Time to cut benefits for veterans? Washington Post writer says yes

Well, if Paul Ryan and the Tea Party Republicans keep doing this shit.....let me welcome any of you fine military folks into the "Former Republican Who Wants the GOP to Rot in Hell Club".

Doesn't mean you have to become a Democrat or liberal...or even vote for them.

Just means you give a big ass middle finger to the Republicans. All of them. Watch their party burn to the ground and lose elections. Laugh when they do.

They'll either change....or go extinct.
Seems like I've been around this bush before.
I was drafted. Went into the Army being paid less than $80/month. Sent to Vietnam where I was "awarded" hazardous duty (combat) pay of an additional $65/month (waay less than I have to pay the government these days if I choose to live dangerously by not fastening my seatbelt). Was discharged having been rode hard and put up wet (and have never fully recovered from same) to find that my lovely young bride and new baby had gotten tired of waiting for me. I don't qualify for retirement.
The good LTC is not the first I have run into who is an idiot.
You get what you pay for. What is your freedom worth?

The Thrift Savings Plan was created for guys like you who did not serve a full 20. It is a 401k-style plan so that if you only served for four years, for example, you would have something to show for it.

How in the world can and E-5, married with two kids, afford to save money? Hell, most lower enlisted are on food stamps!
I?m an Army veteran, and my benefits are too generous - The Washington Post

This article is by a former Army Lt Col who says military benefits are far too generous. His arguments:

He says that half the military never deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan, and of those that did, a huge chunk never saw combat and/or aren't combat troops. In HIS words...he says being a police officer in the US is more dangerous than most military occupations.

He says a person can join at 18, and retire at 38, with a decent check and benefits for life. Even if you never left US soil.

Anyway, you can read the whole article for what it is. And the right wing Washington Post gladly put this piece out there. I had breakfast at my usual spot this morning (the old Alex's on Coleman Blvd in Charleston, where GOP candidates like Gingrich, Graham, Sanford, Santorum, and Perry all make a point to stop at as a local iconic spot)......and the conservative Post and Courier ran this op-ed today.

And they folks at the breakfast bar were all talking about it. Mostly a conservative crowd. And...sadly, they were saying "Well, he's right, we cant afford this anymore".

Military folks....I told you. I told you 3 years ago that it was a matter of time before the right wing would take its fiscal anger and turn it towards you guys. And...slowly but surely...here it comes.

Yes, Washington Post, as Conservative as Jake Starkey

Bucs90 you continue to amaze us

The Washington Post didn't write the article, dimwit.

A conservative (read: teabagger) did. Google his name.

Seems like I've been around this bush before.
I was drafted. Went into the Army being paid less than $80/month. Sent to Vietnam where I was "awarded" hazardous duty (combat) pay of an additional $65/month (waay less than I have to pay the government these days if I choose to live dangerously by not fastening my seatbelt). Was discharged having been rode hard and put up wet (and have never fully recovered from same) to find that my lovely young bride and new baby had gotten tired of waiting for me. I don't qualify for retirement.
The good LTC is not the first I have run into who is an idiot.
You get what you pay for. What is your freedom worth?

The Thrift Savings Plan was created for guys like you who did not serve a full 20. It is a 401k-style plan so that if you only served for four years, for example, you would have something to show for it.

How in the world can and E-5, married with two kids, afford to save money? Hell, most lower enlisted are on food stamps!

True, and the Washington Post article was by a "freelance" 'journalist'.
Well, if Paul Ryan and the Tea Party Republicans keep doing this shit.....let me welcome any of you fine military folks into the "Former Republican Who Wants the GOP to Rot in Hell Club".

Doesn't mean you have to become a Democrat or liberal...or even vote for them.

Just means you give a big ass middle finger to the Republicans. All of them. Watch their party burn to the ground and lose elections. Laugh when they do.

They'll either change....or go extinct.

I became an Independent the day after Ronald Reagan left office. I'm sure the Roman people laughed their collective asses off when Rome was being run into oblivion....

Look around you. Keep laughing.
Well, if Paul Ryan and the Tea Party Republicans keep doing this shit.....let me welcome any of you fine military folks into the "Former Republican Who Wants the GOP to Rot in Hell Club".

Doesn't mean you have to become a Democrat or liberal...or even vote for them.

Just means you give a big ass middle finger to the Republicans. All of them. Watch their party burn to the ground and lose elections. Laugh when they do.

They'll either change....or go extinct.

I became an Independent the day after Ronald Reagan left office. I'm sure the Roman people laughed their collective asses off when Rome was being run into oblivion....

Look around you. Keep laughing.

26.5 years ago, still hoping for another President with Alzheimer's?
Well, if Paul Ryan and the Tea Party Republicans keep doing this shit.....let me welcome any of you fine military folks into the "Former Republican Who Wants the GOP to Rot in Hell Club".

Doesn't mean you have to become a Democrat or liberal...or even vote for them.

Just means you give a big ass middle finger to the Republicans. All of them. Watch their party burn to the ground and lose elections. Laugh when they do.

They'll either change....or go extinct.

I became an Independent the day after Ronald Reagan left office. I'm sure the Roman people laughed their collective asses off when Rome was being run into oblivion....

Look around you. Keep laughing.

26.5 years ago, still hoping for another President with Alzheimer's?

I'll tell you what, Nazi - I'll take an alzheimer's patient any day of the week and three times on Sunday before we have to endure another year of that pimp YOU call president.
Well, if Paul Ryan and the Tea Party Republicans keep doing this shit.....let me welcome any of you fine military folks into the "Former Republican Who Wants the GOP to Rot in Hell Club".

Doesn't mean you have to become a Democrat or liberal...or even vote for them.

Just means you give a big ass middle finger to the Republicans. All of them. Watch their party burn to the ground and lose elections. Laugh when they do.

They'll either change....or go extinct.

I became an Independent the day after Ronald Reagan left office. I'm sure the Roman people laughed their collective asses off when Rome was being run into oblivion....

Look around you. Keep laughing.

YEAH...I am. And do you know WHY the Dems have the Senate and White House???

STUPID REPUBLICANS....doing STUPID SHIT when they were in power, causing the people to turn against them.

I am laughing. If we're going down the toilet, I'm gonna spend my time watching football and Dave Chappelle and eating great food and beer and laughing my ass off while we fall.

And the fact that we have President Obama, again, and these Democrats, who apparently are so bad.....yet, people STILL support the same retards in the GOP that CANT EVEN BEAT those Democrat fuckups...is even more reason to say fuck it, drink it up and laugh.

Fuck the Republican Party. I'm laughing.:badgrin:
And if you think the GOP gives a damn about ANYONE who doesn't spend their mornings in a corporate boardroom, you're wrong.

They need you to vote for them. But their only interests are in the corporate world. Fact. And fuck 'em for it.

Deep down, they don't give a fuck about the working man; or the military; or the police; or teachers; or ANYONE....who cant give them a big ass check.

That's why they cant even beat the fuck-ups called Democrats who are in power. Because the GOP sold it's soul long ago....yet, somehow keep convincing almost half the country to keep believing their bullshit.
And if you think the GOP gives a damn about ANYONE who doesn't spend their mornings in a corporate boardroom, you're wrong.

They need you to vote for them. But their only interests are in the corporate world. Fact. And fuck 'em for it.

Deep down, they don't give a fuck about the working man; or the military; or the police; or teachers; or ANYONE....who cant give them a big ass check.

That's why they cant even beat the fuck-ups called Democrats who are in power. Because the GOP sold it's soul long ago....yet, somehow keep convincing almost half the country to keep believing their bullshit.

So then what? I see you have given up. That's YOUR choice. THEY (the Nazi Left and the Neo-Cons) COUNTED on you giving up. Congratulations.

You've lost. But I think you are full of crap. If you had given up - you wouldn't be HERE - now would you? You see, folks that have given up don't go to message boards and stir the shit-pot, now do they?

Methinks you are pulling someone's leg here.....
Let's. Cut retirement for teachers cops,firemen,the politicians in Washington all the government employees before. Then You can cut the vet benefits. Oh and cut the preidents too while we are at it
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Well, if Paul Ryan and the Tea Party Republicans keep doing this shit.....let me welcome any of you fine military folks into the "Former Republican Who Wants the GOP to Rot in Hell Club".

Doesn't mean you have to become a Democrat or liberal...or even vote for them.

Just means you give a big ass middle finger to the Republicans. All of them. Watch their party burn to the ground and lose elections. Laugh when they do.

They'll either change....or go extinct.

I became an Independent the day after Ronald Reagan left office. I'm sure the Roman people laughed their collective asses off when Rome was being run into oblivion....

Look around you. Keep laughing.

26.5 years ago, still hoping for another President with Alzheimer's?

McCain won't run again.

Let's. Cut retirement for teachers cops,firemen,the politicians in Washington all the government employees before. Then You can cut the vet benefits. Oh and cut the preidents too while we are at it

Aside from the last part, that's the Republican platform.
26.5 years ago, still hoping for another President with Alzheimer's?

But making do with a pathological narcissist. Now THAZ hardship!

dialect employed to enhance comprehension potential

"Pathological narcissist"; I read that tired phrase before, also, I grade Obama as a "C", thus far. He only looks Ok, because he followed the D- Bush II.
Uh the piece of shit is calling out 20-year troops that never dodged a bullet are not worthy of a retirement check. :cuckoo:

If someone can work 20 years in the military as a cook, then they are smarter than you. Most enlisted troops doing a "cook" job eventually move on to other services jobs like running the gym, golf course or other support jobs on base. There reason why the military has support troops opposed to civilians like you is that in a bloody war they are still expected to pick up a gun and fight while you civilians hide under your bed.

So according to the piece of shit behind that article, someone that spends their entire career stateside based on their job is not worthy of a retirement check.

i didn't get that from the article at all.
These jobs are important. Battles are won based on logistics just as much as tactics. But these support jobs aren’t particularly hazardous. Police officers, firefighters and construction workers face more danger than Army public affairs specialists, Air Force mechanics, Marine Corps legal assistants, Navy finance clerks or headquarters staff officers.
what i get from that is while nobody is saying the cook isn't important, it's tough to argue that the cook in the army is worthy of retiring at 38 with lifetime health insurance and a slew of other benefits because they chose to sling hash in a dfac instead of a middle school lunch room.

he's telling us that we need to realistically dismiss the idea that every soldier and vet is a gun-slinging hero and accept the reality of what the armed services largely are.

the thing is the people that do know that reality have a vested interest in maintaining the myth
If you want to gut the military then take away the medical benefits and retirement package.....you will see the military fall apart from lack of volunteers.

Oh wait, you idiots want a draft.....ooops.

The USG and taxpayer makes a "deal" with people in the military that they will feed them and take care of them when those troops are willing to go die in dark places on this planet. If you can do that for 20 years then there is a retirement for you or if you are hurt from being in the military you will get a VA disability for life.

Take away the benefits and you will see a drop in people willing to go die for you compared to working at McDonalds or hell living on welfare in today's society.
Hmm...OK. It's obvious that you were never man enough to put on the uniform of your country and go to war.

Tell you what...I'll make a deal with you. Would you let me shoot you in the ass with a 7.62 or a 5.56 round in exchange for those "amazing" benefits? OR, would you exchange your youth and most of your middle age - being away from your family for years at a time - for those "amazing" benefits?

Tell me - just WHAT EXACTLY is "amazing" about those "benefits"? You seem to be an authority on government benefits - so please enlighten us - what makes them "amazing"?
you're right, i've never volunteered.

my wife has though, and i've seen her off on two deployments. I haven't seen much of her in June since she's been away at AT for most of it.

but then she's a relatively cheap soldier. her insurance is only taken care of while deployed. she only earns time towards full military retirement while she's on active duty orders. she's paid as a federal technician except for her drill weekends. we don't get to shop at a subsidized tax free px, or have our housing paid for.

so here's the thing - she's making all the sacrifice and putting in all the work of the active duty soldier, but she does not receive the same benefits. so when other professional soldiers want to start bitching about how they should receive full retirement benefits after putting their 20 years and how they can't afford to pay even a modicum more towards their health insurance, or accept that their pension will be raised by 1% less than it otherwise would be i don't have a lot of sympathy. there are plenty of soldiers out there doing the same job without the perks.

so again, i'm all for service incentives and perks. but they can't be treated as if they are untouchable. just like social security - the system is good in theory but it may have to be adjusted to the times.

So your Wife is in the Guard. I had subordinates in my civilian career that also served in the Guard and a couple actually retired from the Guard and receives a monthly pension. I readily admit that I know little about the Guard. I was RA.

Now, please, explain this idea of "untouchable" to me. Veterans benefits have been cut slowly, for the past 40 years. What are these "perks" that you seem to think that the military flaunts at you? Do you mean care at the VA??? Have you watched the news for the past 6 months?

Oh, I get it, you mean that we can fly (standby) on any military aircraft (providing there is a seat)? Trust me - that is no "perk". Oh....you must mean the commissary!!! We get to shop there and save 3-4 percent (maybe) on groceries.

How the hell does that equate to "untouchable"?

And frankly, as far as your Wife not getting those same "perks" that the other active duty soldiers, sailors, Airmen and Marines "receive" - tell your Wife to transition to Active Duty if it offends you so much - better yet, enlist. Find out for yourself just how "well" these men and women are treated on a daily basis. Not just during deployment or on the weekends...24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

I honestly don't believe there is a savings once you add in the surcharge at the commissary.
CaféAuLait;9322509 said:
you're right, i've never volunteered.

my wife has though, and i've seen her off on two deployments. I haven't seen much of her in June since she's been away at AT for most of it.

but then she's a relatively cheap soldier. her insurance is only taken care of while deployed. she only earns time towards full military retirement while she's on active duty orders. she's paid as a federal technician except for her drill weekends. we don't get to shop at a subsidized tax free px, or have our housing paid for.

so here's the thing - she's making all the sacrifice and putting in all the work of the active duty soldier, but she does not receive the same benefits. so when other professional soldiers want to start bitching about how they should receive full retirement benefits after putting their 20 years and how they can't afford to pay even a modicum more towards their health insurance, or accept that their pension will be raised by 1% less than it otherwise would be i don't have a lot of sympathy. there are plenty of soldiers out there doing the same job without the perks.

so again, i'm all for service incentives and perks. but they can't be treated as if they are untouchable. just like social security - the system is good in theory but it may have to be adjusted to the times.

So your Wife is in the Guard. I had subordinates in my civilian career that also served in the Guard and a couple actually retired from the Guard and receives a monthly pension. I readily admit that I know little about the Guard. I was RA.

Now, please, explain this idea of "untouchable" to me. Veterans benefits have been cut slowly, for the past 40 years. What are these "perks" that you seem to think that the military flaunts at you? Do you mean care at the VA??? Have you watched the news for the past 6 months?

Oh, I get it, you mean that we can fly (standby) on any military aircraft (providing there is a seat)? Trust me - that is no "perk". Oh....you must mean the commissary!!! We get to shop there and save 3-4 percent (maybe) on groceries.

How the hell does that equate to "untouchable"?

And frankly, as far as your Wife not getting those same "perks" that the other active duty soldiers, sailors, Airmen and Marines "receive" - tell your Wife to transition to Active Duty if it offends you so much - better yet, enlist. Find out for yourself just how "well" these men and women are treated on a daily basis. Not just during deployment or on the weekends...24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

I honestly don't believe there is a savings once you add in the surcharge at the commissary.

Honestly, I was trying to be generous here.... :D

I stopped using the Commissary (stateside) when I was at Fort Knox a LONG time ago - 1973?

Just didn't seem to save much money. It was close by, to be sure, but off post stores seemed more appealing.

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