Time to put the Republican party on suicide watch?

true but now yo
They are continually "stepping in it" (using Gov. Perry's (R) words)

The Republican suicide ballad: The party that can’t govern, and the country that hates its guts - Salon.com
It is time once again to ponder the question of whether the Republican Party can be saved from itself – and if so, what exactly there is to save and why anyone should care. The GOP’s current struggle to find someone, or indeed anyone, who is willing to serve as Speaker of the House of Representatives, the position once held by Henry Clay and Sam Rayburn and Tip O’Neill – the president’s most important counterbalance and negotiating partner, and traditionally the second most powerful job in Washington – is of course a tragic and/or hilarious symptom of much deeper dysfunction.
The closest the GOP ever came to extinction was after Nixon's resignation, Viet Nam, and the exposes of the government's intelligence agencies' malfeasance.

We are nowhere near that point. The GOP isn't going anywhere. It will "evolve", not die.

The Southern Strategy was a mistake. The GOP lost its way. We traded our principles for power, and our integrity for bigotry.

It's way past time to eject the hateful, the fearmongering, and the idiotic.
u need your red state/white southern base to win nat'l elections.
That's a story we tell ourselves, but it's a lie.

Truth and honesty and integrity and intelligence will always win more votes than bigotry and hate and lies and hypocrisy.
And what is the modern day democrat party? Sanders? Clinton? Biden? Wasserman-Schultz?

lol.... give me a fucking break.
we have the House, the Senate, and what 30 Governor's seats??

about 4 Republicans are polling ahead of hillary in head to head matchups

libs are idiots
The article is byond r
They are continually "stepping in it" (using Gov. Perry's (R) words)

The Republican suicide ballad: The party that can’t govern, and the country that hates its guts - Salon.com
It is time once again to ponder the question of whether the Republican Party can be saved from itself – and if so, what exactly there is to save and why anyone should care. The GOP’s current struggle to find someone, or indeed anyone, who is willing to serve as Speaker of the House of Representatives, the position once held by Henry Clay and Sam Rayburn and Tip O’Neill – the president’s most important counterbalance and negotiating partner, and traditionally the second most powerful job in Washington – is of course a tragic and/or hilarious symptom of much deeper dysfunction.

The article is retarded.

I don't like the GOP.

I also don't like you.

Did you and Salon both forget who owns the house....

Let me tell you...the same group that will continue to own it for the entire time Hillary sits her fat but in the WH.

The house will probably remain republican, but that isn't guaranteed. The Democrats are working hard to kick them out, and it looks like the repubs are helping them.
true but now yo
They are continually "stepping in it" (using Gov. Perry's (R) words)

The Republican suicide ballad: The party that can’t govern, and the country that hates its guts - Salon.com
It is time once again to ponder the question of whether the Republican Party can be saved from itself – and if so, what exactly there is to save and why anyone should care. The GOP’s current struggle to find someone, or indeed anyone, who is willing to serve as Speaker of the House of Representatives, the position once held by Henry Clay and Sam Rayburn and Tip O’Neill – the president’s most important counterbalance and negotiating partner, and traditionally the second most powerful job in Washington – is of course a tragic and/or hilarious symptom of much deeper dysfunction.
The closest the GOP ever came to extinction was after Nixon's resignation, Viet Nam, and the exposes of the government's intelligence agencies' malfeasance.

We are nowhere near that point. The GOP isn't going anywhere. It will "evolve", not die.

The Southern Strategy was a mistake. The GOP lost its way. We traded our principles for power, and our integrity for bigotry.

It's way past time to eject the hateful, the fearmongering, and the idiotic.
u need your red state/white southern base to win nat'l elections.
That's a story we tell ourselves, but it's a lie.

Truth and honesty and integrity and intelligence will always win more votes than bigotry and hate and lies and hypocrisy.
so you think Repubs will willingly throw their angry white southern base (15% +/- of their electorate) over the side? :doubt:

As you know, there are no shortage of those types on this board as well
true but now yo
They are continually "stepping in it" (using Gov. Perry's (R) words)

The Republican suicide ballad: The party that can’t govern, and the country that hates its guts - Salon.com
It is time once again to ponder the question of whether the Republican Party can be saved from itself – and if so, what exactly there is to save and why anyone should care. The GOP’s current struggle to find someone, or indeed anyone, who is willing to serve as Speaker of the House of Representatives, the position once held by Henry Clay and Sam Rayburn and Tip O’Neill – the president’s most important counterbalance and negotiating partner, and traditionally the second most powerful job in Washington – is of course a tragic and/or hilarious symptom of much deeper dysfunction.
The closest the GOP ever came to extinction was after Nixon's resignation, Viet Nam, and the exposes of the government's intelligence agencies' malfeasance.

We are nowhere near that point. The GOP isn't going anywhere. It will "evolve", not die.

The Southern Strategy was a mistake. The GOP lost its way. We traded our principles for power, and our integrity for bigotry.

It's way past time to eject the hateful, the fearmongering, and the idiotic.
u need your red state/white southern base to win nat'l elections.
That's a story we tell ourselves, but it's a lie.

Truth and honesty and integrity and intelligence will always win more votes than bigotry and hate and lies and hypocrisy.
so you think Repubs will willingly throw their angry white southern base (15% +/- of their electorate) over the side? :doubt:

As you know, there are no shortage of those types on this board as well
By returning to principles, the GOP would gain far more than the retard vote they would lose.

Half the country has stopped voting, and many of them are people like me who are sick of what the GOP has become. That's a HUGE base to bring back to the fold.

When I came of voting age, a conservative was the smartest person in the room. Today, the people calling themselves conservatives are the stupidest people in the room.
"Time to put the Republican party on suicide watch?"

No, let nature take its course.
The party is dying and the wingnuts need to realize that your voices will no longer be allowed.

When I said your 15 minutes were up I wasn't kidding.

You did your part, you voted in all the wrong people for the country, you echoed all the wrong sentiments, you allowed corporate warlords to gain untold wealth and power.

But nothing lasts forever. The wells are going dry, the bad guys can't get any more from America. You're no longer needed, and you're no longer relevant. The republican moderates, the centrists, the democrats, they're all fighting back, and will win against your favorite sons by sheer numbers.

Look, I know it hurts. I'm an oldschool rocker, I've been there when the crowds thin out and the stage lights go dark. It's hard to go back to an everyday run-of-the-mill vanilla/beige life. It's very hard. The first year is the worst, all the things you could get worked up over (or could get others worked up over) aren't there anymore. Your blogs and posts aren't being read anymore. No more rallies. No more reason to hate everything Rush, Hannity, Beck, Faux, and Breitbart tell you to hate.

But you'll adjust.

And you'll be happier for it.

I'm here to help, when the elections are over and you need a shoulder to cry on, feel free to PM me.

To paraphrase the great man: The rumors of the demise of the Republican Party are greatly exaggerated.

Grandma, obviously you either never heard of the First Amendment, or you are natural born idiot.
Maybe you should put the hildabeast on that watch list.
I think Statistheilhitler is on suicide watch. Notice how he's posting less here now that Hillary looks like a loser in the polls.
Anyway, the GOP has won 9000 seats nationwide since 2008. They are poised to pick up the White House and control of Congress next year. We will see articles asking if the Democratic Party has a future after that election.

My prediction is they lose the senate and presidency, and if alot of conservatives home in disgust over bush/rubio then they win the house as well.
If it is a bush Rubio ticket I will stay home.

And you would be absolutely right. A Hillary/Anyone or a Sanders/Anyone would be SOOOOOOO much better.

No wonder liberal punks put the Republican Party on suicide watch with self-righteous masochists like you.
Maybe you should put the hildabeast on that watch list.
I think Statistheilhitler is on suicide watch. Notice how he's posting less here now that Hillary looks like a loser in the polls.
Anyway, the GOP has won 9000 seats nationwide since 2008. They are poised to pick up the White House and control of Congress next year. We will see articles asking if the Democratic Party has a future after that election.

My prediction is they lose the senate and presidency, and if alot of conservatives home in disgust over bush/rubio then they win the house as well.
If it is a bush Rubio ticket I will stay home.
No matter how disappointing that may be, that's no reason to hand over the WH to the Clintons
I know. I used to get angry at people opting out of voting but I see no difference in bush and Clinton. I'm sick to death of those two families running this country. I want them both to go away.

Think further than your nose: The Senate and the House will more than likely stay Republican. A Republican president - hell even Jeb/Rubio - would not necessarily veto a Bill sent by a Republican House and Senate, Hillary or Sanders would, just to spite, because that is the only thing they do.

And if that did not scare you enough think about Supreme Court appointments by a Democrat President.
The republican party is dying.
Donald Trump is withdrawing because he is so unpopular.
Rush Limbaugh is getting kicked off the air because he has no audience.
Scott Walker is getting indicted any day.

The bedtime stories demonrats tell themselves.
I think Statistheilhitler is on suicide watch. Notice how he's posting less here now that Hillary looks like a loser in the polls.
Anyway, the GOP has won 9000 seats nationwide since 2008. They are poised to pick up the White House and control of Congress next year. We will see articles asking if the Democratic Party has a future after that election.

My prediction is they lose the senate and presidency, and if alot of conservatives home in disgust over bush/rubio then they win the house as well.
If it is a bush Rubio ticket I will stay home.
No matter how disappointing that may be, that's no reason to hand over the WH to the Clintons
I know. I used to get angry at people opting out of voting but I see no difference in bush and Clinton. I'm sick to death of those two families running this country. I want them both to go away.

Think further than your nose: The Senate and the House will more than likely stay Republican. A Republican president - hell even Jeb/Rubio - would not necessarily veto a Bill sent by a Republican House and Senate, Hillary or Sanders would, just to spite, because that is the only thing they do.

And if that did not scare you enough think about Supreme Court appointments by a Democrat President.
Calm down. I later posted that I would not stay home. I will protest vote against Hillary or sanders.
Maybe you should put the hildabeast on that watch list.
I think Statistheilhitler is on suicide watch. Notice how he's posting less here now that Hillary looks like a loser in the polls.
Anyway, the GOP has won 9000 seats nationwide since 2008. They are poised to pick up the White House and control of Congress next year. We will see articles asking if the Democratic Party has a future after that election.

My prediction is they lose the senate and presidency, and if alot of conservatives home in disgust over bush/rubio then they win the house as well.
If it is a bush Rubio ticket I will stay home.

And you would be absolutely right. A Hillary/Anyone or a Sanders/Anyone would be SOOOOOOO much better.

No wonder liberal punks put the Republican Party on suicide watch with self-righteous masochists like you.
Lol self righteous masochist. That sounds sexy. Lol
They are continually "stepping in it" (using Gov. Perry's (R) words)

The Republican suicide ballad: The party that can’t govern, and the country that hates its guts - Salon.com
It is time once again to ponder the question of whether the Republican Party can be saved from itself – and if so, what exactly there is to save and why anyone should care. The GOP’s current struggle to find someone, or indeed anyone, who is willing to serve as Speaker of the House of Representatives, the position once held by Henry Clay and Sam Rayburn and Tip O’Neill – the president’s most important counterbalance and negotiating partner, and traditionally the second most powerful job in Washington – is of course a tragic and/or hilarious symptom of much deeper dysfunction.
STFU Dot.cum......

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