Time to Impeach Joe Biden (Poll)

Should the House Impeach Joe Biden?

  • Yes

    Votes: 38 63.3%
  • No

    Votes: 22 36.7%

  • Total voters
Who cares? Burisma said it was to boost the companies' favorability, aka a PR move. Like I said, nothing illegal under either countries laws was done by either party. Famous peoples kids (and politicians) and families make money off the family name all the time.

Apparently you don't care, it's a very bad look, it's not something a man with honor or integrity would allow to go on. Biden was perfectly okay with his son making bank using his name and offering nothing of value (according to you) in return. And this was in one of the most corrupt countries in the world, where he apparently didn't have a problem pushing his agenda and using US taxpayer money to get his way. It reeks of corruption, and even if there was none, he shouldn't have allowed it to happen for that very reason. But dems know they're inoculated against criticism and can do as they please, even if it doesn't look good, because they will be defended by their media. And you, as an American citizen, sit back and says 'who cares' because it's your party, that's exactly what's wrong with this country.
the dems and the media are slowly coming around and will support kicking senile joe out.
Their problem is that they have no one to replace him, either as president or to run in 24. They have virtually no one and I find that very amusing.
So at best here… you are talking about POSSIBLY trying to buy influence .

While ignoring the fact that Clarence Thomas has taken money from donors who were CLEARLY buying influence.

Those same donors by the way who also bought influence with at least six GOP Senators

What credentials are needed to be a board member?

Of course I do not think that, he got the job because of his last name. This is not illegal nor unusual. Do you think that Ivanka Trump gets 27 Chinese trademarks if her father had not been Donald Trump?

Yes, I know you said he didn't even have credentials to be on a board, anywhere. I am still waiting for you to tell us what credential are required to be on a board.

You think you are a conservative?

Thanks for admitting that you don't understand or know what is needed to hold an influential board position on a major firm's board. Typically for a person to be asked to hold a board position in a major company they have to be an influential, experienced, respected, and successful business person and have a deep track record of that success in their own right.

Now that you know, how about telling us all what HB's credentials were/are?
Of course they got something back for it. His name opened doors in the US. He got them connections they would not have had without him. This is the very same reason they put a former president of Poland on their board despite a lack of any oil and gas experience.

If it can be shown that Joe did things to favor Burisma in the US while he was VP then by all means impeach him and send him to jail.

Why? He has no influence without his father.

The House Oversight and Accountability Committee says the Biden family and its business associates created more than 20 companies and received more than $10 million from foreign nationals while Joe Biden served as vice president, and that some of these payments could indicate attempts by the Biden family to "peddle influence."

Navy flunk-out and Druggie Hunter Biden has a net worth of $230,000,000. How did that happen for a no skills druggie dropout?

Trump was impeached for a legitimate phone call. Biden has classified documents all over the place. Biden misused the CIA & FBI to call Hunter Biden's laptop "Russian Disinformation".

I'm sure there are tons of other articles of impeachment, so "Let's Roll".
I'm on the fence with this, not because of being unsure if he is guilty or not but, other than pure revenge, what is the point of impeaching him? I don't want Kamala Harris as president and it just ain't happenin that we impeach both and McCarthy becomes president. That's just not going to happen. I would rather keep the Biden family crime syndicate because all of this increases the chances of Republicans winning all around in 2024. Impeaching him may very well be a case of be careful what you wish for. I'm more concerned with the long term big picture than short term revenge.

The House Oversight and Accountability Committee says the Biden family and its business associates created more than 20 companies and received more than $10 million from foreign nationals while Joe Biden served as vice president, and that some of these payments could indicate attempts by the Biden family to "peddle influence."

Navy flunk-out and Druggie Hunter Biden has a net worth of $230,000,000. How did that happen for a no skills druggie dropout?

Trump was impeached for a legitimate phone call. Biden has classified documents all over the place. Biden misused the CIA & FBI to call Hunter Biden's laptop "Russian Disinformation".

I'm sure there are tons of other articles of impeachment, so "Let's Roll".

Lol 😂 Comer struck out.

Of course they got something back for it. His name opened doors in the US. He got them connections they would not have had without him. This is the very same reason they put a former president of Poland on their board despite a lack of any oil and gas experience.

If it can be shown that Joe did things to favor Burisma in the US while he was VP then by all means impeach him and send him to jail.
And it's a problem that we allow our politicians kids/siblings/spouses/etc to do this. The idea that that money doesn't benefit the politician is willful ignorance. If Im making 50 million a year and my parents make 200k there's no doubt that some of that 50 is benefiting them. Especially if the only reason I'm making the 50 is my Dad's name.
And that gets him nothing unless daddy is willing to use his power and influence in their favor.

Is that why China approved all those trademarks for Ivanka, so they could get her daddy's power and influence in their favor.

Or is that some how different?
And it's a problem that we allow our politicians kids/siblings/spouses/etc to do this. The idea that that money doesn't benefit the politician is willful ignorance. If Im making 50 million a year and my parents make 200k there's no doubt that some of that 50 is benefiting them. Especially if the only reason I'm making the 50 is my Dad's name.

And how do we stop it? Should Congress pass a law limiting the kinds of jobs that a kids/siblings/spouse of an elected official is allowed to hold?
Is that why China approved all those trademarks for Ivanka, so they could get her daddy's power and influence in their favor.

Or is that some how different?

Ivanka at least has legitimate businesses of her own that she was getting the trade marks for, unlike Hunter who has done nothing but peddle in daddy's influence, not a single accomplishment to his own name. And you're asking me if that's somehow different when you're in here defending Biden, but throw out Ivanka's name? :laughing0301: You just love to fool yourself into thinking you're somehow different or better, that's what's so amusing about you.
Ivanka at least has legitimate businesses of her own that she was getting the trade marks for, unlike Hunter who has done nothing but peddle in daddy's influence, not a single accomplishment to his own name. And you're asking me if that's somehow different when you're in here defending Biden, but throw out Ivanka's name? :laughing0301: You just love to fool yourself into thinking you're somehow different or better, that's what's so amusing about you.

I knew you would some how say it was different. You are so predictable.

Both Hunter and Ivanka traded on their daddy's name. You worship one for doing it and hate the other for doing it.

You are a clown and now I remember why I had put you in time out
Maybe you start by not defending it? :dunno:

If they are doing nothing illegal I will defend it.

My son has his current job because of me and the contacts I have. My daughter got her first job because of me being friends of the manger of a craft store back when she was in high school.

There is nothing wrong with this.
Who would you rather run against old Joe or "heels up"?
Now that the Democrats have figured out how to steal an election it probably doesn't even make a difference because the fix is in.
And how do we stop it? Should Congress pass a law limiting the kinds of jobs that a kids/siblings/spouse of an elected official is allowed to hold?
I don't have a good answer to that. It's certainly not an easy problem to solve and we have far too many politicians who are more than happy to enrich themselves and their families using their positions in the government.
Comer has the evidence. Now let's see if he has the balls to expose the biden crime syndicate.

He claims he has the evidence. So far it is just empty words. The timing is a bit suspicious, almost as if it was meant to impact the debt ceiling negotiations

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