Time To HAUL ASS Out Of South Korea

Actually I did in fact fight in Vietnam as did more than a few Chinese and most of the NVA equipment was Chi-com. I can't say I was very impressed. China's military is 3rd or 4th rate compared to us even after Obama. Even the Vietnamese army has kicked their butt. China bluffs a lot because they can get away with it. And you're begging the question.

I can't speak to what happened before '67 or after '68 in the RVN, but your assertions are begging your own questions: Most of the NVA equipment was Russian not Chinese other than light arms. We never saw any Chi-com infantry. They were deployed in N. Vietnam in construction support from what I heard. We did see an occasional Spetsnaz Russian, and sent at least one I know of home in a box. The Chinese infantry isn't battle-tested but it's a massive, and well-disciplined force. The border war between China and Vietnam proved the mettle of the NVA but China would have prevailed if they'd gone all out. And they'd be fighting across their own border while we'd be dependent on our small force in S.Korea and the equally untested S.Korean forces. They'd be fighting to defend their homeland...what would we be fighting for? A bogus foreign policy that had no end in sight is what...just like Vietnam. We'd eventually be overwhelmed if the democrats didn't burn down the Pentagon first. Nope...it's time to get out of there so we can move against the fat boy without getting our boys massacred.

By far most of the equipment and supplies was Chi-com.
Since my unit, 2/47 Mech, captured Chinese armed soldiers and that was not a very rare occurrence as is well documented I'm not begging any thing.

"A bogus foreign policy that had no end in sight is what...just like Vietnam."

Which is exactly why we should just go ahead and and assist S. Korea in annexing N. Korea. Wimping out (again) and throwing an ally to the wolves is an option that does not deserve consideration. Be reminded that we remain at war with N. Korea and the best way to conclude a war is by winning it.
The reason U.S. (UN) Troops have been posted along the 38th parallel is because Harry Truman and his general Doug MacArthur managed to grasp defeat from the jaws of victory at the cost of about (the number fluctuates according to political agenda) anywhere from 36,000 to 50,000 American lives in three years.
MacArthur got fired by Truman because he wanted to nuke North Korea.
Actually, he wanted to invade China.

You don't nuke an area that you have to walk through to get to your next target.
What's stopping us from dropping a big firecracker on the fat little bastard in Pingpongyang? We've got 30K troops within the north's artillery range is what. They've been there since 1953 and we ain't getting a dime from the S.Korean government for their care and feeding. They'd be overrun if Kimchi attacked so they're sitting ducks regardless. But they'd get nuked for doing it and China won't allow it. So the stalemate goes on, the north develops a missile that will hit mainland USA, and China gets trade advantages out of keeping their little dog on a chain. That's been the game. :eusa_doh:

But now there's a different deck being dealt. S. Korea just REFUSED our ability to defend our troops by installing our THAAD missile defense. Yes, Trump asked them for a billion dollars for it....small change compared to what they're making exporting their shitty little cars duty-free into the US. How did this happen? China is terrified of that missile system and assured the south Koreans the north will never attack them. And the S. Koreans backed out of our agreement. Trump's charm-offensive with the Chinese leader didn't work...he tried but hardcore communists don't get charmed. So we have to face the reality that nothing is going to change there until we change it.

Pull our boys off the Korean peninsula ASAP. We redeploy them or bring them home out of harm's way. Now there is nothing keeping us from turning fat boy into a pile of charred pork if he ever tests another ICBM. Am I right? Oh yeah.
They cancelled new deployments of the THAAD system. The systems already deployed are staying in place.
What's stopping us from dropping a big firecracker on the fat little bastard in Pingpongyang? We've got 30K troops within the north's artillery range is what. They've been there since 1953 and we ain't getting a dime from the S.Korean government for their care and feeding. They'd be overrun if Kimchi attacked so they're sitting ducks regardless. But they'd get nuked for doing it and China won't allow it. So the stalemate goes on, the north develops a missile that will hit mainland USA, and China gets trade advantages out of keeping their little dog on a chain. That's been the game. :eusa_doh:

But now there's a different deck being dealt. S. Korea just REFUSED our ability to defend our troops by installing our THAAD missile defense. Yes, Trump asked them for a billion dollars for it....small change compared to what they're making exporting their shitty little cars duty-free into the US. How did this happen? China is terrified of that missile system and assured the south Koreans the north will never attack them. And the S. Koreans backed out of our agreement. Trump's charm-offensive with the Chinese leader didn't work...he tried but hardcore communists don't get charmed. So we have to face the reality that nothing is going to change there until we change it.

Pull our boys off the Korean peninsula ASAP. We redeploy them or bring them home out of harm's way. Now there is nothing keeping us from turning fat boy into a pile of charred pork if he ever tests another ICBM. Am I right? Oh yeah.
So Trump bungled bigly, eh?

Gee, what a surprise! :rolleyes:
Trump has given Xi everything he wanted. No more THAAD. No declaration of China as a currency manipulator. A One China policy.

Trump's caved on every single campaign promise about China. His Chumps have been hoaxed again.

And they just sit there jerking off while he swaps spit with Xi.
Actually I did in fact fight in Vietnam as did more than a few Chinese and most of the NVA equipment was Chi-com. I can't say I was very impressed. China's military is 3rd or 4th rate compared to us even after Obama. Even the Vietnamese army has kicked their butt. China bluffs a lot because they can get away with it. And you're begging the question.

I can't speak to what happened before '67 or after '68 in the RVN, but your assertions are begging your own questions: Most of the NVA equipment was Russian not Chinese other than light arms. We never saw any Chi-com infantry. They were deployed in N. Vietnam in construction support from what I heard. We did see an occasional Spetsnaz Russian, and sent at least one I know of home in a box. The Chinese infantry isn't battle-tested but it's a massive, and well-disciplined force. The border war between China and Vietnam proved the mettle of the NVA but China would have prevailed if they'd gone all out. And they'd be fighting across their own border while we'd be dependent on our small force in S.Korea and the equally untested S.Korean forces. They'd be fighting to defend their homeland...what would we be fighting for? A bogus foreign policy that had no end in sight is what...just like Vietnam. We'd eventually be overwhelmed if the democrats didn't burn down the Pentagon first. Nope...it's time to get out of there so we can move against the fat boy without getting our boys massacred.

By far most of the equipment and supplies was Chi-com.
Since my unit, 2/47 Mech, captured Chinese armed soldiers and that was not a very rare occurrence as is well documented I'm not begging any thing.

"A bogus foreign policy that had no end in sight is what...just like Vietnam."

Which is exactly why we should just go ahead and and assist S. Korea in annexing N. Korea. Wimping out (again) and throwing an ally to the wolves is an option that does not deserve consideration. Be reminded that we remain at war with N. Korea and the best way to conclude a war is by winning it.
Trump's Chumps are world class pants shitters.
Time To HAUL ASS Out Of South Korea
You sound just like cut-and-run Democrat Trump.

Gee, what a surprise. :rolleyes:

BLITZER: How does the United States get out of this situation?

TRUMP: You know how they get out? They get out! That's how they get out. Declare victory, and leave.

I totally predicted Trump would lead his Chumps into the far left camp.
Leaving South Korea won't prevent North Korea from developing nukes capable of reaching the United States.

NK missiles can barely clear the launch pad. This is just like the bullshit lines W used to invade Iraq.

You should be more concerned about real threats.

Just clearing the launch pad puts South Korea in danger.

Let South Korea worry about that. It has one of the more advanced militaries in the world. It can defend itself. The US can go home now.

The US is there because it is in OUR national interest.

Exactly. More Empire-Building Imperialism. Just what our Founding Fathers warned against.
By far most of the equipment and supplies was Chi-com.
Since my unit, 2/47 Mech, captured Chinese armed soldiers and that was not a very rare occurrence as is well documented I'm not begging any thing.

"A bogus foreign policy that had no end in sight is what...just like Vietnam."

Which is exactly why we should just go ahead and and assist S. Korea in annexing N. Korea. Wimping out (again) and throwing an ally to the wolves is an option that does not deserve consideration. Be reminded that we remain at war with N. Korea and the best way to conclude a war is by winning it.

No it wasn't and no you didn't. And if you'd seen any combat in the RVN you'd never advocate for invading N.Korea....we'd lose tens of thousands of GIs......I've heard enough out of you.
Leaving South Korea won't prevent North Korea from developing nukes capable of reaching the United States.

NK missiles can barely clear the launch pad. This is just like the bullshit lines W used to invade Iraq.

You should be more concerned about real threats.

Just clearing the launch pad puts South Korea in danger.

Let South Korea worry about that. It has one of the more advanced militaries in the world. It can defend itself. The US can go home now.

The US is there because it is in OUR national interest.

Exactly. More Empire-Building Imperialism. ... .

By far most of the equipment and supplies was Chi-com.
Since my unit, 2/47 Mech, captured Chinese armed soldiers and that was not a very rare occurrence as is well documented I'm not begging any thing.

"A bogus foreign policy that had no end in sight is what...just like Vietnam."

Which is exactly why we should just go ahead and and assist S. Korea in annexing N. Korea. Wimping out (again) and throwing an ally to the wolves is an option that does not deserve consideration. Be reminded that we remain at war with N. Korea and the best way to conclude a war is by winning it.

No it wasn't and no you didn't. And if you'd seen any combat in the RVN you'd never advocate for invading N.Korea....we'd lose tens of thousands of GIs......I've heard enough out of you.

Cute. Just like you would have any slightest idea what a combat vet would think.
We did in fact lose tens of thousands of men keeping RSVN out of the hands of scumbag communist aggressors only to have their accomplishments rendered largely meaningless by civilian idiots like you. We have also lost thousands in Korea doing the same thing and here you are preaching the same nonsense again. You have convinced me that your vast wisdom comes from maybe having seen a war movie once. You should get out of your Moma's basement more and maybe try reading a book someday.
Cute. Just like you would have any slightest idea what a combat vet would think.
We did in fact lose tens of thousands of men keeping RSVN out of the hands of scumbag communist aggressors only to have their accomplishments rendered largely meaningless by civilian idiots like you. We have also lost thousands in Korea doing the same thing and here you are preaching the same nonsense again. You have convinced me that your vast wisdom comes from maybe having seen a war movie once. You should get out of your Moma's basement more and maybe try reading a book someday.

Save your Forrest Gump routine for your fairy pals, punk...you ain't a Vet and sure as hell ain't a Viet Vet.
You just don't get it. Fat Boy Kim had to go on national television and ask his citizens to eat less food and give more to the army because they were starving, all while he stuffs his face with expensive imported cheese, imported whiskey, and smokes imported cigarettes. And you think those soldiers are going to run across the DMZ and die for him? Many of them are only following his orders now so they don't get fed to dogs, mowed down by aircraft machine guns, or publicly executed and their families sent to work camps. As soon as they stepped into South Korea and had the opportunity to surrender and become free citizens in South Korea? It would be like the first Gulf War all over again.

Russians were starving, did the Russian military fight Germany, with millions of casualties?

Did the German's fight, having received orders to NOT retreat, no matter what, to fight to the death having been pumped up on amphetamines?

The list goes on.

The military of North Korea is fed far better than their people. If you don't think the 1.2 million man army plus the 500 thousand reserves would instantly invade South Korea causing millions of casualties, you are certainly many fries short of a Happy Meal.
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You just don't get it. Fat Boy Kim had to go on national television and ask his citizens to eat less food and give more to the army because they were starving, all while he stuffs his face with expensive imported cheese, imported whiskey, and smokes imported cigarettes. And you think those soldiers are going to run across the DMZ and die for him? Many of them are only following his orders now so they don't get fed to dogs, mowed down by aircraft machine guns, or publicly executed and their families sent to work camps. As soon as they stepped into South Korea and had the opportunity to surrender and become free citizens in South Korea? It would be like the first Gulf War all over again.

Russians were starving, did the Russian military fight, with millions of casualties?

Did the German's fight, having received orders to NOT retreat, no matter what, to fight to the death having been pumped up on amphetamines?

The list goes on.

The military of North Korea is fed far better than their people. If you don't think the 1.2 million man army plus the 500 thousand reserves would instantly invade South Korea causing millions of casualties, you are certainly many fries short of a Happy Meal.

500 thousand reserves of farmers with their ribs showing because they are starving? GTFO... yeah let them invade with their Red Rider BB guns, against the full force of the sophisticated South Korean army. Man you are delusional. There have been so many reports coming out of North Korea lately about how Fat Boy Kim's support has been waning...

You are so out of touch it isn't even funny.
You just don't get it. Fat Boy Kim had to go on national television and ask his citizens to eat less food and give more to the army because they were starving, all while he stuffs his face with expensive imported cheese, imported whiskey, and smokes imported cigarettes. And you think those soldiers are going to run across the DMZ and die for him? Many of them are only following his orders now so they don't get fed to dogs, mowed down by aircraft machine guns, or publicly executed and their families sent to work camps. As soon as they stepped into South Korea and had the opportunity to surrender and become free citizens in South Korea? It would be like the first Gulf War all over again.

It is good that you are so much better informed that our own intelligence agencies and General Mattis. I feel so much better.

For those of us that place more weight with our intelligence agencies and military than with Lewdog, here is what those "fools" have to say.

By KATHRYN WATSON CBS NEWS May 28, 2017, 10:35 AM
War with North Korea would be "catastrophic," Defense Secretary Mattis says 98 Comment

Last Updated May 28, 2017 11:56 AM EDT

U.S. Secretary of Defense James Mattis says that war with North Korea -- should tensions ever come to that -- would be "catastrophic."

"A conflict in North Korea, John, would be probably the worst kind of fighting in most people's lifetimes," Mattis told CBS News' "Face the Nation" host John Dickerson in his first official interview as defense secretary.

The North Korean regime has hundreds of artillery cannons and rocket launchers within range of one of the most densely populated cities on Earth -- Seoul, the capital of South Korea, Mattis said.

North Korea is a threat to the surrounding region, including Japan, China and Russia, he said.

"But the bottom line is it would be a catastrophic war if this turns into a combat if we're not able to resolve this situation through diplomatic means," Mattis said.

War with North Korea would be "catastrophic," Defense Secretary Mattis says - CBS News

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