Time to face the facts Obamas Presidency was a failure

Yea move to Europe .. we have guns to stop you
First time staying here to save America from you idiots and your fascist heroes. Plus you can't move to Europe unless you are rich or married to one.
And you are out of your tiny brainwashed little mind.
8 more years of trump

Dummy, you either don't know math or Constitution....though it's probably both.
Ha It will be amended

Then you don’t really know what that takes either.
Barack did more with less than many leaders could have hoped to do. I enjoyed his time in office far more than the liar in chief who poses as our presidente.
The Only thing Obama was successful at was corrupting every GOV agency by populating them with Political Criminals and then undermining our Constitution, Our Rights, and Our Democracy, and Standing Around The World.
Shut up stupid. Obama's failure was 100% predictable

Obama presidency began in the middle of Great Recession and ended his 2 terms with full employment, stable growth, record high stock markets 60%+ job aproval and being considered 12th greatest American President among historians.

I you knew NOTHING about that in Nov 2008 and are still a clueless politico tool today.
Dummy, you either don't know math or Constitution....though it's probably both.

Meanwhile out in the real world:

The Presidents - Obama consistently ranks as a very solid president among historians (and Trump almost dead last)

Wow, what way to discredit yourself as completely biased fool. :21:

if I may ...and I will

antontoo seems to be nothing but a troll.

Attempts to ridicule other members

yet has NOTHING to back up it's claims.

WAIT! There are no claims to debate!

It's like its an Obama tool!!

Shut up stupid. Obama's failure was 100% predictable

Obama presidency began in the middle of Great Recession and ended his 2 terms with full employment, stable growth, record high stock markets 60%+ job aproval and being considered 12th greatest American President among historians.

I you knew NOTHING about that in Nov 2008 and are still a clueless politico tool today.
Dummy, you either don't know math or Constitution....though it's probably both.

Meanwhile out in the real world:

The Presidents - Obama consistently ranks as a very solid president among historians (and Trump almost dead last)

Wow, what way to discredit yourself as completely biased fool. :21:

if I may ...and I will

antontoo seems to be nothing but a troll.

Attempts to ridicule other members
yet has NOTHING to back up it's claims.
WAIT! There are no claims to debate!
It's like its an Obama tool!!

So you quote me making a strong argument why Obama did pretty well as far as his place in history...to say that I made no claims and backed up nothing. :rolleyes: Good job dumbass.

Here it is again:

Obama presidency began in the middle of Great Recession and ended his 2 terms with full employment, stable growth, record high stock markets, no major scandals throughout, 60%+ job aproval and being considered 12th greatest American President among historians.

In your next reply maybe you can say something sane.
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Umm a vote lol


It requires Congress with a two-thirds majority vote in both the House of Representatives and the Senate or two-thirds of the State legislatures.

Constitutional Amendment Process

If Republicans win EVERY contested Congressional seat and EVERY Republican votes for this you will STILL not have enough votes to pass this on a partisan vote.
Umm a vote lol


It requires Congress with a two-thirds majority vote in both the House of Representatives and the Senate or two-thirds of the State legislatures.

Constitutional Amendment Process
Do you think people get to vote for Democrats in 2020 ? Open borders infanticide green new deal that destroys all businesses ? No more cars or airplanes ?? Lol

Dummy have you ever heard of 2018? Democrats picked up 40 seats in the House as Trump was flailing about the caravans.

Even aside from that, Republicans can win EVERY contested seat and you will STILL not have enough votes, even assuming that they will all sign up for extending presidential terms (for a corrupt clown asshole like Trump no less).

Ready to do that pesky math?

435 House seats, out of which 295 votes would be required.

Republicans currently have 197 seats, so they will need to pick up 98 seats...out of only 83 even remotely competetive seats. Even if you break it up in 2020 and 2022 elections such gains would be completely unprecedented.

2020 House Election Interactive Map

You can now get back your regularly scheduled detachment from reality.
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7 1/2 years of growth, not a single Scandal except in dupe world....

weak growth till at least 2014.

The ACA is an abomination that did far more harm than good. The damage it did to hospitals, especially small ones will never be repaired. And it was a shell of what he wanted but he lacked the political experience to fall back and fight another day.

His ME policy was disjointed and ineffective and did more harm than good.

He relied too heavily upon Executive Actions which are easily undone...a lesson that Trump is too dumb to learn as he is doing the same thing
Bologna. But thanks for the world depression.

Republicans obstruct sabotage and wreck Obamacare and then complain about it. It is a framework to work with, if you have a problem fix it duh.
ObamaCare was wrecked from the start thanks to the “blue dogs”. While the Republicans have made it worse you cannot remove the blame for it from Obama.
Congress made the mandate, Obama did not originally want one and the public option and that would work just great. Obama I'm not a racist or at least I fight it, but I believe he was magic and the Republicans are a long-running catastrophe. Only garbage propaganda and the dukes make this mess possible... Thanks Rupert Murdoch.
lets not draw false equivalences between Obama's earnestly abysmal foreign policy with Trump's expressly corrupt brand
Umm a vote lol


It requires Congress with a two-thirds majority vote in both the House of Representatives and the Senate or two-thirds of the State legislatures.

Constitutional Amendment Process
Do you think people get to vote for Democrats in 2020 ? Open borders infanticide green new deal that destroys all businesses ? No more cars or airplanes ?? Lol

Dummy have you ever heard of 2018? Democrats picked up 40 seats in the House as Trump was flailing about the caravans.

Even aside from that, Republicans can win EVERY contested seat and you will STILL not have enough votes, even assuming that they will all sign up for extending presidential terms (for a corrupt clown asshole like Trump no less).

Ready to do that pesky math?

435 House seats, out of which 295 votes would be required.

Republicans currently have 197 seats, so they will need to pick up 98 seats...out of only 83 even remotely competetive seats. Even if you break it up in 2020 and 2022 elections such gains would be completely unprecedented.

2020 House Election Interactive Map

You can now get back your regularly scheduled detachment from reality.
Yes Democrats won a lot of moderate seats ,, And those moderates are leading the squad who are fucking insane take over the party .. ITS OVER
Umm a vote lol


It requires Congress with a two-thirds majority vote in both the House of Representatives and the Senate or two-thirds of the State legislatures.

Constitutional Amendment Process
Do you think people get to vote for Democrats in 2020 ? Open borders infanticide green new deal that destroys all businesses ? No more cars or airplanes ?? Lol

Dummy have you ever heard of 2018? Democrats picked up 40 seats in the House as Trump was flailing about the caravans.

Even aside from that, Republicans can win EVERY contested seat and you will STILL not have enough votes, even assuming that they will all sign up for extending presidential terms (for a corrupt clown asshole like Trump no less).

Ready to do that pesky math?

435 House seats, out of which 295 votes would be required.

Republicans currently have 197 seats, so they will need to pick up 98 seats...out of only 83 even remotely competetive seats. Even if you break it up in 2020 and 2022 elections such gains would be completely unprecedented.

2020 House Election Interactive Map

You can now get back your regularly scheduled detachment from reality.
Yes Democrats won a lot of moderate seats ,, And those moderates are leading the squad who are fucking insane take over the party .. ITS OVER

Ok buddy, just don't jump off the bridge in 2020 when none of the fantastical bullshit stiring around in your head will pan out.
7 1/2 years of growth, not a single Scandal except in dupe world....

weak growth till at least 2014.

The ACA is an abomination that did far more harm than good. The damage it did to hospitals, especially small ones will never be repaired. And it was a shell of what he wanted but he lacked the political experience to fall back and fight another day.

His ME policy was disjointed and ineffective and did more harm than good.

He relied too heavily upon Executive Actions which are easily undone...a lesson that Trump is too dumb to learn as he is doing the same thing
Bologna. But thanks for the world depression.

Republicans obstruct sabotage and wreck Obamacare and then complain about it. It is a framework to work with, if you have a problem fix it duh.
ObamaCare was wrecked from the start thanks to the “blue dogs”. While the Republicans have made it worse you cannot remove the blame for it from Obama.
Any of them involved deserve a slow torturous death. The money they stole from people.
Obamacare is not popular because of the mandate, which Obama himself did not originally start out with. He was right. Americans do not like to be mandated LOL.
7 1/2 years of growth, not a single Scandal except in dupe world....

weak growth till at least 2014.

The ACA is an abomination that did far more harm than good. The damage it did to hospitals, especially small ones will never be repaired. And it was a shell of what he wanted but he lacked the political experience to fall back and fight another day.

His ME policy was disjointed and ineffective and did more harm than good.

He relied too heavily upon Executive Actions which are easily undone...a lesson that Trump is too dumb to learn as he is doing the same thing
Bologna. But thanks for the world depression.

Republicans obstruct sabotage and wreck Obamacare and then complain about it. It is a framework to work with, if you have a problem fix it duh.
ObamaCare was wrecked from the start thanks to the “blue dogs”. While the Republicans have made it worse you cannot remove the blame for it from Obama.
Any of them involved deserve a slow torturous death. The money they stole from people.
Obamacare is not popular because of the mandate, which Obama himself did not originally start out with. He was right. Americans do not like to be mandated LOL.
I hope he didn’t like it because it’s unconstitutional
Umm a vote lol


It requires Congress with a two-thirds majority vote in both the House of Representatives and the Senate or two-thirds of the State legislatures.

Constitutional Amendment Process
Do you think people get to vote for Democrats in 2020 ? Open borders infanticide green new deal that destroys all businesses ? No more cars or airplanes ?? Lol

Dummy have you ever heard of 2018? Democrats picked up 40 seats in the House as Trump was flailing about the caravans.

Even aside from that, Republicans can win EVERY contested seat and you will STILL not have enough votes, even assuming that they will all sign up for extending presidential terms (for a corrupt clown asshole like Trump no less).

Ready to do that pesky math?

435 House seats, out of which 295 votes would be required.

Republicans currently have 197 seats, so they will need to pick up 98 seats...out of only 83 even remotely competetive seats. Even if you break it up in 2020 and 2022 elections such gains would be completely unprecedented.

2020 House Election Interactive Map

You can now get back your regularly scheduled detachment from reality.
Yes Democrats won a lot of moderate seats ,, And those moderates are leading the squad who are fucking insane take over the party .. ITS OVER
Only about 35% at most believe your garbage propaganda. This quote of yours is absolute garbage. Infanticide open borders my ass, brainwashed functional moron.
weak growth till at least 2014.

The ACA is an abomination that did far more harm than good. The damage it did to hospitals, especially small ones will never be repaired. And it was a shell of what he wanted but he lacked the political experience to fall back and fight another day.

His ME policy was disjointed and ineffective and did more harm than good.

He relied too heavily upon Executive Actions which are easily undone...a lesson that Trump is too dumb to learn as he is doing the same thing
Bologna. But thanks for the world depression.

Republicans obstruct sabotage and wreck Obamacare and then complain about it. It is a framework to work with, if you have a problem fix it duh.
ObamaCare was wrecked from the start thanks to the “blue dogs”. While the Republicans have made it worse you cannot remove the blame for it from Obama.
Any of them involved deserve a slow torturous death. The money they stole from people.
Obamacare is not popular because of the mandate, which Obama himself did not originally start out with. He was right. Americans do not like to be mandated LOL.
I hope he didn’t like it because it’s unconstitutional
Not according to the Supreme Court, super duper. Even your right-wing one
Bologna. But thanks for the world depression.

Republicans obstruct sabotage and wreck Obamacare and then complain about it. It is a framework to work with, if you have a problem fix it duh.
ObamaCare was wrecked from the start thanks to the “blue dogs”. While the Republicans have made it worse you cannot remove the blame for it from Obama.
Any of them involved deserve a slow torturous death. The money they stole from people.
Obamacare is not popular because of the mandate, which Obama himself did not originally start out with. He was right. Americans do not like to be mandated LOL.
I hope he didn’t like it because it’s unconstitutional
Not according to the Supreme Court, super duper. Even your right-wing one
They tossed it
With less? He had the house, and the senate haha he couldn’t even pass out bullet proof vests to the 6,000 blacks shot in his home town lol
He had the house and 60 votes in the senate for 35 days in session in the middle of a corrupt GOP meltdown, I'll spend on Obamacare cuz that would only happen 4 years in the future. Trump's claim to fame is he hasn't ruined the Obama recovery yet. It is ridiculous how long the GOP has held the country back all 2 save the greedy idiot GOP Rich from paying their fair share. As the first black president I think he was afraid to use the nuclear option. I hope the next Democratic president isn't. Taxing the rich living wage good infrastructure Healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college in training just like every other modern country. This is pathetic. Thanks scumbag GOP end silly dupes.
Fair share lol you live in the wrong country. You will never take money you didn’t earn .. ever
the rich paying their fair share was the way it always was until Reagan and the propaganda machine, super duper.
Yea move to Europe .. we have guns to stop you
First I am staying here to save America from you idiots and your fascist heroes. Plus you can't move to Europe unless you are rich or married to one. And it is also Australia New Zealand Japan and Canada. Only Americans are so brainwashed functionally idiotic.

You mean to say they have immigration controls to exclude undesirables like you? Oh my! Now tell me again why we shouldn't have the same here.
7 1/2 years of growth, not a single Scandal except in dupe world....

weak growth till at least 2014.

The ACA is an abomination that did far more harm than good. The damage it did to hospitals, especially small ones will never be repaired. And it was a shell of what he wanted but he lacked the political experience to fall back and fight another day.

His ME policy was disjointed and ineffective and did more harm than good.

He relied too heavily upon Executive Actions which are easily undone...a lesson that Trump is too dumb to learn as he is doing the same thing
Bologna. But thanks for the world depression.

Republicans obstruct sabotage and wreck Obamacare and then complain about it. It is a framework to work with, if you have a problem fix it duh.
ObamaCare was wrecked from the start thanks to the “blue dogs”. While the Republicans have made it worse you cannot remove the blame for it from Obama.
Any of them involved deserve a slow torturous death. The money they stole from people.
Obamacare is not popular because of the mandate, which Obama himself did not originally start out with. He was right. Americans do not like to be mandated LOL.

I think the most unpopular thing about Obamacare is the name.

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