Time to panic?: Romney takes eight point lead over obama

Ask them,, it's the sig line.. I want free poetic license to full fill my bet. I wish the same for you too.

I will ask them but if they say no the bet is still on.

Ewe still in?

not unlessI havepoeticlicense.

This is an attempt to put in a poison pill in order to weasel out of this bet.

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Many of our members have had some questions and concerns as to the rules and the enforcement of those rules. I know this doesn't answer all of the questions, nor can it, the 'moderator discretion' aspect is a nebulous but necessary tool, as some situations arise where no hard, fast rule exists or can exist without it becoming draconian in nature. I know this will give everyone a better idea of what to look for.

The word “****” was relegated to the Flame Zone by the board Administrator at least a year and a half ago, we continue to enforce this on the open board and in reported PMs. This will include any attempted "variation" of the word that's intended to circumvent the rule.
It would seem neither the OP nor the author of the opinion piece understand how the American president is elected. It’s not by popular vote, it’s by the Electoral College.

Currently the president leads Romney 253 to 170 in electoral votes, counting solid and leaning states for both. 270 are needed to win.

With regard to Iowa and Virginia, for example, where Obama currently leads Romney, their combined 19 votes would seal the election for the president. Obama also leads Romney in Nevada, North Carolina, and Ohio. Indeed, Ohio alone would put Obama over the top with its 18 votes, at 271.

In fact, Romney would need to win all of the swing states except for Arizona or Colorado to win the election.

So, no, there’s no reason to ‘panic.’

RCP averages:

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - Virginia: Romney vs. Obama
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At the risk of repeating myself.... it is far too early to be overly confident or concerned about polls.

The only thing that the partisans on both sides should remember is that it ain't over till the fat lady sings... and she isn't even in the ballpark.... in fact, she hasn't arrived in the same city as the ballpark yet. It's May, not October.

Being overly confident is always a mistake, but if you are saying that today's poll is meaningless I disagree with you. The polls are saying that if things continue the way they are going until november, Romney will win. Romney has only to administrate his advantadge, while Obama has to find a way to turn the tables and unless the economy improves it's unlikely to happen.
Well I'd say Romney doesn't have anything to worry about then. He'll sail right on into the Whitehouse. No problem.

Yesterday, Rasmussen had Governor Romney up 7 points over Obama, 50-43. Today, the poll's rolling three-day average has increased Romney's lead to 8, 50-42.
Any way you slice it, this is horrible news for a sitting incumbent. Not only has his challenger reached the magic 50-point mark for two days running, but any incumbent under 50, especially in the mid-to-low 40s, is in deep trouble. According to Rasmussen, 58% of the country is not ready to vote for this known quantity. And it's just a fact that undecideds almost always choose the challenger.
The poll also takes into account a two-month long media crusade to aid and abet every White House campaign gimmick it could muster, from the phony War on Women to the cynical class warfare to ginning up racial division with Trayvon Martin to spiking the bin Laden football.
Some of today's results include the voters digesting of Obama's decision this week to stop lying about his position on same-sex marriage and the Washington Post's pathetic attempt to Squirrel the electorate with half-century-old nonsense about Romney The Teenage Homophobe.

Time to Panic?: Romney Takes Eight Point Lead over Obama

Why panic? A nation gets the government it deserves. We got eight years of GWB wherein we were attacked, engaged in two wars, cut taxes and spent like a drunken sailor, suffered the greatest economic crisis since Herbert Hoover had the helm and deferred maintenance on our nation's domestic infrastructure.

If we elect Romney we will get the same cast of character disorders who nearly brought our nation down. Only a fool would want to relive the first decade of this century.
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Polls in May mean very little it's a positive sign for Romney but it will really mean something if the numbers are still that way in September or October.
Yesterday, Rasmussen had Governor Romney up 7 points over Obama, 50-43. Today, the poll's rolling three-day average has increased Romney's lead to 8, 50-42.
Any way you slice it, this is horrible news for a sitting incumbent. Not only has his challenger reached the magic 50-point mark for two days running, but any incumbent under 50, especially in the mid-to-low 40s, is in deep trouble. According to Rasmussen, 58% of the country is not ready to vote for this known quantity. And it's just a fact that undecideds almost always choose the challenger.
The poll also takes into account a two-month long media crusade to aid and abet every White House campaign gimmick it could muster, from the phony War on Women to the cynical class warfare to ginning up racial division with Trayvon Martin to spiking the bin Laden football.
Some of today's results include the voters digesting of Obama's decision this week to stop lying about his position on same-sex marriage and the Washington Post's pathetic attempt to Squirrel the electorate with half-century-old nonsense about Romney The Teenage Homophobe.

Time to Panic?: Romney Takes Eight Point Lead over Obama

Why panic? A nation gets the government it deserves. We got eight years of GWB wherein we were attacked, engaged in two wars, cut taxes and spent like a drunken sailor, suffered the greatest economic crisis since Herbert Hoover had the helm and deferred maintenance on our nation's domestic infrastructure.

If we elect Romney we will get the same cast of character disorders who nearly brought our nation down. Only a fool would want to relive the first decade of this century.

I'll break this to you gently cause I'm feeling kind today.. The question was not "why panic?" the question was "time to panic?"
Rasmussen is 9 1/2 points outside the realclear average and that's even with Rasmussen IN the average.

Clearly an outlier.
At the risk of repeating myself.... it is far too early to be overly confident or concerned about polls.

The only thing that the partisans on both sides should remember is that it ain't over till the fat lady sings... and she isn't even in the ballpark.... in fact, she hasn't arrived in the same city as the ballpark yet. It's May, not October.

Being overly confident is always a mistake, but if you are saying that today's poll is meaningless I disagree with you. The polls are saying that if things continue the way they are going until november, Romney will win. Romney has only to administrate his advantadge, while Obama has to find a way to turn the tables and unless the economy improves it's unlikely to happen.

Not 'meaningless' as such.... but, from my perspective, either side thinking they have this election sown up is deluding themselves. Obama should absolutely be polling better at this stage... but he isn't... mainly because the economy is fucked.... In theory, it should be the GOP's election to lose.... but I'm not convinced that either side has made their case overly well so far.

Having said that... I'm at least happy that I can finally vote for a mainstream candidate without holding my nose to do so.
Yesterday, Rasmussen had Governor Romney up 7 points over Obama, 50-43. Today, the poll's rolling three-day average has increased Romney's lead to 8, 50-42.
Any way you slice it, this is horrible news for a sitting incumbent. Not only has his challenger reached the magic 50-point mark for two days running, but any incumbent under 50, especially in the mid-to-low 40s, is in deep trouble. According to Rasmussen, 58% of the country is not ready to vote for this known quantity. And it's just a fact that undecideds almost always choose the challenger.
The poll also takes into account a two-month long media crusade to aid and abet every White House campaign gimmick it could muster, from the phony War on Women to the cynical class warfare to ginning up racial division with Trayvon Martin to spiking the bin Laden football.
Some of today's results include the voters digesting of Obama's decision this week to stop lying about his position on same-sex marriage and the Washington Post's pathetic attempt to Squirrel the electorate with half-century-old nonsense about Romney The Teenage Homophobe.

Time to Panic?: Romney Takes Eight Point Lead over Obama

Why panic? A nation gets the government it deserves. We got eight years of GWB wherein we were attacked, engaged in two wars, cut taxes and spent like a drunken sailor, suffered the greatest economic crisis since Herbert Hoover had the helm and deferred maintenance on our nation's domestic infrastructure.

If we elect Romney we will get the same cast of character disorders who nearly brought our nation down. Only a fool would want to relive the first decade of this century.

I'll break this to you gently cause I'm feeling kind today.. The question was not "why panic?" the question was "time to panic?"

You really are an idiot. Yes that was the question, and the answer was "Why panic?" "A nation gets the government it deserves".
Why panic? A nation gets the government it deserves. We got eight years of GWB wherein we were attacked, engaged in two wars, cut taxes and spent like a drunken sailor, suffered the greatest economic crisis since Herbert Hoover had the helm and deferred maintenance on our nation's domestic infrastructure.

If we elect Romney we will get the same cast of character disorders who nearly brought our nation down. Only a fool would want to relive the first decade of this century.

I'll break this to you gently cause I'm feeling kind today.. The question was not "why panic?" the question was "time to panic?"

You really are an idiot. Yes that was the question, and the answer was "Why panic?" "A nation gets the government it deserves".

Hopefully the majority of the voters in November will not choose another 4 years of the same or even more Euro-like.

I know YOU felt that way in 2004, but you didn't convince enough of your fellow citizens.
I'll break this to you gently cause I'm feeling kind today.. The question was not "why panic?" the question was "time to panic?"

You really are an idiot. Yes that was the question, and the answer was "Why panic?" "A nation gets the government it deserves".

Hopefully the majority of the voters in November will not choose another 4 years of the same or even more Euro-like.

I know YOU felt that way in 2004, but you didn't convince enough of your fellow citizens.

Have you been to Europe?

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