Time to Abolish the Family?

Since the time of Karl Marx, this has been part of the agenda of the left wrong. Marx saw the family as a relic of the “Bourgeois” culture that he wanted to eradicate, and was open about wanting to eradicate the family itself, and replace it with a collectivist strain of Free Love. It's very rare for a LIbEral to admit to this part of their agenda, but they've never been good at hiding their outright attacks against family, and against the moral values associated therewith.

“We deserve better than the family. And the time of corona is an excellent time to practice abolishing it. In the always lucent words of Anne Boyer: ‘We must learn to do good for the good of the stranger now. We now have to live as daily evidence that we believe there is value in the lives of the cancer patient, the elderly person, the disabled one, the ones in unthinkable living conditions, crowded and at risk.’​
We do not know yet if we will be able to wrench something better than capitalism from the wreckage of this Plague and the coming Depression. I would only posit with some certainty that, in 2020, the dialectic of families against the family, of real homes against the home, shall intensify.”

The coronavirus crisis shows it's time to abolish the family
How hard did you have to look for something like that to freak out about?

It's an op/ed on a website nobody ever heard of by a person I've never heard of. Also, your selected bits don't even really get to the point of the piece.

Your fauxrage is noted and dismissed.

You have lied so many times that Pinochio wrote a book on Progs. You are destroying the hetero nuclear family to gain complete power in this nation. Once achieved though we will be so poor that a dictator will be a very attractive alternative. That person will return the nuclear family to prominence as all despots end up doing to keep a nation strong. You either have a strong nuclear family in freedom or in tyranny. We are in transition from freedom to tyranny. If the system collapses watch groups get the blame at some point.
You have fallen for propaganda.


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