Time for Moderates to grow a set of balls

I am not the dumbass who is confusing moderates with independents.

Keep "dumbing it down" for me.

Someone needs to.

We were just commenting in another thread about how some people are so weak of character, they simply can't acknowledge any points that are not 100% in absolute andcomplete agreement with theeir own.

They're easy to spot...

I have plenty of character and can acknowledge other's viewpoints. However, that doesn't mean I agree with their views.

The last thing a person of character would do is find middle ground between the pathetic Dems and the lunatic GOP.
Someone needs to.

We were just commenting in another thread about how some people are so weak of character, they simply can't acknowledge any points that are not 100% in absolute andcomplete agreement with theeir own.

They're easy to spot...

I have plenty of character and can acknowledge other's viewpoints. However, that doesn't mean I agree with their views.

The last thing a person of character would do is find middle ground between the pathetic Dems and the lunatic GOP.

Of course you do. That's why you first deleted the sentence pointing out that the term is often misused and then couldnt acknowledge the possibility that there could be veracity to the statement - and still can't, it seems.
Okay whatever. I'm sure you're a man big enough to say "You know what. You're right. I was wrong about that." Why I'll bet you can even show me a thread where you did exactly that with someone you completely disagreed with on this very board! Or not.

So out of curiosity, who would you support in 2012 and why?
So out of curiosity, who would you support in 2012 and why?

Paul and Johnson. If Grayson, Feingold, or Sanders ran then they would also peak my interests.

I still don't know what sentence you are hanging on to. However, it doesn't matter since you think that a moderate is analogous to an independent. It is not.
being a moderate means you can lean right or left depending on the subject.....are you saying you only lean one way for everything?.....

Being a moderate means that you have no backbone. You either develop a political philosophy or you don't.

Why would you want to be a moderate in this day and age?
but you who follows a set Political Philosophy has a backbone right?......you dont think for yourself and that means you have a backbone?......guess what Anti?......i dont give a flying fuck what either Party thinks......i care what i think......and if you and any Liberal or Conservative does not like it......tough fucking shit.....i make my own mind up about whatever the topic is.....how is that for fucking backbone?.....
being a moderate means you can lean right or left depending on the subject.....are you saying you only lean one way for everything?.....

Being a moderate means that you have no backbone. You either develop a political philosophy or you don't.

Why would you want to be a moderate in this day and age?
but you who follows a set Political Philosophy has a backbone right?......you dont think for yourself and that means you have a backbone?......guess what Anti?......i dont give a flying fuck what either Party thinks......i care what i think......and if you and any Liberal or Conservative does not like it......tough fucking shit.....i make my own mind up about whatever the topic is.....how is that for fucking backbone?.....

Sorry bud, but I don't take my marching orders from any party. In addition, I also do not try to straddle the Dem and GOP, like yourself.

You seemed to be confused. A moderate doesn't think for themselves, they try to straddle the decrypted philosophy of the Dems and GOP.

You seem to be another one who cannot demarcate the difference between an independent and moderate, yet you praise your thinking skills....most amusing.
So out of curiosity, who would you support in 2012 and why?

Paul and Johnson. If Grayson, Feingold, or Sanders ran then they would also peak my interests.

I still don't know what sentence you are hanging on to. However, it doesn't matter since you think that a moderate is analogous to an independent. It is not.

(I think you meant "pique" your interest.)

Just never used the word "usually" much, did you. See there is a difference between "usually" and "analogous". Just like peek, peak, and pique! You are just a learnin' machine today amigo! :eusa_drool:

Okay fine. You are absolutely completely 100% right.

Do you feel better now? Good! You have such character!

And yeah, I would have guessed you to be a Ron Paul supporter.
You are right. Thanks for correcting me on pique.

I see that you are continue to be a dishonest asshole. I would also consider Grayson, Feingold, and Sanders.

Anything else?
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Sorry bud but I don't take my marching orders from any party. In addition, I also do not try to straddle the Dem and GOP, like yourself.

You seemed to be confused. A moderate doesn't think for themselves, they try to straddle the decrypted philosophy of the Dems and GOP.

You seem to be another one who cannot demarcate the difference between an independent and moderate, yet you praise your thinking skills....most amusing.

bull fucking shit.....you just got through telling me that you either develop a political philosophy OR YOU DONT.....which is it?......and who the hell are you to decide what the fuck a proper Political Philosophy is? ........People who follow Party lines DONT think for themselves......people who go against Party lines think for themselves.....and im praising my thinking skills?.....what the fuck are you doing with your first fucking Sentence?....."Sorry bud but I don't take my marching orders from any party"......kinda sounds like what i said earlier.....the poster who called you an idiot just may be right......you sure as hell sound like one.....
Well to a point I see democrats and the president already starting to compromise, but I don't see it from the other side. Spending is out of control, and they do seem to be willing to fix part of this at least. But they are getting nothing from republicans at all. But honestly I would like to see them add a year to SS retirement age, and a year to when you are able to recieve medicare, as these two things would go a LONG way to balancing the budget for years.
So you would just continue to kick the can down the road. Wonderful.

You say the Dems and the Prez have already compromised. Show us where.

All I've seen is the President storm out of a meeting saying "Don't make me call my bluff".

kicking the can down the road? huh? this makes no sense this is actually a way to fix the problem, as much as SS can be fixed. The real problem with SS retirement is people keep living longer and longer, in the past 30 years life expectancy has risen 1 1/2 years, making retirement difficult . But adding 1 year would let SS retirement run a surplus for the next 15 years. Unfortunetly how long people live is continuosly changing, so the laws that govern it must do the same.

Where have they compromised? Obama agreed to 140B-170B a year in cuts (depending on whose side you listen to) he asked for 20-30B a year in cutting tax loopholes. So let me get this straight, the part that has the most power asks for 20 and is willing to give 140 and the other side says they aren't willing to give anything.

I've been beating this drum for a long time. The only problem is that the age needs to be raised to 70, not just one year. However, that could be done gradually over the next 25 years. It really is the only option if we want to keep SS and Mediare delivering full benefits to everyone. The upside to doing this is that while it makes things tougher on people, they only have to get through a few extra years before they do receive their benefits. Once they hit retirement age, they don't have to worry how they will pay for Medicare. Under a plan like Ryan's seniors would have to figure out how they would pay for their share of Medicare from the beginning of retirement to the end.
You are right. Thanks for correcting me on pique.

I see that you are continue to be a dishonest asshole. I would also consider Grayson, Feingold, and Sanders.

Anything else?

Well you are just an angry little teddy bear, aren't you!

Lighten up little guy! You'll burst! :blowup:

I never said you wouldn't consider those other candidates. Here, let me put this in little words to help you out there buddy!

"I would have guessed you as a Ron Paul supporter" means that if "I" were given a "guess" on the matter, I would have guessed you as someone who would support Ru Paul. It does not mean that I hereby declare you wouldnt support anyone else.

BTW, "you are continue to be" is not proper grammer. You're not an illegal alien are you? That would explain the English problem. Hmmm. Don't worry amigo, I won't tell.
Okay, tell ya what. You just let me know if you need words like 'usually" defined in the future. If the real tricky sutff like, the difference between "usually" and "analogous" comes up, just let me know.
As a matter of fact, any time you need to learn American words or how to structure sentences, I'm here to help! I'm a helper. It's what I do. I help. :eusa_angel:
bull fucking shit.....you just got through telling me that you either develop a political philosophy OR YOU DONT.....which is it?

Have you developed a sound political philosophy or haven't you.....which is it?

......and who the hell are you to decide what the fuck a proper Political Philosophy is?

Why do you lie? I never proclaimed that I have the correct one. However, I have a strong and consistent one. I also appreciate diversity of thought which you seem to be incapable of.

........People who follow Party lines DONT think for themselves......people who go against Party lines think for themselves.....and im praising my thinking skills?.....what the fuck are you doing with your first fucking Sentence?....."Sorry bud but I don't take my marching orders from any party"......kinda sounds like what i said earlier.....the poster who called you an idiot just may be right......you sure as hell sound like one.....

Look at you, you got your panties in a bunch.

Again, moderates are not independents. You seem to be confused.
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Well you are just an angry little teddy bear, aren't you!

Lighten up little guy! You'll burst! :blowup:

I am not angry. In fact, I have been accused numerous times of smiling and laughing too much. I can derive much enjoyment out of life.

I never said you wouldn't consider those other candidates. Here, let me put this in little words to help you out there buddy!

"I would have guessed you as a Ron Paul supporter" means that if "I" were given a "guess" on the matter, I would have guessed you as someone who would support Ru Paul. It does not mean that I hereby declare you wouldnt support anyone else.

I understand this. However, you refused to acknowledge that I would also think about supporting Grayson, Feingold, and Sanders. You must admit that this is a bit of an aberration for a Ron Paul supporter, no? Hence, I am an independent, but I am far from being a moderate. Do you see the difference?

BTW, "you are continue to be" is not proper grammer. You're not an illegal alien are you? That would explain the English problem. Hmmm. Don't worry amigo, I won't tell.
Okay, tell ya what. You just let me know if you need words like 'usually" defined in the future. If the real tricky sutff like, the difference between "usually" and "analogous" comes up, just let me know.
As a matter of fact, any time you need to learn American words or how to structure sentences, I'm here to help! I'm a helper. It's what I do. I help. :eusa_angel:

You are right. I am not a grammar god and it is something I need to work on. However, your constant criticism between "usually" and "analogous" is getting old. If I screwed up those words, then I apologize for it.

Seriously, your grammar nazi tactics are getting old. However, I do appreciate you for correcting me on "piqued". I knew better.

p.s. your are missing an 'e' in independent....sucker. Plus, your paragraph structure could use some work.
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Sorry bud but I don't take my marching orders from any party. In addition, I also do not try to straddle the Dem and GOP, like yourself.

You seemed to be confused. A moderate doesn't think for themselves, they try to straddle the decrypted philosophy of the Dems and GOP.

You seem to be another one who cannot demarcate the difference between an independent and moderate, yet you praise your thinking skills....most amusing.

bull fucking shit.....you just got through telling me that you either develop a political philosophy OR YOU DONT.....which is it?......and who the hell are you to decide what the fuck a proper Political Philosophy is? ........People who follow Party lines DONT think for themselves......people who go against Party lines think for themselves.....and im praising my thinking skills?.....what the fuck are you doing with your first fucking Sentence?....."Sorry bud but I don't take my marching orders from any party"......kinda sounds like what i said earlier.....the poster who called you an idiot just may be right......you sure as hell sound like one.....

Wait a minute. Is Anti-Derivitive (btw, did you know he's an illegal alien?) now arguing with THREE Moderates who are Independents about whether or not such a thing as a Moderate who is an Independent, exists? :lol:

Um, Hmmmmm. Not too quick on the whole "see the evidence before your eyes" thing, is he?

I really shouldn't have so much fun with him. I almost feel guilty about it. Almost. :eusa_whistle:

This is cute. Now people are spreading rumors that I am an illegal.

What the fuck is wrong with you? Can't you support your arguments based on facts rather than lies?

The desperation is showing...

dumbass said said:
now arguing with THREE Moderates who are Independents

What is a moderate? Please answer this question. In addition, why do think that finding common ground between a pathetic Dem party and a wretched GOP is a good thing?
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Moderation in temper is always a virtue; but moderation in principle is always a vice.

~Thomas Paine.

Moderates always sacrifice their principles since they don't have any.
This is cute. Now people are spreading rumors that I am an illegal.

What the fuck is wrong with you? Can't you support your arguments based on facts rather than lies?

The desperation is showing...

dumbass said said:
now arguing with THREE Moderates who are Independents

What is a moderate? Please answer this question. In addition, why do think that finding common ground between a pathetic Dem party and a wretched GOP is a good thing?

Hmmm. You're the guy who just criticized someone else because THEY tried to tell YOU your views, eh?

Okay I'll try again. And first, let me apologize. I have been sarcastic, snarky and baiting with you. I'm not saying you didn't have it coming and I'm not saying you did. I'm saying I try not to be that way (at least not more than a bit). Obviously I fail at times. :redface:

Politically speaking, Moderate is a term that IMO is over-used and AT TIMES, misused. There are very few people out there who are "passionately Moderate". That would be an oxymoron.
As you have noticed from a few people here. Moderates can have very strong convictions. And to acknowledge your criticism of all things not you, yes I can even think of an issue on which I would be in the "middle-ground" between Ron Paul and the GOP / Dems. Drugs.
Ron Paul would legalize them ALL. Just saw him say so on FOX the other day. I would legalize marijuana but not say, crystal meth or rufi's. So I am between Obama (who just said he wouldn't consider legalizing pot and I believe did something bad twoard med / marijuana) and Paul.
On the other side I would completely back a Public Option. Passionately.
I would dramatatically decrease the power of unions.
I would change the tax code.
I would pull almost all of our military out of the Middle East and close a ton of international bases BUT I would increase the size of the CIA and our SOF's because I don't believe that if we just close up shop, the nice fundamentalist Muslims will go away and leave us alone - that too would not be as radical as Paul but also nowhere near what the Dems and especially the GOP seem to like.
I would quit giving money to other countries. F-ck em.
I would increase the size of the ATF dramatically.
The list goes on.

I've heard people label all Libertarians with shall we say, less than flattering monikers. As if they're all exactly alike. That would be as foolish as labeling all Moderates as being the same. Hell, I happen to be tall, good looking and utterly charming! We can't ALL be like that!
Moderates are not necessarily Independents.

Why does this simple sentence confuse the grammar Nazi?

In fact, you just used Ron Paul as a goal post. If he wasn't running, then you would shift your goal post. Comprende?
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