Time to go public with Soleimani attack intel

After watching the public reaction to Soleimani’s murder followed by vows of revenge by Iran, we are apparently on the brink of war. At this point it seems obvious that we need to go public with the intel we have showing the imminent attack that was being planned against Americans.

This intel should clearly show the world that Soleimani was a clear and present danger and we had no choice but to go outside of protocol and assassinate him. Do you agree? Thoughts?
Intel from an agency that Trump has repeatedly discredited. An agency that Trump considers less reliable than what Putin tells him

Intel that is spouted out by Trump and his cronies just like any other lie they tell to justify what they do

So why isn’t President Trump doing as Putin commands and kissing Iran’s ass?

Russia are laughing... Oil is shooting up
hahahha-Iran is also a shithole like the rest of the Middle East
......Iraq had one of the largest, combat EXPERIENCED armies in the world--much more combat experience than the US forces -----yet we went through them like a hot knife through butter ...and Iran didn't defeat Iraq in the YEARS long Iran-Iraq War
You do not know what you are talking about. I can guarantee that the realist generals who have to actually conduct a war are sweating bullets. Not saying that Iran can win but they will make victory so expensive that it seems like a defeat.

You grant them power they don't possess. Iran is ranked 21st, down from 14th a few years ago.

We're #1.

These are the 25 most powerful militaries in the world — and there's a clear winner
Our track record on our wars is not that good. I can only look back at the past for how all this will go. Endless expensive quagmire for years followed by an inconclusive retreat followed by wondering why we ever did it.
/----/ Yes, you are correct, but we never had a President Trump before. And that changes everything.
That motherfucker is the last leader we need to fight a successful war. Seriously he is erratic, vain and clearly has no grasp of military tactics. It would be like digging up Mussolini to lead our efforts.

That is why he has the military. You are the one I see that has no grasp of military tactics.
After watching the public reaction to Soleimani’s murder followed by vows of revenge by Iran, we are apparently on the brink of war. At this point it seems obvious that we need to go public with the intel we have showing the imminent attack that was being planned against Americans.

This intel should clearly show the world that Soleimani was a clear and present danger and we had no choice but to go outside of protocol and assassinate him. Do you agree? Thoughts?
Intel from an agency that Trump has repeatedly discredited. An agency that Trump considers less reliable than what Putin tells him

Intel that is spouted out by Trump and his cronies just like any other lie they tell to justify what they do

So why isn’t President Trump doing as Putin commands and kissing Iran’s ass?

Russia ARE laughing? WTF man! Did you get hurled out the door of your school for being an incorrigible rock?
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After watching the public reaction to Soleimani’s murder followed by vows of revenge by Iran, we are apparently on the brink of war. At this point it seems obvious that we need to go public with the intel we have showing the imminent attack that was being planned against Americans.

This intel should clearly show the world that Soleimani was a clear and present danger and we had no choice but to go outside of protocol and assassinate him. Do you agree? Thoughts?

It's bit late for that.
I don’t hate Trump but I sure as hell don’t trust him. That’s allowed you know. There are many people you don’t trust and you have the right to question them. I thought until recently you didn’t trust our intel agencies... what changed?

Apparently most of America does trust him because he is President.

That has nothing to do with trust.

Poll: Trump Starts Third Year With Low Public Trust

Americans Trust President Trump Less Than Admitted Liar Michael Cohen, Survey Says

The polls said Trump would never win either. You still trust them? I think you're being lead down the Marxist path by the nose. Marxists always seek to undermine the society they are trying to invade and count on useful idiots like you seem to be to spread the propaganda. Congratulations.
You do not know what you are talking about. I can guarantee that the realist generals who have to actually conduct a war are sweating bullets. Not saying that Iran can win but they will make victory so expensive that it seems like a defeat.

You grant them power they don't possess. Iran is ranked 21st, down from 14th a few years ago.

We're #1.

These are the 25 most powerful militaries in the world — and there's a clear winner
Our track record on our wars is not that good. I can only look back at the past for how all this will go. Endless expensive quagmire for years followed by an inconclusive retreat followed by wondering why we ever did it.
/----/ Yes, you are correct, but we never had a President Trump before. And that changes everything.
That motherfucker is the last leader we need to fight a successful war. Seriously he is erratic, vain and clearly has no grasp of military tactics. It would be like digging up Mussolini to lead our efforts.

That is why he has the military. You are the one I see that has no grasp of military tactics.

So what we know is:

They killed a popular military leader who was fighting ISIS

The backlash has US taking troops from fighting ISIS and now guarding US interests

Iraq is going to invite US to leave and will rely more on Iran going forward.

So Trump military tactics has surrendered Syria to Russia, let ISIS off the hook and provoked a country who you had an agreement with...

Winners: ISIS, Russia, Saudi Arabia

Loosers: USA, Iran, Iraq

This was all so avoidable..
Seriously, do you think great generals surround themselves with idiots?

This whole thing stinks, it is a very high cost and I don't see the strategic benefit...

So I guess Soleimani wasn't so great and all that is left are idiots.
There is no real protocol protecting Generals walking around a battle area, not in their own country.
There is protocol when making moves that could get our country involved in a war. It’s called the war powers act and it involves coordinating with congress. Trump skipped that because of an immanent threat. Now we have Iran promising retribution. The move needs to be explained and justified with evidence

The administration doesn't need to show evidence to the general public. It is within the resolution on terrorists scope.
I disagree. In this situation I think we owe it to our people and our allies to explain why we did what we did and why it was worth risking war

I'm sure the top brass of our allies will be shown some evidence. That's another thing the administration doesn't have to share with the public.

I doubt Trump will show our allies (whoever they are anymore) jack sh#t. He doesn't give a d@amn about allies. Remember the NATO meeting with Putin? He'll probably share with Putin, but that's another story.

No, I don't remember the NATO meeting with Putin and neither do you. Russia is not a member of NATO, so Putin would not be there.
You grant them power they don't possess. Iran is ranked 21st, down from 14th a few years ago.

We're #1.

These are the 25 most powerful militaries in the world — and there's a clear winner
Our track record on our wars is not that good. I can only look back at the past for how all this will go. Endless expensive quagmire for years followed by an inconclusive retreat followed by wondering why we ever did it.
/----/ Yes, you are correct, but we never had a President Trump before. And that changes everything.
That motherfucker is the last leader we need to fight a successful war. Seriously he is erratic, vain and clearly has no grasp of military tactics. It would be like digging up Mussolini to lead our efforts.

That is why he has the military. You are the one I see that has no grasp of military tactics.

So what we know is:

They killed a popular military leader who was fighting ISIS

The backlash has US taking troops from fighting ISIS and now guarding US interests

Iraq is going to invite US to leave and will rely more on Iran going forward.

So Trump military tactics has surrendered Syria to Russia, let ISIS off the hook and provoked a country who you had an agreement with...

Winners: ISIS, Russia, Saudi Arabia

Loosers: USA, Iran, Iraq

This was all so avoidable..

You better get a wrench and tighten up those loose countries!

The word would be "losers", and no, you are wrong.
I don’t hate Trump but I sure as hell don’t trust him. That’s allowed you know. There are many people you don’t trust and you have the right to question them. I thought until recently you didn’t trust our intel agencies... what changed?

Apparently most of America does trust him because he is President.

That has nothing to do with trust.

Poll: Trump Starts Third Year With Low Public Trust

Americans Trust President Trump Less Than Admitted Liar Michael Cohen, Survey Says

The polls said Trump would never win either. You still trust them? I think you're being lead down the Marxist path by the nose. Marxists always seek to undermine the society they are trying to invade and count on useful idiots like you seem to be to spread the propaganda. Congratulations.

You trust polls when it's convenient to you.

What other measure do you have of public trust? Elections have little to do with trust.

You are obsessed with "Marxists" - there are worse things to worry about then your imaginary enemies.
You grant them power they don't possess. Iran is ranked 21st, down from 14th a few years ago.

We're #1.

These are the 25 most powerful militaries in the world — and there's a clear winner
Our track record on our wars is not that good. I can only look back at the past for how all this will go. Endless expensive quagmire for years followed by an inconclusive retreat followed by wondering why we ever did it.
/----/ Yes, you are correct, but we never had a President Trump before. And that changes everything.
That motherfucker is the last leader we need to fight a successful war. Seriously he is erratic, vain and clearly has no grasp of military tactics. It would be like digging up Mussolini to lead our efforts.

That is why he has the military. You are the one I see that has no grasp of military tactics.

So what we know is:

They killed a popular military leader who was fighting ISIS

The backlash has US taking troops from fighting ISIS and now guarding US interests

Iraq is going to invite US to leave and will rely more on Iran going forward.

So Trump military tactics has surrendered Syria to Russia, let ISIS off the hook and provoked a country who you had an agreement with...

Winners: ISIS, Russia, Saudi Arabia

Loosers: USA, Iran, Iraq

This was all so avoidable..

Exactly :(
You grant them power they don't possess. Iran is ranked 21st, down from 14th a few years ago.

We're #1.

These are the 25 most powerful militaries in the world — and there's a clear winner
Our track record on our wars is not that good. I can only look back at the past for how all this will go. Endless expensive quagmire for years followed by an inconclusive retreat followed by wondering why we ever did it.
/----/ Yes, you are correct, but we never had a President Trump before. And that changes everything.
That motherfucker is the last leader we need to fight a successful war. Seriously he is erratic, vain and clearly has no grasp of military tactics. It would be like digging up Mussolini to lead our efforts.

That is why he has the military. You are the one I see that has no grasp of military tactics.

So what we know is:

They killed a popular military leader who was fighting ISIS

The backlash has US taking troops from fighting ISIS and now guarding US interests

Iraq is going to invite US to leave and will rely more on Iran going forward.

So Trump military tactics has surrendered Syria to Russia, let ISIS off the hook and provoked a country who you had an agreement with...

Winners: ISIS, Russia, Saudi Arabia

Loosers: USA, Iran, Iraq

This was all so avoidable..

We are not fighting ISIS with the troops guarding US interests. You need to get with the program and stop making stupid assumptions.
You trust polls when it's convenient to you.

What other measure do you have of public trust? Elections have little to do with trust.

You are obsessed with "Marxists" - there are worse things to worry about then your imaginary enemies.

Yeah, you trust polls when they are convenient to you too. Typical Marxist tactic, blame others for the shit that you yourself promote. Elections have everything to do with trust. We trust the safety of our country to the President. It must really piss you off that we trusted Trump instead of Hillary.
So what we know is:

They killed a popular military leader who was fighting ISIS

The backlash has US taking troops from fighting ISIS and now guarding US interests

Iraq is going to invite US to leave and will rely more on Iran going forward.

So Trump military tactics has surrendered Syria to Russia, let ISIS off the hook and provoked a country who you had an agreement with...

Winners: ISIS, Russia, Saudi Arabia

Loosers: USA, Iran, Iraq

This was all so avoidable..

Hitler was a 'popular military leader' as well. I guess you just bend over for our enemies....
After watching the public reaction to Soleimani’s murder followed by vows of revenge by Iran, we are apparently on the brink of war. At this point it seems obvious that we need to go public with the intel we have showing the imminent attack that was being planned against Americans.

This intel should clearly show the world that Soleimani was a clear and present danger and we had no choice but to go outside of protocol and assassinate him. Do you agree? Thoughts?

Depends. Revealing it could compromise sources and means.
There are ways to protect those... we are talking about potential war with Iran here. The stakes are pretty high. Our provocation should be justified to the world.
What the fuck is a Iranian military commander doing in Iraq ? Also pertinent, Soleimani was a terrorist piece of shit responsible for the deaths of US troops.
After watching the public reaction to Soleimani’s murder followed by vows of revenge by Iran, we are apparently on the brink of war. At this point it seems obvious that we need to go public with the intel we have showing the imminent attack that was being planned against Americans.

This intel should clearly show the world that Soleimani was a clear and present danger and we had no choice but to go outside of protocol and assassinate him. Do you agree? Thoughts?

Depends. Revealing it could compromise sources and means.
There are ways to protect those... we are talking about potential war with Iran here. The stakes are pretty high. Our provocation should be justified to the world.
What the fuck is a Iranian military commander doing in Iraq ? Also pertinent, Soleimani was a terrorist piece of shit responsible for the deaths of US troops.
good question... and agreed
I don’t hate Trump but I sure as hell don’t trust him. That’s allowed you know. There are many people you don’t trust and you have the right to question them. I thought until recently you didn’t trust our intel agencies... what changed?

Apparently most of America does trust him because he is President.

That has nothing to do with trust.

Poll: Trump Starts Third Year With Low Public Trust

Americans Trust President Trump Less Than Admitted Liar Michael Cohen, Survey Says

The polls said Trump would never win either. You still trust them? I think you're being lead down the Marxist path by the nose. Marxists always seek to undermine the society they are trying to invade and count on useful idiots like you seem to be to spread the propaganda. Congratulations.

You trust polls when it's convenient to you.

What other measure do you have of public trust? Elections have little to do with trust.

You are obsessed with "Marxists" - there are worse things to worry about then your imaginary enemies.

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