TIME puts Steve Bannon on cover. Pic makes him look like monster


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
More proof the media cartels are out to get trump,

Time magazine, in an issue that hits stands Friday, asks whether Trump’s chief strategist Steve Bannon is “the second most powerful man in the world.” Perhaps. He might also be one of the most sinister, if the latest cover is any indication.

In a piece headlined “The Great Manipulator,” Time observes that “Bannon has a mind-meld with Trump” and “has the tools to become as influential as any staffer in memory.”

Here’s the full cover:

All the left has any more is propaganda. They are feeding a shrinking demographic but are too arrogant to realize it.
Kind of hard to not make him look like a monster since he is one.
If you see a monster I believe it means you're either sexually repressed or that you hate your mother.
All the left has any more is propaganda. They are feeding a shrinking demographic but are too arrogant to realize it.
PRINCETON, N.J. -- The percentage of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents who describe themselves as both social and economic conservatives has dropped to 42%, the lowest level Gallup has measured since 2005. The second-largest group of Republicans (24%) see themselves as moderate or liberal on both social and economic issues,

Republican Conservative Base Shrinks
All the left has any more is propaganda. They are feeding a shrinking demographic but are too arrogant to realize it.
PRINCETON, N.J. -- The percentage of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents who describe themselves as both social and economic conservatives has dropped to 42%, the lowest level Gallup has measured since 2005. The second-largest group of Republicans (24%) see themselves as moderate or liberal on both social and economic issues,

Republican Conservative Base Shrinks

The Fakefvckistanis again. lol

Much like a star thats reached the end of its lifecycle; the Liberal movement, has gone supernova. It puts any melt down previously recorded to shame. It truly is shaping up to be a spectacle.
Moreover; as it becomes increasingly violent (and it will...), it will serve as an object lesson for many voting generations to come. With every riot, protest, and propaganda piece..; the left continues to nail its own coffin shut.
Bannon is a fascist monster.

More namecalling from the left. It's all they have.
The prescience of this is hilarious. :lmao:
You fascists flock together as the vultures you are. You are alt right and the "left" you condemn are mainstream GOP center and right of center. If the courts uphold the ban against the ban, McConnell and Ryan will not permit legislation to do the ban.

Tis what it is.
Our so called president's right hand man, I guess it's not weird that draft dodger Trump needs the strength of another. Grabbing pussies is his only strength.

Our so called president's right hand man, I guess it's not weird that draft dodger Trump needs the strength of another.
Unlike Obama's sterling military career. But thanks for revealing your news source.
Our so called president's right hand man, I guess it's not weird that draft dodger Trump needs the strength of another. Grabbing pussies is his only strength.

I see you're still sore over that....
Bannon is a fascist monster.

HAHAHA. It's yo big govt liberals who want washington running everything that are the fascists. Like most conservatives Bannon wants govt small and believes in personal freedom and personal responsibility. THINK
You bozo, Bannon is putting up Trump to EO's. So you are saying, ShootSpeeders, that you want Trump to be like Obama. You are a booby.

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