Time for rational moderates to take over


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Time for rational moderates to take over. The radicals are ripping this nation apart with their stupid agenda so it is high time for us sane moderates to run our country once again. What is the policy of a Sane moderates 1. follow the laws of economics and 2. for our leaders to make policies that protect what makes America a successful nation...You see things charge and nothing is ever the thing. A strength to the moderate!

a sane moderate wouldn't be growing the goddamn ssd, food stamps or free stuff like we're currently on the path to do.

We need moderates to realize what's important and what's all pure agenda driven bull shit. The core of Moderate issues are here at home. This is number one! To understand what's important to us ---->Jobs, education and infrastructure is what's really important to a sane moderate.

A moderate is going to do what's right for our people and economy. Let's take our country back from these tards!
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By the use of the political term "moderates" is it safe to assume that the Hussein administration has behaved in an extremist way? Americans haven't seen Hussein since the government shutdown. Shouldn't we expect the president to lead, follow or get the hell out of the way but by all means take some responsibility?
"There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it -- that that's an entitlement."

Correct, Mitt.

And the government should give it to them.

Incorrect, Mitt.

Fact-checking Romney's "47 percent" comment - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

The same media that twisted this 180 degrees is the media that will prevent voting Americans from recognizing and accepting a rational moderate.
By the use of the political term "moderates" is it safe to assume that the Hussein administration has behaved in an extremist way? Americans haven't seen Hussein since the government shutdown. Shouldn't we expect the president to lead, follow or get the hell out of the way but by all means take some responsibility?

After 5 years, he has neither lead, followed, nor gotten out of the way.

He's a tit on a log. A log in a hole in the bottom of the sea.
They're out there. They just need to be recognized and accepted. But with 47% of the voting populace fucked up in the head, it ain't gonna happen.

I see. Because you are a retired person on Social Security, or an enlisted man or woman in the Armed Services, or a student taking a full load at an institution of higher education, you are fucked in the head. Go ahead and denigrate and isolate this portion of the population and see how many elections you win.
They're out there. They just need to be recognized and accepted. But with 47% of the voting populace fucked up in the head, it ain't gonna happen.

I see. Because you are a retired person on Social Security, or an enlisted man or woman in the Armed Services, or a student taking a full load at an institution of higher education, you are fucked in the head. Go ahead and denigrate and isolate this portion of the population and see how many elections you win.

I think you misunderstand me. It's not about the demographics, economic status, or social place of a person... it's about the vote.

It's about how that 47% votes.

And please don't assume that I in any way denigrate those individuals that you reference in your above post. Because I don't.

I've been a college student laden with more than a "full load", while holding down a job.

And while I may be drunk as a skunk on occasion, I'm really not fucked in the head.

Although I have been referred to as a high-functioning alcoholic. :D
What do you mean? The most radical thing that Dems have done in the past 5 years is pass a RW HC bill.

Democrats are the moderate party.
Time for rational moderates to take over. The radicals are ripping this nation apart with their stupid agenda so it is high time for us sane moderates to run our country once again. What is the policy of a Sane moderates 1. follow the laws of economics and 2. for our leaders to make policies that protect what makes America a successful nation...You see things charge and nothing is ever the thing. A strength to the moderate!

a sane moderate wouldn't be growing the goddamn ssd, food stamps or free stuff like we're currently on the path to do.

We need moderates to realize what's important and what's all pure agenda driven bull shit. The core of Moderate issues are here at home. This is number one! To understand what's important to us ---->Jobs, education and infrastructure is what's really important to a sane moderate.

A moderate is going to do what's right for our people and economy. Let's take our country back from these tards!

You have just been nominated for the Oxymoron of the Month award for you entry:

Rational Moderates.
What do you mean? The most radical thing that Dems have done in the past 5 years is pass a RW HC bill.

Democrats are the moderate party.

Joseph Stalin was a "moderate" according to your definition.
What do you mean? The most radical thing that Dems have done in the past 5 years is pass a RW HC bill.

Democrats are the moderate party.

Infrastructure, science, tech and education is more important then social issues. The democrats stand to much on social issues to be moderates.

LOL...Cause Cons want to invest into science and infrastructure, but gay marriage and equal pay laws are holding them up.

Time for rational moderates to take over. The radicals are ripping this nation apart with their stupid agenda so it is high time for us sane moderates to run our country once again. What is the policy of a Sane moderates 1. follow the laws of economics and 2. for our leaders to make policies that protect what makes America a successful nation...You see things charge and nothing is ever the thing. A strength to the moderate!

a sane moderate wouldn't be growing the goddamn ssd, food stamps or free stuff like we're currently on the path to do.

We need moderates to realize what's important and what's all pure agenda driven bull shit. The core of Moderate issues are here at home. This is number one! To understand what's important to us ---->Jobs, education and infrastructure is what's really important to a sane moderate.

A moderate is going to do what's right for our people and economy. Let's take our country back from these tards!

You calling yourself a moderate is about to make my head explode.
What do you mean? The most radical thing that Dems have done in the past 5 years is pass a RW HC bill.

Democrats are the moderate party.

Infrastructure, science, tech and education is more important then social issues. The democrats stand to much on social issues to be moderates.

LOL...Cause Cons want to invest into science and infrastructure, but gay marriage and equal pay laws are holding them up.

I suppose that means something intelligible to you.

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