Time: How Trolls Are Ruining The Internet

It would be one thing if this behavior were kept to the internet and just treated like professional wrestling.

Unfortunately, it's spilling into our culture and our politics pretty quickly, and that's a real problem.
It's other name is 'Freedom of Speech'.
If you don't believe the LIB infected MSM isn't working 24/7 to push their LIB agenda you're fucking delusional.
Then when people with differing opinions push back they are.....let's see, 'racists/homophobes/engaging on a 'war on women'/.........I'm sure I left out a few classic LIB talking points.
i wonder what /pol/ has to say about this... it seems according to them, the headline is ''time admits we're winning''. apparently no one ever told the sjw down at time magazine to never feed the trolls.
How Trolls Are Ruining the Internet

This black hole of hate sucks us all in.

This is a very important conversation for our time.
You can correct this by leaving the Internet.
Spoken like a true troll.
Hey! It wasn't me whining. That's all you little leftist buttercups!
No. Suggesting leftist buttercups leave the internet because they don't agree with you is EXACTLY what right-wing trolls do.
How Trolls Are Ruining the Internet

This black hole of hate sucks us all in.

This is a very important conversation for our time.
You can correct this by leaving the Internet.
Spoken like a true troll.
Hey! It wasn't me whining. That's all you little leftist buttercups!
No. Suggesting leftist buttercups leave the internet because they don't agree with you is EXACTLY what right-wing trolls do.
EXACTLY! Its sooooo one sided!
How Trolls Are Ruining the Internet

This black hole of hate sucks us all in.

This is a very important conversation for our time.
You can correct this by leaving the Internet.
Spoken like a true troll.
Hey! It wasn't me whining. That's all you little leftist buttercups!
No. Suggesting leftist buttercups leave the internet because they don't agree with you is EXACTLY what right-wing trolls do.
Like it's like Freedom of Speech like man.
Maybe not for much longer.
Obama is giving away the internet to the fucking communists in europe as I type this.
How Trolls Are Ruining the Internet

This black hole of hate sucks us all in.

This is a very important conversation for our time.
You can correct this by leaving the Internet.
Spoken like a true troll.
Hey! It wasn't me whining. That's all you little leftist buttercups!
No. Suggesting leftist buttercups leave the internet because they don't agree with you is EXACTLY what right-wing trolls do.
Oh you poor little mistreated buttercups.
How Trolls Are Ruining the Internet

This black hole of hate sucks us all in.

This is a very important conversation for our time.
You can correct this by leaving the Internet.
Spoken like a true troll.
Hey! It wasn't me whining. That's all you little leftist buttercups!
No. Suggesting leftist buttercups leave the internet because they don't agree with you is EXACTLY what right-wing trolls do.
EXACTLY! Its sooooo one sided!
My point wasn't actually that ONLY RW's do it. LW's do it, too. I just don't notice it as much because they aren't usually jumping on me. The more interesting points don't actually have to do with R or L.
How Trolls Are Ruining the Internet

This black hole of hate sucks us all in.

This is a very important conversation for our time.
You can correct this by leaving the Internet.
Spoken like a true troll.
Hey! It wasn't me whining. That's all you little leftist buttercups!
No. Suggesting leftist buttercups leave the internet because they don't agree with you is EXACTLY what right-wing trolls do.
Like it's like Freedom of Speech like man.
Maybe not for much longer.
Obama is giving away the internet to the fucking communists in europe as I type this.
How is it Freedom of Speech if a RW troll tries to shut down freedom of speech for a leftist buttercup? You're not making sense or I'm missing something. Let me guess, I'm missing something, right?
What could have been an interesting look at how sadistic sociopaths have learned to use the internet to get their kicks, instead we have a a cheap tedious diatribe again the "alt-right". Sloppy work, Time.
It did ramble, conflate the issues. But it wasn't the actual article, I didn't think. I think it was a reaction to it, wasn't it?
I'm not sure what you mean. The link was to the Time article, wasn't it? Anyway, I read the linked article and responded to that.
It kicked off with This story is not a good idea. Not for society and certainly not for me. Because what trolls feed on is attention. And this little bit–these several thousand words–is like leaving bears a pan of baklava.
Next to it is the Time cover for 8/29 on an Internet Troll piece. I thought it was reacting to the upcoming Time piece. Probably wrong. Doesn't matter. It was interesting.
What could have been an interesting look at how sadistic sociopaths have learned to use the internet to get their kicks, instead we have a a cheap tedious diatribe again the "alt-right". Sloppy work, Time.
It did ramble, conflate the issues. But it wasn't the actual article, I didn't think. I think it was a reaction to it, wasn't it?
I'm not sure what you mean. The link was to the Time article, wasn't it? Anyway, I read the linked article and responded to that.
It kicked off with This story is not a good idea. Not for society and certainly not for me. Because what trolls feed on is attention. And this little bit–these several thousand words–is like leaving bears a pan of baklava.
Next to it is the Time cover for 8/29 on an Internet Troll piece. I thought it was reacting to the upcoming Time piece. Probably wrong. Doesn't matter. It was interesting.
Yeah. Interesting if you like diatribes about the "alt right". I don't recall hearing the term alt-right before. Guess I learned something from Joel Stein's article reacting to Joel Stein's article after all. Oh, and that bears like baklava.
Just as I suspected. Trolls are mostly to the right and conservatives.

....."But trolling has become the main tool of the alt-right, an Internet-grown reactionary movement that works for men’s rights and against immigration and may have used the computer from Weird Science to fabricate Donald Trump. Not only does Trump share their attitudes, but he’s got mad trolling skills: he doxxed Republican primary opponent Senator Lindsey Graham by giving out his cell-phone number on TV and indirectly got his Twitter followers to attack GOP political strategist Cheri Jacobus so severely that her lawyers sent him a cease-and-desist order.

The alt-right’s favorite insult is to call men who don’t hate feminism “cucks,” as in “cuckold.” Republicans who don’t like Trump are “cuckservatives.” Men who don’t see how feminists are secretly controlling them haven’t “taken the red pill,” a reference to the truth-revealing drug in The Matrix. They derisively call their adversaries “social-justice warriors” and believe that liberal interest groups purposely exploit their weakness to gain pity, which allows them to control the levers of power. Trolling is the alt-right’s version of political activism, and its ranks view any attempt to take it away as a denial of democracy."
Troll post.
Left wing Time propaganda story.
There are way more left wing trollers on this site alone. Look how many lefty trolls start threads just to denigrate opposing viewpoints? I don't even bother looking at threads started by tiger-thing or goono anymore. Troll trash.

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