Time to fire meuller

Trump can't do hardly anything. He slipped out of the gate and has been very ineffective.

He tweets, he lies, he cries, and American laughs at him.

The Christian far right does not live in peace and harmony with anybody. Live your lives and stay out of everyone else's business.
Trump can't do hardly anything. He slipped out of the gate and has been very ineffective.

He tweets, he lies, he cries, and American laughs at him.

The Christian far right does not live in peace and harmony with anybody. Live your lives and stay out of everyone else's business.
. The Christian's haven't been getting into anyone's business, but you sure can't say that about the left who have been crossing the lines against Christian values and Christian culture for quite a while now.
No...it is time for the President to restore power to the executive branch, time to destroy the liberal network that constantly works against American interests. Trump will not go meekly as Nixon did.....Trump is a fighter...he has the military on his side. Fire Meuller, have congressional hearings on the treasonous media, pass a new sedition law and begin to prosecute those who constantly betray and work against America. Trump is dedicated to making America great again....he must be allowed to do so.
Let Trump try to break the chains of the Constitution that confine his power. If he tries to rise up, the Constitution will smash him down. The military will not support Trump.
Sundance, the authoritarian fascism defender, does not understand the Constitution at all. I suggest he read and comprehend Article XXV.
Sundance, the authoritarian fascism defender, does not understand the Constitution at all. I suggest he read and comprehend Article XXV.
. Are the libs operating behind cherry picked articles of the Constitution, otherwise using the Constitution in ways in which it was not intended to be used ? The miss-interpretation or re-interpretation of the Constitution has been another issue in an age of people becoming smart in a very bad way. It's so wonder the Constitution can even be read properly anymore or interpreted properly anymore.

Well you probably should inform Trump about the U.S. Constitution.

"In an interview with Fox News to mark the 100-day mark, he declared himself “disappointed” with congressional Republicans, despite his many “great relationships” with them. He blamed the constitutional checks and balances built in to US governance. “It’s a very rough system,” he said. “It’s an archaic system … It’s really a bad thing for the country.”
Donald Trump blames constitution for chaos of his first 100 days

:uhh: Wow. Rump never ceases to outdo himself. This is better than "the electoral college is a disaster for democracy". I mean he's coming right out and shooting the Constitution on Fifth Avenue and his drones will just drone on and defend the idea of their own Constitution being dissed.

Interesting article for a couple of other passages -- one:

>> On his 100th day in office on Saturday, facing historically low popularity ratings, a succession of intractable foreign crises and multiple investigations of his links with Moscow, Donald Trump reminded the nation that 1 May was Loyalty Day.

The day is a US tradition dating back to the cold war, when it was a bolster to stop May Day becoming a rallying point for socialists and unionised workers, but for an embattled president learning politics on the job it has an added resonance. <<
"LOYALTY DAY"?? What in the blue fuck is "Loyalty Day"? :wtf: May Day has been connected with labor and the working class since the 19th century. It's "Labor Day" for the rest of the world, while we bury the derivation of it, a strike massacre, by putting ours at the other end of the summer. "Loyalty Day" -- what kind of Orwellian bullshit is this? How do you "remind" people of something nobody's ever heard of?

Then there's:
>> In his weekly presidential address, he also focused on jobs, pointing to evidence of an economic revival that has been previously contested as a result of corporate decisions made before Trump came to office. He claimed that car companies were “roaring back in”, an apparent reference to General Motors’ plans and Ford’s decision to expand in Michigan, which both appeared to be part of their long-term strategy. <<​

Funny how Doublethink works --- when the same thing was happening in 2012 Mitt Romney described it as "Jeep moving to China". And paid the price.

Finally.... to bring the whole thing home:
>> But his core supporters have remained faithful, choosing to believe that the mainstream media are purveyors of fake news, rather than accept that the Trump presidency has not been the unrivalled success the president has claimed. <<​

"Choosing" indeed. Good old self-delusion, the hallmark of this administration and the orange freako's entire life.

Fucking "Loyalty Day" ----- holy SHIT. :lmao:

Found an article from that week ---- Rump proclaims May 1 as 'Loyalty Day'

>> President Donald Trump on Friday proclaimed May 1 as 'Loyalty Day' as a way to "recognize and reaffirm our allegiance to the principles" upon which America was built and express pride in those ideals, according to a release of the proclamation from the White House.

“The United States stands as the world's leader in upholding the ideals of freedom, equality, and justice. Together, and with these fundamental concepts enshrined in our Constitution, our Nation perseveres in the face of those who would seek to harm it," the proclamation reads. <<​

Does he know what's in his own proclamation? Did he actually just dress up a naked attempt to suppress the working class with a citation of the Constitution ---- while simultaneously characterizing it as "an archaic system" and "a bad thing for the country"??

Holy shit what the fuck is it gonna TAKE............ :banghead:

Not to be missed is the other citation of “The United States stands as the world's leader in upholding the ideals of freedom, equality, and justice" --- on the same occasion that the Haymarket Affair, an embarrassing stroke of INjustice -- spurred the rest of the world to create May Day to remember when we stood as the opposite of all that.
What I find really ironic is that this nation was built on the exact opposite of 'loyalty' and instead focused on representation and individuality.

Loyalty is necessary for despots and kings. My government works for me, I have zero loyalty to anyone in it past their ability to effectively maintain this nation.
Mueller will dump a mountain of evidence that Russia meddled in our election. This is what the tards are afraid of. They don't want their idiotic delusion shattered.

They don't want to know their morbidly obese naked emperor got a leg up by Putin.
. You have to realize that the majority of this nation was fed up with the left, and they chose whom they chose because of the many final straws that broke the Demon-crats camel's back. The cool thing was that the information gained in the election couldn't be disputed, and it led to the leftist being found completely naked & afraid afterwards. It then led to their catostrophic loss, but it was a loss not because Putin caused their loss, but instead their loss was caused by their years of complete idiocy in which the nation finally got sick of. You can spin it any way you want, but the nation knows what it wanted, and it got what it wanted. If you don't like it, then find you a candidate with some sense the next time.

There was no "leftist" in the election. Unless you refer to Jill Stein, but that's not realistic.

I don't think we've had a "leftist" in an election (that had a serious shot) for at least three decades.

Time to get the adults back in charge again, and stop Hollywood from running this country from the wicked city.

Ah, so you're calling for impeachment.
Mueller will dump a mountain of evidence that Russia meddled in our election. This is what the tards are afraid of. They don't want their idiotic delusion shattered.

They don't want to know their morbidly obese naked emperor got a leg up by Putin.
. You have to realize that the majority of this nation was fed up with the left, and they chose whom they chose because of the many final straws that broke the Demon-crats camel's back. The cool thing was that the information gained in the election couldn't be disputed, and it led to the leftist being found completely naked & afraid afterwards. It then led to their catostrophic loss, but it was a loss not because Putin caused their loss, but instead their loss was caused by their years of complete idiocy in which the nation finally got sick of. You can spin it any way you want, but the nation knows what it wanted, and it got what it wanted. If you don't like it, then find you a candidate with some sense the next time.

There was no "leftist" in the election. Unless you refer to Jill Stein, but that's not realistic.

I don't think we've had a "leftist" in an election (that had a serious shot) for at least three decades.

Time to get the adults back in charge again, and stop Hollywood from running this country from the wicked city.

Ah, so you're calling for impeachment.
. Nope.. Calling for the libs to quit acting like petulant children. The President is there to represent the nation who elected him, and to be fair and decent about it. He is to become the voice of the people, and to be their leader in power who will get the job done. When people get in the way of that happening, then the people will reject those people, and not the President. The President has been found guiltless, but the libs want something to stick for fear of him actually respresenting his voters along with the American people.
That's false, beagle9. Once again, mind your own business.
. Are you trying to silence a member here with your "mind your own business" bullcrap ? Are you working some sort of plan or angle in which you feel needs not to be challenged upon a flippin message board ?? Really ??? LOL. Get a grip. Let the man do his job already. If there is something people don't agree with while he is doing his job, then protest that, but you all have got to get over Trump winning the job for the American people as a whole.
Trump is not fair and decent, does not respect the law, does not respect checks and balances, of which societal outrage is one of those C & B.

He must rule by the law, or be removed by the law.

There is no other choice. Yes, it's binary, either or.
Trump is not fair and decent, does not respect the law, does not respect checks and balances, of which societal outrage is one of those C & B.

He must rule by the law, or be removed by the law.

There is no other choice. Yes, it's binary, either or.
. Is Trump fighting fire with fire ?? Think about it..
Trump is not fair and decent, does not respect the law, does not respect checks and balances, of which societal outrage is one of those C & B.

He must rule by the law, or be removed by the law.

There is no other choice. Yes, it's binary, either or.
. Is Trump fighting fire with fire ?? Think about it..
Trump is answerable to the law not above it.
Mueller will dump a mountain of evidence that Russia meddled in our election. This is what the tards are afraid of. They don't want their idiotic delusion shattered.

They don't want to know their morbidly obese naked emperor got a leg up by Putin.
. You have to realize that the majority of this nation was fed up with the left, and they chose whom they chose because of the many final straws that broke the Demon-crats camel's back. The cool thing was that the information gained in the election couldn't be disputed, and it led to the leftist being found completely naked & afraid afterwards. It then led to their catostrophic loss, but it was a loss not because Putin caused their loss, but instead their loss was caused by their years of complete idiocy in which the nation finally got sick of. You can spin it any way you want, but the nation knows what it wanted, and it got what it wanted. If you don't like it, then find you a candidate with some sense the next time.

There was no "leftist" in the election. Unless you refer to Jill Stein, but that's not realistic.

I don't think we've had a "leftist" in an election (that had a serious shot) for at least three decades.

Time to get the adults back in charge again, and stop Hollywood from running this country from the wicked city.

Ah, so you're calling for impeachment.
. Nope.. Calling for the libs to quit acting like petulant children. The President is there to represent the nation who elected him, and to be fair and decent about it. He is to become the voice of the people, and to be their leader in power who will get the job done. When people get in the way of that happening, then the people will reject those people, and not the President. The President has been found guiltless, but the libs want something to stick for fear of him actually respresenting his voters along with the American people.

"Petulant children" like..... those who send barrages of whiny tweet dumps at four in the morning like --- this?


Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like .... those who make up fake Time Magazine covers featuring Numero Uno and festoon them all over the world? Oh wait.....
  • "Petulant children" like .... those who issue a continuous trolling of rivals with "low energy" and "little Marco" and "would anybody vote for that face" and "pathological"? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who invent "three million illegals" to compensate for losing the popular vote? Oh wait...
  • "Petulant children" like those who insist "the election is rigged" and "there will be riots if I don't win"? Oh wait.....
  • "Petulant children" like those who whine about a debate question with "blood coming out of her wherever" and then bravely run away from the next debate because the same host will be there and he might get more questions? Oh wait...
  • "Petulant children" like those who invent stories about 'thousands of people on rooftops' and when a reporter keeps his integrity and declines to back up a bogus story, goes into mocking gyrations of his congenital disability? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those asscracks who try to demand "loyalty" from an official who's charged with investigation, and then when he doesn't get it -- fires him? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who throw a reporter out because they don't like his questions? Oh wait...
  • "Petulant children" like those who can't admit to their own bankruptcies? Oh wait.....
  • "Petulant chiildren" like those who have to puff themselves up with more bogus bullshit like having "the most electoral votes since Reagan"? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who continually compensate with "the Hispanics love me" and "I have a very good relationship with "the Blacks"" and "nobody's on the side of women more than I am" --- even though he tries to dismiss a judge from Indiana as "Mexican, very unfair", says he hates "black guys counting my money" and recounts how he "grabs women by the pussy" and walks in on teenage girls' dressing rooms? Oh wait...
  • "Petulant children" like those who, when that same judge offers a settlement, pays 27 million to make a fraud case go away, after declaring he would never settle? Oh wait...
  • "Petulant children" like those who, when called out for exactly that petulant childrenism, respond with "Psyho Joe" and "low IQ crazy Mika" who was "bleeding badly from a facelift" at an event he invents they were "begging" to attend? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who diss a beauty contestant as "Miss Housekeeping" and "Miss Piggy"? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" who spew, with a straight face, "I'm very humble --- I'm humble in ways you wouldn't even understand"? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who drone on and on with "there used to be consequences" and yet, given his own bankruptcies, business failures, and the aforementioned whining, wants to have -- NO consequences? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those whose eggshell-thin insecurity requires them to constantly crow "I have a very good brain" and "I have the best words" and "I will be the greatest jobs president that God ever created" and "I'm not stupid, I'm not stupid!"? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who invent their own fake press agents to spread fake news rumors about his own fake sexual exploits? Then changes the name and invents a second one? Then admits to using such fake names in court, then denies that he used them even though it's in the court record? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who take out a full-page newspaper ad calling for the death penalty for five innocent people, and then when they're cleared by DNA and a confession from the actual killer, maintains his position so he doesn't have to suffer the indignity of saying "I was wrong"? Oh wait.....
  • "Petulant children" like those who win a primary in Iowa and then go "how stupid are the people of Iowa" and "I love the poorly educated"? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who when a casino bill doesn't go their way, run into Congress whining "they don't look like Indians to me"? Oh wait...
  • "Petulant children" like those who are so intimidated by a free press they want to "open up" the First Amendment and tirelessly keep whining that "news is fake"? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who call for violence against their detractors and promise to pay their legal fees but never actually participate in either? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who invite the assassination of a political rival and brag that they could shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue and not lose any votes (see also "poorly educated" above)? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who want to take credit for anything associated with them that turns out positive, yet when it doesn't wants to fall back on "I only licensed my name, I didn't run the company"? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who, faced with yet another non-yes-man, dismisses him with "I like people who weren't captured, OK?"? Oh wait...
  • "Petulant children" like those who whine about what SNL's ratings are, because they mock his petulant childishness -- even though the same show already gave him an entire show as its host? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who keep whining and whining and whining about the "ratings" of a TV outlet or newspaper, yet he religiously tracks everything they say about him? Oh wait...
  • "Petulant children" like a loser who goes into a nationally prime-time televised Presidential debate and thinks it an appropriate forum to talk about the size of his dick? Oh wait...

------- "Petulant children" like what''s going on in my sigline image?

Oh yes DO tell us more about these here "petulant children". The world needs to know.
Last edited:
Mueller will dump a mountain of evidence that Russia meddled in our election. This is what the tards are afraid of. They don't want their idiotic delusion shattered.

They don't want to know their morbidly obese naked emperor got a leg up by Putin.
. You have to realize that the majority of this nation was fed up with the left, and they chose whom they chose because of the many final straws that broke the Demon-crats camel's back. The cool thing was that the information gained in the election couldn't be disputed, and it led to the leftist being found completely naked & afraid afterwards. It then led to their catostrophic loss, but it was a loss not because Putin caused their loss, but instead their loss was caused by their years of complete idiocy in which the nation finally got sick of. You can spin it any way you want, but the nation knows what it wanted, and it got what it wanted. If you don't like it, then find you a candidate with some sense the next time.

There was no "leftist" in the election. Unless you refer to Jill Stein, but that's not realistic.

I don't think we've had a "leftist" in an election (that had a serious shot) for at least three decades.

Time to get the adults back in charge again, and stop Hollywood from running this country from the wicked city.

Ah, so you're calling for impeachment.
. Nope.. Calling for the libs to quit acting like petulant children. The President is there to represent the nation who elected him, and to be fair and decent about it. He is to become the voice of the people, and to be their leader in power who will get the job done. When people get in the way of that happening, then the people will reject those people, and not the President. The President has been found guiltless, but the libs want something to stick for fear of him actually respresenting his voters along with the American people.

"Petulant children" like..... those who send barrages of whiny tweet dumps at four in the morning like --- this?


Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like .... those who make up fake Time Magazine covers featuring Numero Uno and festoon them all over the world? Oh wait.....
  • "Petulant children" like .... those who issue a continuous trolling of rivals with "low energy" and "little Marco" and "would anybody vote for that face" and "pathological"? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who invent "three million illegals" to compensate for losing the popular vote? Oh wait...
  • "Petulant children" like those who insist "the election is rigged" and "there will be riots if I don't win"? Oh wait.....
  • "Petulant children" like those who whine about a debate question with "blood coming out of her wherever" and then bravely run away from the next debate because the same host will be there and he might get more questions? Oh wait...
  • "Petulant children" like those who invent stories about 'thousands of people on rooftops' and when a reporter keeps his integrity and declines to back up a bogus story, goes into mocking gyrations of his congenital disability? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those asscracks who try to demand "loyalty" from an official who's charged with investigation, and then when he doesn't get it -- fires him? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who throw a reporter out because they don't like his questions? Oh wait...
  • "Petulant children" like those who can't admit to their own bankruptcies? Oh wait.....
  • "Petulant chiildren" like those who have to puff themselves up with more bogus bullshit like having "the most electoral votes since Reagan"? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who continually compensate with "the Hispanics love me" and "I have a very good relationship with "the Blacks"" and "nobody's on the side of women more than I am" --- even though he tries to dismiss a judge from Indiana as "Mexican, very unfair", says he hates "black guys counting my money" and recounts how he "grabs women by the pussy" and walks in on teenage girls' dressing rooms? Oh wait...
  • "Petulant children" like those who, when that same judge offers a settlement, pays 27 million to make a fraud case go away, after declaring he would never settle? Oh wait...
  • "Petulant children" like those who, when called out for exactly that petulant childrenism, respond with "Psyho Joe" and "low IQ crazy Mika" who was "bleeding badly from a facelift" at an event he invents they were "begging" to attend? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who diss a beauty contestant as "Miss Housekeeping" and "Miss Piggy"? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" who spew, with a straight face, "I'm very humble --- I'm humble in ways you wouldn't even understand"? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who drone on and on with "there used to be consequences" and yet, given his own bankruptcies, business failures, and the aforementioned whining, wants to have -- NO consequences? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those whose eggshell-thin insecurity requires them to constantly crow "I have a very good brain" and "I have the best words" and "I will be the greatest jobs president that God ever created" and "I'm not stupid, I'm not stupid!"? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who invent their own fake press agents to spread fake news rumors about his own fake sexual exploits? Then changes the name and invents a second one? Then admits to using such fake names in court, then denies that he used them even though it's in the court record? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who take out a full-page newspaper ad calling for the death penalty for five innocent people, and then when they're cleared by DNA and a confession from the actual killer, maintains his position so he doesn't have to suffer the indignity of saying "I was wrong"? Oh wait.....
  • "Petulant children" like those who win a primary in Iowa and then go "how stupid are the people of Iowa" and "I love the poorly educated"? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who when a casino bill doesn't go their way, run into Congress whining "they don't look like Indians to me"? Oh wait...
  • "Petulant children" like those who are so intimidated by a free press they want to "open up" the First Amendment and tirelessly keep whining that "news is fake"? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who call for violence against their detractors and promise to pay their legal fees but never actually participate in either? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who invite the assassination of a political rival and brag that they could shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue and not lose any votes (see also "poorly educated" above)? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who want to take credit for anything associated with them that turns out positive, yet when it doesn't wants to fall back on "I only licensed my name, I didn't run the company"? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who, faced with yet another non-yes-man, dismisses him with "I like people who weren't captured, OK?"? Oh wait...
  • "Petulant children" like those who whine about what SNL's ratings are, because they mock his petulant childishness -- even though the same show already gave him an entire show as its host? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who keep whining and whining and whining about the "ratings" of a TV outlet or newspaper, yet he religiously tracks everything they say about him? Oh wait...
  • "Petulant children" like a loser who goes into a nationally prime-time televised Presidential debate and thinks it an appropriate forum to talk about the size of his dick? Oh wait...

------- "Petulant children" like what''s going on in my sigline image?

Oh yes DO tell us more about these here "petulant children". The world needs to know.
I don't study the parties in the way that you do, but I look at the character found within the actions of these two parties whether it be on the issues that are now current, meaningful, , and important to the American people.
Mueller will dump a mountain of evidence that Russia meddled in our election. This is what the tards are afraid of. They don't want their idiotic delusion shattered.

They don't want to know their morbidly obese naked emperor got a leg up by Putin.
. You have to realize that the majority of this nation was fed up with the left, and they chose whom they chose because of the many final straws that broke the Demon-crats camel's back. The cool thing was that the information gained in the election couldn't be disputed, and it led to the leftist being found completely naked & afraid afterwards. It then led to their catostrophic loss, but it was a loss not because Putin caused their loss, but instead their loss was caused by their years of complete idiocy in which the nation finally got sick of. You can spin it any way you want, but the nation knows what it wanted, and it got what it wanted. If you don't like it, then find you a candidate with some sense the next time.

There was no "leftist" in the election. Unless you refer to Jill Stein, but that's not realistic.

I don't think we've had a "leftist" in an election (that had a serious shot) for at least three decades.

Time to get the adults back in charge again, and stop Hollywood from running this country from the wicked city.

Ah, so you're calling for impeachment.
. Nope.. Calling for the libs to quit acting like petulant children. The President is there to represent the nation who elected him, and to be fair and decent about it. He is to become the voice of the people, and to be their leader in power who will get the job done. When people get in the way of that happening, then the people will reject those people, and not the President. The President has been found guiltless, but the libs want something to stick for fear of him actually respresenting his voters along with the American people.

"Petulant children" like..... those who send barrages of whiny tweet dumps at four in the morning like --- this?


Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like .... those who make up fake Time Magazine covers featuring Numero Uno and festoon them all over the world? Oh wait.....
  • "Petulant children" like .... those who issue a continuous trolling of rivals with "low energy" and "little Marco" and "would anybody vote for that face" and "pathological"? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who invent "three million illegals" to compensate for losing the popular vote? Oh wait...
  • "Petulant children" like those who insist "the election is rigged" and "there will be riots if I don't win"? Oh wait.....
  • "Petulant children" like those who whine about a debate question with "blood coming out of her wherever" and then bravely run away from the next debate because the same host will be there and he might get more questions? Oh wait...
  • "Petulant children" like those who invent stories about 'thousands of people on rooftops' and when a reporter keeps his integrity and declines to back up a bogus story, goes into mocking gyrations of his congenital disability? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those asscracks who try to demand "loyalty" from an official who's charged with investigation, and then when he doesn't get it -- fires him? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who throw a reporter out because they don't like his questions? Oh wait...
  • "Petulant children" like those who can't admit to their own bankruptcies? Oh wait.....
  • "Petulant chiildren" like those who have to puff themselves up with more bogus bullshit like having "the most electoral votes since Reagan"? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who continually compensate with "the Hispanics love me" and "I have a very good relationship with "the Blacks"" and "nobody's on the side of women more than I am" --- even though he tries to dismiss a judge from Indiana as "Mexican, very unfair", says he hates "black guys counting my money" and recounts how he "grabs women by the pussy" and walks in on teenage girls' dressing rooms? Oh wait...
  • "Petulant children" like those who, when that same judge offers a settlement, pays 27 million to make a fraud case go away, after declaring he would never settle? Oh wait...
  • "Petulant children" like those who, when called out for exactly that petulant childrenism, respond with "Psyho Joe" and "low IQ crazy Mika" who was "bleeding badly from a facelift" at an event he invents they were "begging" to attend? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who diss a beauty contestant as "Miss Housekeeping" and "Miss Piggy"? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" who spew, with a straight face, "I'm very humble --- I'm humble in ways you wouldn't even understand"? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who drone on and on with "there used to be consequences" and yet, given his own bankruptcies, business failures, and the aforementioned whining, wants to have -- NO consequences? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those whose eggshell-thin insecurity requires them to constantly crow "I have a very good brain" and "I have the best words" and "I will be the greatest jobs president that God ever created" and "I'm not stupid, I'm not stupid!"? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who invent their own fake press agents to spread fake news rumors about his own fake sexual exploits? Then changes the name and invents a second one? Then admits to using such fake names in court, then denies that he used them even though it's in the court record? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who take out a full-page newspaper ad calling for the death penalty for five innocent people, and then when they're cleared by DNA and a confession from the actual killer, maintains his position so he doesn't have to suffer the indignity of saying "I was wrong"? Oh wait.....
  • "Petulant children" like those who win a primary in Iowa and then go "how stupid are the people of Iowa" and "I love the poorly educated"? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who when a casino bill doesn't go their way, run into Congress whining "they don't look like Indians to me"? Oh wait...
  • "Petulant children" like those who are so intimidated by a free press they want to "open up" the First Amendment and tirelessly keep whining that "news is fake"? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who call for violence against their detractors and promise to pay their legal fees but never actually participate in either? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who invite the assassination of a political rival and brag that they could shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue and not lose any votes (see also "poorly educated" above)? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who want to take credit for anything associated with them that turns out positive, yet when it doesn't wants to fall back on "I only licensed my name, I didn't run the company"? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who, faced with yet another non-yes-man, dismisses him with "I like people who weren't captured, OK?"? Oh wait...
  • "Petulant children" like those who whine about what SNL's ratings are, because they mock his petulant childishness -- even though the same show already gave him an entire show as its host? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who keep whining and whining and whining about the "ratings" of a TV outlet or newspaper, yet he religiously tracks everything they say about him? Oh wait...
  • "Petulant children" like a loser who goes into a nationally prime-time televised Presidential debate and thinks it an appropriate forum to talk about the size of his dick? Oh wait...

------- "Petulant children" like what''s going on in my sigline image?

Oh yes DO tell us more about these here "petulant children". The world needs to know.
I don't study the parties in the way that you do, but I look at the character found within the actions of these two parties whether it be on the issues that are now current, meaningful, , and important to the American people.

uh HUH. So you "don't study the parties" ----- and yet you'd have us believe they have a "character"?

It's OK ---- none of the above was about any "parties". It was about a petulant child. And here's an amazing super-secret decoder ring big hint ................ that entire laundry list is all about the same petulant child.

There's more too. WAY more. Here's an entire page of literally thousands of them.

An individual --- such as a petulant child --- can and does have a certain personal character. As outlined profusely above. A political party --- or any such large organization of any kind --- cannot.
Last edited:
. You have to realize that the majority of this nation was fed up with the left, and they chose whom they chose because of the many final straws that broke the Demon-crats camel's back. The cool thing was that the information gained in the election couldn't be disputed, and it led to the leftist being found completely naked & afraid afterwards. It then led to their catostrophic loss, but it was a loss not because Putin caused their loss, but instead their loss was caused by their years of complete idiocy in which the nation finally got sick of. You can spin it any way you want, but the nation knows what it wanted, and it got what it wanted. If you don't like it, then find you a candidate with some sense the next time.

There was no "leftist" in the election. Unless you refer to Jill Stein, but that's not realistic.

I don't think we've had a "leftist" in an election (that had a serious shot) for at least three decades.

Time to get the adults back in charge again, and stop Hollywood from running this country from the wicked city.

Ah, so you're calling for impeachment.
. Nope.. Calling for the libs to quit acting like petulant children. The President is there to represent the nation who elected him, and to be fair and decent about it. He is to become the voice of the people, and to be their leader in power who will get the job done. When people get in the way of that happening, then the people will reject those people, and not the President. The President has been found guiltless, but the libs want something to stick for fear of him actually respresenting his voters along with the American people.

"Petulant children" like..... those who send barrages of whiny tweet dumps at four in the morning like --- this?


Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like .... those who make up fake Time Magazine covers featuring Numero Uno and festoon them all over the world? Oh wait.....
  • "Petulant children" like .... those who issue a continuous trolling of rivals with "low energy" and "little Marco" and "would anybody vote for that face" and "pathological"? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who invent "three million illegals" to compensate for losing the popular vote? Oh wait...
  • "Petulant children" like those who insist "the election is rigged" and "there will be riots if I don't win"? Oh wait.....
  • "Petulant children" like those who whine about a debate question with "blood coming out of her wherever" and then bravely run away from the next debate because the same host will be there and he might get more questions? Oh wait...
  • "Petulant children" like those who invent stories about 'thousands of people on rooftops' and when a reporter keeps his integrity and declines to back up a bogus story, goes into mocking gyrations of his congenital disability? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those asscracks who try to demand "loyalty" from an official who's charged with investigation, and then when he doesn't get it -- fires him? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who throw a reporter out because they don't like his questions? Oh wait...
  • "Petulant children" like those who can't admit to their own bankruptcies? Oh wait.....
  • "Petulant chiildren" like those who have to puff themselves up with more bogus bullshit like having "the most electoral votes since Reagan"? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who continually compensate with "the Hispanics love me" and "I have a very good relationship with "the Blacks"" and "nobody's on the side of women more than I am" --- even though he tries to dismiss a judge from Indiana as "Mexican, very unfair", says he hates "black guys counting my money" and recounts how he "grabs women by the pussy" and walks in on teenage girls' dressing rooms? Oh wait...
  • "Petulant children" like those who, when that same judge offers a settlement, pays 27 million to make a fraud case go away, after declaring he would never settle? Oh wait...
  • "Petulant children" like those who, when called out for exactly that petulant childrenism, respond with "Psyho Joe" and "low IQ crazy Mika" who was "bleeding badly from a facelift" at an event he invents they were "begging" to attend? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who diss a beauty contestant as "Miss Housekeeping" and "Miss Piggy"? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" who spew, with a straight face, "I'm very humble --- I'm humble in ways you wouldn't even understand"? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who drone on and on with "there used to be consequences" and yet, given his own bankruptcies, business failures, and the aforementioned whining, wants to have -- NO consequences? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those whose eggshell-thin insecurity requires them to constantly crow "I have a very good brain" and "I have the best words" and "I will be the greatest jobs president that God ever created" and "I'm not stupid, I'm not stupid!"? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who invent their own fake press agents to spread fake news rumors about his own fake sexual exploits? Then changes the name and invents a second one? Then admits to using such fake names in court, then denies that he used them even though it's in the court record? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who take out a full-page newspaper ad calling for the death penalty for five innocent people, and then when they're cleared by DNA and a confession from the actual killer, maintains his position so he doesn't have to suffer the indignity of saying "I was wrong"? Oh wait.....
  • "Petulant children" like those who win a primary in Iowa and then go "how stupid are the people of Iowa" and "I love the poorly educated"? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who when a casino bill doesn't go their way, run into Congress whining "they don't look like Indians to me"? Oh wait...
  • "Petulant children" like those who are so intimidated by a free press they want to "open up" the First Amendment and tirelessly keep whining that "news is fake"? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who call for violence against their detractors and promise to pay their legal fees but never actually participate in either? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who invite the assassination of a political rival and brag that they could shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue and not lose any votes (see also "poorly educated" above)? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who want to take credit for anything associated with them that turns out positive, yet when it doesn't wants to fall back on "I only licensed my name, I didn't run the company"? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who, faced with yet another non-yes-man, dismisses him with "I like people who weren't captured, OK?"? Oh wait...
  • "Petulant children" like those who whine about what SNL's ratings are, because they mock his petulant childishness -- even though the same show already gave him an entire show as its host? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who keep whining and whining and whining about the "ratings" of a TV outlet or newspaper, yet he religiously tracks everything they say about him? Oh wait...
  • "Petulant children" like a loser who goes into a nationally prime-time televised Presidential debate and thinks it an appropriate forum to talk about the size of his dick? Oh wait...

------- "Petulant children" like what''s going on in my sigline image?

Oh yes DO tell us more about these here "petulant children". The world needs to know.
I don't study the parties in the way that you do, but I look at the character found within the actions of these two parties whether it be on the issues that are now current, meaningful, , and important to the American people.

uh HUH. So you "don't study the parties" ----- and yet you'd have us believe they have a "character"?

It's OK ---- none of the above was about any "parties". It was about a petulant child. And here's an amazing super-secret decoder ring big hint ................ that entire laundry list is all about the same petulant child.

There's more too. WAY more. Here's an entire page of literally thousands of them.

An individual --- such as a petulant child --- can and does have a certain personal character. As outlined profusely above. A political party --- or any such large organization of any kind --- cannot.
. Yes they can, and they do have hoards of petulant children in and among the ranks. Just look at the recent actions of the Republicans. Enough said.. The Demon-crats have caused some tragic things to take hold in this country, and the Republicans aren't without blame, because when they had power, they did nothing to stop the bullcrap. They (the Republicans) went along to get along. Huge mistakes made in the past.
There was no "leftist" in the election. Unless you refer to Jill Stein, but that's not realistic.

I don't think we've had a "leftist" in an election (that had a serious shot) for at least three decades.

Ah, so you're calling for impeachment.
. Nope.. Calling for the libs to quit acting like petulant children. The President is there to represent the nation who elected him, and to be fair and decent about it. He is to become the voice of the people, and to be their leader in power who will get the job done. When people get in the way of that happening, then the people will reject those people, and not the President. The President has been found guiltless, but the libs want something to stick for fear of him actually respresenting his voters along with the American people.

"Petulant children" like..... those who send barrages of whiny tweet dumps at four in the morning like --- this?


Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like .... those who make up fake Time Magazine covers featuring Numero Uno and festoon them all over the world? Oh wait.....
  • "Petulant children" like .... those who issue a continuous trolling of rivals with "low energy" and "little Marco" and "would anybody vote for that face" and "pathological"? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who invent "three million illegals" to compensate for losing the popular vote? Oh wait...
  • "Petulant children" like those who insist "the election is rigged" and "there will be riots if I don't win"? Oh wait.....
  • "Petulant children" like those who whine about a debate question with "blood coming out of her wherever" and then bravely run away from the next debate because the same host will be there and he might get more questions? Oh wait...
  • "Petulant children" like those who invent stories about 'thousands of people on rooftops' and when a reporter keeps his integrity and declines to back up a bogus story, goes into mocking gyrations of his congenital disability? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those asscracks who try to demand "loyalty" from an official who's charged with investigation, and then when he doesn't get it -- fires him? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who throw a reporter out because they don't like his questions? Oh wait...
  • "Petulant children" like those who can't admit to their own bankruptcies? Oh wait.....
  • "Petulant chiildren" like those who have to puff themselves up with more bogus bullshit like having "the most electoral votes since Reagan"? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who continually compensate with "the Hispanics love me" and "I have a very good relationship with "the Blacks"" and "nobody's on the side of women more than I am" --- even though he tries to dismiss a judge from Indiana as "Mexican, very unfair", says he hates "black guys counting my money" and recounts how he "grabs women by the pussy" and walks in on teenage girls' dressing rooms? Oh wait...
  • "Petulant children" like those who, when that same judge offers a settlement, pays 27 million to make a fraud case go away, after declaring he would never settle? Oh wait...
  • "Petulant children" like those who, when called out for exactly that petulant childrenism, respond with "Psyho Joe" and "low IQ crazy Mika" who was "bleeding badly from a facelift" at an event he invents they were "begging" to attend? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who diss a beauty contestant as "Miss Housekeeping" and "Miss Piggy"? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" who spew, with a straight face, "I'm very humble --- I'm humble in ways you wouldn't even understand"? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who drone on and on with "there used to be consequences" and yet, given his own bankruptcies, business failures, and the aforementioned whining, wants to have -- NO consequences? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those whose eggshell-thin insecurity requires them to constantly crow "I have a very good brain" and "I have the best words" and "I will be the greatest jobs president that God ever created" and "I'm not stupid, I'm not stupid!"? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who invent their own fake press agents to spread fake news rumors about his own fake sexual exploits? Then changes the name and invents a second one? Then admits to using such fake names in court, then denies that he used them even though it's in the court record? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who take out a full-page newspaper ad calling for the death penalty for five innocent people, and then when they're cleared by DNA and a confession from the actual killer, maintains his position so he doesn't have to suffer the indignity of saying "I was wrong"? Oh wait.....
  • "Petulant children" like those who win a primary in Iowa and then go "how stupid are the people of Iowa" and "I love the poorly educated"? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who when a casino bill doesn't go their way, run into Congress whining "they don't look like Indians to me"? Oh wait...
  • "Petulant children" like those who are so intimidated by a free press they want to "open up" the First Amendment and tirelessly keep whining that "news is fake"? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who call for violence against their detractors and promise to pay their legal fees but never actually participate in either? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who invite the assassination of a political rival and brag that they could shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue and not lose any votes (see also "poorly educated" above)? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who want to take credit for anything associated with them that turns out positive, yet when it doesn't wants to fall back on "I only licensed my name, I didn't run the company"? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who, faced with yet another non-yes-man, dismisses him with "I like people who weren't captured, OK?"? Oh wait...
  • "Petulant children" like those who whine about what SNL's ratings are, because they mock his petulant childishness -- even though the same show already gave him an entire show as its host? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who keep whining and whining and whining about the "ratings" of a TV outlet or newspaper, yet he religiously tracks everything they say about him? Oh wait...
  • "Petulant children" like a loser who goes into a nationally prime-time televised Presidential debate and thinks it an appropriate forum to talk about the size of his dick? Oh wait...

------- "Petulant children" like what''s going on in my sigline image?

Oh yes DO tell us more about these here "petulant children". The world needs to know.
I don't study the parties in the way that you do, but I look at the character found within the actions of these two parties whether it be on the issues that are now current, meaningful, , and important to the American people.

uh HUH. So you "don't study the parties" ----- and yet you'd have us believe they have a "character"?

It's OK ---- none of the above was about any "parties". It was about a petulant child. And here's an amazing super-secret decoder ring big hint ................ that entire laundry list is all about the same petulant child.

There's more too. WAY more. Here's an entire page of literally thousands of them.

An individual --- such as a petulant child --- can and does have a certain personal character. As outlined profusely above. A political party --- or any such large organization of any kind --- cannot.
. Yes they can, and they do have hoards of petulant children in and among the ranks. Just look at the recent actions of the Republicans. Enough said.. The Demon-crats have caused some tragic things to take hold in this country, and the Republicans aren't without blame, because when they had power, they did nothing to stop the bullcrap. They (the Republicans) went along to get along. Huge mistakes made in the past.

No, they cannot. The term "they" itself makes that impossible by being a plural. Personal character is just that --- personal. And singular. No group of people is a single entity.

I just gave you for example over 30 real-life examples of petulant child characteristics that all apply to one person. They do not apply to any two people, let alone an entire political party carrying a membership in the millions. That's impossible.
. Nope.. Calling for the libs to quit acting like petulant children. The President is there to represent the nation who elected him, and to be fair and decent about it. He is to become the voice of the people, and to be their leader in power who will get the job done. When people get in the way of that happening, then the people will reject those people, and not the President. The President has been found guiltless, but the libs want something to stick for fear of him actually respresenting his voters along with the American people.

"Petulant children" like..... those who send barrages of whiny tweet dumps at four in the morning like --- this?


Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like .... those who make up fake Time Magazine covers featuring Numero Uno and festoon them all over the world? Oh wait.....
  • "Petulant children" like .... those who issue a continuous trolling of rivals with "low energy" and "little Marco" and "would anybody vote for that face" and "pathological"? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who invent "three million illegals" to compensate for losing the popular vote? Oh wait...
  • "Petulant children" like those who insist "the election is rigged" and "there will be riots if I don't win"? Oh wait.....
  • "Petulant children" like those who whine about a debate question with "blood coming out of her wherever" and then bravely run away from the next debate because the same host will be there and he might get more questions? Oh wait...
  • "Petulant children" like those who invent stories about 'thousands of people on rooftops' and when a reporter keeps his integrity and declines to back up a bogus story, goes into mocking gyrations of his congenital disability? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those asscracks who try to demand "loyalty" from an official who's charged with investigation, and then when he doesn't get it -- fires him? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who throw a reporter out because they don't like his questions? Oh wait...
  • "Petulant children" like those who can't admit to their own bankruptcies? Oh wait.....
  • "Petulant chiildren" like those who have to puff themselves up with more bogus bullshit like having "the most electoral votes since Reagan"? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who continually compensate with "the Hispanics love me" and "I have a very good relationship with "the Blacks"" and "nobody's on the side of women more than I am" --- even though he tries to dismiss a judge from Indiana as "Mexican, very unfair", says he hates "black guys counting my money" and recounts how he "grabs women by the pussy" and walks in on teenage girls' dressing rooms? Oh wait...
  • "Petulant children" like those who, when that same judge offers a settlement, pays 27 million to make a fraud case go away, after declaring he would never settle? Oh wait...
  • "Petulant children" like those who, when called out for exactly that petulant childrenism, respond with "Psyho Joe" and "low IQ crazy Mika" who was "bleeding badly from a facelift" at an event he invents they were "begging" to attend? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who diss a beauty contestant as "Miss Housekeeping" and "Miss Piggy"? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" who spew, with a straight face, "I'm very humble --- I'm humble in ways you wouldn't even understand"? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who drone on and on with "there used to be consequences" and yet, given his own bankruptcies, business failures, and the aforementioned whining, wants to have -- NO consequences? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those whose eggshell-thin insecurity requires them to constantly crow "I have a very good brain" and "I have the best words" and "I will be the greatest jobs president that God ever created" and "I'm not stupid, I'm not stupid!"? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who invent their own fake press agents to spread fake news rumors about his own fake sexual exploits? Then changes the name and invents a second one? Then admits to using such fake names in court, then denies that he used them even though it's in the court record? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who take out a full-page newspaper ad calling for the death penalty for five innocent people, and then when they're cleared by DNA and a confession from the actual killer, maintains his position so he doesn't have to suffer the indignity of saying "I was wrong"? Oh wait.....
  • "Petulant children" like those who win a primary in Iowa and then go "how stupid are the people of Iowa" and "I love the poorly educated"? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who when a casino bill doesn't go their way, run into Congress whining "they don't look like Indians to me"? Oh wait...
  • "Petulant children" like those who are so intimidated by a free press they want to "open up" the First Amendment and tirelessly keep whining that "news is fake"? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who call for violence against their detractors and promise to pay their legal fees but never actually participate in either? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who invite the assassination of a political rival and brag that they could shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue and not lose any votes (see also "poorly educated" above)? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who want to take credit for anything associated with them that turns out positive, yet when it doesn't wants to fall back on "I only licensed my name, I didn't run the company"? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who, faced with yet another non-yes-man, dismisses him with "I like people who weren't captured, OK?"? Oh wait...
  • "Petulant children" like those who whine about what SNL's ratings are, because they mock his petulant childishness -- even though the same show already gave him an entire show as its host? Oh wait....
  • "Petulant children" like those who keep whining and whining and whining about the "ratings" of a TV outlet or newspaper, yet he religiously tracks everything they say about him? Oh wait...
  • "Petulant children" like a loser who goes into a nationally prime-time televised Presidential debate and thinks it an appropriate forum to talk about the size of his dick? Oh wait...

------- "Petulant children" like what''s going on in my sigline image?

Oh yes DO tell us more about these here "petulant children". The world needs to know.
I don't study the parties in the way that you do, but I look at the character found within the actions of these two parties whether it be on the issues that are now current, meaningful, , and important to the American people.

uh HUH. So you "don't study the parties" ----- and yet you'd have us believe they have a "character"?

It's OK ---- none of the above was about any "parties". It was about a petulant child. And here's an amazing super-secret decoder ring big hint ................ that entire laundry list is all about the same petulant child.

There's more too. WAY more. Here's an entire page of literally thousands of them.

An individual --- such as a petulant child --- can and does have a certain personal character. As outlined profusely above. A political party --- or any such large organization of any kind --- cannot.
. Yes they can, and they do have hoards of petulant children in and among the ranks. Just look at the recent actions of the Republicans. Enough said.. The Demon-crats have caused some tragic things to take hold in this country, and the Republicans aren't without blame, because when they had power, they did nothing to stop the bullcrap. They (the Republicans) went along to get along. Huge mistakes made in the past.

No, they cannot. The term "they" itself makes that impossible by being a plural. Personal character is just that --- personal. And singular. No group of people is a single entity.

I just gave you for example over 30 real-life examples of petulant child characteristics that all apply to one person. They do not apply to any two people, let alone an entire political party carrying a membership in the millions. That's impossible.
. Cultural make up of groups who fall lock step in line with one another puts and end to your fallacy or thought process in which you drawed your opinions from within that brain of yours. Groups can hold certain characteristics in which the group follows, and possesses therefore making up a groups identity. We as Americans have been judged by this in the world, and we have judged others by the same standard of thinking at times. You libs have been labeling Republicans as racist, bigots and everything else over the years, but now it doesn't apply ?? What happened ? It doesn't apply of course, because you are shape shifters that's why. I'll say it again " the Demon-crats have been acting like petulant children".
. Cultural make up of groups who fall lock step in line with one another puts and end to your fallacy or thought process in which you drawed your opinions from within that brain of yours.

Here's a sentence that flows like a 36-car collision on a foggy day. I especially like the way it begins with a period. Must say I've never seen that one before. That's even better than in which you drawed your opinions from within that brain of yours.

Tell the truth -- you have a team of writers working by committee doncha?

Groups can hold certain characteristics in which the group follows, and possesses therefore making up a groups identity.

"Identity" is not "personality type". You're moving your own goalpost. That means you concede the point.

You libs have been labeling Republicans as racist, bigots and everything else over the years,

I have huh? Link?



Hey, how 'bout this --- find me any blanket statement I've ever made about anything. You know --- like you just did.
I'll wait here.

What happened ?

What happened was you pulled a strawman out of your ass, and then you wonder why you have a shitty point.

It doesn't apply of course, because you are shape shifters that's why. I'll say it again " the Demon-crats have been acting like petulant children".

And yet ---- you wrote this post.
Go figure.
Looks Like Mueller is doing the job, as well as doing it better and faster than any prior investigation of this magnitude.....


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