Time to go public with Soleimani attack intel

Explain to me how we are not actively at war with Iran already?

The news has been all over how Iran has so much power in an asymmetrical war. The fact is that Iran has been using that power to target and attack the US for years now. They have been in an active war with the US for a long damn time.
Is that right? Which administration declared war with Iran and when did they do it?
exactly! so why is everyone saying trump is at war? funny shit you leftists can't seem to ever figure out. What's funny to me, is that over the weekend I heard that Bush and Obammy both wanted to take this general fk out, but were too worried about the escalation. So they forfeited american lives. And every leftist fk in here is okay with that. What a fked up set of anti americans. Outward speaking about it too. hey all you anti american fks, cut off your dicks.

BTW, what is the over under on those american lives that is the threshold to you fks before you take them out?
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"Simple plan to Keep America Great: 1) Stop exporting American soldiers to countries that hate our guts 2) Stop importing people from countries that hate our guts"
The nuke deal? You mean the sham that removed sanctions on Soleimani?

No not that one... I’m talking about the one that took a diplomatic step with a hostile country and cut their nuke development

Oh, the one that accomplished nothing but give Iran the resources to continue their proxy wars all over the ME and North Africa. Got it.

I could repeat talking points that I have no way of verifying too... but why waste the time?

So you're saying the billions given Iran, plus the money they realized from sanctions relief, didn't enable their malign activities? Are you really that stupid?

I’m saying neither you or I know how they spent the money or if they would have made the same moves if their funds had not been returned to them. I understand why you like to use the attack. Obama have them
Billions which they used to sponsor terrorists so Obama indirectly sponsored terrorists and has blood on his hands... yeah I’ve heard the talking point at nauseam

Funny how you chose to cherry pick points to address. Carry on.

Sorry, agreed to.

Oh for pity's sake, Slade. The JCPOA need not be "signed" by the U.S. or Iran because it is not an agreement between the U.S. and Iran. Rather, it was made, via UN Security Council resolution, part of international law. Law the U.S. is currently and flagrantly violating. Rightards never heard it, because they never found that bit of information in their benighted troughs. It pains me to see you apparently haven't heard it, either.
I appreciate the explanation Euro. I have heard of it but didnt want to go down that rabbit hole with these guys. Gotta pick and choose the battles or they will take the discussion off to a journey of tangents. Cheers

He was spewing crap, it was endorsed by the security counsel, it is not part of international law. maobama couldn't even sell it to the commiecrats to make it a treaty.

The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) is a detailed, 159-page agreement with five annexes reached by Iran and the P5+1 (China France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States) on July 14, 2015. The nuclear deal was endorsed by UN Security Council Resolution 2231.

The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) at a Glance | Arms Control Association

it was an agreement with terms that all parties adhered to for years until trump blew it up. That’s the relevant point

Yeah, that's why so many areas were off limits to inspections. And the agreement didn't even address their sponsorship of terrorist. What a deal. LMAO

After watching the public reaction to Soleimani’s murder followed by vows of revenge by Iran, we are apparently on the brink of war. At this point it seems obvious that we need to go public with the intel we have showing the imminent attack that was being planned against Americans.

This intel should clearly show the world that Soleimani was a clear and present danger and we had no choice but to go outside of protocol and assassinate him. Do you agree? Thoughts?
whistle blowers need protection from intimidation. Ask any democrat
After watching the public reaction to Soleimani’s murder followed by vows of revenge by Iran, we are apparently on the brink of war. At this point it seems obvious that we need to go public with the intel we have showing the imminent attack that was being planned against Americans.

This intel should clearly show the world that Soleimani was a clear and present danger and we had no choice but to go outside of protocol and assassinate him. Do you agree? Thoughts?

You have TDS.
You care more about some misguided, yet another, attempt to "get Trump!!" than the future safety of our own soldiers, intel civilians and military intel officers on the ground.
Your “thinking” is far off base. TDS is the furthest thing from my mind... The troops are the ones I’m thinking about. As 4K are being deployed over seas and our military ramps up for conflict they are exactly why I made the OP. Soleimani appears to be a bad dude. But if killing him provokes a war that leads to American troops being killed when other actions could have been taken then yes, I’m gonna cause a stink about it. I’m still open to accepting the move as a good one but with zero trust in this administration I think they owe the world a good explanation for their actions.
As long as you raised a stink about Obama using drones 573 times, bombed 5 countries and killed an estimated 1,200 civilians.... you can makes this point.
Otherwise... it is TDS
I don’t oppose drone strikes and I don’t oppose taking out high profile targets as long as it is done in a smart and strategic way to benefit our country. Trumps move may have been a good one but it is too high profile to be done in this secret unilateral way. He needs to work with our congress and our allies when his moves escalate and provoke foreign powers to a point that risks war

Again, as long as you agree that Obama egregiously abused the war powers act that resulted in 1,200 civilian deaths across 5 countries.... and then violated and abused his powers handing over $400 million in untraceable cash to Iran as a kickback for signing an agreement that gave Iran a pathway to Nukes in 10 years.
Sorry, agreed to.

Oh for pity's sake, Slade. The JCPOA need not be "signed" by the U.S. or Iran because it is not an agreement between the U.S. and Iran. Rather, it was made, via UN Security Council resolution, part of international law. Law the U.S. is currently and flagrantly violating. Rightards never heard it, because they never found that bit of information in their benighted troughs. It pains me to see you apparently haven't heard it, either.
I appreciate the explanation Euro. I have heard of it but didnt want to go down that rabbit hole with these guys. Gotta pick and choose the battles or they will take the discussion off to a journey of tangents. Cheers

He was spewing crap, it was endorsed by the security counsel, it is not part of international law. maobama couldn't even sell it to the commiecrats to make it a treaty.

The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) is a detailed, 159-page agreement with five annexes reached by Iran and the P5+1 (China France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States) on July 14, 2015. The nuclear deal was endorsed by UN Security Council Resolution 2231.

The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) at a Glance | Arms Control Association

it was an agreement with terms that all parties adhered to for years until trump blew it up. That’s the relevant point

Yeah, that's why so many areas were off limits to inspections. And the agreement didn't even address their sponsorship of terrorist. What a deal. LMAO

oh, and too fking funny, giving money to a country you're asking to stop trying to produce nuclear weapons, here's 150 billion to comply
After watching the public reaction to Soleimani’s murder followed by vows of revenge by Iran, we are apparently on the brink of war. At this point it seems obvious that we need to go public with the intel we have showing the imminent attack that was being planned against Americans.

This intel should clearly show the world that Soleimani was a clear and present danger and we had no choice but to go outside of protocol and assassinate him. Do you agree? Thoughts?
whistle blowers need protection from intimidation. Ask any democrat
someone should create a law that protects them then.
Explain to me how we are not actively at war with Iran already?

The news has been all over how Iran has so much power in an asymmetrical war. The fact is that Iran has been using that power to target and attack the US for years now. They have been in an active war with the US for a long damn time.
Is that right? Which administration declared war with Iran and when did they do it?
None. THEY have been actively engaged in war with us.
it takes two to tango buddy. War involves two sides fighting and there has been no declaration of war with Iran. There’s been conflict for sure but your misleading by claiming there’s a war with Iran
No not that one... I’m talking about the one that took a diplomatic step with a hostile country and cut their nuke development

Oh, the one that accomplished nothing but give Iran the resources to continue their proxy wars all over the ME and North Africa. Got it.

I could repeat talking points that I have no way of verifying too... but why waste the time?

So you're saying the billions given Iran, plus the money they realized from sanctions relief, didn't enable their malign activities? Are you really that stupid?

I’m saying neither you or I know how they spent the money or if they would have made the same moves if their funds had not been returned to them. I understand why you like to use the attack. Obama have them
Billions which they used to sponsor terrorists so Obama indirectly sponsored terrorists and has blood on his hands... yeah I’ve heard the talking point at nauseam

Funny how you chose to cherry pick points to address. Carry on.

Funny how you didn’t address any of my points. If I missed a point that you want to discuss then bring it up and I’ll respond.
Explain to me how we are not actively at war with Iran already?

The news has been all over how Iran has so much power in an asymmetrical war. The fact is that Iran has been using that power to target and attack the US for years now. They have been in an active war with the US for a long damn time.
Is that right? Which administration declared war with Iran and when did they do it?
None. THEY have been actively engaged in war with us.
it takes two to tango buddy. War involves two sides fighting and there has been no declaration of war with Iran. There’s been conflict for sure but your misleading by claiming there’s a war with Iran
there isn't? why are all the demofks saying there is then?
Sorry, agreed to.

Oh for pity's sake, Slade. The JCPOA need not be "signed" by the U.S. or Iran because it is not an agreement between the U.S. and Iran. Rather, it was made, via UN Security Council resolution, part of international law. Law the U.S. is currently and flagrantly violating. Rightards never heard it, because they never found that bit of information in their benighted troughs. It pains me to see you apparently haven't heard it, either.
I appreciate the explanation Euro. I have heard of it but didnt want to go down that rabbit hole with these guys. Gotta pick and choose the battles or they will take the discussion off to a journey of tangents. Cheers

He was spewing crap, it was endorsed by the security counsel, it is not part of international law. maobama couldn't even sell it to the commiecrats to make it a treaty.

The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) is a detailed, 159-page agreement with five annexes reached by Iran and the P5+1 (China France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States) on July 14, 2015. The nuclear deal was endorsed by UN Security Council Resolution 2231.

The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) at a Glance | Arms Control Association

it was an agreement with terms that all parties adhered to for years until trump blew it up. That’s the relevant point

Yeah, that's why so many areas were off limits to inspections. And the agreement didn't even address their sponsorship of terrorist. What a deal. LMAO

thats a weak talking point. All accounts from our intel officials, including trumps team have said that Iran was in compliance. But I guess you prefer the current state of aggression over steps towards diplomacy and cooperation.
After watching the public reaction to Soleimani’s murder followed by vows of revenge by Iran, we are apparently on the brink of war. At this point it seems obvious that we need to go public with the intel we have showing the imminent attack that was being planned against Americans.

This intel should clearly show the world that Soleimani was a clear and present danger and we had no choice but to go outside of protocol and assassinate him. Do you agree? Thoughts?

You have TDS.
You care more about some misguided, yet another, attempt to "get Trump!!" than the future safety of our own soldiers, intel civilians and military intel officers on the ground.
Your “thinking” is far off base. TDS is the furthest thing from my mind... The troops are the ones I’m thinking about. As 4K are being deployed over seas and our military ramps up for conflict they are exactly why I made the OP. Soleimani appears to be a bad dude. But if killing him provokes a war that leads to American troops being killed when other actions could have been taken then yes, I’m gonna cause a stink about it. I’m still open to accepting the move as a good one but with zero trust in this administration I think they owe the world a good explanation for their actions.
As long as you raised a stink about Obama using drones 573 times, bombed 5 countries and killed an estimated 1,200 civilians.... you can makes this point.
Otherwise... it is TDS
I don’t oppose drone strikes and I don’t oppose taking out high profile targets as long as it is done in a smart and strategic way to benefit our country. Trumps move may have been a good one but it is too high profile to be done in this secret unilateral way. He needs to work with our congress and our allies when his moves escalate and provoke foreign powers to a point that risks war
As much as you progs would love it, the president is NOT subservient to Congress in that respect.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
Explain to me how we are not actively at war with Iran already?

The news has been all over how Iran has so much power in an asymmetrical war. The fact is that Iran has been using that power to target and attack the US for years now. They have been in an active war with the US for a long damn time.
Is that right? Which administration declared war with Iran and when did they do it?
None. THEY have been actively engaged in war with us.
it takes two to tango buddy. War involves two sides fighting and there has been no declaration of war with Iran. There’s been conflict for sure but your misleading by claiming there’s a war with Iran

No, I really am not when they are actively paying and sponsoring terrorist actions against us.

What would you call that?
After watching the public reaction to Soleimani’s murder followed by vows of revenge by Iran, we are apparently on the brink of war. At this point it seems obvious that we need to go public with the intel we have showing the imminent attack that was being planned against Americans.

This intel should clearly show the world that Soleimani was a clear and present danger and we had no choice but to go outside of protocol and assassinate him. Do you agree? Thoughts?

You have TDS.
You care more about some misguided, yet another, attempt to "get Trump!!" than the future safety of our own soldiers, intel civilians and military intel officers on the ground.
Your “thinking” is far off base. TDS is the furthest thing from my mind... The troops are the ones I’m thinking about. As 4K are being deployed over seas and our military ramps up for conflict they are exactly why I made the OP. Soleimani appears to be a bad dude. But if killing him provokes a war that leads to American troops being killed when other actions could have been taken then yes, I’m gonna cause a stink about it. I’m still open to accepting the move as a good one but with zero trust in this administration I think they owe the world a good explanation for their actions.
As long as you raised a stink about Obama using drones 573 times, bombed 5 countries and killed an estimated 1,200 civilians.... you can makes this point.
Otherwise... it is TDS
I don’t oppose drone strikes and I don’t oppose taking out high profile targets as long as it is done in a smart and strategic way to benefit our country. Trumps move may have been a good one but it is too high profile to be done in this secret unilateral way. He needs to work with our congress and our allies when his moves escalate and provoke foreign powers to a point that risks war

Again, as long as you agree that Obama egregiously abused the war powers act that resulted in 1,200 civilian deaths across 5 countries.... and then violated and abused his powers handing over $400 million in untraceable cash to Iran as a kickback for signing an agreement that gave Iran a pathway to Nukes in 10 years.
As long as?? Is this a hypocrisy test or are we talking about issues at face value? Cause if it’s the latter then my feelings about past actions are insignificant and only serve as a distraction from the subject at hand.
After watching the public reaction to Soleimani’s murder followed by vows of revenge by Iran, we are apparently on the brink of war. At this point it seems obvious that we need to go public with the intel we have showing the imminent attack that was being planned against Americans.

This intel should clearly show the world that Soleimani was a clear and present danger and we had no choice but to go outside of protocol and assassinate him. Do you agree? Thoughts?

You have TDS.
You care more about some misguided, yet another, attempt to "get Trump!!" than the future safety of our own soldiers, intel civilians and military intel officers on the ground.
Your “thinking” is far off base. TDS is the furthest thing from my mind... The troops are the ones I’m thinking about. As 4K are being deployed over seas and our military ramps up for conflict they are exactly why I made the OP. Soleimani appears to be a bad dude. But if killing him provokes a war that leads to American troops being killed when other actions could have been taken then yes, I’m gonna cause a stink about it. I’m still open to accepting the move as a good one but with zero trust in this administration I think they owe the world a good explanation for their actions.
As long as you raised a stink about Obama using drones 573 times, bombed 5 countries and killed an estimated 1,200 civilians.... you can makes this point.
Otherwise... it is TDS
I don’t oppose drone strikes and I don’t oppose taking out high profile targets as long as it is done in a smart and strategic way to benefit our country. Trumps move may have been a good one but it is too high profile to be done in this secret unilateral way. He needs to work with our congress and our allies when his moves escalate and provoke foreign powers to a point that risks war
As much as you progs would love it, the president is NOT subservient to Congress in that respect.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
not legally in this case if there was an imminent threat, but strategically it is the smart thing to do... especially if the situation further escalates
Explain to me how we are not actively at war with Iran already?

The news has been all over how Iran has so much power in an asymmetrical war. The fact is that Iran has been using that power to target and attack the US for years now. They have been in an active war with the US for a long damn time.
Is that right? Which administration declared war with Iran and when did they do it?
None. THEY have been actively engaged in war with us.
it takes two to tango buddy. War involves two sides fighting and there has been no declaration of war with Iran. There’s been conflict for sure but your misleading by claiming there’s a war with Iran

No, I really am not when they are actively paying and sponsoring terrorist actions against us.

What would you call that?
I would call it that... they are funding groups that we are at war with. That’s different than being at war with Iran.
Oh for pity's sake, Slade. The JCPOA need not be "signed" by the U.S. or Iran because it is not an agreement between the U.S. and Iran. Rather, it was made, via UN Security Council resolution, part of international law. Law the U.S. is currently and flagrantly violating. Rightards never heard it, because they never found that bit of information in their benighted troughs. It pains me to see you apparently haven't heard it, either.
I appreciate the explanation Euro. I have heard of it but didnt want to go down that rabbit hole with these guys. Gotta pick and choose the battles or they will take the discussion off to a journey of tangents. Cheers

He was spewing crap, it was endorsed by the security counsel, it is not part of international law. maobama couldn't even sell it to the commiecrats to make it a treaty.

The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) is a detailed, 159-page agreement with five annexes reached by Iran and the P5+1 (China France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States) on July 14, 2015. The nuclear deal was endorsed by UN Security Council Resolution 2231.

The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) at a Glance | Arms Control Association

it was an agreement with terms that all parties adhered to for years until trump blew it up. That’s the relevant point

Yeah, that's why so many areas were off limits to inspections. And the agreement didn't even address their sponsorship of terrorist. What a deal. LMAO

oh, and too fking funny, giving money to a country you're asking to stop trying to produce nuclear weapons, here's 150 billion to comply

That was a drop is a bucket compared to what they got with sanctions relief.

I appreciate the explanation Euro. I have heard of it but didnt want to go down that rabbit hole with these guys. Gotta pick and choose the battles or they will take the discussion off to a journey of tangents. Cheers

He was spewing crap, it was endorsed by the security counsel, it is not part of international law. maobama couldn't even sell it to the commiecrats to make it a treaty.

The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) is a detailed, 159-page agreement with five annexes reached by Iran and the P5+1 (China France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States) on July 14, 2015. The nuclear deal was endorsed by UN Security Council Resolution 2231.

The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) at a Glance | Arms Control Association

it was an agreement with terms that all parties adhered to for years until trump blew it up. That’s the relevant point

Yeah, that's why so many areas were off limits to inspections. And the agreement didn't even address their sponsorship of terrorist. What a deal. LMAO

oh, and too fking funny, giving money to a country you're asking to stop trying to produce nuclear weapons, here's 150 billion to comply

That was a drop is a bucket compared to what they got with sanctions relief.

they've been screaming death to america since Reagan. But now they really mean it .



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