Time to go public with Soleimani attack intel

im not denying any of that. That’s not what we are talking about. Claim was that we were at war with Iran. That’s fake news bullshit. Why are you trying to spin and justify it?
Billy_Kinetta and toobfreak both made the claim that we’ve been at war with Iran since 1979, then Another slew of geniuses jumped in to defend that position... yourself included when you said, and I quote,

“Iran has been at war with US. Now we have a President actually defending America against Iran's aggression instead of apologizing, making bad deals with them and sending them money as Obama did.”

Care to show me any historical record of Iran's war against the US? Cause I can show you record of us in a war against ISIL where we were on the same side as Iran. Ok, now your done, go take a nap.

List of wars involving Iran - Wikipedia

Nuke Deal or Not, Iran Has Already Declared War on Us
That’s a nice little article but we all know by now that we can’t trust the fake new media and their spin up narratives right? We need to look at historical events and while there has defiantly been conflict and provocation there is just no way anybody of sound mind can believe that we’ve been at war with Iran or vice versa. Especially after the Nuke deal and especially after we aligned with them in the war against ISIL

The nuke deal? You mean the sham that removed sanctions on Soleimani?

No not that one... I’m talking about the one that took a diplomatic step with a hostile country and cut their nuke development
How many times have they attacked us or our allies?
Do you think they've been peaceful and just kept to themselves since 1979?
They’ve attacked us/allies numerous times and no I don’t think they’ve been peaceful since 79. See that how you answer questions. Care to answer mine?

do you really believe that we’ve been at war with Iran since 1979? That’s a simple yes or no

Iran declared war on the United States. We have not yet reciprocated.
There you go Leo123 billy is back to defend his stupidity. So in his warped mind Iran is at war with us and while at war they signed a nuclear deal to allow us to inspect their labs and then while at war with us they allied with us in a war against ISIL. Have fun defending that genius narrative
They didn’t sign it, Dummy.
Sorry, agreed to.

So......can you buy a car without signing the paperwork?
They’ve attacked us/allies numerous times and no I don’t think they’ve been peaceful since 79. See that how you answer questions. Care to answer mine?

do you really believe that we’ve been at war with Iran since 1979? That’s a simple yes or no

Iran declared war on the United States. We have not yet reciprocated.
There you go Leo123 billy is back to defend his stupidity. So in his warped mind Iran is at war with us and while at war they signed a nuclear deal to allow us to inspect their labs and then while at war with us they allied with us in a war against ISIL. Have fun defending that genius narrative
They didn’t sign it, Dummy.
Sorry, agreed to.

So......can you buy a car without signing the paperwork?
Sure, hand the owner some money and get the keys. What’s your point. We gonna play word games again?
im not denying any of that. That’s not what we are talking about. Claim was that we were at war with Iran. That’s fake news bullshit. Why are you trying to spin and justify it?
Billy_Kinetta and toobfreak both made the claim that we’ve been at war with Iran since 1979, then Another slew of geniuses jumped in to defend that position... yourself included when you said, and I quote,

“Iran has been at war with US. Now we have a President actually defending America against Iran's aggression instead of apologizing, making bad deals with them and sending them money as Obama did.”

Care to show me any historical record of Iran's war against the US? Cause I can show you record of us in a war against ISIL where we were on the same side as Iran. Ok, now your done, go take a nap.

List of wars involving Iran - Wikipedia

Nuke Deal or Not, Iran Has Already Declared War on Us
That’s a nice little article but we all know by now that we can’t trust the fake new media and their spin up narratives right? We need to look at historical events and while there has defiantly been conflict and provocation there is just no way anybody of sound mind can believe that we’ve been at war with Iran or vice versa. Especially after the Nuke deal and especially after we aligned with them in the war against ISIL

I'm sorry, but Idiot Time is over. Your time is up.
Agreed. I’m done with you and your fake us/Iran war

Bitchslapped by history again, eh? Happens to you guys a lot.

What exactly did you do in public school anyway?
Billy_Kinetta and toobfreak both made the claim that we’ve been at war with Iran since 1979, then Another slew of geniuses jumped in to defend that position... yourself included when you said, and I quote,

“Iran has been at war with US. Now we have a President actually defending America against Iran's aggression instead of apologizing, making bad deals with them and sending them money as Obama did.”

Care to show me any historical record of Iran's war against the US? Cause I can show you record of us in a war against ISIL where we were on the same side as Iran. Ok, now your done, go take a nap.

List of wars involving Iran - Wikipedia

Nuke Deal or Not, Iran Has Already Declared War on Us
That’s a nice little article but we all know by now that we can’t trust the fake new media and their spin up narratives right? We need to look at historical events and while there has defiantly been conflict and provocation there is just no way anybody of sound mind can believe that we’ve been at war with Iran or vice versa. Especially after the Nuke deal and especially after we aligned with them in the war against ISIL

I'm sorry, but Idiot Time is over. Your time is up.
Agreed. I’m done with you and your fake us/Iran war

Bitchslapped by history again, eh? Happens to you guys a lot.

What exactly did you do in public school anyway?
you having reading problems? Done is done. You lost this one bucko. Deal with it
Iran declared war on the United States. We have not yet reciprocated.
There you go Leo123 billy is back to defend his stupidity. So in his warped mind Iran is at war with us and while at war they signed a nuclear deal to allow us to inspect their labs and then while at war with us they allied with us in a war against ISIL. Have fun defending that genius narrative
They didn’t sign it, Dummy.
Sorry, agreed to.

So......can you buy a car without signing the paperwork?
Sure, hand the owner some money and get the keys. What’s your point. We gonna play word games again?

Can't register it or get insurance on it that way son. You have no idea how Islam works, you think they think like you do.
They don't.
...Oh I think if a war results from trumps mishandling of this then there is no way he wins re-election
When was the last time that you saw a sitting President lose an election in the middle of a war?
i don’t care what historical stats show. Trump is and always has been a very unpopular president. Add on top of that a series of bad decisions that provokes a war with Iran? He gone for sure

Go ahead and bet your life savings and your house on that. Bad decision? Another terrorist lover who’s mad his pal got his just desserts. Get back to us when Trump kills overs 300 civilians like Obozo did.
That’s a nice little article but we all know by now that we can’t trust the fake new media and their spin up narratives right? We need to look at historical events and while there has defiantly been conflict and provocation there is just no way anybody of sound mind can believe that we’ve been at war with Iran or vice versa. Especially after the Nuke deal and especially after we aligned with them in the war against ISIL

I'm sorry, but Idiot Time is over. Your time is up.
Agreed. I’m done with you and your fake us/Iran war

Bitchslapped by history again, eh? Happens to you guys a lot.

What exactly did you do in public school anyway?
you having reading problems? Done is done. You lost this one bucko. Deal with it
im not denying any of that. That’s not what we are talking about. Claim was that we were at war with Iran. That’s fake news bullshit. Why are you trying to spin and justify it?
Billy_Kinetta and toobfreak both made the claim that we’ve been at war with Iran since 1979, then Another slew of geniuses jumped in to defend that position... yourself included when you said, and I quote,

“Iran has been at war with US. Now we have a President actually defending America against Iran's aggression instead of apologizing, making bad deals with them and sending them money as Obama did.”

Care to show me any historical record of Iran's war against the US? Cause I can show you record of us in a war against ISIL where we were on the same side as Iran. Ok, now your done, go take a nap.

List of wars involving Iran - Wikipedia

Nuke Deal or Not, Iran Has Already Declared War on Us
That’s a nice little article but we all know by now that we can’t trust the fake new media and their spin up narratives right? We need to look at historical events and while there has defiantly been conflict and provocation there is just no way anybody of sound mind can believe that we’ve been at war with Iran or vice versa. Especially after the Nuke deal and especially after we aligned with them in the war against ISIL

The nuke deal? You mean the sham that removed sanctions on Soleimani?

No not that one... I’m talking about the one that took a diplomatic step with a hostile country and cut their nuke development

Oh, the one that accomplished nothing but give Iran the resources to continue their proxy wars all over the ME and North Africa. Got it.

After watching the public reaction to Soleimani’s murder followed by vows of revenge by Iran, we are apparently on the brink of war. At this point it seems obvious that we need to go public with the intel we have showing the imminent attack that was being planned against Americans.

This intel should clearly show the world that Soleimani was a clear and present danger and we had no choice but to go outside of protocol and assassinate him. Do you agree? Thoughts?
Like the US needs an excuse to kill and bomb others.
yes we absolutely do.
We never did. Is the greed that motivate us to bomb and occupy others.
There you go Leo123 billy is back to defend his stupidity. So in his warped mind Iran is at war with us and while at war they signed a nuclear deal to allow us to inspect their labs and then while at war with us they allied with us in a war against ISIL. Have fun defending that genius narrative
They didn’t sign it, Dummy.
Sorry, agreed to.

So......can you buy a car without signing the paperwork?
Sure, hand the owner some money and get the keys. What’s your point. We gonna play word games again?

Can't register it or get insurance on it that way son. You have no idea how Islam works, you think they think like you do.
They don't.
You didn’t ask about registering or insurance smart guy. That was a bad analogy. An agreement was made, terms were drawn up, and both sides upheld their end for year until trump bailed. Who gives a shit about a signature on a piece of paper? Makes no difference in this case
...Oh I think if a war results from trumps mishandling of this then there is no way he wins re-election
When was the last time that you saw a sitting President lose an election in the middle of a war?
i don’t care what historical stats show. Trump is and always has been a very unpopular president. Add on top of that a series of bad decisions that provokes a war with Iran? He gone for sure

Go ahead and bet your life savings and your house on that. Bad decision? Another terrorist lover who’s mad his pal got his just desserts. Get back to us when Trump kills overs 300 civilians like Obozo did.
I’m not saying it was a bad decision to kill Soleimani, if there was in fact an imminent threat then it was a good call. I don’t have the intel to make that call.

but if there wasn’t a threat, and this was a rash move, and IF it leads to war with Iran, then I don’t think it makes trump look good at all. Especially during election time. You can’t spin your way around dead soldiers. Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.
Billy_Kinetta and toobfreak both made the claim that we’ve been at war with Iran since 1979, then Another slew of geniuses jumped in to defend that position... yourself included when you said, and I quote,

“Iran has been at war with US. Now we have a President actually defending America against Iran's aggression instead of apologizing, making bad deals with them and sending them money as Obama did.”

Care to show me any historical record of Iran's war against the US? Cause I can show you record of us in a war against ISIL where we were on the same side as Iran. Ok, now your done, go take a nap.

List of wars involving Iran - Wikipedia

Nuke Deal or Not, Iran Has Already Declared War on Us
That’s a nice little article but we all know by now that we can’t trust the fake new media and their spin up narratives right? We need to look at historical events and while there has defiantly been conflict and provocation there is just no way anybody of sound mind can believe that we’ve been at war with Iran or vice versa. Especially after the Nuke deal and especially after we aligned with them in the war against ISIL

The nuke deal? You mean the sham that removed sanctions on Soleimani?

No not that one... I’m talking about the one that took a diplomatic step with a hostile country and cut their nuke development

Oh, the one that accomplished nothing but give Iran the resources to continue their proxy wars all over the ME and North Africa. Got it.

I could repeat talking points that I have no way of verifying too... but why waste the time?
After watching the public reaction to Soleimani’s murder followed by vows of revenge by Iran, we are apparently on the brink of war. At this point it seems obvious that we need to go public with the intel we have showing the imminent attack that was being planned against Americans.

This intel should clearly show the world that Soleimani was a clear and present danger and we had no choice but to go outside of protocol and assassinate him. Do you agree? Thoughts?
Like the US needs an excuse to kill and bomb others.
yes we absolutely do.
We never did. Is the greed that motivate us to bomb and occupy others.
We never did? Was there a time that actions didn’t have reactions that I’m not aware of?
That’s a nice little article but we all know by now that we can’t trust the fake new media and their spin up narratives right? We need to look at historical events and while there has defiantly been conflict and provocation there is just no way anybody of sound mind can believe that we’ve been at war with Iran or vice versa. Especially after the Nuke deal and especially after we aligned with them in the war against ISIL

The nuke deal? You mean the sham that removed sanctions on Soleimani?

No not that one... I’m talking about the one that took a diplomatic step with a hostile country and cut their nuke development

Oh, the one that accomplished nothing but give Iran the resources to continue their proxy wars all over the ME and North Africa. Got it.

I could repeat talking points that I have no way of verifying too... but why waste the time?

Yet you do it anyway, just like you did in your OP!
I’m not saying it was a bad decision to kill Soleimani, if there was in fact an imminent threat then it was a good call. I don’t have the intel to make that call.

but if there wasn’t a threat, and this was a rash move, and IF it leads to war with Iran, then I don’t think it makes trump look good at all. Especially during election time. You can’t spin your way around dead soldiers. Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.

If, If, If, If, If, you sound like Maddow.
That’s a nice little article but we all know by now that we can’t trust the fake new media and their spin up narratives right? We need to look at historical events and while there has defiantly been conflict and provocation there is just no way anybody of sound mind can believe that we’ve been at war with Iran or vice versa. Especially after the Nuke deal and especially after we aligned with them in the war against ISIL

The nuke deal? You mean the sham that removed sanctions on Soleimani?

No not that one... I’m talking about the one that took a diplomatic step with a hostile country and cut their nuke development

Oh, the one that accomplished nothing but give Iran the resources to continue their proxy wars all over the ME and North Africa. Got it.

I could repeat talking points that I have no way of verifying too... but why waste the time?

Yet you do it anyway, just like you did in your OP!
No I don’t and no I didn’t
I’m not saying it was a bad decision to kill Soleimani, if there was in fact an imminent threat then it was a good call. I don’t have the intel to make that call.

but if there wasn’t a threat, and this was a rash move, and IF it leads to war with Iran, then I don’t think it makes trump look good at all. Especially during election time. You can’t spin your way around dead soldiers. Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.

If, If, If, If, If, you sound like Maddow.
What’s wrong with if statements? They validate the importance of my questions
The nuke deal? You mean the sham that removed sanctions on Soleimani?

No not that one... I’m talking about the one that took a diplomatic step with a hostile country and cut their nuke development

Oh, the one that accomplished nothing but give Iran the resources to continue their proxy wars all over the ME and North Africa. Got it.

I could repeat talking points that I have no way of verifying too... but why waste the time?

Yet you do it anyway, just like you did in your OP!
No I don’t and no I didn’t

Yes you did, you far left cult member!

You used a far left talking point in your OP! But if you choose to ignore it like you did the illegal wars of Obama, then that is your choice.

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