Time To HAUL ASS Out Of South Korea

You just don't get it. Fat Boy Kim had to go on national television and ask his citizens to eat less food and give more to the army because they were starving, all while he stuffs his face with expensive imported cheese, imported whiskey, and smokes imported cigarettes. And you think those soldiers are going to run across the DMZ and die for him? Many of them are only following his orders now so they don't get fed to dogs, mowed down by aircraft machine guns, or publicly executed and their families sent to work camps. As soon as they stepped into South Korea and had the opportunity to surrender and become free citizens in South Korea? It would be like the first Gulf War all over again.

It is good that you are so much better informed that our own intelligence agencies and General Mattis. I feel so much better.

For those of us that place more weight with our intelligence agencies and military than with Lewdog, here is what those "fools" have to say.

By KATHRYN WATSON CBS NEWS May 28, 2017, 10:35 AM
War with North Korea would be "catastrophic," Defense Secretary Mattis says 98 Comment

Last Updated May 28, 2017 11:56 AM EDT

U.S. Secretary of Defense James Mattis says that war with North Korea -- should tensions ever come to that -- would be "catastrophic."

"A conflict in North Korea, John, would be probably the worst kind of fighting in most people's lifetimes," Mattis told CBS News' "Face the Nation" host John Dickerson in his first official interview as defense secretary.

The North Korean regime has hundreds of artillery cannons and rocket launchers within range of one of the most densely populated cities on Earth -- Seoul, the capital of South Korea, Mattis said.

North Korea is a threat to the surrounding region, including Japan, China and Russia, he said.

"But the bottom line is it would be a catastrophic war if this turns into a combat if we're not able to resolve this situation through diplomatic means," Mattis said.

War with North Korea would be "catastrophic," Defense Secretary Mattis says - CBS News

You think you know everything that our intelligence agencies and Mattis know from an article and a few quotes? Wow, you are more out of touch with reality than I thought. Tell me how blissful ignorance really is.
500 thousand reserves of farmers with their ribs showing because they are starving? GTFO... yeah let them invade with their Red Rider BB guns, against the full force of the sophisticated South Korean army. Man you are delusional. There have been so many reports coming out of North Korea lately about how Fat Boy Kim's support has been waning...

You are so out of touch it isn't even funny.

You're most amusing. However, your ignorance is not.

Kindly show us your supporting sites along with their links. You know, to regular sites as I have done.
You think you know everything that our intelligence agencies and Mattis know from an article and a few quotes? Wow, you are more out of touch with reality than I thought. Tell me how blissful ignorance really is.

Nope, not at all. I simply chose two and they made you out the fool, not me.
You think you know everything that our intelligence agencies and Mattis know from an article and a few quotes? Wow, you are more out of touch with reality than I thought. Tell me how blissful ignorance really is.

Nope, not at all. I simply chose two and they made you out the fool, not me.

Really? Because if you actually did the due diligence to do research you'd see the truth, but you don't, and that's why you will remain ignorant.
Conventional cruise-missiles are fine for attacking his residence but not powerful enough to take out hardened targets....the damage to the Syrian airbase runways showed that. A tactical nuke has the juice to do it and leave the area uninhabitable for years. That's how you do the Iran sites also....make them start from scratch in a different location. But again you have to extract our troops first so they can no longer be held hostage to NK bombardment.

You foolishly talk like both countries have only one nuclear site. They are far more intelligent. They are also deep underground. They have experience in what to expect with bunker-busting bombs from the 1981 attack on their nuclear facility by Israel.

They know how deep their facilities have to be and to spread them out around the country. A major attack which was of limited success is the Stuxnet virus. "US officials speaking to the Washington Post claimed the worm was developed during the Obama administration to sabotage Iran’s nuclear program with what would seem like a long series of unfortunate accidents."

Stuxnet - Wikipedia
Really? Because if you actually did the due diligence to do research you'd see the truth, but you don't, and that's why you will remain ignorant.

Show us! Reliable, non-partisan far left Progressive sites please.

What is North Korea's military might?

It's not hard to find out... just do simple searches and read several of the articles.

Is Kim Jong Un Losing Control of North Korea? Citizens Aren’t Honoring Supreme Leader in Private
We also have the B-1 and B-2. What do the NKs have?

Beats me, what does the Chinese military have?

Could North Korea Annihilate Seoul with Its Artillery?
Kyle Mizokami

April 25, 2017

For most armies, artillery is just one component of an all-arms force consisting of infantry, armor and artillery. But North Korea’s curious strategic location, with the enemy capital within striking range, has turned the country’s arsenal of howitzers and rocket launchers collectively into a weapon of mass destruction, capable of reducing Seoul to rubble within days. Or does it? Has the threat to the capital by North Korea’s “King of Battle” been overstated?

During the Cold War, North Korea built up an oversized army—and artillery corps—as part of its goal of re-invading South Korea. The North Korean People’s Army Artillery Command is responsible for 12,000 pieces of tube artillery and 2,300 pieces of multiple launch rocket artillery over 107-millimeters. The majority of tube artillery are 122-, 130-, 152- and 170-millimeter units, and on the rocket side the majority are 240-millimeter units.

Could North Korea Annihilate Seoul with Its Artillery?
You foolishly talk like both countries have only one nuclear site. They are far more intelligent. They are also deep underground. They have experience in what to expect with bunker-busting bombs from the 1981 attack on their nuclear facility by Israel.

They know how deep their facilities have to be and to spread them out around the country. A major attack which was of limited success is the Stuxnet virus. "US officials speaking to the Washington Post claimed the worm was developed during the Obama administration to sabotage Iran’s nuclear program with what would seem like a long series of unfortunate accidents."

Stuxnet - Wikipedia

You calling me a "fool" is ironic since if your brain was leather you couldn't saddle a damn flea. The Korean missile facilities are not "deep underground" and neither is the Kimchi's palace. You're hallucinating. You believe I'm learning about the Stuxnet hack for the first time from your sorry ass? Not only is Stuxnet an Israeli program, nothing was developed under Obammy...they couldn't even put up the ACA website for under a billion dollars with SSL like a screen door in a submarine. Bunker-busters can't penetrate the Iranian facilities....that's why we just tested the MOAB. You can't deliver an explosive to the lowest floors, so you cave in the upper floors on them, crushing centrifuges, and technicians alike. Others with a background in munitions also believe you can best stop a nuclear program by nuking the facilities, making them unapproachable for a decade. You have no background in any of this and like the fake samurai in this thread, are just running your mouth. STFU
Well, so much for this thread. Built on false premises anyway.

unkotare \ woon-ko-ta-re \ , noun;
Japanese. Roughly translated as dripping poop. This word is used to describe a pornographic genre commonly known as Scat.

This thread is fine as long as you're not in it....like every other thread you troll with your idiocy.

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