Time To HAUL ASS Out Of South Korea

Lying Donald said North Korea would be easy and fixed quickly, so quickly, but Kim Jong Fatboy has been firing missiles off every other day since drumpf took office. What happened? I mean did your balls drop off?

No, he's just smarter than you are and listens to the experts.

N. Korea has artillery batteries pointed at Seoul that will destroy the city and kill a lot of people. Rushing into a war is stupid...even Trump can be taught that.

Seoul is S. Korea's problem....we've protected them for over 60 years FOR FREE and then they piss on our boots by siding with China?

$800 million/yr is not "free."
I agree with you on needing to get out of S. Korea, but since S. Korea's people are in danger - and I would not want to act unilaterally and cause the deaths of thousands of South Koreans, I think we should keep close ties with South Korea and work with them to resolve this the best we can.

And maintain the status quo until he has a missile that will reach us? No thanks. As long as our troops remain there, we can do nothing about him that could trigger an artillery barrage and invasion from the north. We should also tell China and S.Korea if they don't take care of him and quick, they can forget exporting another dime's worth of trade into the US until they do. Once Kim is gone and N.Korea is pacified, there's no need for US forces there.

I said this many times....the Chinese LOVE money and are very greedy. ....

So is everyone else.
I'm not as worried about Seoul as I am a nuke from N. Korea being launched at the US.

Of course, which is why I'm advocating pulling US forces off the Korean Peninsula and then informing Kimchi that if he tests another ICBM we will flatten and irradiate everything in a 10 mile radius around him.

Which you know is just childishly pointless emoting.
Several false premises in the OP.

You're a "false premise" fake-samurai.

unkotare \ woon-ko-ta-re \ , noun;
Japanese. Roughly translated as dripping poop. This word is used to describe a pornographic genre commonly known as Scat.

And then we promptly kicked their ass. You may have forgotten but you can bet China hasn't. Our (hugh) mistake was not kicking their ass all the way back to their border. We simply wimped out Worse we later fell for the exact same bluff and abandoned our allies in S. Vietnam. And cemented our reputation in the world as a "paper tiger" who could not be trusted by our allies. Our military never fails to accomplish the mission they are given in an outstanding manner. Unfortunately we have politicians determined to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Your suggestion is just one more version of that. There is no shortage of China's puppets in Asia.

You don't fight a land war in 2017 Korea next to China's border.....if you served in the RVN you'd know that. The logistics and size of their force would lead to an ass-wiping of epic proportions....ours. They are much stronger and well-equipped than they were in the 1950's with a modern air force and have tactical nukes. Our forces are worn out and under-equipped after 15 years of fighting in the ME. My suggestion is the only solution possible given the circumstances.

And then we promptly kicked their ass. You may have forgotten but you can bet China hasn't. Our (hugh) mistake was not kicking their ass all the way back to their border. We simply wimped out Worse we later fell for the exact same bluff and abandoned our allies in S. Vietnam. And cemented our reputation in the world as a "paper tiger" who could not be trusted by our allies. Our military never fails to accomplish the mission they are given in an outstanding manner. Unfortunately we have politicians determined to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Your suggestion is just one more version of that. There is no shortage of China's puppets in Asia.

You don't fight a land war in 2017 Korea next to China's border.....if you served in the RVN you'd know that. The logistics and size of their force would lead to an ass-wiping of epic proportions....ours. .....

Yeah, because it's not like there is ordnance today that could wipe out huge groups of assembled forces. Everyone knows that modern armies form up in phalanxes with spears and march directly at each other such that the side with more men wins.
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Yeah, because it's not like there is ordinance today that could wipe out huge groups of assembled forces. Everyone knows that modern armies form up in phalanxes with spears and march directly at each other such that the side with more men wins.

"ordinance"? Hey creepshow....you're not getting anymore attention here...so slither back to the hole you crawled out of.
Childish, self-indulgent fantasies of mindless destruction are about as useful to discussions of international relations as idiocy about "putting illegal immigrants into wood chippers!" is to discussions about illegal immigration.

And then we promptly kicked their ass. You may have forgotten but you can bet China hasn't. Our (hugh) mistake was not kicking their ass all the way back to their border. We simply wimped out Worse we later fell for the exact same bluff and abandoned our allies in S. Vietnam. And cemented our reputation in the world as a "paper tiger" who could not be trusted by our allies. Our military never fails to accomplish the mission they are given in an outstanding manner. Unfortunately we have politicians determined to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Your suggestion is just one more version of that. There is no shortage of China's puppets in Asia.

You don't fight a land war in 2017 Korea next to China's border.....if you served in the RVN you'd know that. The logistics and size of their force would lead to an ass-wiping of epic proportions....ours. They are much stronger and well-equipped than they were in the 1950's with a modern air force and have tactical nukes. Our forces are worn out and under-equipped after 15 years of fighting in the ME. My suggestion is the only solution possible given the circumstances.

Actually I did in fact fight in Vietnam as did more than a few Chinese and most of the NVA equipment was Chi-com. I can't say I was very impressed. China's military is 3rd or 4th rate compared to us even after Obama. Even the Vietnamese army has kicked their butt. China bluffs a lot because they can get away with it. And you're begging the question.
I agree, 70yrs of American occupation is enough. The Armistice Deal signed by the US, clearly stipulates the US is required to leave South Korea. But obviously, that's never happened. Let's leave South Korea, and allow Koreans to sort out Korean differences. We don't belong there. It is what it is.
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Leaving South Korea won't prevent North Korea from developing nukes capable of reaching the United States.

NK missiles can barely clear the launch pad. This is just like the bullshit lines W used to invade Iraq.

You should be more concerned about real threats.

Just clearing the launch pad puts South Korea in danger.

And then we promptly kicked their ass. You may have forgotten but you can bet China hasn't. Our (hugh) mistake was not kicking their ass all the way back to their border. We simply wimped out Worse we later fell for the exact same bluff and abandoned our allies in S. Vietnam. And cemented our reputation in the world as a "paper tiger" who could not be trusted by our allies. Our military never fails to accomplish the mission they are given in an outstanding manner. Unfortunately we have politicians determined to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Your suggestion is just one more version of that. There is no shortage of China's puppets in Asia.

You don't fight a land war in 2017 Korea next to China's border.....if you served in the RVN you'd know that. The logistics and size of their force would lead to an ass-wiping of epic proportions....ours. They are much stronger and well-equipped than they were in the 1950's with a modern air force and have tactical nukes. Our forces are worn out and under-equipped after 15 years of fighting in the ME. My suggestion is the only solution possible given the circumstances.

You best read up again. Their bombers were designed in the late 1940s.
The reason U.S. (UN) Troops have been posted along the 38th parallel is because Harry Truman and his general Doug MacArthur managed to grasp defeat from the jaws of victory at the cost of about (the number fluctuates according to political agenda) anywhere from 36,000 to 50,000 American lives in three years.
MacArthur got fired by Truman because he wanted to nuke North Korea.
Actually, he wanted to invade China.
The reason U.S. (UN) Troops have been posted along the 38th parallel is because Harry Truman and his general Doug MacArthur managed to grasp defeat from the jaws of victory at the cost of about (the number fluctuates according to political agenda) anywhere from 36,000 to 50,000 American lives in three years.
MacArthur got fired by Truman because he wanted to nuke North Korea.
Actually, he wanted to invade China.

Probably after he nuked North Korea.
Actually I did in fact fight in Vietnam as did more than a few Chinese and most of the NVA equipment was Chi-com. I can't say I was very impressed. China's military is 3rd or 4th rate compared to us even after Obama. Even the Vietnamese army has kicked their butt. China bluffs a lot because they can get away with it. And you're begging the question.

I can't speak to what happened before '67 or after '68 in the RVN, but your assertions are begging your own questions: Most of the NVA equipment was Russian not Chinese other than light arms. We never saw any Chi-com infantry. They were deployed in N. Vietnam in construction support from what I heard. We did see an occasional Spetsnaz Russian, and sent at least one I know of home in a box. The Chinese infantry isn't battle-tested but it's a massive, and well-disciplined force. The border war between China and Vietnam proved the mettle of the NVA but China would have prevailed if they'd gone all out. And they'd be fighting across their own border while we'd be dependent on our small force in S.Korea and the equally untested S.Korean forces. They'd be fighting to defend their homeland...what would we be fighting for? A bogus foreign policy that had no end in sight is what...just like Vietnam. We'd eventually be overwhelmed if the democrats didn't burn down the Pentagon first. Nope...it's time to get out of there so we can move against the fat boy without getting our boys massacred.

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