and will keep working

As long as Republicans do not fuck with it

Dream on.

The Greatest Ponzi Scheme of All: Social Security
Posted by Bill Anderson on December 21, 2008 07:37 AM

While Madoff has managed to mangle at least $50 billion, there is another Ponzi scheme with trillions in unfunded liability: the U.S. Social Security System. No matter how many times Paul Krugman declares that SS is safe and sound, it is not.

Most people don't realize that SS actually is a "legal" Ponzi scheme, made legal because the government has declared it so. Nonetheless, the principle of SS is that of the chain letter in which people pay in, other receive the benefits, and it works only as long as others are there to pay in more money."

How far back in history, though? The low 15% over the last decade has NOT trickled down by those investors able to enjoy that low rate. If it had, I'd agree.

Then where did the net 4.4 million jobs gained under Bush come from?
Jobs created under Bush, Jr. were a fraction of those created under Clinton, who raised taxes on the wealthiest.

Taxes were raised during the bubble which soon thereafter exploded and decimated the economy.
Social Security has been delivering on it's promises for 75 years. It is a solid program and is relied on by hundreds of millions of Americans.

Didn't your commander in chief admit that there is no social security trust fund? That they have commingled social security premiums with general revenue funds ? That fedgov may not be able to deliver your check come August?


.There never has been a pot of money with your name on it. Social Security has worked for generations and will keep working

As long as Republicans do not fuck with it

Don't you mean it used to work? When the ratio of working vs retired was high enough to support SS.....quite unlike today isn't it where the ratio is far below what is needed. And BTW your elected officials have completely destroyed any chance of SS surviving in a meaningful form in the coming year's you think we have deficits now you just wait.
Moderates are not necessarily Independents.

What is an "independent?"

I have been registered Libertarian for 20 years, yet took a poll recently and they declared me "independent" because I am not a Republican or democrat.

Moderate generally means uninformed.

Moderate means your not a Far right or a Far left Asshole.....in our Language here...your not a Dean or a Rabbi.....
In our 200 year history, we have relied on moderates of both parties to find the middle ground. That was how politics was done, come in with extreme positions and then have your moderates work out a deal

In America today, moderates cower in fear and meekly shrug..."What can I do?". Moderates fear that they will be driven from their party if they do not toe the extremist line. Compromise used to be a sign of intelligence and maturity...now it is a sign of weakness

There are no win-win situations anymore. Win-win means the other side also wins so it is looked at as defeat.

It is time for moderates of both parties to take back control of their parties. Our government no longer functions and every minor decision requires a filibuster proof majority.

Come on moderates......Grow a set of balls

actually this isn't the case at all. The truth is both sides are so stubborn these days that they refuse to listen to moderates. We still speak, but no one is listening

QFT- Quoted For Truth.
Unfortunately, it does look like the fringes of both sides have too much influence. The moderates are being replaced by the hard core people that won't compromise and progress is really restricted. That's on both sides BTW.
Being a "moderate" is meaningless (as opposed to TRUE independents). It just means you're somewhere in the squishy middle of two principled positions. If the two 'extreme' positions, change, you change, for no better reason than to stay in squishy middle. Moderates can offer no principles to justify their position. Leftwingers principle: "the more that government controls people and events, the better off we'll be". Conservative principle: "Society thrives in an environment of freedom". Moderate "principle": Uh gee.. I believe this way on this, and that way on that, and I can't tell ya why, just sounds like a good idea, er, well maybe......dunno.....stop asking me so many questions. Hey what's on TV tonight?" :D
Being a "moderate" is meaningless (as opposed to TRUE independents). It just means you're somewhere in the squishy middle of two principled positions. If the two 'extreme' positions, change, you change, for no better reason than to stay in squishy middle. Moderates can offer no principles to justify their position. Leftwingers principle: "the more that government controls people and events, the better off we'll be". Conservative principle: "Society thrives in an environment of freedom". Moderate "principle": Uh gee.. I believe this way on this, and that way on that, and I can't tell ya why, just sounds like a good idea, er, well maybe......dunno.....stop asking me so many questions. Hey what's on TV tonight?" :D

I'm for some government regulation of the food supply in the nation. So we don't have poison being served in the butcher case. But I am not for the government outlawing Ribeye Steaks or moderating how much you can eat.

Moderation; try it sometime.

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