Time to give Al Franken the boot - Here's how:

We can see the photo. He's not actually touching her.

Hence, there's no groping.

The lesson? Conservative liars need to stop lying.

Not to mention she is wearing a kevlar vest.

Great excuse, right?

It's not exactly a rape if you wear a condom.

Wrong, not even close to the same, and sadly, I'm not sure if you are smart enough to realize it or not.

Oh, I get it, it's OK what he did, because as you said, "she's wearing kevlar vest".
We can see the photo. He's not actually touching her.

Hence, there's no groping.

The lesson? Conservative liars need to stop lying.

Not to mention she is wearing a kevlar vest.

Great excuse, right?

It's not exactly a rape if you wear a condom.

Wrong, not even close to the same, and sadly, I'm not sure if you are smart enough to realize it or not.

Oh, I get it, it's OK what he did, because as you said, "she's wearing kevlar vest".

No, you don't get it because you tried, and failed quite miserably, to equate vaginal penetration to what he did.
Franken's 2nd accuser;

Fanning the Flames / Melanie Morgan's swing from liberal to right-wing radio shouter may not have happened overnight, but it's permanent -- and profitable

maybe..not a totally credible person. Especially when the accusation is non-sexual in nature..basically, she says Franken gave her shit--well..that's how they roll..in that business.

On the set of Bill Maher..fer chrissakes!

Your link doesn't even mention Franken.

And lay off the fucking hyper-scream font, K? Clearly you're not some kind of superior poster. You gotta earn that.

**chuckles*** OK..but it doesn't seem that big on my screen..but since your the 3rd person who's mentioned it..I'll defer.

As to my post..was just a bit about his accuser..a 'get to know' her kind of thing..surely a 'super poster' such as yourself could have sussed that out?

As I'm such a n00b..I'd sure like an explanation as to why so many here don't seem to be able to do their own research and have the basic facts at hand--after all..Google works for almost all--unless you use Duck, Duck, Go--as I do.

Could it be, that some do not like the answers that honest research gets them? They would rather pick apart other's posts...and cherry-pick their 'facts?

I can't know..being a mere mortal..in this hyper-intellectually demanding forum.

Thanks for the font tip. I'll squint--rather than offend. Just for you.


It's still in bold. Don't you get that? See anybody else so full of themselves they have to post in bold? If you can't see the print (how the hell do you see everybody else's?) then the thing to do is control-plus. That will zoom your screen bigger so that you can read everything without foisting your own eye problems on everybody else.

And once again the point here was that the link you left mentioned absolutely nothing about Al Franken. It's irrelevant.
I could say "I robbed a bank".

But without some bank coming forward and proof that I actually did, there's no case.

Even if you did rob a bank ---- would it require you to "resign" from this board? If so --- why?

That's exactly the same question.

Yet another one still unanswered.

Oh, BTW. Here's another quote from Franken:

"I give the pills to Lesley Stahl. Then when Lesley is passed out, I take her to the closet and rape her.' Or ‘That’s why you never see Lesley until February.' Or, ‘When she passes out. I put her in various positions and take pictures of her.’”

So do you find joking about raping someone "comedic"?

Al Franken joked about raping Lesley Stahl in 1995 New York Magazine article

Around the same time he challenged some TV talking head to "a fight". Literally, a fistfight.

That's part of his schtick as a comedian. Which was also his gig at the time of the USO tour. Comedy requires an edge of the surreal, the uncomfortable, and/or the absurd. Comedy is all about tension and release. Without the tension, there's no comedy.


Do you actually read that thing and come to the pseudorational conclusion that he was actually threatening to rape Lesley Stahl or fistfight Rich Lowry, in real life? Are you actually that dense?
. Is that why the senator was hired as a comedian, so these excuses would wash ?

Nope. That's a beat-down of a poster's puerile point that he thought was going to work, executed by stating the obvious.

By my unofficial count this would make fourteen times the question of what the basis is for resigning from the Senate, has been dodged.
Oh I know exactly what the allegations are. Heard them all day on the road in my travels.

The question STILL REMAINS ---- on what basis does Franken need to "resign"?

That's seven times I've posted that question. Got zero answers.

It's called "sexual harassment".

And that's your basis that he should resign from the Senate?


Thank you. Ten times I had to put that question out before anyone would touch it.

Now that we have that, lemme ask you this.

---- Should Larry Craig have resigned, after he not only sexually harassed a man in an adjacent bathroom stall, but got arrested for it (his target being a cop) --- and having done so while he was a sitting Senator?

And when I say 'sitting Senator' I mean that quite literally................. :rofl:


Yes, he should have.

Whelp --- I disagree. There's nothing about soliciting sex in the Minneapolis airport bathroom that relates to how he does his job in the Senate. Go ahead and try to make the case that there is.

And even if one thinks there was ---- that would be up to the people of Idaho, not us.
Franken's 2nd accuser;

Fanning the Flames / Melanie Morgan's swing from liberal to right-wing radio shouter may not have happened overnight, but it's permanent -- and profitable

maybe..not a totally credible person. Especially when the accusation is non-sexual in nature..basically, she says Franken gave her shit--well..that's how they roll..in that business.

On the set of Bill Maher..fer chrissakes!

Your link doesn't even mention Franken.

And lay off the fucking hyper-scream font, K? Clearly you're not some kind of superior poster. You gotta earn that.

**chuckles*** OK..but it doesn't seem that big on my screen..but since your the 3rd person who's mentioned it..I'll defer.

As to my post..was just a bit about his accuser..a 'get to know' her kind of thing..surely a 'super poster' such as yourself could have sussed that out?

As I'm such a n00b..I'd sure like an explanation as to why so many here don't seem to be able to do their own research and have the basic facts at hand--after all..Google works for almost all--unless you use Duck, Duck, Go--as I do.

Could it be, that some do not like the answers that honest research gets them? They would rather pick apart other's posts...and cherry-pick their 'facts?

I can't know..being a mere mortal..in this hyper-intellectually demanding forum.

Thanks for the font tip. I'll squint--rather than offend. Just for you.


It's still in bold. Don't you get that? See anybody else so full of themselves they have to post in bold? If you can't see the print (how the hell do you see everybody else's?) then the thing to do is control-plus. That will zoom your screen bigger so that you can read everything without foisting your own eye problems on everybody else.

And once again the point here was that the link you left mentioned absolutely nothing about Al Franken. It's irrelevant.

It's about his accuser..thus it IS relevant. IMO. of course. I do note that you had no response to the rest of my post..I guess that was irrelevant as well?

thanks for the control-plus thing..I didn't know that. I've been putting my nose on the screen..just about.
It's called "sexual harassment".

And that's your basis that he should resign from the Senate?


Thank you. Ten times I had to put that question out before anyone would touch it.

Now that we have that, lemme ask you this.

---- Should Larry Craig have resigned, after he not only sexually harassed a man in an adjacent bathroom stall, but got arrested for it (his target being a cop) --- and having done so while he was a sitting Senator?

And when I say 'sitting Senator' I mean that quite literally................. :rofl:


Yes, he should have.

Whelp --- I disagree. There's nothing about soliciting sex in the Minneapolis airport bathroom that relates to how he does his job in the Senate. Go ahead and try to make the case that there is.

And even if one thinks there was ---- that would be up to the people of Idaho, not us.

Then don't ask, and don't express your opinion.
And that's your basis that he should resign from the Senate?


Thank you. Ten times I had to put that question out before anyone would touch it.

Now that we have that, lemme ask you this.

---- Should Larry Craig have resigned, after he not only sexually harassed a man in an adjacent bathroom stall, but got arrested for it (his target being a cop) --- and having done so while he was a sitting Senator?

And when I say 'sitting Senator' I mean that quite literally................. :rofl:


Yes, he should have.

Whelp --- I disagree. There's nothing about soliciting sex in the Minneapolis airport bathroom that relates to how he does his job in the Senate. Go ahead and try to make the case that there is.

And even if one thinks there was ---- that would be up to the people of Idaho, not us.

Then don't ask, and don't express your opinion.

Look around your screen. See if you can figure out what site you're on.

Here's a hint -- go up to the URL bar and take a look at the page address. Ruminate on the part after "us" and before ".com".

Once you figure that out, ruminate on the fact that you have no answer. And what that might mean.
It's called "sexual harassment".

And that's your basis that he should resign from the Senate?


Thank you. Ten times I had to put that question out before anyone would touch it.

Now that we have that, lemme ask you this.

---- Should Larry Craig have resigned, after he not only sexually harassed a man in an adjacent bathroom stall, but got arrested for it (his target being a cop) --- and having done so while he was a sitting Senator?

And when I say 'sitting Senator' I mean that quite literally................. :rofl:


Yes, he should have.

Whelp --- I disagree. There's nothing about soliciting sex in the Minneapolis airport bathroom that relates to how he does his job in the Senate. Go ahead and try to make the case that there is.

And even if one thinks there was ---- that would be up to the people of Idaho, not us.

As one of those people..I'm game. Larry Craig was an ardent anti-gay activist Senator. He ran on that. Made countless speeches about it. He was key in defeating many equal rights bills aimed at gays. And he was gay. Such a self-hating, opportunistic, hypocritical, lying, caricature of a man misrepresented himself and the people of Idaho with every vote he took..every piece of legislation he introduced. It was not just the one act in the bathroom..wide stance indeed :2up:..but a life of deception!
As one who voted for Craig...I find his behavior contemptible. Not that he was gay..I could give a hoot...but the stunning hypocrisy he displayed throughout his political career.

One correction--to thinker101---Larry Craig did not sexually harass anyone..he solicited an undercover cop for sex.

Thank you. Ten times I had to put that question out before anyone would touch it.

Now that we have that, lemme ask you this.

---- Should Larry Craig have resigned, after he not only sexually harassed a man in an adjacent bathroom stall, but got arrested for it (his target being a cop) --- and having done so while he was a sitting Senator?

And when I say 'sitting Senator' I mean that quite literally................. :rofl:


Yes, he should have.

Whelp --- I disagree. There's nothing about soliciting sex in the Minneapolis airport bathroom that relates to how he does his job in the Senate. Go ahead and try to make the case that there is.

And even if one thinks there was ---- that would be up to the people of Idaho, not us.

Then don't ask, and don't express your opinion.

Look around your screen. See if you can figure out what site you're on.

Here's a hint -- go up to the URL bar and take a look at the page address. Ruminate on the part after "us" and before ".com".

Once you figure that out, ruminate on the fact that you have no answer. And what that might mean.

Really!!! Are you that stupid. You indicate it's up to the people of Idaho. I pretty much agree, then you disagree. Get a fricken life.
Thank you. Ten times I had to put that question out before anyone would touch it.

Now that we have that, lemme ask you this.

---- Should Larry Craig have resigned, after he not only sexually harassed a man in an adjacent bathroom stall, but got arrested for it (his target being a cop) --- and having done so while he was a sitting Senator?

And when I say 'sitting Senator' I mean that quite literally................. :rofl:


Yes, he should have.

Whelp --- I disagree. There's nothing about soliciting sex in the Minneapolis airport bathroom that relates to how he does his job in the Senate. Go ahead and try to make the case that there is.

And even if one thinks there was ---- that would be up to the people of Idaho, not us.

Then don't ask, and don't express your opinion.

Look around your screen. See if you can figure out what site you're on.

Here's a hint -- go up to the URL bar and take a look at the page address. Ruminate on the part after "us" and before ".com".

Once you figure that out, ruminate on the fact that you have no answer. And what that might mean.

Really!!! Are you that stupid. You indicate it's up to the people of Idaho. I pretty much agree, then you disagree. Get a fricken life.

Larry Craig was a Senator representing Idaho.

You could look it up.

Go ahead, try to prove that wrong.

The question you can't answer here is, why his episode in the Minneapolis airport should have required him to resign from the Senate. Guess you still don't have an answer for that.
Overwhelm him with complaints:


Senator Franken:

The irrefutable photographic evidence of your groping of Ms. Leeann Tweeden is vile and disgusting.

To have done this during a tour to entertain our soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines raises the disgusting extent of your actions by orders of magnitude.

Members of the U.S. Senate on both sides of the aisle, the media, and a large swath of the public are demanding Judge Roy Moore withdraw from the race for a Senate seat representing Alabama based on accusations with little in the way of hard evidence. Your case, however, clearly and irrefutably shows the same behavior on your part.

You must resign your Senate seat immediately.

You must do this as one part of atonement for your repulsive behavior. Other elements would be to publicly apologize to Ms. Tweeden during a speech from the Senate floor, a speech where you accept full responsibility for your actions, beg her forgiveness, and announce your resignation.

Resign or be branded a unrepentant sexual predator just like Mr. Harvey Weinstein and so many others.
I cannot stand Al Franken. I hated his humor, and I hate his far left beliefs.

That photo of him groping a sleeping woman thoroughly disgusted me.

However, his behavior does not rise to the level of a Trump, much less a Weinstein.

If a pussy grabbing molester who walks into underaged girls dressing rooms to catch them naked can be elected President, then Franken should not resign.

Anyone who voted for Trump is a hypocrite for demanding Franken resign.
And that's your basis that he should resign from the Senate?


Thank you. Ten times I had to put that question out before anyone would touch it.

Now that we have that, lemme ask you this.

---- Should Larry Craig have resigned, after he not only sexually harassed a man in an adjacent bathroom stall, but got arrested for it (his target being a cop) --- and having done so while he was a sitting Senator?

And when I say 'sitting Senator' I mean that quite literally................. :rofl:


Yes, he should have.

Whelp --- I disagree. There's nothing about soliciting sex in the Minneapolis airport bathroom that relates to how he does his job in the Senate. Go ahead and try to make the case that there is.

And even if one thinks there was ---- that would be up to the people of Idaho, not us.

As one of those people..I'm game. Larry Craig was an ardent anti-gay activist Senator. He ran on that. Made countless speeches about it. He was key in defeating many equal rights bills aimed at gays. And he was gay. Such a self-hating, opportunistic, hypocritical, lying, caricature of a man misrepresented himself and the people of Idaho with every vote he took..every piece of legislation he introduced. It was not just the one act in the bathroom..wide stance indeed :2up:..but a life of deception!
As one who voted for Craig...I find his behavior contemptible. Not that he was gay..I could give a hoot...but the stunning hypocrisy he displayed throughout his political career.

One correction--to thinker101---Larry Craig did not sexually harass anyone..he solicited an undercover cop for sex.

And as an Idahoan, you actually have a say in that unlike most of the rest of us. So thanks for that.

Now maybe we're actually getting somewhere.

The question for a Senator though is whether he's representing the interests of his state. His own personal hypocrisy is irrelevant to that, as long as he does his job in that representation. So did Craig fail to properly represent Idaho --- in the Senate?
Yes, he should have.

Whelp --- I disagree. There's nothing about soliciting sex in the Minneapolis airport bathroom that relates to how he does his job in the Senate. Go ahead and try to make the case that there is.

And even if one thinks there was ---- that would be up to the people of Idaho, not us.

Then don't ask, and don't express your opinion.

Look around your screen. See if you can figure out what site you're on.

Here's a hint -- go up to the URL bar and take a look at the page address. Ruminate on the part after "us" and before ".com".

Once you figure that out, ruminate on the fact that you have no answer. And what that might mean.

Really!!! Are you that stupid. You indicate it's up to the people of Idaho. I pretty much agree, then you disagree. Get a fricken life.

Larry Craig was a Senator representing Idaho.

You could look it up.

Go ahead, try to prove that wrong.

The question you can't answer here is, why his episode in the Minneapolis airport should have required him to resign from the Senate. Guess you still don't have an answer for that.

Senator representing Idaho???? Hmmm, did I dispute that, here let me help you, no I did not. Quit being such a child.
Overwhelm him with complaints:


Senator Franken:

The irrefutable photographic evidence of your groping of Ms. Leeann Tweeden is vile and disgusting.

To have done this during a tour to entertain our soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines raises the disgusting extent of your actions by orders of magnitude.

Members of the U.S. Senate on both sides of the aisle, the media, and a large swath of the public are demanding Judge Roy Moore withdraw from the race for a Senate seat representing Alabama based on accusations with little in the way of hard evidence. Your case, however, clearly and irrefutably shows the same behavior on your part.

You must resign your Senate seat immediately.

You must do this as one part of atonement for your repulsive behavior. Other elements would be to publicly apologize to Ms. Tweeden during a speech from the Senate floor, a speech where you accept full responsibility for your actions, beg her forgiveness, and announce your resignation.

Resign or be branded a unrepentant sexual predator just like Mr. Harvey Weinstein and so many others.
I cannot stand Al Franken. I hated his humor, and I hate his far left beliefs.

That photo of him groping a sleeping woman thoroughly disgusted me.

However, his behavior does not rise to the level of a Trump, much less a Weinstein.

If a pussy grabbing molester who walks into underaged girls dressing rooms to catch them naked can be elected President, then Franken should not resign.

Anyone who voted for Trump is a hypocrite for demanding Franken resign.

Yep, that's part of why I keep asking for their basis. Fourteen times I asked that, got a total of one answer, who can't connect the same basis to Larry Craig.

I love making pretzels.

Thank you. Ten times I had to put that question out before anyone would touch it.

Now that we have that, lemme ask you this.

---- Should Larry Craig have resigned, after he not only sexually harassed a man in an adjacent bathroom stall, but got arrested for it (his target being a cop) --- and having done so while he was a sitting Senator?

And when I say 'sitting Senator' I mean that quite literally................. :rofl:


Yes, he should have.

Whelp --- I disagree. There's nothing about soliciting sex in the Minneapolis airport bathroom that relates to how he does his job in the Senate. Go ahead and try to make the case that there is.

And even if one thinks there was ---- that would be up to the people of Idaho, not us.

As one of those people..I'm game. Larry Craig was an ardent anti-gay activist Senator. He ran on that. Made countless speeches about it. He was key in defeating many equal rights bills aimed at gays. And he was gay. Such a self-hating, opportunistic, hypocritical, lying, caricature of a man misrepresented himself and the people of Idaho with every vote he took..every piece of legislation he introduced. It was not just the one act in the bathroom..wide stance indeed :2up:..but a life of deception!
As one who voted for Craig...I find his behavior contemptible. Not that he was gay..I could give a hoot...but the stunning hypocrisy he displayed throughout his political career.

One correction--to thinker101---Larry Craig did not sexually harass anyone..he solicited an undercover cop for sex.

And as an Idahoan, you actually have a say in that unlike most of the rest of us. So thanks for that.

Now maybe we're actually getting somewhere.

The question for a Senator though is whether he's representing the interests of his state. His own personal hypocrisy is irrelevant to that, as long as he does his job in that representation. So did Craig fail to properly represent Idaho --- in the Senate?

Well, I can't really speak for us all...but I think he did. I believe that there is a responsibility in leadership. He convinced people..by his arguments and persuasive rhetoric..to take stands..to believe in things...that he himself..did not believe in. So no, I think he was an irresponsible leader, who led people astray.

Of course, larry has many friends still--here in Idaho..and you can find many who will say that the messenger was flawed..but that the message was sound.

I doubt that he could win an election--but I've been wrong before!

Just for a giggle--here is what happened after he left office. Larry Craig - Wikipedia

"In a lawsuit by the Federal Election Commission, it was determined that he improperly paid his attorneys in this matter from his campaign funds, and Craig was ordered in 2014 to pay the Treasury $242,535.[59] On March 4, 2016, the U.S. Court of Appeals affirmed that judgment.[60][61]

After his retirement, Craig opened the consulting firm New West Strategies with his former chief of staff, Mike Ware, focusing on energy issues.[8]"

Once a POS...always a POS.
I would like to see the Senate launch an investigation into the charges against Al Franken

Then they would have no excuse for not investigating the more severe charges against President Trump

Lets make it a package deal

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