Time to go public with Soleimani attack intel

After watching the public reaction to Soleimani’s murder followed by vows of revenge by Iran, we are apparently on the brink of war. At this point it seems obvious that we need to go public with the intel we have showing the imminent attack that was being planned against Americans.

This intel should clearly show the world that Soleimani was a clear and present danger and we had no choice but to go outside of protocol and assassinate him. Do you agree? Thoughts?

Funny how lefties are jumping into defense of Iran, because it might make Trump looks bad.

With them, it seems like history doesn't exist, and they're ignoring event happened not so long ago.

Iran burned Saudi oil fields, Trump let that go.
They shot down US drone, Trump let that go.
They captured some oil tankers, Trump let that go too.
Iran finally attacks US embassy, and Trump blew up their general.

Now Democrats are coming out wondering why Trump is trying to start a war. Really?

$80M bounty on our president. What that tells you about Iran and their regime? If there ever was a rogue state, you're looking at it in Iran, and Norks.
In what way is my OP defending Iran?!

Iran is full of anti America shitheads who are a threat to our people. Why in the world would you think I’m defending them?
The imminent attack excuse does not make sense. This man was a general in charge of a large international operation. Killing him does practically nothing to stop any ongoing operation that we can assume was handled through whatever command structure that exists. They are lying. Someone else will be promoted to his position and Iran has a new martyr to rally around. You can't kill martyrs.
you also do not know about history or military history
..there are great generals and there are idiot generals...if they replace him with an idiot general--that's good

Seriously, do you think great generals surround themselves with idiots?

This whole thing stinks, it is a very high cost and I don't see the strategic benefit...
....please learn some history.....Montgomery made MANY dumbass decisions ..Mark Clark also ....
..Market Garden
..Westmoreland and Navarre in Vietnam
this thread has the links/etc on Westy and Navarre:
Vietnam War was unwinnable
..etc etc
The imminent attack excuse does not make sense. This man was a general in charge of a large international operation. Killing him does practically nothing to stop any ongoing operation that we can assume was handled through whatever command structure that exists. They are lying. Someone else will be promoted to his position and Iran has a new martyr to rally around. You can't kill martyrs.
you also do not know about history or military history
..there are great generals and there are idiot generals...if they replace him with an idiot general--that's good

Doesn't matter you fucking dimwit. They have cyber-attack capabilities that don't need a general to deploy.
And when one of their ministers goes on television to say they are restricting their retaliation to military bases in the Middle East, you think the motherfucker is telling the truth?
You stupid fucking keyboard kowboys don't know your hat from your ass.

You keep fighting wars from 70 years ago, kowboy.
NK and Iran are going cyber.

Let's just hope cooler heads in the Pentagon put Trump back in his high chair and shove a "hamberder" in his orange face so they can get this situation back under control.
..how will that stop F15s/B52s???!! hahahhahahahah--YOU are the dumbass
In what way is my OP defending Iran?!

Iran is full of anti America shitheads who are a threat to our people. Why in the world would you think I’m defending them?

The U.S. is full of anti-Iranian shitheads who are an existential threat to Iran. Of course you would defend Iran, where warranted, at least try to understand what they are doing, and why, because it is the reasonable thing to do. I think you could use some reading on Iran (start here, for instance) to add a bit of color and nuance to your picture - because the black-and-white, us. v. them nonsense isn't really helpful.

I would guess you've followed recent reporting in the "imminent attacks" that were "prevented", and how these lies are falling apart already.
After watching the public reaction to Soleimani’s murder followed by vows of revenge by Iran, we are apparently on the brink of war. At this point it seems obvious that we need to go public with the intel we have showing the imminent attack that was being planned against Americans.

This intel should clearly show the world that Soleimani was a clear and present danger and we had no choice but to go outside of protocol and assassinate him. Do you agree? Thoughts?

You have TDS.
You care more about some misguided, yet another, attempt to "get Trump!!" than the future safety of our own soldiers, intel civilians and military intel officers on the ground.
They were former special forces and CIA contractors, they disobeyed stand down orders to engage
False. Right wing gaslighting. Or, as known to rubes like you, "historical fact".
Really? The movie was wrong?
Correct, even according to the Republicans' own report, after no less than four investigations into the matter.

Evidence shows no Benghazi stand-down order to defy

So you see the power of propaganda.
So instead of "stand down," they said WAIT?
Same difference for Chris Stevens.
After watching the public reaction to Soleimani’s murder followed by vows of revenge by Iran, we are apparently on the brink of war. At this point it seems obvious that we need to go public with the intel we have showing the imminent attack that was being planned against Americans.

This intel should clearly show the world that Soleimani was a clear and present danger and we had no choice but to go outside of protocol and assassinate him. Do you agree? Thoughts?
....people still wouldn't believe it --this goes on all over the world
...you should always give the least amount of your intel--this is a very old rule of warfare/etc

Yup. I agree. Give as little intel as you can. Whats that saying?? Loose lips sink ships.
After watching the public reaction to Soleimani’s murder followed by vows of revenge by Iran, we are apparently on the brink of war. At this point it seems obvious that we need to go public with the intel we have showing the imminent attack that was being planned against Americans.

This intel should clearly show the world that Soleimani was a clear and present danger and we had no choice but to go outside of protocol and assassinate him. Do you agree? Thoughts?

You have TDS.
You care more about some misguided, yet another, attempt to "get Trump!!" than the future safety of our own soldiers, intel civilians and military intel officers on the ground.
Was there any thought to those things by the President before he made his decision? Most TDS'ers see him as rash, impulsive, knee jerk, reactionary....... And not a person who has any capabilities of putting other Americans before his own personal needs or political gain. HE has never shown us, otherwise..... And that makes him dangerous, and us jittery.
Every thing Trump has done that you listed has been more than justified. Sorry! You are wrong in your interpretation of Trump's actions.

That is your opinion as a Trump supporter, and you are welcome to it. His action authorizing the missile attack on Suleimani is the only good move of his I can think of, but 1 attaboy does not wipe out 3 years of aw-shits. That is my opinion, and I will still be surprised if he shares the intelligence fully, nor do I really feel it is needed. He made the decision on his own. It was a correct one for a change, I don't care if he does or doesn't. It is his idea of diplomacy and alliance building, and he does not seem to have the aptitude or inclination.

What libtards see as an aw-shit is usually because they simply do not understand the problem.

Not a liberal or libtard as you rightwing guys like to call them. I just don't like his style, manner of speech, disrespect for the office and his oath office to the constitution, his lies, his morals, his paying hush money to hookers and other character flaws he displays. My voting record and they way I have conducted my life speak for itself whether you know me or not. I just do not approve of him, but will live with it until he is out of office. That's what you do if you are an American.

Reading is not a strong suit with you, is it?

I never said you were a libtard. You are entitled to your opinion based on the misinformation you are being fed. I would hope as an American you would consider his actions as President based on what you have observed and not what some libtard talking head force fed to you. That is all!
I just thought you were lumping me in with the libtards (your word). I get my information from a wide variety of sources, some from people I consider to be rightwing, posting linkes right here on this board. I form my opinions based on consideration, values and conscience, and express them poorly or well on different occasion. Trust me. No "libtard" force feeds me anything, nor do the talking heads on the right.
then you should consider facts that are in place. I'm just saying, if you're going to actually say you form an opinion, ignoring facts doesn't appear to be what you do.
This dumb cowardly assassination was Trump’s wag the dog moment. If O did this, the cons would be screaming for his head. Sadly, they are hypocrites just like liberals.

The rocket strikes in northern Iraq that killed an American
and the attack on our embassy were planned by our own

The intelligence they fed Trump is bullshit
and their recommendations intentional

This is all part of a plot to assassinate Trump
and they are setting the stage for the fanatical Arab taking the fall
Nothing would surprise me. Our government is a criminal enterprise gone rogue.
there's the gipper I know.
After watching the public reaction to Soleimani’s murder followed by vows of revenge by Iran, we are apparently on the brink of war. At this point it seems obvious that we need to go public with the intel we have showing the imminent attack that was being planned against Americans.

This intel should clearly show the world that Soleimani was a clear and present danger and we had no choice but to go outside of protocol and assassinate him. Do you agree? Thoughts?

Funny how lefties are jumping into defense of Iran, because it might make Trump looks bad.

With them, it seems like history doesn't exist, and they're ignoring event happened not so long ago.

Iran burned Saudi oil fields, Trump let that go.
They shot down US drone, Trump let that go.
They captured some oil tankers, Trump let that go too.
Iran finally attacks US embassy, and Trump blew up their general.

Now Democrats are coming out wondering why Trump is trying to start a war. Really?

$80M bounty on our president. What that tells you about Iran and their regime? If there ever was a rogue state, you're looking at it in Iran, and Norks.
again, Trump could find the cure for cancer and be the bad guy.
The nuke deal? You mean the sham that removed sanctions on Soleimani?

No not that one... I’m talking about the one that took a diplomatic step with a hostile country and cut their nuke development

Oh, the one that accomplished nothing but give Iran the resources to continue their proxy wars all over the ME and North Africa. Got it.

I could repeat talking points that I have no way of verifying too... but why waste the time?

So you're saying the billions given Iran, plus the money they realized from sanctions relief, didn't enable their malign activities? Are you really that stupid?

I’m saying neither you or I know how they spent the money or if they would have made the same moves if their funds had not been returned to them. I understand why you like to use the attack. Obama have them
Billions which they used to sponsor terrorists so Obama indirectly sponsored terrorists and has blood on his hands... yeah I’ve heard the talking point at nauseam
and that is all correct. See the thing is, you can't justify giving the money to them by merely pointing out that it was their money, that is off the table. So fking what, it was seized assets and under American control. Obammy had no authority to give it back. Zip, zero, nadda. The fact you defend Iran in all of this is truly amazing. Really. I'm not kidding.
Since Iran has already replaced Soleimani with his former #2, what makes anyone with half a brain think whatever "imminent threat" the admin is using as a pretext for the assassination has magically disappeared?

Iran general replacing Soleimani vows revenge for US killing
Iran general replacing Soleimani vows revenge for US killing

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — An Iranian general who replaced the leader killed by a U.S. airstrike in Baghdad vowed Sunday to take revenge as Tehran abandoned the remaining limits of its 2015 nuclear deal with world powers in response to the slaying.

Esmail Ghaani’s threat comes as the blowback over the U.S. killing of top Iranian general Qassem Soleimani mounted Sunday with Iraq’s parliament calling for the expulsion of all American troops from Iraqi soil.
The imminent attack excuse does not make sense. This man was a general in charge of a large international operation. Killing him does practically nothing to stop any ongoing operation that we can assume was handled through whatever command structure that exists. They are lying. Someone else will be promoted to his position and Iran has a new martyr to rally around. You can't kill martyrs.
you also do not know about history or military history
..there are great generals and there are idiot generals...if they replace him with an idiot general--that's good

Doesn't matter you fucking dimwit. They have cyber-attack capabilities that don't need a general to deploy.
And when one of their ministers goes on television to say they are restricting their retaliation to military bases in the Middle East, you think the motherfucker is telling the truth?
You stupid fucking keyboard kowboys don't know your hat from your ass.

You keep fighting wars from 70 years ago, kowboy.
NK and Iran are going cyber.

Let's just hope cooler heads in the Pentagon put Trump back in his high chair and shove a "hamberder" in his orange face so they can get this situation back under control.
..how will that stop F15s/B52s???!! hahahhahahahah--YOU are the dumbass
Wait until the B-21 comes online. Good luck stopping that.

BTW, because of the fact Dumb Ass Hillary Clinton for whatever reason has F-35 plans on her Secret Illegal Server, and China hacked it and tried to clone the F-35, only The President and the Secretary of Defense are updated on the B-21 Costs & Capabilities. Not even Congressmen sitting on Defense Committees, Intelligence Committees, or involved with National Security are allowed to have any information on it, NOT EVEN THE COSTS.

Also, you should note, that all the footage for any B-21 videos you may see, are footage of The B-2. If you want to know the damage Clinton did by mishandling or intentionally sharing classified information with unauthorized people, there you have it.

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Since Iran has already replaced Soleimani with his former #2, what makes anyone with half a brain think whatever "imminent threat" the admin is using as a pretext for the assassination has magically disappeared?

Iran general replacing Soleimani vows revenge for US killing
Iran general replacing Soleimani vows revenge for US killing

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — An Iranian general who replaced the leader killed by a U.S. airstrike in Baghdad vowed Sunday to take revenge as Tehran abandoned the remaining limits of its 2015 nuclear deal with world powers in response to the slaying.

Esmail Ghaani’s threat comes as the blowback over the U.S. killing of top Iranian general Qassem Soleimani mounted Sunday with Iraq’s parliament calling for the expulsion of all American troops from Iraqi soil.
So when a number one is taken out anywhere, it means nothing because there always is a number 2? that's a number two alright.
Since Iran has already replaced Soleimani with his former #2, what makes anyone with half a brain think whatever "imminent threat" the admin is using as a pretext for the assassination has magically disappeared?

It was a deterrent, see. All the suicide bombers will change their minds if they know the US is out to kill them. Or something.
Since Iran has already replaced Soleimani with his former #2, what makes anyone with half a brain think whatever "imminent threat" the admin is using as a pretext for the assassination has magically disappeared?

It was a deterrent, see. All the suicide bombers will change their minds if they know the US is out to kill them. Or something.
so the general was a suicide attacker that was going to give his own life for Alah? Hmmmm, you okay?
Do you like taking a cordless drill to a little 4 year old boy's leg?

Because that is who you are defending, asswipe.

Since Iran has already replaced Soleimani with his former #2, what makes anyone with half a brain think whatever "imminent threat" the admin is using as a pretext for the assassination has magically disappeared?

Iran general replacing Soleimani vows revenge for US killing
Iran general replacing Soleimani vows revenge for US killing

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — An Iranian general who replaced the leader killed by a U.S. airstrike in Baghdad vowed Sunday to take revenge as Tehran abandoned the remaining limits of its 2015 nuclear deal with world powers in response to the slaying.

Esmail Ghaani’s threat comes as the blowback over the U.S. killing of top Iranian general Qassem Soleimani mounted Sunday with Iraq’s parliament calling for the expulsion of all American troops from Iraqi soil.
Since Iran has already replaced Soleimani with his former #2, what makes anyone with half a brain think whatever "imminent threat" the admin is using as a pretext for the assassination has magically disappeared?

It was a deterrent, see. All the suicide bombers will change their minds if they know the US is out to kill them. Or something.
so the general was a suicide attacker that was going to give his own life for Alah? Hmmmm, you okay?

I'm not going to try to explain it to you. I don't have that kind of time, and I doubt you'd ever get it anyway.
After watching the public reaction to Soleimani’s murder followed by vows of revenge by Iran, we are apparently on the brink of war. At this point it seems obvious that we need to go public with the intel we have showing the imminent attack that was being planned against Americans.

This intel should clearly show the world that Soleimani was a clear and present danger and we had no choice but to go outside of protocol and assassinate him. Do you agree? Thoughts?

Depends. Revealing it could compromise sources and means.
In case no one asked, did you say that with Benghazi or about the 8 Benghazi inquisitors?
Benghazi was a cover up.
Obama was blackmailed into releasing 5 terrorist generals for BO Bergdall. Reason being one of our Chinooks was grounded by a missile with a serial number matching one he gave to our enemies. Grounded meaning the AL Qaeda dipshit that fired it forgot to arm the missile before he fired it. Ambassador Stevens was sent to Benghazi to retrieve the rest of them before somebody shot down more of our aircraft. All of this was part of the coverup involving Hillary and her illegal server. Obama sacrificed our contractors by not sending air assets in time to defend them. So Obama tried to sweep his criminal actions under the rug. Russian Collusion is part of the coverup. So is the impeachment. Obama is still providing technical and tactical support to Iran to counter Trump foreign policies.

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