Time to go public with Soleimani attack intel

Can't register it or get insurance on it that way son. You have no idea how Islam works, you think they think like you do.
They don't.
You didn’t ask about registering or insurance smart guy. That was a bad analogy. An agreement was made, terms were drawn up, and both sides upheld their end for year until trump bailed. Who gives a shit about a signature on a piece of paper? Makes no difference in this case
You didn’t buy shit if you can’t get it registered in your name, moron.

You are flailing.
the analogy has absolutely nothing to do with the nuke agreement. This is turning into the dumbest discussion ever thanks to you all. How old are you?
The words of someone who has been thoroughly owned.
Only in your mind Nostra. There’s a lot of nonsense in there
Keep flailing.

It’s cute.
Sure, hand the owner some money and get the keys. What’s your point. We gonna play word games again?

Can't register it or get insurance on it that way son. You have no idea how Islam works, you think they think like you do.
They don't.
You didn’t ask about registering or insurance smart guy. That was a bad analogy. An agreement was made, terms were drawn up, and both sides upheld their end for year until trump bailed. Who gives a shit about a signature on a piece of paper? Makes no difference in this case
You didn’t buy shit if you can’t get it registered in your name, moron.

You are flailing.
the analogy has absolutely nothing to do with the nuke agreement. This is turning into the dumbest discussion ever thanks to you all. How old are you?
The words of someone who has been thoroughly owned.

No I don’t and no I didn’t

Yes you did, you far left cult member!

You used a far left talking point in your OP! But if you choose to ignore it like you did the illegal wars of Obama, then that is your choice.
hey I was just saying my opinion based on my observations. If the far left decided to make a talking point out of my ideas then that’s out of my control... perhaps they are smarter than we think.

No you used far left talking points, but thanks for showing that you and the far left are one and the same with the same programming!
Like I said. I can’t help it if they copy me

Yes arrogance is another trait of the far left!

And it was you copying them!

Never held Obama to any of the standards as you do Trump!
No way man, I never consulted them at all... I just saw why happened and then wrote about my thought. It’s a slade copywrite
Yes you did, you far left cult member!

You used a far left talking point in your OP! But if you choose to ignore it like you did the illegal wars of Obama, then that is your choice.
hey I was just saying my opinion based on my observations. If the far left decided to make a talking point out of my ideas then that’s out of my control... perhaps they are smarter than we think.

No you used far left talking points, but thanks for showing that you and the far left are one and the same with the same programming!
Like I said. I can’t help it if they copy me

Yes arrogance is another trait of the far left!

And it was you copying them!

Never held Obama to any of the standards as you do Trump!
No way man, I never consulted them at all... I just saw why happened and then wrote about my thought. It’s a slade copywrite

Yes you do, you read their propaganda and come her and post it!

So how many times did you refer to Bin Laden being murdered?
hey I was just saying my opinion based on my observations. If the far left decided to make a talking point out of my ideas then that’s out of my control... perhaps they are smarter than we think.

No you used far left talking points, but thanks for showing that you and the far left are one and the same with the same programming!
Like I said. I can’t help it if they copy me

Yes arrogance is another trait of the far left!

And it was you copying them!

Never held Obama to any of the standards as you do Trump!
No way man, I never consulted them at all... I just saw why happened and then wrote about my thought. It’s a slade copywrite

Yes you do, you read their propaganda and come her and post it!

So how many times did you refer to Bin Laden being murdered?
So then they made a nuclear deal with a country they were at war with? How does that make sense?

So then they made a nuclear deal with a country they were at war with? How does that make sense?

Money for nothin'
So for the record you’re also on board with thinking we’ve been at war with Iran for the past 40 years? Just wanna hear you say it

NO, Dumbass, they have been at war with US. Why do you think we wanted to halt or limit their nuclear capability so much? Just nothing better to do? If they could, they would nuke us in a minute.

Death to America - Wikipedia
No smart guy your dead wrong. We’ve had continuous conflicts with Iran but not war. The only recent war we’ve been involved in with Iran was against ISIL and they were on our side. Learn your history
Sorry, grassnub but that is only because Iran has limited ability to attack us. The guy we just killed alone has planned and orchestrated the murder of at least 600 Americans and numerous campaigns against us along with ongoing missions against us and our interests throughout the Middle East. Their military is mostly built around fighting conventional war defending their borders, so they finance and facilitate terror groups in many places around the world.
That’s all fine and dandy. We still haven’t been in a 40 year war with Iran. That’s just fake news, plain and simple.
So for the record you’re also on board with thinking we’ve been at war with Iran for the past 40 years? Just wanna hear you say it

NO, Dumbass, they have been at war with US. Why do you think we wanted to halt or limit their nuclear capability so much? Just nothing better to do? If they could, they would nuke us in a minute.

Death to America - Wikipedia
No smart guy your dead wrong. We’ve had continuous conflicts with Iran but not war. The only recent war we’ve been involved in with Iran was against ISIL and they were on our side. Learn your history
Death to America?
What about it? Do you have a point?
Point? That is the point.
Slade obviously has a point -- -- -- -- on the top of his head. Either a real one or intentional in his defense of terrorists and his love of slandering America. Jesus, didn't Iran just kill one of our drones and attack our ships this past fall? What I love about Tards is their ability to see things in Trump before they even happen or needing a tunneling e-microscope to find yet they cannot see the most obvious things anywhere else.
Can't register it or get insurance on it that way son. You have no idea how Islam works, you think they think like you do.
They don't.
You didn’t ask about registering or insurance smart guy. That was a bad analogy. An agreement was made, terms were drawn up, and both sides upheld their end for year until trump bailed. Who gives a shit about a signature on a piece of paper? Makes no difference in this case
You didn’t buy shit if you can’t get it registered in your name, moron.

You are flailing.
the analogy has absolutely nothing to do with the nuke agreement. This is turning into the dumbest discussion ever thanks to you all. How old are you?
The words of someone who has been thoroughly owned.

Haha, you two are going to spend the rest of the thread obsessing over how far left I am aren’t ya. SDS is kicking in big time.
No you used far left talking points, but thanks for showing that you and the far left are one and the same with the same programming!
Like I said. I can’t help it if they copy me

Yes arrogance is another trait of the far left!

And it was you copying them!

Never held Obama to any of the standards as you do Trump!
No way man, I never consulted them at all... I just saw why happened and then wrote about my thought. It’s a slade copywrite

Yes you do, you read their propaganda and come her and post it!

So how many times did you refer to Bin Laden being murdered?

Yes but not what the OP used in the opening comments, they used the term murdered, which was in almost every far left propaganda piece today.

Which shows the OP read a lot of far left hack sites before they posted here!
So then they made a nuclear deal with a country they were at war with? How does that make sense?

Money for nothin'
So for the record you’re also on board with thinking we’ve been at war with Iran for the past 40 years? Just wanna hear you say it

NO, Dumbass, they have been at war with US. Why do you think we wanted to halt or limit their nuclear capability so much? Just nothing better to do? If they could, they would nuke us in a minute.

Death to America - Wikipedia
No smart guy your dead wrong. We’ve had continuous conflicts with Iran but not war. The only recent war we’ve been involved in with Iran was against ISIL and they were on our side. Learn your history
Sorry, grassnub but that is only because Iran has limited ability to attack us. The guy we just killed alone has planned and orchestrated the murder of at least 600 Americans and numerous campaigns against us along with ongoing missions against us and our interests throughout the Middle East. Their military is mostly built around fighting conventional war defending their borders, so they finance and facilitate terror groups in many places around the world.
That’s all fine and dandy. We still haven’t been in a 40 year war with Iran. That’s just fake news, plain and simple.
Yes we have. They have been at war with us. It may be on and off and vary in form, but they have made no bones their desire to kill us. Hell, in just the past few days they have issued a public death threat against the president of the United States!
NO, Dumbass, they have been at war with US. Why do you think we wanted to halt or limit their nuclear capability so much? Just nothing better to do? If they could, they would nuke us in a minute.

Death to America - Wikipedia
No smart guy your dead wrong. We’ve had continuous conflicts with Iran but not war. The only recent war we’ve been involved in with Iran was against ISIL and they were on our side. Learn your history
Death to America?
What about it? Do you have a point?
Point? That is the point.
Slade obviously has a point -- -- -- -- on the top of his head. Either a real one or intentional in his defense of terrorists and his love of slandering America. Jesus, didn't Iran just kill one of our drones and attack our ships this past fall? What I love about Tards is their ability to see things in Trump before they even happen or needing a tunneling e-microscope to find yet they cannot see the most obvious things anywhere else.
Says the guy who thinks we’ve been at war with Iran since 1979. How can anybody take you seriously?!
I don’t hate Trump but I sure as hell don’t trust him. That’s allowed you know. There are many people you don’t trust and you have the right to question them. I thought until recently you didn’t trust our intel agencies... what changed?

Apparently most of America does trust him because he is President.

That has nothing to do with trust.

Poll: Trump Starts Third Year With Low Public Trust

Americans Trust President Trump Less Than Admitted Liar Michael Cohen, Survey Says
So for the record you’re also on board with thinking we’ve been at war with Iran for the past 40 years? Just wanna hear you say it

NO, Dumbass, they have been at war with US. Why do you think we wanted to halt or limit their nuclear capability so much? Just nothing better to do? If they could, they would nuke us in a minute.

Death to America - Wikipedia
No smart guy your dead wrong. We’ve had continuous conflicts with Iran but not war. The only recent war we’ve been involved in with Iran was against ISIL and they were on our side. Learn your history
Sorry, grassnub but that is only because Iran has limited ability to attack us. The guy we just killed alone has planned and orchestrated the murder of at least 600 Americans and numerous campaigns against us along with ongoing missions against us and our interests throughout the Middle East. Their military is mostly built around fighting conventional war defending their borders, so they finance and facilitate terror groups in many places around the world.
That’s all fine and dandy. We still haven’t been in a 40 year war with Iran. That’s just fake news, plain and simple.
Yes we have. They have been at war with us. It may be on and off and vary in form, but they have made no bones their desire to kill us. Hell, in just the past few days they have issued a public death threat against the president of the United States!
So has North Korea. Are we at war with North Korea too?!
This has got to be the dumbest point I’ve ever seen you defend!!
No smart guy your dead wrong. We’ve had continuous conflicts with Iran but not war. The only recent war we’ve been involved in with Iran was against ISIL and they were on our side. Learn your history
Death to America?
What about it? Do you have a point?
Point? That is the point.
Slade obviously has a point -- -- -- -- on the top of his head. Either a real one or intentional in his defense of terrorists and his love of slandering America. Jesus, didn't Iran just kill one of our drones and attack our ships this past fall? What I love about Tards is their ability to see things in Trump before they even happen or needing a tunneling e-microscope to find yet they cannot see the most obvious things anywhere else.
Says the guy who thinks we’ve been at war with Iran since 1979. How can anybody take you seriously?!

Says the guy who supported the illegal wars of Obama!

But why split hairs over such things..

If you feel that a terrorist was unjustly murdered then so be it!
Death to America?
What about it? Do you have a point?
Point? That is the point.
Slade obviously has a point -- -- -- -- on the top of his head. Either a real one or intentional in his defense of terrorists and his love of slandering America. Jesus, didn't Iran just kill one of our drones and attack our ships this past fall? What I love about Tards is their ability to see things in Trump before they even happen or needing a tunneling e-microscope to find yet they cannot see the most obvious things anywhere else.
Says the guy who thinks we’ve been at war with Iran since 1979. How can anybody take you seriously?!

Says the guy who supported the illegal wars of Obama!

But why split hairs over such things..

If you feel that a terrorist was unjustly murdered then so be it!
When did I voice support of illegal wars? Quote me.You can’t? Ok then shut the fuck up.

When did I say Soleimani was unjustly murdered? Quote me. You can’t? Ok then shut the fuck up.
The imminent attack excuse does not make sense. This man was a general in charge of a large international operation. Killing him does practically nothing to stop any ongoing operation that we can assume was handled through whatever command structure that exists. They are lying. Someone else will be promoted to his position and Iran has a new martyr to rally around. You can't kill martyrs.
you also do not know about history or military history
..there are great generals and there are idiot generals...if they replace him with an idiot general--that's good
Looks like you think we are dealing with the military retards who worked for Saddam. You'll see we are dealing with something way harder to defeat if Trump can't find some way to deescalate things.
hahahha-Iran is also a shithole like the rest of the Middle East
......Iraq had one of the largest, combat EXPERIENCED armies in the world--much more combat experience than the US forces -----yet we went through them like a hot knife through butter ...and Iran didn't defeat Iraq in the YEARS long Iran-Iraq War
You do not know what you are talking about. I can guarantee that the realist generals who have to actually conduct a war are sweating bullets. Not saying that Iran can win but they will make victory so expensive that it seems like a defeat.
..that's EXACTLY what they said about PG1--with the ground attack that lasted about a month

PG1's ground attack didn't last anywhere near a month. It lasted about 4 days (100 hours). It went so quickly, my deployment was postponed 2 and a 1/2 months.
you also do not know about history or military history
..there are great generals and there are idiot generals...if they replace him with an idiot general--that's good
Looks like you think we are dealing with the military retards who worked for Saddam. You'll see we are dealing with something way harder to defeat if Trump can't find some way to deescalate things.
hahahha-Iran is also a shithole like the rest of the Middle East
......Iraq had one of the largest, combat EXPERIENCED armies in the world--much more combat experience than the US forces -----yet we went through them like a hot knife through butter ...and Iran didn't defeat Iraq in the YEARS long Iran-Iraq War
You do not know what you are talking about. I can guarantee that the realist generals who have to actually conduct a war are sweating bullets. Not saying that Iran can win but they will make victory so expensive that it seems like a defeat.
..that's EXACTLY what they said about PG1--with the ground attack that lasted about a month
Need I remind you that America has a shitty record of winning the peace? Any dummy can drop a bunch of bombs but we have not been justified in any use of force since WW2 ended.

You should be thankful there in no banning for being stupid, or you would be history!
hahahha-Iran is also a shithole like the rest of the Middle East
......Iraq had one of the largest, combat EXPERIENCED armies in the world--much more combat experience than the US forces -----yet we went through them like a hot knife through butter ...and Iran didn't defeat Iraq in the YEARS long Iran-Iraq War
You do not know what you are talking about. I can guarantee that the realist generals who have to actually conduct a war are sweating bullets. Not saying that Iran can win but they will make victory so expensive that it seems like a defeat.
..that's EXACTLY what they said about PG1--with the ground attack that lasted about a month
Need I remind you that America has a shitty record of winning the peace? Any dummy can drop a bunch of bombs but we have not been justified in any use of force since WW2 ended.
Korea? PG1? --when saddam [ who started TWO wars, gassed his own people/etc ] invaded tiny Kuwait--like hitler and stalin invaded Poland???!!!
...we won in Korea and PG1 [ please be careful of your response, unless you want to be shown--again--you are ignorant ]

..you prove you have no knowledge of history/military/wars....
Yeah Iraq is so peaceful now.

I would rather walk down the street in Baghdad unarmed than I would walk down the street on the south-side of Chicago, armed to the teeth, any day!
The imminent attack excuse does not make sense. This man was a general in charge of a large international operation. Killing him does practically nothing to stop any ongoing operation that we can assume was handled through whatever command structure that exists. They are lying. Someone else will be promoted to his position and Iran has a new martyr to rally around. You can't kill martyrs.
you also do not know about history or military history
..there are great generals and there are idiot generals...if they replace him with an idiot general--that's good

Seriously, do you think great generals surround themselves with idiots?

This whole thing stinks, it is a very high cost and I don't see the strategic benefit...

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