Time for republicans to push back with a bill legalizing all FULL AUTO!

Contributed? Like how? Can you prove that it was the decisive issue? Nope. You cannot. And you cannot make an educated prediction about the 2014 Senate race in December 2012. You don't have anything but your wish list. Why not qualify your inane rumblings with the term " I hope "?

You can jump up and down and shout "it didn't happen", but that changes nothing.

Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it...which is exactly what I expect to see.
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Amazing. You are still arguing about a question that isn't even correct in it's subject. RMFAOL
Nope...I'll just sit back and watch the Democrats shoot themselves in the foot... metaphorically speaking of course....with gun control for the second time.

In 2014 we'll take the Senate.
I think not. A House bill to legalize fully automated weapons would be a godsend for the Dems, however I expect such a bill would never see the light of day in the House. Gallop reports this month that 58% of Americans are now in favor of stricter gun control laws.
Yup, sounds like a great idea! My inability to buy a fully automatic rifle is infringing on my Constitutional rights! I think I will go out and start a revolution with my H&R 9 shot revolver. Yeah, that will show those liberal weenies!
Nope...I'll just sit back and watch the Democrats shoot themselves in the foot... metaphorically speaking of course....with gun control for the second time.

In 2014 we'll take the Senate.
I think not. A House bill to legalize fully automated weapons would be a godsend for the Dems, however I expect such a bill would never see the light of day in the House. Gallop reports this month that 58% of Americans are now in favor of stricter gun control laws.

That's exactly what I'm saying.

I'd rather watch the Democrats push their rifle/handgun ban.

According to Gallup 58% of American's supposedly supported more gun control in 2008 when Obama was elected, and even the filibuster proof Democratic majority wouldn't touch it with a 50 foot pole.

Watch and see...
2014 will likely be a political massacre of the GOP.
I think that's a strong possibility. Dems made gains this year in both the House and Senate. Republican's attempt to blame all the nations problems on the Obama didn't work and it's less likely to work in the midterm elections. The Right's position on gun control and taxes on the wealthy are not well supported by the public. Immigration reform which will be a major legislative initiative will also help the Dems.
Nope...I'll just sit back and watch the Democrats shoot themselves in the foot... metaphorically speaking of course....with gun control for the second time.

In 2014 we'll take the Senate.
I think not. A House bill to legalize fully automated weapons would be a godsend for the Dems, however I expect such a bill would never see the light of day in the House. Gallop reports this month that 58% of Americans are now in favor of stricter gun control laws.

That's exactly what I'm saying.

I'd rather watch the Democrats push their rifle/handgun ban.

According to Gallup 58% of American's supposedly supported more gun control in 2008 when Obama was elected, and even the filibuster proof Democratic majority wouldn't touch it with a 50 foot pole.

Watch and see...

And they still won’t touch it.

There’ll be no ‘bans’ or further restrictions; the democrats will introduce their ‘gun measures’ where they’ll sit in committees ignored and un-cosponsored, as always.
If it says shall not infringe why is anything banned?

That's covered in the first 4 words: A well regulated militia ...

False argument. Do you even know the definition of 'militia'?

Well legally speaking, there is no governing body that requires you to alert them you have started a militia. So technically I can be my own personal militia, if I get a friend, well, now we're a two man militia. Not saying the law needs to be changed, but the poster's argument is correct.
Time for the republicans to demand that our consitution be respected. Let's demand full AUTO be legalized!

This is the best way to counter the lefts ban hungery ways.

Machine Guns - Impact Guns

legalize Ak-47s
Legalize m-16
Legalize them all.


Yeah, we'll get right no that.

In the meantime, could you post your address, and personal info so we can forward you some.... um... documents.
Nope...I'll just sit back and watch the Democrats shoot themselves in the foot... metaphorically speaking of course....with gun control for the second time.

In 2014 we'll take the Senate.

How did you do with predictions in 2012, Missouri?:badgrin:
Or we could just focus on a few important things we need to do, say pass a budget. And leave firearms in a status quo situation.
I think not. A House bill to legalize fully automated weapons would be a godsend for the Dems, however I expect such a bill would never see the light of day in the House. Gallop reports this month that 58% of Americans are now in favor of stricter gun control laws.

That's exactly what I'm saying.

I'd rather watch the Democrats push their rifle/handgun ban.

According to Gallup 58% of American's supposedly supported more gun control in 2008 when Obama was elected, and even the filibuster proof Democratic majority wouldn't touch it with a 50 foot pole.

Watch and see...

And they still won’t touch it.

There’ll be no ‘bans’ or further restrictions; the democrats will introduce their ‘gun measures’ where they’ll sit in committees ignored and un-cosponsored, as always.

I see you understand this situation too and how utterly pointless the recent gun ban scare actually is in light of the prevailing political climate. I have never been so damned bored on this board and less interested in any current political issue. Wake me up when the silly shitstorm blows over.
Time for the republicans to demand that our consitution be respected. Let's demand full AUTO be legalized!

This is the best way to counter the lefts ban hungery ways.

Machine Guns - Impact Guns

legalize Ak-47s
Legalize m-16
Legalize them all.


So... twenty six-year-olds and half a dozen adults trying to protect them get gunned down in cold blood; two firefighters get ambushed when they come to the rescue; two more innocent shoppers in a mall picked off; a half dozen at a Sikh temple and a full dozen in a movie theater, all blown away.... and your chosen enemy is "The Left".

That says a lot about who you are. Thanks for the warning. If only the Adam Lanzas and Jared Loughners had given us warnings like that.
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