Time for truth about Russiagate, Mueller, and Trump.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
Let’s begin at the beginning. No, the Russians did not want Trump to win. They like everyone else, expected Hillary to win. What they wanted was to cause Hillary internal problems, so she could not, would not, take too much notice of Russia. Why? Not because they were afraid of Hillary, but because they were angry. Angry because Hillary was one of the driving forces that started the Civil War in Syria that we are still dealing with today. Why does Syria affect the Russians? Because Russia has a base in a foreign country, just like we do, for their Navy. They have one. In Syria. Imagine how we would react if someone tried to gin up trouble for us in Japan. We would be apocalyptically furious. The thought of losing that base at Yokohama would have serious and severe implications. We wouldn’t tolerate it for a moment. Why would we think that Russia would be any different with their base?

So Russia expected Hillary to win, and wanted to exacerbate the ongoing inter party difficulties. What do I mean? Ever since Bill Clinton was Impeached, both parties have stopped standing for principles, and become dedicated to one thing. Getting them. I’ve said it before. If Trump came out pro-abortion, the Democrats would be pro life in ten minutes without a thought. They hate the Republicans so much, that they can’t think straight. The Republicans are no better.

Remember this is post based on truth. Not nonsense.

Page 33 of the Mueller Report outlines the areas where the “collusion” happened. Members of the Trump Team retweeted some posts put out by Russians, that nobody knew was Russian. Oh, and People nobody knew were Russians, asked for some signs at rally’s. That’s it. Seriously, that was all the “collusion” there was.

Now, how did we get here? Easy. The FBI and DOJ lied to get a warrant, based upon a dossier that was already discredited before it was used as proof for the FISA warrant. Yes, we know the FBI knew it was a bad document when they used it as the foundation for the investigation. That is illegal.

That brings us to the last sad chapter. The so called Obstruction. To that, I say nonsense. Let’s put this in terms you would understand. It is an accepted truth that you can’t prove a negative. It is almost impossible to prove that you did not commit a crime on a day. Unless you have a bunch of witnesses and video proof you were somewhere else, at that time, it is tough to prove you didn’t do it. That is why our Justice System is premised on the Innocent until proven Guilty, rather than the Guilty until proven innocent model.

Now, when the Mueller probe gets started, what you have to think about is that Trump and Co. knew it was a bogus investigation, and the dossier was bullshit. So now, there is only one thing that can happen, process crimes. So you would not cooperate. If the police pulled you into an interview room, and demanded to know when you last bought drugs from Bob Smith, and you say you haven’t bought drugs from him, and they laugh and say that they can prove it. You shut up. You tell your family to shut up. You tell your friends to say nothing to the cops. They are trying to railroad me.

If you have clout, you call and try and get the investigation stopped. You try and get it stopped by going to the press and telling them what you know. That this insane prosecutor and these corrupt cops are out to get you. You post videos on YouTube. You do anything and everything you can to stop this insanity before they are able to railroad you. Cooperation just makes it look like you are guilty, not innocent.

Richard Jewel tried to cooperate, and was still named as a terrorist suspect for weeks before it was finally shown that he was actually innocent. But it took weeks of his reputation being smeared nationally before that happened. How do you fix that? This is the same FBI that we are supposed to trust implicitly. But the FBI broke the law, and their own rules, and didn’t care.

There are policies in effect that prevent this exact thing, and the investigators out to get Trump blew right through them. The superiors who were supposed to insure that those policies were followed ignored those breeches. When Steel went public, that should have ended his entire Dossier investigation, that is the policy. But it didn’t. The FBI continued to use it as proof of criminal activity to insure that the FISA warrants continued to be approved. They lied to Judges. That is Perjury. A felony.

The FBI lied. And when they went to get information from Trump, he didn’t want to cooperate with his own lynching by people who were lying, and he knew it. We knew it. Hell even our most adamant Lefties were admitting the Steel Dossier was seriously flawed, but still pretending that there was some truth in it somewhere, as the Mueller Investigation got started.

Page 33 of the Mueller Report. No Collusion. None. So what was there left to investigate? Process Crimes. If you tell the FBI you met with Bob Jones on Tuesday, and they find it was really a Monday, you have lied to them. All of the convictions were of people and crimes committed before Trump was even running for President.

This is why the Democrats who are smart don’t want to impeach Trump. First, they know how weak this will sound when they put it out there. The less than smart ones want to impeach anyway, because Trump is just awful, or something. They’re the ones who are full blown hate Republicans. It is insane, and that is the truth.

Want to hurt the Russians? Find something you can agree with on principle, those things we sacrificed years ago when Clinton was Impeached, and forget the past, and start working for the future. Because there is one more truth. Even if in the unlikely event Trump won the election, the animosity and internal disruptions would still be there, only from the Left, instead of the Right.
Even Hillary at one point indicated Putin had it out for her, so, yes it is true that they wanted anyone but Hillary. When that turned out to be Trump it was Trump.

Oddly enough Putin hated her because SHE meddled in their election and he was pissed at her for it. Oh, the irony. lol.

All of that, of course, has been buried in favor of this ROOOSHINS! narrative that goes that they wanted Trump because he was a Russian asset, they had blackmail evidence on him, blah, blah, blah.

All of that was bullshit, and still is, with zero evidence of any of it despite the loons on the left lapping up that bullshit like it's chocolate cheesecake. Putin had a grudge against Clinton and worked actively against her. Period.
The 'TRUTH'?



"In 2009, when Mueller ran the FBI, the bureau asked Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska to spend millions of his own dollars funding an FBI-supervised operation to rescue a retired FBI agent, Robert Levinson, captured in Iran while working for the CIA in 2007."
-- Mueller may have a conflict — and it leads directly to a Russian oligarch


"Federal agents used a confidential U.S. witness working inside the Russian nuclear industry to gather extensive financial records, make secret recordings and intercept emails as early as 2009 that showed Moscow had compromised an American uranium trucking firm with bribes and kickbacks in violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, FBI and court documents show.

Rather than bring immediate charges in 2010, however, the Department of Justice (DOJ) continued investigating the matter for nearly four more years, essentially leaving the American public and Congress in the dark about Russian nuclear corruption on U.S. soil during a period when the Obama administration made two major decisions benefiting Putin’s commercial nuclear ambitions."

-- FBI uncovered Russian bribery plot before Obama administration approved controversial nuclear deal with Moscow

"President Barack Obama was caught on camera on Monday assuring outgoing Russian President Dmitry Medvedev that he will have “more flexibility” to deal with contentious issues like missile defense after the U.S. presidential election."
-- Obama tells Russia's Medvedev more flexibility after election - Reuters

"The Obama administration received multiple warnings from national security officials between 2014 and 2016 that the Kremlin was ramping up its intelligence operations and building disinformation networks it could use to disrupt the U.S. political system, according to more than half a dozen current and former officials."
-- Obama team was warned in 2014 about Russian interference

"A senior Obama administration official quoted in the Post story offers this brutal quote: “It is the hardest thing about my entire time in government to defend.” And then: “I feel like we sort of choked.”
** https://www.washingtonpost.com/news...ia-2016-blame-game-finds-obama/?noredirect=on

Democrats scrambled to distract from leaked DNC e-mails exposing the DNC rigged the 2016 Democratic Primaries for Hillary
-- Donna Brazile’s bombshell about the DNC and Hillary Clinton, explained
Let's not forget, Mewler was the FBI Director that briefed President Bush on Iraqi WMD's.

He lied then, and he later lied to Congress.

On February 11, 2003, one month before the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, Mueller gave testimony to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.

Mewler is a Deep Stater. He hates Trump because Trump, like ALL Patriotic Americans, hates the Deep State.

And Mewler is knee deep in it.
The dossier is more true than not. No one can make up the golden showers story, I believe its true and Tramp took them up on hookers. They took Tramp from 2013 on and groomed him telling them they would help him win.
Here is a timeline of how Tramp is highly involved with Russians, higher up Russians.

Confused by Trump’s Russia Ties? This timeline breaks it down for you

brainless douche

Let’s begin at the beginning. No, the Russians did not want Trump to win. They like everyone else, expected Hillary to win. What they wanted was to cause Hillary internal problems, so she could not, would not, take too much notice of Russia. Why? Not because they were afraid of Hillary, but because they were angry. Angry because Hillary was one of the driving forces that started the Civil War in Syria that we are still dealing with today. Why does Syria affect the Russians? Because Russia has a base in a foreign country, just like we do, for their Navy. They have one. In Syria. Imagine how we would react if someone tried to gin up trouble for us in Japan. We would be apocalyptically furious. The thought of losing that base at Yokohama would have serious and severe implications. We wouldn’t tolerate it for a moment. Why would we think that Russia would be any different with their base?

So Russia expected Hillary to win, and wanted to exacerbate the ongoing inter party difficulties. What do I mean? Ever since Bill Clinton was Impeached, both parties have stopped standing for principles, and become dedicated to one thing. Getting them. I’ve said it before. If Trump came out pro-abortion, the Democrats would be pro life in ten minutes without a thought. They hate the Republicans so much, that they can’t think straight. The Republicans are no better.

Remember this is post based on truth. Not nonsense.

Page 33 of the Mueller Report outlines the areas where the “collusion” happened. Members of the Trump Team retweeted some posts put out by Russians, that nobody knew was Russian. Oh, and People nobody knew were Russians, asked for some signs at rally’s. That’s it. Seriously, that was all the “collusion” there was.

Now, how did we get here? Easy. The FBI and DOJ lied to get a warrant, based upon a dossier that was already discredited before it was used as proof for the FISA warrant. Yes, we know the FBI knew it was a bad document when they used it as the foundation for the investigation. That is illegal.

That brings us to the last sad chapter. The so called Obstruction. To that, I say nonsense. Let’s put this in terms you would understand. It is an accepted truth that you can’t prove a negative. It is almost impossible to prove that you did not commit a crime on a day. Unless you have a bunch of witnesses and video proof you were somewhere else, at that time, it is tough to prove you didn’t do it. That is why our Justice System is premised on the Innocent until proven Guilty, rather than the Guilty until proven innocent model.

Now, when the Mueller probe gets started, what you have to think about is that Trump and Co. knew it was a bogus investigation, and the dossier was bullshit. So now, there is only one thing that can happen, process crimes. So you would not cooperate. If the police pulled you into an interview room, and demanded to know when you last bought drugs from Bob Smith, and you say you haven’t bought drugs from him, and they laugh and say that they can prove it. You shut up. You tell your family to shut up. You tell your friends to say nothing to the cops. They are trying to railroad me.

If you have clout, you call and try and get the investigation stopped. You try and get it stopped by going to the press and telling them what you know. That this insane prosecutor and these corrupt cops are out to get you. You post videos on YouTube. You do anything and everything you can to stop this insanity before they are able to railroad you. Cooperation just makes it look like you are guilty, not innocent.

Richard Jewel tried to cooperate, and was still named as a terrorist suspect for weeks before it was finally shown that he was actually innocent. But it took weeks of his reputation being smeared nationally before that happened. How do you fix that? This is the same FBI that we are supposed to trust implicitly. But the FBI broke the law, and their own rules, and didn’t care.

There are policies in effect that prevent this exact thing, and the investigators out to get Trump blew right through them. The superiors who were supposed to insure that those policies were followed ignored those breeches. When Steel went public, that should have ended his entire Dossier investigation, that is the policy. But it didn’t. The FBI continued to use it as proof of criminal activity to insure that the FISA warrants continued to be approved. They lied to Judges. That is Perjury. A felony.

The FBI lied. And when they went to get information from Trump, he didn’t want to cooperate with his own lynching by people who were lying, and he knew it. We knew it. Hell even our most adamant Lefties were admitting the Steel Dossier was seriously flawed, but still pretending that there was some truth in it somewhere, as the Mueller Investigation got started.

Page 33 of the Mueller Report. No Collusion. None. So what was there left to investigate? Process Crimes. If you tell the FBI you met with Bob Jones on Tuesday, and they find it was really a Monday, you have lied to them. All of the convictions were of people and crimes committed before Trump was even running for President.

This is why the Democrats who are smart don’t want to impeach Trump. First, they know how weak this will sound when they put it out there. The less than smart ones want to impeach anyway, because Trump is just awful, or something. They’re the ones who are full blown hate Republicans. It is insane, and that is the truth.

Want to hurt the Russians? Find something you can agree with on principle, those things we sacrificed years ago when Clinton was Impeached, and forget the past, and start working for the future. Because there is one more truth. Even if in the unlikely event Trump won the election, the animosity and internal disruptions would still be there, only from the Left, instead of the Right.

No, the Russians did not want Trump to win.

bullshit ...


RUSSIANS ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
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" Russia has disappeared because I had nothing to do with Russia helping me to get elected. "
Let’s begin at the beginning. No, the Russians did not want Trump to win. They like everyone else, expected Hillary to win. What they wanted was to cause Hillary internal problems, so she could not, would not, take too much notice of Russia. Why? Not because they were afraid of Hillary, but because they were angry. Angry because Hillary was one of the driving forces that started the Civil War in Syria that we are still dealing with today. Why does Syria affect the Russians? Because Russia has a base in a foreign country, just like we do, for their Navy. They have one. In Syria. Imagine how we would react if someone tried to gin up trouble for us in Japan. We would be apocalyptically furious. The thought of losing that base at Yokohama would have serious and severe implications. We wouldn’t tolerate it for a moment. Why would we think that Russia would be any different with their base?

So Russia expected Hillary to win, and wanted to exacerbate the ongoing inter party difficulties. What do I mean? Ever since Bill Clinton was Impeached, both parties have stopped standing for principles, and become dedicated to one thing. Getting them. I’ve said it before. If Trump came out pro-abortion, the Democrats would be pro life in ten minutes without a thought. They hate the Republicans so much, that they can’t think straight. The Republicans are no better.

Remember this is post based on truth. Not nonsense.

Page 33 of the Mueller Report outlines the areas where the “collusion” happened. Members of the Trump Team retweeted some posts put out by Russians, that nobody knew was Russian. Oh, and People nobody knew were Russians, asked for some signs at rally’s. That’s it. Seriously, that was all the “collusion” there was.

Now, how did we get here? Easy. The FBI and DOJ lied to get a warrant, based upon a dossier that was already discredited before it was used as proof for the FISA warrant. Yes, we know the FBI knew it was a bad document when they used it as the foundation for the investigation. That is illegal.

That brings us to the last sad chapter. The so called Obstruction. To that, I say nonsense. Let’s put this in terms you would understand. It is an accepted truth that you can’t prove a negative. It is almost impossible to prove that you did not commit a crime on a day. Unless you have a bunch of witnesses and video proof you were somewhere else, at that time, it is tough to prove you didn’t do it. That is why our Justice System is premised on the Innocent until proven Guilty, rather than the Guilty until proven innocent model.

Now, when the Mueller probe gets started, what you have to think about is that Trump and Co. knew it was a bogus investigation, and the dossier was bullshit. So now, there is only one thing that can happen, process crimes. So you would not cooperate. If the police pulled you into an interview room, and demanded to know when you last bought drugs from Bob Smith, and you say you haven’t bought drugs from him, and they laugh and say that they can prove it. You shut up. You tell your family to shut up. You tell your friends to say nothing to the cops. They are trying to railroad me.

If you have clout, you call and try and get the investigation stopped. You try and get it stopped by going to the press and telling them what you know. That this insane prosecutor and these corrupt cops are out to get you. You post videos on YouTube. You do anything and everything you can to stop this insanity before they are able to railroad you. Cooperation just makes it look like you are guilty, not innocent.

Richard Jewel tried to cooperate, and was still named as a terrorist suspect for weeks before it was finally shown that he was actually innocent. But it took weeks of his reputation being smeared nationally before that happened. How do you fix that? This is the same FBI that we are supposed to trust implicitly. But the FBI broke the law, and their own rules, and didn’t care.

There are policies in effect that prevent this exact thing, and the investigators out to get Trump blew right through them. The superiors who were supposed to insure that those policies were followed ignored those breeches. When Steel went public, that should have ended his entire Dossier investigation, that is the policy. But it didn’t. The FBI continued to use it as proof of criminal activity to insure that the FISA warrants continued to be approved. They lied to Judges. That is Perjury. A felony.

The FBI lied. And when they went to get information from Trump, he didn’t want to cooperate with his own lynching by people who were lying, and he knew it. We knew it. Hell even our most adamant Lefties were admitting the Steel Dossier was seriously flawed, but still pretending that there was some truth in it somewhere, as the Mueller Investigation got started.

Page 33 of the Mueller Report. No Collusion. None. So what was there left to investigate? Process Crimes. If you tell the FBI you met with Bob Jones on Tuesday, and they find it was really a Monday, you have lied to them. All of the convictions were of people and crimes committed before Trump was even running for President.

This is why the Democrats who are smart don’t want to impeach Trump. First, they know how weak this will sound when they put it out there. The less than smart ones want to impeach anyway, because Trump is just awful, or something. They’re the ones who are full blown hate Republicans. It is insane, and that is the truth.

Want to hurt the Russians? Find something you can agree with on principle, those things we sacrificed years ago when Clinton was Impeached, and forget the past, and start working for the future. Because there is one more truth. Even if in the unlikely event Trump won the election, the animosity and internal disruptions would still be there, only from the Left, instead of the Right.
Remember this is post based on truth. Not nonsense.
-I beg to differ. Let's first parse your first little rant. Yes, Russia wanted Trump to win. To wanted him to win because he publicly came out against NATO during the campaign. He was lining himself up to be isolationist in foreign policy. And probably was deemed easier to compromise. Your thing about Syria and "Russian anger" doesn't bear close scrutiny. The reason I know this is because the US wasn't the only target. They did it in Europe too. There they helped nationalistic parties like the FN in France and the Brexit movement in GB. Any party who was anti-European union. Signs of Russian Meddling in Brexit Referendum
How France successfully countered Russian interference during the presidential election
- Secondly your characterizations of Trump actions as "process crimes" and him simply being "uncooperative". He did more than that. Asking somebody to lie to federal prosecutors is not simply being uncooperative. Putting out false statements about Russian contacts is not just being uncooperative. Firing the director of the agency tasked with investigating you, because they are investigating you is not simply being uncooperative. It is actively trying to interfere with the investigation. Neither is a process crime something that's somehow benign. Criminal obstruction is a FELONY. Punishable to up to ten years in prison.
- Thirdly I like how you say that Democrats are so full of hate they can't see straight. Look on this board at any time and see how much hate you see spewed by the right. Not only that, but it's not me who's trying to downplay the seriousness of crimes. That would be you.
Let’s begin at the beginning. No, the Russians did not want Trump to win. They like everyone else, expected Hillary to win. What they wanted was to cause Hillary internal problems, so she could not, would not, take too much notice of Russia. Why? Not because they were afraid of Hillary, but because they were angry. Angry because Hillary was one of the driving forces that started the Civil War in Syria that we are still dealing with today. Why does Syria affect the Russians? Because Russia has a base in a foreign country, just like we do, for their Navy. They have one. In Syria. Imagine how we would react if someone tried to gin up trouble for us in Japan. We would be apocalyptically furious. The thought of losing that base at Yokohama would have serious and severe implications. We wouldn’t tolerate it for a moment. Why would we think that Russia would be any different with their base?

So Russia expected Hillary to win, and wanted to exacerbate the ongoing inter party difficulties. What do I mean? Ever since Bill Clinton was Impeached, both parties have stopped standing for principles, and become dedicated to one thing. Getting them. I’ve said it before. If Trump came out pro-abortion, the Democrats would be pro life in ten minutes without a thought. They hate the Republicans so much, that they can’t think straight. The Republicans are no better.

Remember this is post based on truth. Not nonsense.

Page 33 of the Mueller Report outlines the areas where the “collusion” happened. Members of the Trump Team retweeted some posts put out by Russians, that nobody knew was Russian. Oh, and People nobody knew were Russians, asked for some signs at rally’s. That’s it. Seriously, that was all the “collusion” there was.

Now, how did we get here? Easy. The FBI and DOJ lied to get a warrant, based upon a dossier that was already discredited before it was used as proof for the FISA warrant. Yes, we know the FBI knew it was a bad document when they used it as the foundation for the investigation. That is illegal.

That brings us to the last sad chapter. The so called Obstruction. To that, I say nonsense. Let’s put this in terms you would understand. It is an accepted truth that you can’t prove a negative. It is almost impossible to prove that you did not commit a crime on a day. Unless you have a bunch of witnesses and video proof you were somewhere else, at that time, it is tough to prove you didn’t do it. That is why our Justice System is premised on the Innocent until proven Guilty, rather than the Guilty until proven innocent model.

Now, when the Mueller probe gets started, what you have to think about is that Trump and Co. knew it was a bogus investigation, and the dossier was bullshit. So now, there is only one thing that can happen, process crimes. So you would not cooperate. If the police pulled you into an interview room, and demanded to know when you last bought drugs from Bob Smith, and you say you haven’t bought drugs from him, and they laugh and say that they can prove it. You shut up. You tell your family to shut up. You tell your friends to say nothing to the cops. They are trying to railroad me.

If you have clout, you call and try and get the investigation stopped. You try and get it stopped by going to the press and telling them what you know. That this insane prosecutor and these corrupt cops are out to get you. You post videos on YouTube. You do anything and everything you can to stop this insanity before they are able to railroad you. Cooperation just makes it look like you are guilty, not innocent.

Richard Jewel tried to cooperate, and was still named as a terrorist suspect for weeks before it was finally shown that he was actually innocent. But it took weeks of his reputation being smeared nationally before that happened. How do you fix that? This is the same FBI that we are supposed to trust implicitly. But the FBI broke the law, and their own rules, and didn’t care.

There are policies in effect that prevent this exact thing, and the investigators out to get Trump blew right through them. The superiors who were supposed to insure that those policies were followed ignored those breeches. When Steel went public, that should have ended his entire Dossier investigation, that is the policy. But it didn’t. The FBI continued to use it as proof of criminal activity to insure that the FISA warrants continued to be approved. They lied to Judges. That is Perjury. A felony.

The FBI lied. And when they went to get information from Trump, he didn’t want to cooperate with his own lynching by people who were lying, and he knew it. We knew it. Hell even our most adamant Lefties were admitting the Steel Dossier was seriously flawed, but still pretending that there was some truth in it somewhere, as the Mueller Investigation got started.

Page 33 of the Mueller Report. No Collusion. None. So what was there left to investigate? Process Crimes. If you tell the FBI you met with Bob Jones on Tuesday, and they find it was really a Monday, you have lied to them. All of the convictions were of people and crimes committed before Trump was even running for President.

This is why the Democrats who are smart don’t want to impeach Trump. First, they know how weak this will sound when they put it out there. The less than smart ones want to impeach anyway, because Trump is just awful, or something. They’re the ones who are full blown hate Republicans. It is insane, and that is the truth.

Want to hurt the Russians? Find something you can agree with on principle, those things we sacrificed years ago when Clinton was Impeached, and forget the past, and start working for the future. Because there is one more truth. Even if in the unlikely event Trump won the election, the animosity and internal disruptions would still be there, only from the Left, instead of the Right.
the mere fact that a foreign contractor looked at a government owned server violates every government security law in the books. so actually, no american has looked at any piece of hardware or software related to russia's interference, mueller said so in his report. he also stated that the russians were entitled to innocent until proven guilty in his statement and trump isn't. WOW!!!!!!!!! you all are fking foreign assets!!!!!
Let’s begin at the beginning. No, the Russians did not want Trump to win. They like everyone else, expected Hillary to win. What they wanted was to cause Hillary internal problems, so she could not, would not, take too much notice of Russia. Why? Not because they were afraid of Hillary, but because they were angry. Angry because Hillary was one of the driving forces that started the Civil War in Syria that we are still dealing with today. Why does Syria affect the Russians? Because Russia has a base in a foreign country, just like we do, for their Navy. They have one. In Syria. Imagine how we would react if someone tried to gin up trouble for us in Japan. We would be apocalyptically furious. The thought of losing that base at Yokohama would have serious and severe implications. We wouldn’t tolerate it for a moment. Why would we think that Russia would be any different with their base?

So Russia expected Hillary to win, and wanted to exacerbate the ongoing inter party difficulties. What do I mean? Ever since Bill Clinton was Impeached, both parties have stopped standing for principles, and become dedicated to one thing. Getting them. I’ve said it before. If Trump came out pro-abortion, the Democrats would be pro life in ten minutes without a thought. They hate the Republicans so much, that they can’t think straight. The Republicans are no better.

Remember this is post based on truth. Not nonsense.

Page 33 of the Mueller Report outlines the areas where the “collusion” happened. Members of the Trump Team retweeted some posts put out by Russians, that nobody knew was Russian. Oh, and People nobody knew were Russians, asked for some signs at rally’s. That’s it. Seriously, that was all the “collusion” there was.

Now, how did we get here? Easy. The FBI and DOJ lied to get a warrant, based upon a dossier that was already discredited before it was used as proof for the FISA warrant. Yes, we know the FBI knew it was a bad document when they used it as the foundation for the investigation. That is illegal.

That brings us to the last sad chapter. The so called Obstruction. To that, I say nonsense. Let’s put this in terms you would understand. It is an accepted truth that you can’t prove a negative. It is almost impossible to prove that you did not commit a crime on a day. Unless you have a bunch of witnesses and video proof you were somewhere else, at that time, it is tough to prove you didn’t do it. That is why our Justice System is premised on the Innocent until proven Guilty, rather than the Guilty until proven innocent model.

Now, when the Mueller probe gets started, what you have to think about is that Trump and Co. knew it was a bogus investigation, and the dossier was bullshit. So now, there is only one thing that can happen, process crimes. So you would not cooperate. If the police pulled you into an interview room, and demanded to know when you last bought drugs from Bob Smith, and you say you haven’t bought drugs from him, and they laugh and say that they can prove it. You shut up. You tell your family to shut up. You tell your friends to say nothing to the cops. They are trying to railroad me.

If you have clout, you call and try and get the investigation stopped. You try and get it stopped by going to the press and telling them what you know. That this insane prosecutor and these corrupt cops are out to get you. You post videos on YouTube. You do anything and everything you can to stop this insanity before they are able to railroad you. Cooperation just makes it look like you are guilty, not innocent.

Richard Jewel tried to cooperate, and was still named as a terrorist suspect for weeks before it was finally shown that he was actually innocent. But it took weeks of his reputation being smeared nationally before that happened. How do you fix that? This is the same FBI that we are supposed to trust implicitly. But the FBI broke the law, and their own rules, and didn’t care.

There are policies in effect that prevent this exact thing, and the investigators out to get Trump blew right through them. The superiors who were supposed to insure that those policies were followed ignored those breeches. When Steel went public, that should have ended his entire Dossier investigation, that is the policy. But it didn’t. The FBI continued to use it as proof of criminal activity to insure that the FISA warrants continued to be approved. They lied to Judges. That is Perjury. A felony.

The FBI lied. And when they went to get information from Trump, he didn’t want to cooperate with his own lynching by people who were lying, and he knew it. We knew it. Hell even our most adamant Lefties were admitting the Steel Dossier was seriously flawed, but still pretending that there was some truth in it somewhere, as the Mueller Investigation got started.

Page 33 of the Mueller Report. No Collusion. None. So what was there left to investigate? Process Crimes. If you tell the FBI you met with Bob Jones on Tuesday, and they find it was really a Monday, you have lied to them. All of the convictions were of people and crimes committed before Trump was even running for President.

This is why the Democrats who are smart don’t want to impeach Trump. First, they know how weak this will sound when they put it out there. The less than smart ones want to impeach anyway, because Trump is just awful, or something. They’re the ones who are full blown hate Republicans. It is insane, and that is the truth.

Want to hurt the Russians? Find something you can agree with on principle, those things we sacrificed years ago when Clinton was Impeached, and forget the past, and start working for the future. Because there is one more truth. Even if in the unlikely event Trump won the election, the animosity and internal disruptions would still be there, only from the Left, instead of the Right.
If I was Putin, I would have prayed that Hillary won. Not only is she completely corrupt, she would have been a perfect target for blackmail. All Putin would have needed to do is offer her $100 billion and she would have rolled over like a puppy wanting its belly rubbed. (No offense to puppies.)
makes you wonder how many Republican politicians the Russians got to -

The dossier is more true than not. No one can make up the golden showers story, I believe its true and Tramp took them up on hookers. They took Tramp from 2013 on and groomed him telling them they would help him win.
Here is a timeline of how Tramp is highly involved with Russians, higher up Russians.

Confused by Trump’s Russia Ties? This timeline breaks it down for you

Its already been proven that the whole thing is more fake than pixie fairy farts and unicorn piss.
It has to be painful to be that obtuse.
Let’s begin at the beginning. No, the Russians did not want Trump to win. They like everyone else, expected Hillary to win. What they wanted was to cause Hillary internal problems, so she could not, would not, take too much notice of Russia. Why? Not because they were afraid of Hillary, but because they were angry. Angry because Hillary was one of the driving forces that started the Civil War in Syria that we are still dealing with today. Why does Syria affect the Russians? Because Russia has a base in a foreign country, just like we do, for their Navy. They have one. In Syria. Imagine how we would react if someone tried to gin up trouble for us in Japan. We would be apocalyptically furious. The thought of losing that base at Yokohama would have serious and severe implications. We wouldn’t tolerate it for a moment. Why would we think that Russia would be any different with their base?

So Russia expected Hillary to win, and wanted to exacerbate the ongoing inter party difficulties. What do I mean? Ever since Bill Clinton was Impeached, both parties have stopped standing for principles, and become dedicated to one thing. Getting them. I’ve said it before. If Trump came out pro-abortion, the Democrats would be pro life in ten minutes without a thought. They hate the Republicans so much, that they can’t think straight. The Republicans are no better.

Remember this is post based on truth. Not nonsense.

Page 33 of the Mueller Report outlines the areas where the “collusion” happened. Members of the Trump Team retweeted some posts put out by Russians, that nobody knew was Russian. Oh, and People nobody knew were Russians, asked for some signs at rally’s. That’s it. Seriously, that was all the “collusion” there was.

Now, how did we get here? Easy. The FBI and DOJ lied to get a warrant, based upon a dossier that was already discredited before it was used as proof for the FISA warrant. Yes, we know the FBI knew it was a bad document when they used it as the foundation for the investigation. That is illegal.

That brings us to the last sad chapter. The so called Obstruction. To that, I say nonsense. Let’s put this in terms you would understand. It is an accepted truth that you can’t prove a negative. It is almost impossible to prove that you did not commit a crime on a day. Unless you have a bunch of witnesses and video proof you were somewhere else, at that time, it is tough to prove you didn’t do it. That is why our Justice System is premised on the Innocent until proven Guilty, rather than the Guilty until proven innocent model.

Now, when the Mueller probe gets started, what you have to think about is that Trump and Co. knew it was a bogus investigation, and the dossier was bullshit. So now, there is only one thing that can happen, process crimes. So you would not cooperate. If the police pulled you into an interview room, and demanded to know when you last bought drugs from Bob Smith, and you say you haven’t bought drugs from him, and they laugh and say that they can prove it. You shut up. You tell your family to shut up. You tell your friends to say nothing to the cops. They are trying to railroad me.

If you have clout, you call and try and get the investigation stopped. You try and get it stopped by going to the press and telling them what you know. That this insane prosecutor and these corrupt cops are out to get you. You post videos on YouTube. You do anything and everything you can to stop this insanity before they are able to railroad you. Cooperation just makes it look like you are guilty, not innocent.

Richard Jewel tried to cooperate, and was still named as a terrorist suspect for weeks before it was finally shown that he was actually innocent. But it took weeks of his reputation being smeared nationally before that happened. How do you fix that? This is the same FBI that we are supposed to trust implicitly. But the FBI broke the law, and their own rules, and didn’t care.

There are policies in effect that prevent this exact thing, and the investigators out to get Trump blew right through them. The superiors who were supposed to insure that those policies were followed ignored those breeches. When Steel went public, that should have ended his entire Dossier investigation, that is the policy. But it didn’t. The FBI continued to use it as proof of criminal activity to insure that the FISA warrants continued to be approved. They lied to Judges. That is Perjury. A felony.

The FBI lied. And when they went to get information from Trump, he didn’t want to cooperate with his own lynching by people who were lying, and he knew it. We knew it. Hell even our most adamant Lefties were admitting the Steel Dossier was seriously flawed, but still pretending that there was some truth in it somewhere, as the Mueller Investigation got started.

Page 33 of the Mueller Report. No Collusion. None. So what was there left to investigate? Process Crimes. If you tell the FBI you met with Bob Jones on Tuesday, and they find it was really a Monday, you have lied to them. All of the convictions were of people and crimes committed before Trump was even running for President.

This is why the Democrats who are smart don’t want to impeach Trump. First, they know how weak this will sound when they put it out there. The less than smart ones want to impeach anyway, because Trump is just awful, or something. They’re the ones who are full blown hate Republicans. It is insane, and that is the truth.

Want to hurt the Russians? Find something you can agree with on principle, those things we sacrificed years ago when Clinton was Impeached, and forget the past, and start working for the future. Because there is one more truth. Even if in the unlikely event Trump won the election, the animosity and internal disruptions would still be there, only from the Left, instead of the Right.
the mere fact that a foreign contractor looked at a government owned server violates every government security law in the books. so actually, no american has looked at any piece of hardware or software related to russia's interference, mueller said so in his report. he also stated that the russians were entitled to innocent until proven guilty in his statement and trump isn't. WOW!!!!!!!!! you all are fking foreign assets!!!!!

Tramp will get a verdict in the House and then trial in the Senate of which no republicans will have the guts and integrity to vote him out.

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