Time to go public with Soleimani attack intel

Honestly, I never heard of a President going to Congress for approval like that. He is CinC.

When was the last a high profile member of another country's military was taken out in such a manner by the US?

what difference does it make?

A lot actually. It is one thing to take out someone like OBL who was a terrorist and had been hunted by the world for decades. Soleimani was a member of another country's military. If Iran had taken out Gen. McKenzie in the same manner we did to Soleimani, we would have considered it an overt act of war.

And I am not saying that we should not have taken Soleimani out, but so far all we have is the Admin's word that he was a threat...and for some of us that is not really good enough....no matter who is sitting in the White House. Our government has a long history of lying to us.

He was the leader of a designated terrorist organization. Stop comparing him to our Military leaders.
Honestly, I never heard of a President going to Congress for approval like that. He is CinC.

When was the last a high profile member of another country's military was taken out in such a manner by the US?

what difference does it make?

A lot actually. It is one thing to take out someone like OBL who was a terrorist and had been hunted by the world for decades. Soleimani was a member of another country's military. If Iran had taken out Gen. McKenzie in the same manner we did to Soleimani, we would have considered it an overt act of war.

And I am not saying that we should not have taken Soleimani out, but so far all we have is the Admin's word that he was a threat...and for some of us that is not really good enough....no matter who is sitting in the White House. Our government has a long history of lying to us.
What other reason would they have for killing him and provoking war?
He was spewing crap, it was endorsed by the security counsel, it is not part of international law. maobama couldn't even sell it to the commiecrats to make it a treaty.

The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) is a detailed, 159-page agreement with five annexes reached by Iran and the P5+1 (China France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States) on July 14, 2015. The nuclear deal was endorsed by UN Security Council Resolution 2231.

The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) at a Glance | Arms Control Association

it was an agreement with terms that all parties adhered to for years until trump blew it up. That’s the relevant point

Yeah, that's why so many areas were off limits to inspections. And the agreement didn't even address their sponsorship of terrorist. What a deal. LMAO

thats a weak talking point. All accounts from our intel officials, including trumps team have said that Iran was in compliance. But I guess you prefer the current state of aggression over steps towards diplomacy and cooperation.

It was impossible to objectively verify compliance with all the holes in the inspection regime. And yes, I prefer no deal over a bad deal that for all intents and purposes was unverifiable. And one that didn't address other violations that Iran was involved in, such as organizing their own terrorist militias outside their own country, sponsoring and arming other terrorist groups, and human rights abuses in their own and other countries.

it was a step in the right direction towards civility and diplomacy. It wasn’t an end all solution. It got our foot in the door and had specific terms that were verified and adhered to.

I disagree.

After watching the public reaction to Soleimani’s murder followed by vows of revenge by Iran, we are apparently on the brink of war. At this point it seems obvious that we need to go public with the intel we have showing the imminent attack that was being planned against Americans.

This intel should clearly show the world that Soleimani was a clear and present danger and we had no choice but to go outside of protocol and assassinate him. Do you agree? Thoughts?

You have TDS.
You care more about some misguided, yet another, attempt to "get Trump!!" than the future safety of our own soldiers, intel civilians and military intel officers on the ground.
Your “thinking” is far off base. TDS is the furthest thing from my mind... The troops are the ones I’m thinking about. As 4K are being deployed over seas and our military ramps up for conflict they are exactly why I made the OP. Soleimani appears to be a bad dude. But if killing him provokes a war that leads to American troops being killed when other actions could have been taken then yes, I’m gonna cause a stink about it. I’m still open to accepting the move as a good one but with zero trust in this administration I think they owe the world a good explanation for their actions.
As long as you raised a stink about Obama using drones 573 times, bombed 5 countries and killed an estimated 1,200 civilians.... you can makes this point.
Otherwise... it is TDS
I don’t oppose drone strikes and I don’t oppose taking out high profile targets as long as it is done in a smart and strategic way to benefit our country. Trumps move may have been a good one but it is too high profile to be done in this secret unilateral way. He needs to work with our congress and our allies when his moves escalate and provoke foreign powers to a point that risks war
Honestly, I never heard of a President going to Congress for approval like that. He is CinC.
obama reached out to several top officials in congress before the Osama Bin Laden raid. I never said POTUS needed approval by congress but with stakes this high it’s smart to coordinate with congress and our allies
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Trump's supposedly briefing the Gang of 8 on what Solemani was up to. It's not that we couldn't claim justification for killing the guy. But Trump contends the fallout we're going to face necessitated his killing the guy on an Iraqi airport.
Honestly, I never heard of a President going to Congress for approval like that. He is CinC.

When was the last a high profile member of another country's military was taken out in such a manner by the US?

He was the leader of a US designated terrorist organization. No different than any other terrorist.


A designation assigned less than a year ago...seems convenient.

Some of us are not as trusting of the government as you and your fellows are....call us names if you must
After watching the public reaction to Soleimani’s murder followed by vows of revenge by Iran, we are apparently on the brink of war. At this point it seems obvious that we need to go public with the intel we have showing the imminent attack that was being planned against Americans.

This intel should clearly show the world that Soleimani was a clear and present danger and we had no choice but to go outside of protocol and assassinate him. Do you agree? Thoughts?

Funny how lefties are jumping into defense of Iran, because it might make Trump looks bad.

With them, it seems like history doesn't exist, and they're ignoring event happened not so long ago.

Iran burned Saudi oil fields, Trump let that go.
They shot down US drone, Trump let that go.
They captured some oil tankers, Trump let that go too.
Iran finally attacks US embassy, and Trump blew up their general.

Now Democrats are coming out wondering why Trump is trying to start a war. Really?

$80M bounty on our president. What that tells you about Iran and their regime? If there ever was a rogue state, you're looking at it in Iran, and Norks.
again, Trump could find the cure for cancer and be the bad guy.

Considering that Democrats are American cancer, he actually did find a cure for it.
That’s a pretty disgusting thing to say about your fellow Americans. Not very patriotic of you

Oh, really?

But calling fellow Americans racists, bigots, fascists, Nazis, and deplorable is OK and patriotic.
nothing wrong with calling those people out as they do exist in this country. If somebody called say all Republicans by those nameS then yes, it would be equally disgusting. I’ve never done that
Honestly, I never heard of a President going to Congress for approval like that. He is CinC.

When was the last a high profile member of another country's military was taken out in such a manner by the US?

He was the leader of a US designated terrorist organization. No different than any other terrorist.


A designation assigned less than a year ago...seems convenient.

Some of us are not as trusting of the government as you and your fellows are....call us names if you must
Original designation was in 2007.

Another of your numerous lies.
it was an agreement with terms that all parties adhered to for years until trump blew it up. That’s the relevant point

Yeah, that's why so many areas were off limits to inspections. And the agreement didn't even address their sponsorship of terrorist. What a deal. LMAO

thats a weak talking point. All accounts from our intel officials, including trumps team have said that Iran was in compliance. But I guess you prefer the current state of aggression over steps towards diplomacy and cooperation.

It was impossible to objectively verify compliance with all the holes in the inspection regime. And yes, I prefer no deal over a bad deal that for all intents and purposes was unverifiable. And one that didn't address other violations that Iran was involved in, such as organizing their own terrorist militias outside their own country, sponsoring and arming other terrorist groups, and human rights abuses in their own and other countries.

it was a step in the right direction towards civility and diplomacy. It wasn’t an end all solution. It got our foot in the door and had specific terms that were verified and adhered to.

I disagree.

Well let me ask... what do you think of Trumps North Korea agenda?
What other reason would they have for killing him and provoking war?

Wars are good for business and for winning elections.

This country has been in a perpetual state of war longer than many of us have been alive.
Honestly, I never heard of a President going to Congress for approval like that. He is CinC.

When was the last a high profile member of another country's military was taken out in such a manner by the US?

He was the leader of a US designated terrorist organization. No different than any other terrorist.


A designation assigned less than a year ago...seems convenient.

Some of us are not as trusting of the government as you and your fellows are....call us names if you must
Original designation was in 2007.

Another of your numerous lies.

It was added April 15, 2019.

Statement from the President on the Designation of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as a Foreign Terrorist Organization | The White House
None. THEY have been actively engaged in war with us.
it takes two to tango buddy. War involves two sides fighting and there has been no declaration of war with Iran. There’s been conflict for sure but your misleading by claiming there’s a war with Iran

No, I really am not when they are actively paying and sponsoring terrorist actions against us.

What would you call that?
I would call it that... they are funding groups that we are at war with. That’s different than being at war with Iran.

So the guy that hired the hit man isn't really guilty of murder, is that your story?

Is that what they did? Hire a hit man? Or did they sell him a gun? Or did they sell the gun to the guy who sold the gun to the hit man? Do you know?

Soleimani directly paid, supplied the arms and aided in the planning to his militias. All with the approval of the mullahs in Iran. He thought he was untouchable, he went around to various battlefields in the region taking selfies. He few into Baghdad on a commercial aircraft to prevent being shot down, but the poetic justice was, he was taken out on the same highway where the IEDs he supplied killed and maimed many Americans. Good riddance.


Honestly, I never heard of a President going to Congress for approval like that. He is CinC.

When was the last a high profile member of another country's military was taken out in such a manner by the US?

He was the leader of a US designated terrorist organization. No different than any other terrorist.


A designation assigned less than a year ago...seems convenient.

Some of us are not as trusting of the government as you and your fellows are....call us names if you must
Original designation was in 2007.

Another of your numerous lies.

It was added April 15, 2019.

Statement from the President on the Designation of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as a Foreign Terrorist Organization | The White House
Your lies are always easy to expose.

Designation as a terrorist organization
The United States Department of the Treasury designated the Quds Force under Executive Order 13224 for providing material support to US-designated terrorist organizations on 25 October 2007, prohibiting transactions between the group and U.S. citizens, and freezing any assets under U.S. jurisdiction.[97] The Government of Canada designated the Quds Force as a terrorist organization on 17 December 2012.[98

Quds Force - Wikipedia
In what way is my OP defending Iran?!

Iran is full of anti America shitheads who are a threat to our people. Why in the world would you think I’m defending them?

The U.S. is full of anti-Iranian shitheads who are an existential threat to Iran. Of course you would defend Iran, where warranted, at least try to understand what they are doing, and why, because it is the reasonable thing to do. I think you could use some reading on Iran (start here, for instance) to add a bit of color and nuance to your picture - because the black-and-white, us. v. them nonsense isn't really helpful.

I would guess you've followed recent reporting in the "imminent attacks" that were "prevented", and how these lies are falling apart already.
Nothing is black and white, especially in the Middle East. But any country whose leaders chant death to America have some serious growing up to do. Could you imagine if our congress chanted something like that?! As for the other implications of sponsoring terrorist groups, all I have to go off is media reports so I’m not going to pretend to know the truth with all that... but it doesn’t sound good

I do agree that the explanation if the “imminent attack” has been piss poor by our officials. They can’t give a straight answer, so yeah, that smells fishy.
Well, it got those assholes out of our embassy, so mission accomplished
oh was that the mission?! Ok got it.

it may also get escalated attacks and our troops kicked out of Iraq where we were fighting ISIS. But let’s buzz off just as Iran wants so they can step in. Brilliant move.

I bet those 4000 troops were just waiting for a Mid East vacation that they now get to take. Awesome!
Iran has already taken control of most of the Iraqi government. That's why ISIS was created. Sunnies got tired of being pushed around and murdered. Course under Saddam Sunnis were doing it to the Shiits for 25 years.

So we leave Iraq and the cycle starts all over.

Muslims only understand fighting and oppression. They either have Dictators or Holy Leaders, which is worse. Secular or a Theocratic government. Freedom is for infidels.
Honestly, I never heard of a President going to Congress for approval like that. He is CinC.

When was the last a high profile member of another country's military was taken out in such a manner by the US?

what difference does it make?

A lot actually. It is one thing to take out someone like OBL who was a terrorist and had been hunted by the world for decades. Soleimani was a member of another country's military. If Iran had taken out Gen. McKenzie in the same manner we did to Soleimani, we would have considered it an overt act of war.

And I am not saying that we should not have taken Soleimani out, but so far all we have is the Admin's word that he was a threat...and for some of us that is not really good enough....no matter who is sitting in the White House. Our government has a long history of lying to us.

in the case of Soleimani ---I do not think that he needed to be hanged was in
When was the last a high profile member of another country's military was taken out in such a manner by the US?

He was the leader of a US designated terrorist organization. No different than any other terrorist.


A designation assigned less than a year ago...seems convenient.

Some of us are not as trusting of the government as you and your fellows are....call us names if you must
Original designation was in 2007.

Another of your numerous lies.

It was added April 15, 2019.

Statement from the President on the Designation of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as a Foreign Terrorist Organization | The White House
Your lies are always easy to expose.

Designation as a terrorist organization
The United States Department of the Treasury designated the Quds Force under Executive Order 13224 for providing material support to US-designated terrorist organizations on 25 October 2007, prohibiting transactions between the group and U.S. citizens, and freezing any assets under U.S. jurisdiction.[97] The Government of Canada designated the Quds Force as a terrorist organization on 17 December 2012.[98

Quds Force - Wikipedia

so....do I believe Wikipedia or President Trump...that is a hard one...but Wikidedia is far more trustworthy than Trump so I guess you are right.

Statement from the President on the Designation of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as a Foreign Terrorist Organization | The White House

This designation will be the first time that the United States has ever named a part of another government as a FTO

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