Time to give Al Franken the boot - Here's how:

Overwhelm him with complaints:


Senator Franken:

The irrefutable photographic evidence of your groping of Ms. Leeann Tweeden is vile and disgusting.

To have done this during a tour to entertain our soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines raises the disgusting extent of your actions by orders of magnitude.

Members of the U.S. Senate on both sides of the aisle, the media, and a large swath of the public are demanding Judge Roy Moore withdraw from the race for a Senate seat representing Alabama based on accusations with little in the way of hard evidence. Your case, however, clearly and irrefutably shows the same behavior on your part.

You must resign your Senate seat immediately.

You must do this as one part of atonement for your repulsive behavior. Other elements would be to publicly apologize to Ms. Tweeden during a speech from the Senate floor, a speech where you accept full responsibility for your actions, beg her forgiveness, and announce your resignation.

Resign or be branded a unrepentant sexual predator just like Mr. Harvey Weinstein and so many others.

Once AGAIN --- suppose he fully acknowledges and takes responsibility and apologizes (and I believe he already has) for poor taste for actions taken while he was a comedian ---- why would it then be necessary to "resign" from a completely different gig?
. Is this how it is, where as if a Dem just apologizes, it is all forgiven, and it will be ok ?? So it will just be business as usual after that ?? Is it that the desensitized public have been conditioned to just look the other way if a Dem does anything crazy or wrong headed, but a Republican man or woman attempting to live a Christian Life (all though not perfect), must be sentenced to the harshest punishment available for their mistaken fowel or mis-deeds ?? The Dems we're working as hard as they could to normalize as much as it could over the past years, and they did this in so that it could withstand or insulate itself from any attacks to be based upon morals or ethics violations in which might be found in an event or in a case brought. Genius is what it is, but very evil in it's intent.

Once AGAIN --- the question is "on what basis does Franken 'need to resign'"? You didn't address that question at all. Neither did the OP.

See where we're going with this yet?

You do realize that you're going way out on a limb here, in order to defend a sexual predator. Right?

That speaks volumes about your own morality or lack thereof.

Once AGAIN --- the question is "on what basis does Franken 'need to resign'"?

That's nine now.

Franken should resign if only to continue to prove that Democrats now hold the moral high ground on these affairs.
Even if you did rob a bank ---- would it require you to "resign" from this board? If so --- why?

That's exactly the same question.

You cannot require someone to resign ... period.
If they resign it is of their own will.

Otherwise they may be persuaded to resign ... Or removed by other means.
Personally ... I would leave it to the voters in the district he represents ... That would be the least convoluted way to proceed.

Overwhelm him with complaints:


Senator Franken:

The irrefutable photographic evidence of your groping of Ms. Leeann Tweeden is vile and disgusting.

To have done this during a tour to entertain our soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines raises the disgusting extent of your actions by orders of magnitude.

Members of the U.S. Senate on both sides of the aisle, the media, and a large swath of the public are demanding Judge Roy Moore withdraw from the race for a Senate seat representing Alabama based on accusations with little in the way of hard evidence. Your case, however, clearly and irrefutably shows the same behavior on your part.

You must resign your Senate seat immediately.

You must do this as one part of atonement for your repulsive behavior. Other elements would be to publicly apologize to Ms. Tweeden during a speech from the Senate floor, a speech where you accept full responsibility for your actions, beg her forgiveness, and announce your resignation.

Resign or be branded a unrepentant sexual predator just like Mr. Harvey Weinstein and so many others.

Once AGAIN --- suppose he fully acknowledges and takes responsibility and apologizes (and I believe he already has) for poor taste for actions taken while he was a comedian ---- why would it then be necessary to "resign" from a completely different gig?

Oh. Well why shouldn’t he?
Oh. Well why shouldn’t he?

He doesn't have to ... Would be the quick answer.

Taking a broader look at the situation would still be prudent.
The last thing I would want to encourage would be an endless parade of predictable witch-hunts every time someone gets elected.
Along with that would come an ever expanding litany of applicable circumstances that would provide us with the same convoluted bullshit as political correctness.

If a member of Congress has done something so egregious as to warrant expulsion ... Then pursue impeachment or the likes.
If we are going to take that course of action ... We need to make damn sure it isn't just a case of political payback.

Otherwise ... Let the voters decide.

Once AGAIN --- suppose he fully acknowledges and takes responsibility and apologizes (and I believe he already has) for poor taste for actions taken while he was a comedian ---- why would it then be necessary to "resign" from a completely different gig?
. Is this how it is, where as if a Dem just apologizes, it is all forgiven, and it will be ok ?? So it will just be business as usual after that ?? Is it that the desensitized public have been conditioned to just look the other way if a Dem does anything crazy or wrong headed, but a Republican man or woman attempting to live a Christian Life (all though not perfect), must be sentenced to the harshest punishment available for their mistaken fowel or mis-deeds ?? The Dems we're working as hard as they could to normalize as much as it could over the past years, and they did this in so that it could withstand or insulate itself from any attacks to be based upon morals or ethics violations in which might be found in an event or in a case brought. Genius is what it is, but very evil in it's intent.

Once AGAIN --- the question is "on what basis does Franken 'need to resign'"? You didn't address that question at all. Neither did the OP.

See where we're going with this yet?

You do realize that you're going way out on a limb here, in order to defend a sexual predator. Right?

That speaks volumes about your own morality or lack thereof.

Once AGAIN --- the question is "on what basis does Franken 'need to resign'"?

That's nine now.

Franken should resign if only to continue to prove that Democrats now hold the moral high ground on these affairs.

That and $1.99 will buy you a cup of coffee
We can see the photo. He's not actually touching her.

Hence, there's no groping.

The lesson? Conservative liars need to stop lying.

Not to mention she is wearing a kevlar vest.

Great excuse, right?

It's not exactly a rape if you wear a condom.

Wrong, not even close to the same, and sadly, I'm not sure if you are smart enough to realize it or not.

Oh, I get it, it's OK what he did, because as you said, "she's wearing kevlar vest".

No, you don't get it because you tried, and failed quite miserably, to equate vaginal penetration to what he did.

Where I was equating that, soyboy?

Ever heard of analogy and synonym?
Trump admitted it on tape...

Post the transcript, liar.

If you haven't heard the Access Hollywood tape by now, you live in a cave and you have a lot more things to worry about than being on a politics forum.

Post the transcript, dupe.

So you do live in a cave? Are you stealing someone's WiFi to get online? You should be ashamed of yourself.

Post the transcript, soyboy.
Not to mention she is wearing a kevlar vest.

Great excuse, right?

It's not exactly a rape if you wear a condom.

Wrong, not even close to the same, and sadly, I'm not sure if you are smart enough to realize it or not.

Oh, I get it, it's OK what he did, because as you said, "she's wearing kevlar vest".

No, you don't get it because you tried, and failed quite miserably, to equate vaginal penetration to what he did.

Where I was equating that, soyboy?

Ever heard of analogy and synonym?

Yes, I have, but your's are non sequiturs. They aren't even remotely the same thing. If you think acting like you are grabbing someone's breast through a Kevlar vest is the same as vaginal penetration with a condom, it sure is fuck is a good thing you aren't a judge.
Trump admitted it on tape...

Post the transcript, liar.

If you haven't heard the Access Hollywood tape by now, you live in a cave and you have a lot more things to worry about than being on a politics forum.

Post the transcript, dupe.

So you do live in a cave? Are you stealing someone's WiFi to get online? You should be ashamed of yourself.

Post the transcript, soyboy.

What the fuck is a soyboy? Is this some new term like snowflake? You sound absolutely ridiculous.
Great excuse, right?

It's not exactly a rape if you wear a condom.

Wrong, not even close to the same, and sadly, I'm not sure if you are smart enough to realize it or not.

Oh, I get it, it's OK what he did, because as you said, "she's wearing kevlar vest".

No, you don't get it because you tried, and failed quite miserably, to equate vaginal penetration to what he did.

Where I was equating that, soyboy?

Ever heard of analogy and synonym?

Yes, I have, but your's are non sequiturs. They aren't even remotely the same thing. If you think acting like you are grabbing someone's breast through a Kevlar vest is the same as vaginal penetration with a condom, it sure is fuck is a good thing you aren't a judge.

Where have I said it's the same?

My rape with condom analogy is reply to your comment about her wearing kevlar. Neither one make sense, and that IS my point. Now, read this as many times you need to understand it. I'll give you one more chance, and if you still don't get it, than problem is not you, but your IQ. I understand, soy does that to people, especially to kids.
Wrong, not even close to the same, and sadly, I'm not sure if you are smart enough to realize it or not.

Oh, I get it, it's OK what he did, because as you said, "she's wearing kevlar vest".

No, you don't get it because you tried, and failed quite miserably, to equate vaginal penetration to what he did.

Where I was equating that, soyboy?

Ever heard of analogy and synonym?

Yes, I have, but your's are non sequiturs. They aren't even remotely the same thing. If you think acting like you are grabbing someone's breast through a Kevlar vest is the same as vaginal penetration with a condom, it sure is fuck is a good thing you aren't a judge.

Where have I said it's the same?

My rape with condom analogy is reply to your comment about her wearing kevlar. Neither one make sense, and that IS my point. Now, read this as many times you need to understand it. I'll give you one more chance, and if you still don't get it, than problem is not you, but your IQ. I understand, soy does that to people, especially to kids.

I'm not sure where you get the soy thing... and your "analogy" was fucking retarded. Do you understand that? Or can your IQ get it?
That Franken is an obnoxious human being. Always has always will.....total scum....king of the scum!:eusa_sick:

The sooner he goes the better.
Thank you. Ten times I had to put that question out before anyone would touch it.

Now that we have that, lemme ask you this.

---- Should Larry Craig have resigned, after he not only sexually harassed a man in an adjacent bathroom stall, but got arrested for it (his target being a cop) --- and having done so while he was a sitting Senator?

And when I say 'sitting Senator' I mean that quite literally................. :rofl:


Yes, he should have.

Whelp --- I disagree. There's nothing about soliciting sex in the Minneapolis airport bathroom that relates to how he does his job in the Senate. Go ahead and try to make the case that there is.

And even if one thinks there was ---- that would be up to the people of Idaho, not us.

As one of those people..I'm game. Larry Craig was an ardent anti-gay activist Senator. He ran on that. Made countless speeches about it. He was key in defeating many equal rights bills aimed at gays. And he was gay. Such a self-hating, opportunistic, hypocritical, lying, caricature of a man misrepresented himself and the people of Idaho with every vote he took..every piece of legislation he introduced. It was not just the one act in the bathroom..wide stance indeed :2up:..but a life of deception!
As one who voted for Craig...I find his behavior contemptible. Not that he was gay..I could give a hoot...but the stunning hypocrisy he displayed throughout his political career.

One correction--to thinker101---Larry Craig did not sexually harass anyone..he solicited an undercover cop for sex.

And as an Idahoan, you actually have a say in that unlike most of the rest of us. So thanks for that.

Now maybe we're actually getting somewhere.

The question for a Senator though is whether he's representing the interests of his state. His own personal hypocrisy is irrelevant to that, as long as he does his job in that representation. So did Craig fail to properly represent Idaho --- in the Senate?

Well, I can't really speak for us all...but I think he did. I believe that there is a responsibility in leadership. He convinced people..by his arguments and persuasive rhetoric..to take stands..to believe in things...that he himself..did not believe in. So no, I think he was an irresponsible leader, who led people astray.

Of course, larry has many friends still--here in Idaho..and you can find many who will say that the messenger was flawed..but that the message was sound.

I doubt that he could win an election--but I've been wrong before!

Just for a giggle--here is what happened after he left office. Larry Craig - Wikipedia

"In a lawsuit by the Federal Election Commission, it was determined that he improperly paid his attorneys in this matter from his campaign funds, and Craig was ordered in 2014 to pay the Treasury $242,535.[59] On March 4, 2016, the U.S. Court of Appeals affirmed that judgment.[60][61]

After his retirement, Craig opened the consulting firm New West Strategies with his former chief of staff, Mike Ware, focusing on energy issues.[8]"

Once a POS...always a POS.

To the first part though, "what he believes in" or "doesn't believe in" is irrelevant, since his job was to be a representative, not a "leader" What matters is whether you believe your representative is representing your interests, even if they're at odds with his own..
Overwhelm him with complaints:


Senator Franken:

The irrefutable photographic evidence of your groping of Ms. Leeann Tweeden is vile and disgusting.

To have done this during a tour to entertain our soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines raises the disgusting extent of your actions by orders of magnitude.

Members of the U.S. Senate on both sides of the aisle, the media, and a large swath of the public are demanding Judge Roy Moore withdraw from the race for a Senate seat representing Alabama based on accusations with little in the way of hard evidence. Your case, however, clearly and irrefutably shows the same behavior on your part.

You must resign your Senate seat immediately.

You must do this as one part of atonement for your repulsive behavior. Other elements would be to publicly apologize to Ms. Tweeden during a speech from the Senate floor, a speech where you accept full responsibility for your actions, beg her forgiveness, and announce your resignation.

Resign or be branded a unrepentant sexual predator just like Mr. Harvey Weinstein and so many others.

Once AGAIN --- suppose he fully acknowledges and takes responsibility and apologizes (and I believe he already has) for poor taste for actions taken while he was a comedian ---- why would it then be necessary to "resign" from a completely different gig?

Oh. Well why shouldn’t he?

It isn't my job to make the case for the negative. It's yours to make the case for the assertion.
Great excuse, right?

It's not exactly a rape if you wear a condom.

Wrong, not even close to the same, and sadly, I'm not sure if you are smart enough to realize it or not.

Oh, I get it, it's OK what he did, because as you said, "she's wearing kevlar vest".

No, you don't get it because you tried, and failed quite miserably, to equate vaginal penetration to what he did.

Where I was equating that, soyboy?

Ever heard of analogy and synonym?

Yes, I have, but your's are non sequiturs. They aren't even remotely the same thing. If you think acting like you are grabbing someone's breast through a Kevlar vest is the same as vaginal penetration with a condom, it sure is fuck is a good thing you aren't a judge.

Or a porn actor.
It was on a USO tour... that put Franken closer to battle action than old heel bone spurs ever was.

So did that give him the right to sexually assault that woman? Lots of men serve on the front, but they seldom commit sexually assault. When they do, they're punished for it.

Sorry I just don't see that as sexual assault. That is more sexual harassment. Big difference.

Judges view it as sexual assault. Your opinoin is irrelevant.
Overwhelm him with complaints:


Senator Franken:

The irrefutable photographic evidence of your groping of Ms. Leeann Tweeden is vile and disgusting.

To have done this during a tour to entertain our soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines raises the disgusting extent of your actions by orders of magnitude.

Members of the U.S. Senate on both sides of the aisle, the media, and a large swath of the public are demanding Judge Roy Moore withdraw from the race for a Senate seat representing Alabama based on accusations with little in the way of hard evidence. Your case, however, clearly and irrefutably shows the same behavior on your part.

You must resign your Senate seat immediately.

You must do this as one part of atonement for your repulsive behavior. Other elements would be to publicly apologize to Ms. Tweeden during a speech from the Senate floor, a speech where you accept full responsibility for your actions, beg her forgiveness, and announce your resignation.

Resign or be branded a unrepentant sexual predator just like Mr. Harvey Weinstein and so many others.

Once AGAIN --- suppose he fully acknowledges and takes responsibility and apologizes (and I believe he already has) for poor taste for actions taken while he was a comedian ---- why would it then be necessary to "resign" from a completely different gig?
. Is this how it is, where as if a Dem just apologizes, it is all forgiven, and it will be ok ?? So it will just be business as usual after that ?? Is it that the desensitized public have been conditioned to just look the other way if a Dem does anything crazy or wrong headed, but a Republican man or woman attempting to live a Christian Life (all though not perfect), must be sentenced to the harshest punishment available for their mistaken fowel or mis-deeds ?? The Dems we're working as hard as they could to normalize as much as it could over the past years, and they did this in so that it could withstand or insulate itself from any attacks to be based upon morals or ethics violations in which might be found in an event or in a case brought. Genius is what it is, but very evil in it's intent.

Once AGAIN --- the question is "on what basis does Franken 'need to resign'"? You didn't address that question at all. Neither did the OP.

See where we're going with this yet?

Do a little research, read the allegations and get back to us when you have a fricken clue.

Oh I know exactly what the allegations are. Heard them all day on the road in my travels.

The question STILL REMAINS ---- on what basis does Franken need to "resign"?

That's seven times I've posted that question. Got zero answers.

He needs to resign on the basis that he committed sexual assault. That should be fairly obvious event to morons in denial like you.
The demo apologists for Franken now are just a joke at this point. No pun intended. DNC is the swamp!
Name those who have apologized for him.

They are calling for an 'investigation' when there is clear evidence of his actions. Does that not seem curious to you?

Franken could drag out that "investigation" for 2-3 years. That's the point. It means he doesn't have to resign right away.

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