Time to go public with Soleimani attack intel

So, killing the leader of a terrorist group is the "opposite of damage control" in your world?

Since he has already been replaced and that action now has the potential to get us kicked out of Iraq...yes.

The funny thing about Generals, they always have a 2nd in command waiting.
i see you ignoring the areas of compliance to point at the areas of conflict. I get why you’re doing that but you’re not acknowledging the whole picture

No I'm not, I've already stated the the holes in the inspection regime made it impossible to objectively verify compliance. We only saw what they agreed to show us.

yes, what’s wrong with that? That’s what agreements are about m. They agree to show us what their are cooking and limit the nuke dev and in exchange we lift sanctions. That was the deal. They were complying, now they aren’t

What should the response have been to the attack on our embassy? Specifically, lay out your response.
i wouldn’t pretend to be in the loop enough to be able to develop a response. If I’m spitballing I’d work with the Iraq government and military to break it up. If I wanted to send a message id take out a headquarters, military base or funding source for those responsible
So you want WWIII
No. Do you speak English? Nowhere did I say anything close to that.
So, killing the leader of a terrorist group is the "opposite of damage control" in your world?

Since he has already been replaced and that action now has the potential to get us kicked out of Iraq...yes.

The funny thing about Generals, they always have a 2nd in command waiting.
Since Osama Bin Laden was replaced you must think killing him was a mistake by Barry Hussein, right?
No I'm not, I've already stated the the holes in the inspection regime made it impossible to objectively verify compliance. We only saw what they agreed to show us.

yes, what’s wrong with that? That’s what agreements are about m. They agree to show us what their are cooking and limit the nuke dev and in exchange we lift sanctions. That was the deal. They were complying, now they aren’t

What should the response have been to the attack on our embassy? Specifically, lay out your response.
i wouldn’t pretend to be in the loop enough to be able to develop a response. If I’m spitballing I’d work with the Iraq government and military to break it up. If I wanted to send a message id take out a headquarters, military base or funding source for those responsible
So you want WWIII
No. Do you speak English? Nowhere did I say anything close to that.
You Dimwingers have been claiming that Trump started WWIII since he blew up one guy.............your strategy was blowing up Iranian military bases. How would your strategy not be WWIII, according to the standards you clowns came up with this weekend?
If there was an imminent threat that we avoided by taking out Soleimani then it was a good move.

Explain how that is even possible under any circumstances, please. Take your time, pay attention to the meaning of "imminent", and consider how taking out a U.S. general would halt an "imminent" attack.
my op was calling for trump to explain it. I have my doubts which is why I’m questioning them. I don’t see the point in making assumptions of what they might be talking about
Since Osama Bin Laden was replaced you must think killing him was a mistake by Barry Hussein, right?

He had been replaced before we killed him. Killing him was purely out of vengeance, it served no strategic purpose.

And killing him did not run the risk of getting us kicked out of a country we spent more than trillion dollars invading and occupying.
Since Osama Bin Laden was replaced you must think killing him was a mistake by Barry Hussein, right?

He had been replaced before we killed him. Killing him was purely out of vengeance, it served no strategic purpose.

And killing him did not run the risk of getting us kicked out of a country we spent more than trillion dollars invading and occupying.
Dodge noted.:21::21::21::21::21:
Since Osama Bin Laden was replaced you must think killing him was a mistake by Barry Hussein, right?

He had been replaced before we killed him. Killing him was purely out of vengeance, it served no strategic purpose.

And killing him did not run the risk of getting us kicked out of a country we spent more than trillion dollars invading and occupying.
Dodge noted.:21::21::21::21::21:

no dodge needed since I did not say killing the general was a mistake...just that it was not damage control
i see you ignoring the areas of compliance to point at the areas of conflict. I get why you’re doing that but you’re not acknowledging the whole picture

No I'm not, I've already stated the the holes in the inspection regime made it impossible to objectively verify compliance. We only saw what they agreed to show us.

yes, what’s wrong with that? That’s what agreements are about m. They agree to show us what their are cooking and limit the nuke dev and in exchange we lift sanctions. That was the deal. They were complying, now they aren’t
How do you know they were complying when the Mulluhs told Obama their military sites were off limits to inspections?

You are a moron.
Because trumps intel people reported that they were compliant. And if any admin was motivated to be critical it’s that one.
are you joking?! Trump signed it twice before bailing. And you call me a moron... get a clue

Trump says Iran complying with nuclear deal but remains dangerous threat
yes, what’s wrong with that? That’s what agreements are about m. They agree to show us what their are cooking and limit the nuke dev and in exchange we lift sanctions. That was the deal. They were complying, now they aren’t

What should the response have been to the attack on our embassy? Specifically, lay out your response.
i wouldn’t pretend to be in the loop enough to be able to develop a response. If I’m spitballing I’d work with the Iraq government and military to break it up. If I wanted to send a message id take out a headquarters, military base or funding source for those responsible
So you want WWIII
No. Do you speak English? Nowhere did I say anything close to that.
You Dimwingers have been claiming that Trump started WWIII since he blew up one guy.............your strategy was blowing up Iranian military bases. How would your strategy not be WWIII, according to the standards you clowns came up with this weekend?
Really? Quote me when I said that. Oh you can’t? Ok. STFU
Well, it got those assholes out of our embassy, so mission accomplished
oh was that the mission?! Ok got it.

it may also get escalated attacks and our troops kicked out of Iraq where we were fighting ISIS. But let’s buzz off just as Iran wants so they can step in. Brilliant move.

I bet those 4000 troops were just waiting for a Mid East vacation that they now get to take. Awesome!
Iran has already taken control of most of the Iraqi government. That's why ISIS was created. Sunnies got tired of being pushed around and murdered. Course under Saddam Sunnis were doing it to the Shiits for 25 years.

So we leave Iraq and the cycle starts all over.

Muslims only understand fighting and oppression. They either have Dictators or Holy Leaders, which is worse. Secular or a Theocratic government. Freedom is for infidels.
correct. And it is looking like this kill could be getting our troops kicked out of Iraq... leaving it open for Iran. How do you that’s going to play out?
If Iran thinks they can push Trump out of Iraq I think they're in for a hard lesson......the same lesson the Democrats have had to learn.
if you follow the news you’d see it was Iraq deliberating whether to kick us out. Not Iran
It was Shiites.....and they have a grudge against Sunnis.....and we're there to keep them from murdering each other.

Iran is mostly Shiite.....and Saudi Arabia is mostly Sunni.

Iraq is caught in the middle.
my op was calling for trump to explain it. I have my doubts which is why I’m questioning them. I don’t see the point in making assumptions of what they might be talking about

You said, "If there was an imminent threat that we avoided by taking out Soleimani then it was a good move." That is you rendering judgment.

You raised a possible condition for the murder of Suleimani being "a good move." All I want is you to explain your reasoning, not the drug deal Trump's henchmen are cooking up to "justify" Trump's atrocity.

If, in fact, there is no set of circumstances that would allow for murdering Suleimani to halt an "imminent attack", then your reasoning has no possible basis in fact, and you should say so.
my op was calling for trump to explain it. I have my doubts which is why I’m questioning them. I don’t see the point in making assumptions of what they might be talking about

You said, "If there was an imminent threat that we avoided by taking out Soleimani then it was a good move." That is you rendering judgment.

You raised a possible condition for the murder of Suleimani being "a good move." All I want is you to explain your reasoning, not the drug deal Trump's henchmen are cooking up to "justify" Trump's atrocity.

If, in fact, there is no set of circumstances that would allow for murdering Suleimani to halt an "imminent attack", then your reasoning has no possible basis in fact, and you should say so.

"Threatening to target cultural sites anywhere is beneath the values of the US and should be beneath the dignity of any President - but not this one...Trump should be focused on preventing the situation from escalating and taking all steps to protect US personnel and our allies in the region - not sending inflammatory tweets." - Acerbic Amy Klobuchar
Explain to me how we are not actively at war with Iran already?

The news has been all over how Iran has so much power in an asymmetrical war. The fact is that Iran has been using that power to target and attack the US for years now. They have been in an active war with the US for a long damn time.
Is that right? Which administration declared war with Iran and when did they do it?
None. THEY have been actively engaged in war with us.
it takes two to tango buddy. War involves two sides fighting and there has been no declaration of war with Iran. There’s been conflict for sure but your misleading by claiming there’s a war with Iran

No, I really am not when they are actively paying and sponsoring terrorist actions against us.

What would you call that?
I would call it that... they are funding groups that we are at war with. That’s different than being at war with Iran.
Sure, and how is that going to change then? Do you think that Iran is going to enter a hot war with us?

Pretty much everyone anywhere agrees that is not going to happen mostly because the leadership in Iran knows full well that will not go very well for them.
my op was calling for trump to explain it. I have my doubts which is why I’m questioning them. I don’t see the point in making assumptions of what they might be talking about

You said, "If there was an imminent threat that we avoided by taking out Soleimani then it was a good move." That is you rendering judgment.

You raised a possible condition for the murder of Suleimani being "a good move." All I want is you to explain your reasoning, not the drug deal Trump's henchmen are cooking up to "justify" Trump's atrocity.

If, in fact, there is no set of circumstances that would allow for murdering Suleimani to halt an "imminent attack", then your reasoning has no possible basis in fact, and you should say so.
Ok, I can play in fantasy land for a bit. If Soleimani was flying to iraq. Briefcase handcuffed to his wrist with the launch codes going to meet with the leader of an allied terrorist organization to deploy and lead a coordinated attack on the US embassy and military bases... and then Jack Bauer, who uncovered the plot called Trump and told him what was going on and said he had a clear shot to take out the terrorist leaders bit needed the green light in the next two minutes. Then boom. Trump saved the world. Good job!

there ya go
Since Osama Bin Laden was replaced you must think killing him was a mistake by Barry Hussein, right?

He had been replaced before we killed him. Killing him was purely out of vengeance, it served no strategic purpose.

And killing him did not run the risk of getting us kicked out of a country we spent more than trillion dollars invading and occupying.
Dodge noted.:21::21::21::21::21:

no dodge needed since I did not say killing the general was a mistake...just that it was not damage control
Killing the guy who has orchestrated the murder of thousands of American troops is not "damage control"?

Linbuts are nuts.

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