Time to go public with Soleimani attack intel

Sorry, agreed to.

Oh for pity's sake, Slade. The JCPOA need not be "signed" by the U.S. or Iran because it is not an agreement between the U.S. and Iran. Rather, it was made, via UN Security Council resolution, part of international law. Law the U.S. is currently and flagrantly violating. Rightards never heard it, because they never found that bit of information in their benighted troughs. It pains me to see you apparently haven't heard it, either.
I don’t lie, but “The Workers of Iniquity”
do. “They exchange The Truth for a Lie.”

Once you achieve a certain level of wickedness, God gives you over to Delusions and you can no longer tell the difference between Truth and Lies.

In other words you have run out of chances for salvation. Pray you are never numbered with The Workers of Iniquity. These are called also The Children of Satan for their Father is The Father of Lies and a Murderer from The Beginning.

My advice to you?

Fear God and Repent for The Fear of The Lord is the beginning of Wisdom.

Turn from your ways of be forever damned and deluded never being able to repent.

Matthew 24

False Christs

5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. 6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. 7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. 8 All these are the beginnings of sorrows.

9 Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake. 10 And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. 11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. 12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. 13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. 14 And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.

42 Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come. 43 But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up. 44 Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.

45 Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season? 46 Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing. 47 Verily I say unto you, That he shall make him ruler over all his goods. 48 But and if that evil servant shall say in his heart, My lord delayeth his coming; 49 And shall begin to smite his fellowservants, and to eat and drink with the drunken; 50 The lord of that servant shall come in a day when he looketh not for him, and in an hour that he is not aware of, 51 And shall cut him asunder, and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

#Resistance is a Sin.

You realize that, correct? You realize by engaging in it you are damning yourself to the Eternal Flaming Pit Of Hell, Right?

What is unbelievable is your Demonic Hate for our President and your refusal to save your own soul from eternal damnation in The Lake of Fire! You know you are going to Hell for being a Liar yet you refuse to repent of your sins.
They are saving their souls by not going along with the liar n chief's lies. You on the other hand......
Do you think God meant it when He said Christ would throw the anti Christ and ALL liars in to the Lake of Fire?

If you do, then why do you come here daily and spread lies, lies, and lies? Why, oh why, oh why do you lie? Do you think God will make an exception for your and Trump`s lies and He did not mean what he said?

Or are you simply mocking Bible prophesy? Inquiring minds want to know?
Have you read any of your own posts since you arrived here? They are filled with constant propaganda and lies, from completely unreliable sources and you constantly promote hate... and that truly is not very god-like. It seems to me, that the dear Lord turned you over to the end time delusion, to believe the lies... that you are actually trying to funnily warn me about...?? I will take heed, but you truly truly truly, need to do such, yourself!

Be careful, and watch your words, don't gossip, don't pass along lies, don't cause division, as God instructed you to do!

And I too, will try to do the same... :)
They didn’t sign it, Dummy.
Sorry, agreed to.

So......can you buy a car without signing the paperwork?
Sure, hand the owner some money and get the keys. What’s your point. We gonna play word games again?

Can't register it or get insurance on it that way son. You have no idea how Islam works, you think they think like you do.
They don't.
You didn’t ask about registering or insurance smart guy. That was a bad analogy. An agreement was made, terms were drawn up, and both sides upheld their end for year until trump bailed. Who gives a shit about a signature on a piece of paper? Makes no difference in this case
You didn’t buy shit if you can’t get it registered in your name, moron.

You are flailing.
What a moronic claim. If they gave him an option they thought it would be insane to select, we need their names, right now, so we can fire them and they can find a job picking lettuce.

After 4 years of being fed lies by the Fake News Media using unnamed sources, I'm still amazed at how you guys line up to wolf down their carp as soon as new plate load is served.

Iran Loses Its Terror-Master To Trump's Deterrent Strike


Trump’s red line against the Iranian regime harming Americans was very real, and Qasem Soleimani is dead.

The U.S. killed the Iranian terror-master at the Baghdad airport where he had just arrived from Syria. The head of the Revolutionary Guard’s elite Quds Force, Soleimani was the instrument of Iranian imperialism around the region, building up proxy forces, overseeing operations, and executing a geopolitical vision of ruthless terror. He existed at the very center of the Iranian regime and was uniquely skilled at his role, honed over decades of ruthlessness bloody cunning.

Neither George W. Bush or Barack Obama dared to take such a step, and it has rocked the Iranian regime to its core. The U.S. has the power to see and raise Iran in any escalation, and Tehran, already struggling under stringent U.S. sanctions and facing internal unrest, has more to lose.

Our determined enemy is now down one proficient, bloody-minded commander courtesy of the business end of an American drone.

Iran Loses Its Terror-Master | National Review


Peace through decisive deterrent action
The imminent attack excuse does not make sense. This man was a general in charge of a large international operation. Killing him does practically nothing to stop any ongoing operation that we can assume was handled through whatever command structure that exists. They are lying. Someone else will be promoted to his position and Iran has a new martyr to rally around. You can't kill martyrs.
you also do not know about history or military history
..there are great generals and there are idiot generals...if they replace him with an idiot general--that's good

Doesn't matter you fucking dimwit. They have cyber-attack capabilities that don't need a general to deploy.
And when one of their ministers goes on television to say they are restricting their retaliation to military bases in the Middle East, you think the motherfucker is telling the truth?
You stupid fucking keyboard kowboys don't know your hat from your ass.

You keep fighting wars from 70 years ago, kowboy.
NK and Iran are going cyber.

Let's just hope cooler heads in the Pentagon put Trump back in his high chair and shove a "hamberder" in his orange face so they can get this situation back under control.
What’s wrong with if statements? They validate the importance of my questions

No one but TDSers are asking IF there was an imminent threat. Our President told us so. You just hate our President therefore you cannot be taken seriously.
No not that one... I’m talking about the one that took a diplomatic step with a hostile country and cut their nuke development

Oh, the one that accomplished nothing but give Iran the resources to continue their proxy wars all over the ME and North Africa. Got it.

I could repeat talking points that I have no way of verifying too... but why waste the time?

Yet you do it anyway, just like you did in your OP!
No I don’t and no I didn’t

Yes you did, you far left cult member!

You used a far left talking point in your OP! But if you choose to ignore it like you did the illegal wars of Obama, then that is your choice.
hey I was just saying my opinion based on my observations. If the far left decided to make a talking point out of my ideas then that’s out of my control... perhaps they are smarter than we think.
Sorry, agreed to.

Oh for pity's sake, Slade. The JCPOA need not be "signed" by the U.S. or Iran because it is not an agreement between the U.S. and Iran. Rather, it was made, via UN Security Council resolution, part of international law. Law the U.S. is currently and flagrantly violating. Rightards never heard it, because they never found that bit of information in their benighted troughs. It pains me to see you apparently haven't heard it, either.
I appreciate the explanation Euro. I have heard of it but didnt want to go down that rabbit hole with these guys. Gotta pick and choose the battles or they will take the discussion off to a journey of tangents. Cheers
Sorry, agreed to.

Oh for pity's sake, Slade. The JCPOA need not be "signed" by the U.S. or Iran because it is not an agreement between the U.S. and Iran. Rather, it was made, via UN Security Council resolution, part of international law. Law the U.S. is currently and flagrantly violating. Rightards never heard it, because they never found that bit of information in their benighted troughs. It pains me to see you apparently haven't heard it, either.

Oh my another far leftie calling out another far leftie, that is rich!
Kosh is the perfect case in point... you make an intelligent explanation and it goes right through that void in between their ears.
Sorry, agreed to.

So......can you buy a car without signing the paperwork?
Sure, hand the owner some money and get the keys. What’s your point. We gonna play word games again?

Can't register it or get insurance on it that way son. You have no idea how Islam works, you think they think like you do.
They don't.
You didn’t ask about registering or insurance smart guy. That was a bad analogy. An agreement was made, terms were drawn up, and both sides upheld their end for year until trump bailed. Who gives a shit about a signature on a piece of paper? Makes no difference in this case
You didn’t buy shit if you can’t get it registered in your name, moron.

You are flailing.
the analogy has absolutely nothing to do with the nuke agreement. This is turning into the dumbest discussion ever thanks to you all. How old are you?
So......can you buy a car without signing the paperwork?
Sure, hand the owner some money and get the keys. What’s your point. We gonna play word games again?

Can't register it or get insurance on it that way son. You have no idea how Islam works, you think they think like you do.
They don't.
You didn’t ask about registering or insurance smart guy. That was a bad analogy. An agreement was made, terms were drawn up, and both sides upheld their end for year until trump bailed. Who gives a shit about a signature on a piece of paper? Makes no difference in this case
You didn’t buy shit if you can’t get it registered in your name, moron.

You are flailing.
the analogy has absolutely nothing to do with the nuke agreement. This is turning into the dumbest discussion ever thanks to you all. How old are you?
The words of someone who has been thoroughly owned.
Sorry, agreed to.

Oh for pity's sake, Slade. The JCPOA need not be "signed" by the U.S. or Iran because it is not an agreement between the U.S. and Iran. Rather, it was made, via UN Security Council resolution, part of international law. Law the U.S. is currently and flagrantly violating. Rightards never heard it, because they never found that bit of information in their benighted troughs. It pains me to see you apparently haven't heard it, either.

Oh my another far leftie calling out another far leftie, that is rich!
Kosh is the perfect case in point... you make an intelligent explanation and it goes right through that void in between their ears.

Yes I know you are part of the far left, no need to pretend you are not!

Especially when you use their phrasing!

If you do not want to be called out for it, then simple do not use the far left propaganda!

But you will continue to do so under the illusion that you are some type of moderate. then again all the far left seems themselves as moderates and the mainstream.

Yes you are far left, you have always been far left and you supported the illegal wars of Obama!
What’s wrong with if statements? They validate the importance of my questions

No one but TDSers are asking IF there was an imminent threat. Our President told us so. You just hate our President therefore you cannot be taken seriously.
I don’t hate Trump but I sure as hell don’t trust him. That’s allowed you know. There are many people you don’t trust and you have the right to question them. I thought until recently you didn’t trust our intel agencies... what changed?
I could repeat talking points that I have no way of verifying too... but why waste the time?

Yet you do it anyway, just like you did in your OP!
No I don’t and no I didn’t

Yes you did, you far left cult member!

You used a far left talking point in your OP! But if you choose to ignore it like you did the illegal wars of Obama, then that is your choice.
hey I was just saying my opinion based on my observations. If the far left decided to make a talking point out of my ideas then that’s out of my control... perhaps they are smarter than we think.

No you used far left talking points, but thanks for showing that you and the far left are one and the same with the same programming!
Like I said. I can’t help it if they copy me
Sure, hand the owner some money and get the keys. What’s your point. We gonna play word games again?

Can't register it or get insurance on it that way son. You have no idea how Islam works, you think they think like you do.
They don't.
You didn’t ask about registering or insurance smart guy. That was a bad analogy. An agreement was made, terms were drawn up, and both sides upheld their end for year until trump bailed. Who gives a shit about a signature on a piece of paper? Makes no difference in this case
You didn’t buy shit if you can’t get it registered in your name, moron.

You are flailing.
the analogy has absolutely nothing to do with the nuke agreement. This is turning into the dumbest discussion ever thanks to you all. How old are you?
The words of someone who has been thoroughly owned.
Only in your mind Nostra. There’s a lot of nonsense in there
I don’t hate Trump but I sure as hell don’t trust him. That’s allowed you know. There are many people you don’t trust and you have the right to question them. I thought until recently you didn’t trust our intel agencies... what changed?

Apparently most of America does trust him because he is President.
Sorry, agreed to.

Oh for pity's sake, Slade. The JCPOA need not be "signed" by the U.S. or Iran because it is not an agreement between the U.S. and Iran. Rather, it was made, via UN Security Council resolution, part of international law. Law the U.S. is currently and flagrantly violating. Rightards never heard it, because they never found that bit of information in their benighted troughs. It pains me to see you apparently haven't heard it, either.

Oh my another far leftie calling out another far leftie, that is rich!
Kosh is the perfect case in point... you make an intelligent explanation and it goes right through that void in between their ears.

Yes I know you are part of the far left, no need to pretend you are not!

Especially when you use their phrasing!

If you do not want to be called out for it, then simple do not use the far left propaganda!

But you will continue to do so under the illusion that you are some type of moderate. then again all the far left seems themselves as moderates and the mainstream.

Yes you are far left, you have always been far left and you supported the illegal wars of Obama!
what you should really be doing is calling the far left out for using far slade talking points. Here’s their number... give them a call and make your compliant 1(800)EAT-SHIT
Yet you do it anyway, just like you did in your OP!
No I don’t and no I didn’t

Yes you did, you far left cult member!

You used a far left talking point in your OP! But if you choose to ignore it like you did the illegal wars of Obama, then that is your choice.
hey I was just saying my opinion based on my observations. If the far left decided to make a talking point out of my ideas then that’s out of my control... perhaps they are smarter than we think.

No you used far left talking points, but thanks for showing that you and the far left are one and the same with the same programming!
Like I said. I can’t help it if they copy me

Yes arrogance is another trait of the far left!

And it was you copying them!

Never held Obama to any of the standards as you do Trump!
Sorry, agreed to.

Oh for pity's sake, Slade. The JCPOA need not be "signed" by the U.S. or Iran because it is not an agreement between the U.S. and Iran. Rather, it was made, via UN Security Council resolution, part of international law. Law the U.S. is currently and flagrantly violating. Rightards never heard it, because they never found that bit of information in their benighted troughs. It pains me to see you apparently haven't heard it, either.

Oh my another far leftie calling out another far leftie, that is rich!
Kosh is the perfect case in point... you make an intelligent explanation and it goes right through that void in between their ears.

Yes I know you are part of the far left, no need to pretend you are not!

Especially when you use their phrasing!

If you do not want to be called out for it, then simple do not use the far left propaganda!

But you will continue to do so under the illusion that you are some type of moderate. then again all the far left seems themselves as moderates and the mainstream.

Yes you are far left, you have always been far left and you supported the illegal wars of Obama!
what you should really be doing is calling the far left out for using far slade talking points. Here’s their number... give them a call and make your compliant 1(800)EAT-SHIT

Exactly you posted far left talking point and got called on it and just like all members of the far left denied it.

Just like all of the far left you would much rather watch the world burn than admit you were wrong!
So then they made a nuclear deal with a country they were at war with? How does that make sense?

So then they made a nuclear deal with a country they were at war with? How does that make sense?

Money for nothin'
So for the record you’re also on board with thinking we’ve been at war with Iran for the past 40 years? Just wanna hear you say it

NO, Dumbass, they have been at war with US. Why do you think we wanted to halt or limit their nuclear capability so much? Just nothing better to do? If they could, they would nuke us in a minute.

Death to America - Wikipedia
No smart guy your dead wrong. We’ve had continuous conflicts with Iran but not war. The only recent war we’ve been involved in with Iran was against ISIL and they were on our side. Learn your history
Sorry, grassnub but that is only because Iran has limited ability to attack us. The guy we just killed alone has planned and orchestrated the murder of at least 600 Americans and numerous campaigns against us along with ongoing missions against us and our interests throughout the Middle East. Their military is mostly built around fighting conventional war defending their borders, so they finance and facilitate terror groups in many places around the world.

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