Time to re-think public restrooms and showers

Has everything to do with it!

Before the USSC ruling those like you never noticed if you were taking a crap with a gay on the next toilet...

Before the USSC you never worried about if your daughter might be showering with a teenage lesbian...

What I believe is you fear you will have a Gay thought while sitting on the toilet. I believe you most likely have peeked over the urinal and took a long look at the guy next to you, and had a gay thought, and this is why you are so scare about if someone might discover you out!

I believe that is the actual reality and the timing of the ruling has to do with your homophobic rantings...

Homofunny rantings is what you're doing.

I've asked before and I will ask again

Men are attracted to women the EXACT same way a lesbian is attracted to women, yet a man would be jailed for entering a woman's shower room when a lesbian is not. Is that not discrimination. Does the lesbian then not have greater rights then the heterosexual male?

Why, when BOTH find females desirous?

It really is a simple solution and that is make single shower and single toilets. Have them in a single room, you know like truck stop showers, and this end your fear.

If you dislike that idea then carry soap on the rope when showering and tell your daughter she can only shower at home and not at school because of your fear there might be a teenage lesbian lusting after her...

Wow, such a hetrophobic response

how much will this retrofitting cost?

Yes it is an answer, but my 14 year old daughter is still in a vulnerable position with all those men and gay women in the restroom.

Your 14 year old daughter is not vulnerable at all, and this is your way of wanting to have signs that say " Gay " and " Straight " this and that.

Let stop with the silly nonsense and most restrooms are single person and your daughter is safe. In school you have choices and that is home school your little girl and keep her out of Public and Private Schools.

As for you my best advice is you walk around with a butt plug, soap on the rope, and stop bending over in life, and you should be safe...

Oh, there's a cost to retaining my rights?

Hmmmm, where have I heard that before. Nope, rights don't have to be bought or hadn't you heard?

And you decide my daughters safety at public places, not code departments.

Blah, Blah, BLAH!!!

All you want are signs that say " No Gays or Lesbians Allow " and how well has that gone in the past when other signs like that were used to deny minorities entry into places where WASP's like you wanted to keep them out?

The fact is you had no problem with your daughter showing at her school before same sex marriage, and you had no fear taking a crap and someone finding out about your closet thoughts, so why care now?

In my opinion this is your new battleground and believe that preventing a Gay or Lesbian from being allow to use the same restroom like you will be your way of getting back at them for getting Same Sex Marriage, but the question still remains how will you enforce it?

How will you know if everyone that is using the Straight Bathroom is straight, and if they are caught being Gay and using the bathroom what will be the punishment for using the straight only bathroom?

Also will you be the person standing at every bathroom across America to make sure no Gay or Lesbian uses a straight only bathroom?

It amazes me how you fear something that is so childish, but I guess something that I never worry about is something a mental midget would worry about because when I am taking a crap or Piss I am not wondering if the guy next to me is going to try to anal rape me or smoke my skin flute...

Also I am not wondering if some teenage Lesbian is trying to recruit her to the Lesbian team, and if my teenage daughter came home and told me she was a Lesbian I would sit and discuss it with her first, and if her mind is set that she feel she has been gay from birth and is not just exploring then I am going to tell her not to shower in the same shower area as your daughter because of your fear that my daughter might be a predator looking to have your daughter to join her team, alright?

Now it make me wonder what type of perverted person sit there wondering if his daughter is showering with teenage lesbians because that is something that never crosses my mind, and let me ask you how do you feel about 12 year old girls being able to get marry as long as a court or parent will sign off on it?
Homofunny rantings is what you're doing.

I've asked before and I will ask again

Men are attracted to women the EXACT same way a lesbian is attracted to women, yet a man would be jailed for entering a woman's shower room when a lesbian is not. Is that not discrimination. Does the lesbian then not have greater rights then the heterosexual male?

Why, when BOTH find females desirous?

It really is a simple solution and that is make single shower and single toilets. Have them in a single room, you know like truck stop showers, and this end your fear.

If you dislike that idea then carry soap on the rope when showering and tell your daughter she can only shower at home and not at school because of your fear there might be a teenage lesbian lusting after her...

Wow, such a hetrophobic response

how much will this retrofitting cost?

Yes it is an answer, but my 14 year old daughter is still in a vulnerable position with all those men and gay women in the restroom.

Your 14 year old daughter is not vulnerable at all, and this is your way of wanting to have signs that say " Gay " and " Straight " this and that.

Let stop with the silly nonsense and most restrooms are single person and your daughter is safe. In school you have choices and that is home school your little girl and keep her out of Public and Private Schools.

As for you my best advice is you walk around with a butt plug, soap on the rope, and stop bending over in life, and you should be safe...

Oh, there's a cost to retaining my rights?

Hmmmm, where have I heard that before. Nope, rights don't have to be bought or hadn't you heard?

And you decide my daughters safety at public places, not code departments.

Blah, Blah, BLAH!!!

All you want are signs that say " No Gays or Lesbians Allow " and how well has that gone in the past when other signs like that were used to deny minorities entry into places where WASP's like you wanted to keep them out?

The fact is you had no problem with your daughter showing at her school before same sex marriage, and you had no fear taking a crap and someone finding out about your closet thoughts, so why care now?

In my opinion this is your new battleground and believe that preventing a Gay or Lesbian from being allow to use the same restroom like you will be your way of getting back at them for getting Same Sex Marriage, but the question still remains how will you enforce it?

How will you know if everyone that is using the Straight Bathroom is straight, and if they are caught being Gay and using the bathroom what will be the punishment for using the straight only bathroom?

Also will you be the person standing at every bathroom across America to make sure no Gay or Lesbian uses a straight only bathroom?

It amazes me how you fear something that is so childish, but I guess something that I never worry about is something a mental midget would worry about because when I am taking a crap or Piss I am not wondering if the guy next to me is going to try to anal rape me or smoke my skin flute...

Also I am not wondering if some teenage Lesbian is trying to recruit her to the Lesbian team, and if my teenage daughter came home and told me she was a Lesbian I would sit and discuss it with her first, and if her mind is set that she feel she has been gay from birth and is not just exploring then I am going to tell her not to shower in the same shower area as your daughter because of your fear that my daughter might be a predator looking to have your daughter to join her team, alright?

Now it make me wonder what type of perverted person sit there wondering if his daughter is showering with teenage lesbians because that is something that never crosses my mind, and let me ask you how do you feel about 12 year old girls being able to get marry as long as a court or parent will sign off on it?

A sign would simply work. Hetro males only. Hetro female only. Homo males only. Homo female only.

Works now.

Sorry dude, you trying to make me jump through hoops to retain my rights is wrong on so many levels.

We know what you actually want, to hang out in areas you might not be appreciated.
It really is a simple solution and that is make single shower and single toilets. Have them in a single room, you know like truck stop showers, and this end your fear.

If you dislike that idea then carry soap on the rope when showering and tell your daughter she can only shower at home and not at school because of your fear there might be a teenage lesbian lusting after her...

Wow, such a hetrophobic response

how much will this retrofitting cost?

Yes it is an answer, but my 14 year old daughter is still in a vulnerable position with all those men and gay women in the restroom.

Your 14 year old daughter is not vulnerable at all, and this is your way of wanting to have signs that say " Gay " and " Straight " this and that.

Let stop with the silly nonsense and most restrooms are single person and your daughter is safe. In school you have choices and that is home school your little girl and keep her out of Public and Private Schools.

As for you my best advice is you walk around with a butt plug, soap on the rope, and stop bending over in life, and you should be safe...

Oh, there's a cost to retaining my rights?

Hmmmm, where have I heard that before. Nope, rights don't have to be bought or hadn't you heard?

And you decide my daughters safety at public places, not code departments.

Blah, Blah, BLAH!!!

All you want are signs that say " No Gays or Lesbians Allow " and how well has that gone in the past when other signs like that were used to deny minorities entry into places where WASP's like you wanted to keep them out?

The fact is you had no problem with your daughter showing at her school before same sex marriage, and you had no fear taking a crap and someone finding out about your closet thoughts, so why care now?

In my opinion this is your new battleground and believe that preventing a Gay or Lesbian from being allow to use the same restroom like you will be your way of getting back at them for getting Same Sex Marriage, but the question still remains how will you enforce it?

How will you know if everyone that is using the Straight Bathroom is straight, and if they are caught being Gay and using the bathroom what will be the punishment for using the straight only bathroom?

Also will you be the person standing at every bathroom across America to make sure no Gay or Lesbian uses a straight only bathroom?

It amazes me how you fear something that is so childish, but I guess something that I never worry about is something a mental midget would worry about because when I am taking a crap or Piss I am not wondering if the guy next to me is going to try to anal rape me or smoke my skin flute...

Also I am not wondering if some teenage Lesbian is trying to recruit her to the Lesbian team, and if my teenage daughter came home and told me she was a Lesbian I would sit and discuss it with her first, and if her mind is set that she feel she has been gay from birth and is not just exploring then I am going to tell her not to shower in the same shower area as your daughter because of your fear that my daughter might be a predator looking to have your daughter to join her team, alright?

Now it make me wonder what type of perverted person sit there wondering if his daughter is showering with teenage lesbians because that is something that never crosses my mind, and let me ask you how do you feel about 12 year old girls being able to get marry as long as a court or parent will sign off on it?

A sign would simply work. Hetro males only. Hetro female only. Homo males only. Homo female only.

Works now.

Sorry dude, you trying to make me jump through hoops to retain my rights is wrong on so many levels.

We know what you actually want, to hang out in areas you might not be appreciated.

Are you asking me if I want to hang out with you in a restroom?

No, I do apologize but I prefer the beaver and not the beaver cleaver. I know this will break your heart and you were hoping that you finally found a toe tapping square dancing partner, but alas I prefer to munch the carpet and not smoke the skin flute.

Now your signs will never happen and enforcing that crazy idea of yours would be impossible because their are straights that act or look feminine and gays that act or look masculine, so how will you prevent those gays from sharing your bathroom with you?

You can't and that is the fact. So you want to waste taxpayer money on a stupid issue, and you call yourself a conservative?
Boy o boy, So how are you going to identify homosexuals? Tattoo a pink triangle?

Not my problem. Equality is a bitch.

A lesbian is just as attracted to a female as a hetro male. I want neither in a restroom with my 14 year old daughter.

Making people wear identifying marks was the trademark of the German Nazis in concentration camps. Do you actually stand here and subscribe to that?
That's exactly what the homo agenda wants. Recognize and concede to homosexuality and its agenda. And if you don't you are branded as a pariah by the state.

Which was fine so long as they were the pariah. It's a hard knock life.
Who is saying that?
Wow, such a hetrophobic response

how much will this retrofitting cost?

Yes it is an answer, but my 14 year old daughter is still in a vulnerable position with all those men and gay women in the restroom.

Your 14 year old daughter is not vulnerable at all, and this is your way of wanting to have signs that say " Gay " and " Straight " this and that.

Let stop with the silly nonsense and most restrooms are single person and your daughter is safe. In school you have choices and that is home school your little girl and keep her out of Public and Private Schools.

As for you my best advice is you walk around with a butt plug, soap on the rope, and stop bending over in life, and you should be safe...

Oh, there's a cost to retaining my rights?

Hmmmm, where have I heard that before. Nope, rights don't have to be bought or hadn't you heard?

And you decide my daughters safety at public places, not code departments.

Blah, Blah, BLAH!!!

All you want are signs that say " No Gays or Lesbians Allow " and how well has that gone in the past when other signs like that were used to deny minorities entry into places where WASP's like you wanted to keep them out?

The fact is you had no problem with your daughter showing at her school before same sex marriage, and you had no fear taking a crap and someone finding out about your closet thoughts, so why care now?

In my opinion this is your new battleground and believe that preventing a Gay or Lesbian from being allow to use the same restroom like you will be your way of getting back at them for getting Same Sex Marriage, but the question still remains how will you enforce it?

How will you know if everyone that is using the Straight Bathroom is straight, and if they are caught being Gay and using the bathroom what will be the punishment for using the straight only bathroom?

Also will you be the person standing at every bathroom across America to make sure no Gay or Lesbian uses a straight only bathroom?

It amazes me how you fear something that is so childish, but I guess something that I never worry about is something a mental midget would worry about because when I am taking a crap or Piss I am not wondering if the guy next to me is going to try to anal rape me or smoke my skin flute...

Also I am not wondering if some teenage Lesbian is trying to recruit her to the Lesbian team, and if my teenage daughter came home and told me she was a Lesbian I would sit and discuss it with her first, and if her mind is set that she feel she has been gay from birth and is not just exploring then I am going to tell her not to shower in the same shower area as your daughter because of your fear that my daughter might be a predator looking to have your daughter to join her team, alright?

Now it make me wonder what type of perverted person sit there wondering if his daughter is showering with teenage lesbians because that is something that never crosses my mind, and let me ask you how do you feel about 12 year old girls being able to get marry as long as a court or parent will sign off on it?

A sign would simply work. Hetro males only. Hetro female only. Homo males only. Homo female only.

Works now.

Sorry dude, you trying to make me jump through hoops to retain my rights is wrong on so many levels.

We know what you actually want, to hang out in areas you might not be appreciated.

Are you asking me if I want to hang out with you in a restroom?

No, I do apologize but I prefer the beaver and not the beaver cleaver. I know this will break your heart and you were hoping that you finally found a toe tapping square dancing partner, but alas I prefer to munch the carpet and not smoke the skin flute.

Now your signs will never happen and enforcing that crazy idea of yours would be impossible because their are straights that act or look feminine and gays that act or look masculine, so how will you prevent those gays from sharing your bathroom with you?

You can't and that is the fact. So you want to waste taxpayer money on a stupid issue, and you call yourself a conservative?

The signs have worked for decades, are you saying gays wouldn't obey them?

Your 14 year old daughter is not vulnerable at all, and this is your way of wanting to have signs that say " Gay " and " Straight " this and that.

Let stop with the silly nonsense and most restrooms are single person and your daughter is safe. In school you have choices and that is home school your little girl and keep her out of Public and Private Schools.

As for you my best advice is you walk around with a butt plug, soap on the rope, and stop bending over in life, and you should be safe...

Oh, there's a cost to retaining my rights?

Hmmmm, where have I heard that before. Nope, rights don't have to be bought or hadn't you heard?

And you decide my daughters safety at public places, not code departments.

Blah, Blah, BLAH!!!

All you want are signs that say " No Gays or Lesbians Allow " and how well has that gone in the past when other signs like that were used to deny minorities entry into places where WASP's like you wanted to keep them out?

The fact is you had no problem with your daughter showing at her school before same sex marriage, and you had no fear taking a crap and someone finding out about your closet thoughts, so why care now?

In my opinion this is your new battleground and believe that preventing a Gay or Lesbian from being allow to use the same restroom like you will be your way of getting back at them for getting Same Sex Marriage, but the question still remains how will you enforce it?

How will you know if everyone that is using the Straight Bathroom is straight, and if they are caught being Gay and using the bathroom what will be the punishment for using the straight only bathroom?

Also will you be the person standing at every bathroom across America to make sure no Gay or Lesbian uses a straight only bathroom?

It amazes me how you fear something that is so childish, but I guess something that I never worry about is something a mental midget would worry about because when I am taking a crap or Piss I am not wondering if the guy next to me is going to try to anal rape me or smoke my skin flute...

Also I am not wondering if some teenage Lesbian is trying to recruit her to the Lesbian team, and if my teenage daughter came home and told me she was a Lesbian I would sit and discuss it with her first, and if her mind is set that she feel she has been gay from birth and is not just exploring then I am going to tell her not to shower in the same shower area as your daughter because of your fear that my daughter might be a predator looking to have your daughter to join her team, alright?

Now it make me wonder what type of perverted person sit there wondering if his daughter is showering with teenage lesbians because that is something that never crosses my mind, and let me ask you how do you feel about 12 year old girls being able to get marry as long as a court or parent will sign off on it?

A sign would simply work. Hetro males only. Hetro female only. Homo males only. Homo female only.

Works now.

Sorry dude, you trying to make me jump through hoops to retain my rights is wrong on so many levels.

We know what you actually want, to hang out in areas you might not be appreciated.

Are you asking me if I want to hang out with you in a restroom?

No, I do apologize but I prefer the beaver and not the beaver cleaver. I know this will break your heart and you were hoping that you finally found a toe tapping square dancing partner, but alas I prefer to munch the carpet and not smoke the skin flute.

Now your signs will never happen and enforcing that crazy idea of yours would be impossible because their are straights that act or look feminine and gays that act or look masculine, so how will you prevent those gays from sharing your bathroom with you?

You can't and that is the fact. So you want to waste taxpayer money on a stupid issue, and you call yourself a conservative?

The signs have worked for decades, are you saying gays wouldn't obey them?


The signs that prevented African Americans from entering your Lilly White WASP way of life worked because you could see someone skin color, but telling if someone is Gay or a Lesbian is not as easy as you believe.

Also what would happen if your daughter came home and told you she was a lesbian?

Would you still support those bans?

If so then what type of father are you?

Also before you claim it would never happen just remember the most bigoted fool usually get the thing hate the most to happen to him or her, and seeing how you hate Gay and Lesbians I am going to bet someone in your family is or will be a Gay or Lesbian, and then it will be fun to watch you deny them to be treated equal...

Also I would not obey the signs and will crap and piss anywhere when the need arises, and I do not care if it is a Gay bathroom, Hetero Bathroom, and I have used a female one before, but just a single toilet because the manager told me the men room was out of order or were you in there doing a toe tapping square dance?
Oh, there's a cost to retaining my rights?

Hmmmm, where have I heard that before. Nope, rights don't have to be bought or hadn't you heard?

And you decide my daughters safety at public places, not code departments.

Blah, Blah, BLAH!!!

All you want are signs that say " No Gays or Lesbians Allow " and how well has that gone in the past when other signs like that were used to deny minorities entry into places where WASP's like you wanted to keep them out?

The fact is you had no problem with your daughter showing at her school before same sex marriage, and you had no fear taking a crap and someone finding out about your closet thoughts, so why care now?

In my opinion this is your new battleground and believe that preventing a Gay or Lesbian from being allow to use the same restroom like you will be your way of getting back at them for getting Same Sex Marriage, but the question still remains how will you enforce it?

How will you know if everyone that is using the Straight Bathroom is straight, and if they are caught being Gay and using the bathroom what will be the punishment for using the straight only bathroom?

Also will you be the person standing at every bathroom across America to make sure no Gay or Lesbian uses a straight only bathroom?

It amazes me how you fear something that is so childish, but I guess something that I never worry about is something a mental midget would worry about because when I am taking a crap or Piss I am not wondering if the guy next to me is going to try to anal rape me or smoke my skin flute...

Also I am not wondering if some teenage Lesbian is trying to recruit her to the Lesbian team, and if my teenage daughter came home and told me she was a Lesbian I would sit and discuss it with her first, and if her mind is set that she feel she has been gay from birth and is not just exploring then I am going to tell her not to shower in the same shower area as your daughter because of your fear that my daughter might be a predator looking to have your daughter to join her team, alright?

Now it make me wonder what type of perverted person sit there wondering if his daughter is showering with teenage lesbians because that is something that never crosses my mind, and let me ask you how do you feel about 12 year old girls being able to get marry as long as a court or parent will sign off on it?

A sign would simply work. Hetro males only. Hetro female only. Homo males only. Homo female only.

Works now.

Sorry dude, you trying to make me jump through hoops to retain my rights is wrong on so many levels.

We know what you actually want, to hang out in areas you might not be appreciated.

Are you asking me if I want to hang out with you in a restroom?

No, I do apologize but I prefer the beaver and not the beaver cleaver. I know this will break your heart and you were hoping that you finally found a toe tapping square dancing partner, but alas I prefer to munch the carpet and not smoke the skin flute.

Now your signs will never happen and enforcing that crazy idea of yours would be impossible because their are straights that act or look feminine and gays that act or look masculine, so how will you prevent those gays from sharing your bathroom with you?

You can't and that is the fact. So you want to waste taxpayer money on a stupid issue, and you call yourself a conservative?

The signs have worked for decades, are you saying gays wouldn't obey them?


The signs that prevented African Americans from entering your Lilly White WASP way of life worked because you could see someone skin color, but telling if someone is Gay or a Lesbian is not as easy as you believe.

Also what would happen if your daughter came home and told you she was a lesbian?

Would you still support those bans?

If so then what type of father are you?

Also before you claim it would never happen just remember the most bigoted fool usually get the thing hate the most to happen to him or her, and seeing how you hate Gay and Lesbians I am going to bet someone in your family is or will be a Gay or Lesbian, and then it will be fun to watch you deny them to be treated equal...

Also I would not obey the signs and will crap and piss anywhere when the need arises, and I do not care if it is a Gay bathroom, Hetero Bathroom, and I have used a female one before, but just a single toilet because the manager told me the men room was out of order or were you in there doing a toe tapping square dance?

Funny, your post actually shows why my rights need to be addressed.

I have no doubt your type does not want to be excluded even though it only affirms my right, just the same as women's rights are affirmed by segregating men from their shower rooms.

Sad you don't embrace rights and freedoms
Blah, Blah, BLAH!!!

All you want are signs that say " No Gays or Lesbians Allow " and how well has that gone in the past when other signs like that were used to deny minorities entry into places where WASP's like you wanted to keep them out?

The fact is you had no problem with your daughter showing at her school before same sex marriage, and you had no fear taking a crap and someone finding out about your closet thoughts, so why care now?

In my opinion this is your new battleground and believe that preventing a Gay or Lesbian from being allow to use the same restroom like you will be your way of getting back at them for getting Same Sex Marriage, but the question still remains how will you enforce it?

How will you know if everyone that is using the Straight Bathroom is straight, and if they are caught being Gay and using the bathroom what will be the punishment for using the straight only bathroom?

Also will you be the person standing at every bathroom across America to make sure no Gay or Lesbian uses a straight only bathroom?

It amazes me how you fear something that is so childish, but I guess something that I never worry about is something a mental midget would worry about because when I am taking a crap or Piss I am not wondering if the guy next to me is going to try to anal rape me or smoke my skin flute...

Also I am not wondering if some teenage Lesbian is trying to recruit her to the Lesbian team, and if my teenage daughter came home and told me she was a Lesbian I would sit and discuss it with her first, and if her mind is set that she feel she has been gay from birth and is not just exploring then I am going to tell her not to shower in the same shower area as your daughter because of your fear that my daughter might be a predator looking to have your daughter to join her team, alright?

Now it make me wonder what type of perverted person sit there wondering if his daughter is showering with teenage lesbians because that is something that never crosses my mind, and let me ask you how do you feel about 12 year old girls being able to get marry as long as a court or parent will sign off on it?

A sign would simply work. Hetro males only. Hetro female only. Homo males only. Homo female only.

Works now.

Sorry dude, you trying to make me jump through hoops to retain my rights is wrong on so many levels.

We know what you actually want, to hang out in areas you might not be appreciated.

Are you asking me if I want to hang out with you in a restroom?

No, I do apologize but I prefer the beaver and not the beaver cleaver. I know this will break your heart and you were hoping that you finally found a toe tapping square dancing partner, but alas I prefer to munch the carpet and not smoke the skin flute.

Now your signs will never happen and enforcing that crazy idea of yours would be impossible because their are straights that act or look feminine and gays that act or look masculine, so how will you prevent those gays from sharing your bathroom with you?

You can't and that is the fact. So you want to waste taxpayer money on a stupid issue, and you call yourself a conservative?

The signs have worked for decades, are you saying gays wouldn't obey them?


The signs that prevented African Americans from entering your Lilly White WASP way of life worked because you could see someone skin color, but telling if someone is Gay or a Lesbian is not as easy as you believe.

Also what would happen if your daughter came home and told you she was a lesbian?

Would you still support those bans?

If so then what type of father are you?

Also before you claim it would never happen just remember the most bigoted fool usually get the thing hate the most to happen to him or her, and seeing how you hate Gay and Lesbians I am going to bet someone in your family is or will be a Gay or Lesbian, and then it will be fun to watch you deny them to be treated equal...

Also I would not obey the signs and will crap and piss anywhere when the need arises, and I do not care if it is a Gay bathroom, Hetero Bathroom, and I have used a female one before, but just a single toilet because the manager told me the men room was out of order or were you in there doing a toe tapping square dance?

Funny, your post actually shows why my rights need to be addressed.

I have no doubt your type does not want to be excluded even though it only affirms my right, just the same as women's rights are affirmed by segregating men from their shower rooms.

Sad you don't embrace rights and freedoms

I do embrace your right to take a crap or piss out in the woods, but reality is still not your friend.

You can not enforce your stupidity and the fact a business will not have four different restrooms just because of your fear.

Iran might be a great nation for you to move to...
A sign would simply work. Hetro males only. Hetro female only. Homo males only. Homo female only.

Works now.

Sorry dude, you trying to make me jump through hoops to retain my rights is wrong on so many levels.

We know what you actually want, to hang out in areas you might not be appreciated.

Are you asking me if I want to hang out with you in a restroom?

No, I do apologize but I prefer the beaver and not the beaver cleaver. I know this will break your heart and you were hoping that you finally found a toe tapping square dancing partner, but alas I prefer to munch the carpet and not smoke the skin flute.

Now your signs will never happen and enforcing that crazy idea of yours would be impossible because their are straights that act or look feminine and gays that act or look masculine, so how will you prevent those gays from sharing your bathroom with you?

You can't and that is the fact. So you want to waste taxpayer money on a stupid issue, and you call yourself a conservative?

The signs have worked for decades, are you saying gays wouldn't obey them?


The signs that prevented African Americans from entering your Lilly White WASP way of life worked because you could see someone skin color, but telling if someone is Gay or a Lesbian is not as easy as you believe.

Also what would happen if your daughter came home and told you she was a lesbian?

Would you still support those bans?

If so then what type of father are you?

Also before you claim it would never happen just remember the most bigoted fool usually get the thing hate the most to happen to him or her, and seeing how you hate Gay and Lesbians I am going to bet someone in your family is or will be a Gay or Lesbian, and then it will be fun to watch you deny them to be treated equal...

Also I would not obey the signs and will crap and piss anywhere when the need arises, and I do not care if it is a Gay bathroom, Hetero Bathroom, and I have used a female one before, but just a single toilet because the manager told me the men room was out of order or were you in there doing a toe tapping square dance?

Funny, your post actually shows why my rights need to be addressed.

I have no doubt your type does not want to be excluded even though it only affirms my right, just the same as women's rights are affirmed by segregating men from their shower rooms.

Sad you don't embrace rights and freedoms

I do embrace your right to take a crap or piss out in the woods, but reality is still not your friend.

You can not enforce your stupidity and the fact a business will not have four different restrooms just because of your fear.

Iran might be a great nation for you to move to...

Since when did a business have a choice.

What, you 12?

Businesses meet code, if the code separates people based on privacy and safety issues (which by the way, is the reason they do), they have no choice.

Grow up kid, the worlds leaving you behind.
Are you asking me if I want to hang out with you in a restroom?

No, I do apologize but I prefer the beaver and not the beaver cleaver. I know this will break your heart and you were hoping that you finally found a toe tapping square dancing partner, but alas I prefer to munch the carpet and not smoke the skin flute.

Now your signs will never happen and enforcing that crazy idea of yours would be impossible because their are straights that act or look feminine and gays that act or look masculine, so how will you prevent those gays from sharing your bathroom with you?

You can't and that is the fact. So you want to waste taxpayer money on a stupid issue, and you call yourself a conservative?

The signs have worked for decades, are you saying gays wouldn't obey them?


The signs that prevented African Americans from entering your Lilly White WASP way of life worked because you could see someone skin color, but telling if someone is Gay or a Lesbian is not as easy as you believe.

Also what would happen if your daughter came home and told you she was a lesbian?

Would you still support those bans?

If so then what type of father are you?

Also before you claim it would never happen just remember the most bigoted fool usually get the thing hate the most to happen to him or her, and seeing how you hate Gay and Lesbians I am going to bet someone in your family is or will be a Gay or Lesbian, and then it will be fun to watch you deny them to be treated equal...

Also I would not obey the signs and will crap and piss anywhere when the need arises, and I do not care if it is a Gay bathroom, Hetero Bathroom, and I have used a female one before, but just a single toilet because the manager told me the men room was out of order or were you in there doing a toe tapping square dance?

Funny, your post actually shows why my rights need to be addressed.

I have no doubt your type does not want to be excluded even though it only affirms my right, just the same as women's rights are affirmed by segregating men from their shower rooms.

Sad you don't embrace rights and freedoms

I do embrace your right to take a crap or piss out in the woods, but reality is still not your friend.

You can not enforce your stupidity and the fact a business will not have four different restrooms just because of your fear.

Iran might be a great nation for you to move to...

Since when did a business have a choice.

What, you 12?

Businesses meet code, if the code separates people based on privacy and safety issues (which by the way, is the reason they do), they have no choice.

Grow up kid, the worlds leaving you behind.

Your response was childish as can be, and you're calling me a kid?

There is no safety issue!

You just want to be able to read a sign that has " No Gays or Lesbians allow! "!

So at your house put up those signs, but in the general society it will never happen...

Gays have been using that bathroom all this time before same sex marriage, and lesbian teenagers have been showering all this time before same sex marriage ruling, so the so call safety issue you claim is bogus and pure bullshit by you!
The signs have worked for decades, are you saying gays wouldn't obey them?


The signs that prevented African Americans from entering your Lilly White WASP way of life worked because you could see someone skin color, but telling if someone is Gay or a Lesbian is not as easy as you believe.

Also what would happen if your daughter came home and told you she was a lesbian?

Would you still support those bans?

If so then what type of father are you?

Also before you claim it would never happen just remember the most bigoted fool usually get the thing hate the most to happen to him or her, and seeing how you hate Gay and Lesbians I am going to bet someone in your family is or will be a Gay or Lesbian, and then it will be fun to watch you deny them to be treated equal...

Also I would not obey the signs and will crap and piss anywhere when the need arises, and I do not care if it is a Gay bathroom, Hetero Bathroom, and I have used a female one before, but just a single toilet because the manager told me the men room was out of order or were you in there doing a toe tapping square dance?

Funny, your post actually shows why my rights need to be addressed.

I have no doubt your type does not want to be excluded even though it only affirms my right, just the same as women's rights are affirmed by segregating men from their shower rooms.

Sad you don't embrace rights and freedoms

I do embrace your right to take a crap or piss out in the woods, but reality is still not your friend.

You can not enforce your stupidity and the fact a business will not have four different restrooms just because of your fear.

Iran might be a great nation for you to move to...

Since when did a business have a choice.

What, you 12?

Businesses meet code, if the code separates people based on privacy and safety issues (which by the way, is the reason they do), they have no choice.

Grow up kid, the worlds leaving you behind.

Your response was childish as can be, and you're calling me a kid?

There is no safety issue!

You just want to be able to read a sign that has " No Gays or Lesbians allow! "!

So at your house put up those signs, but in the general society it will never happen...

Gays have been using that bathroom all this time before same sex marriage, and lesbian teenagers have been showering all this time before same sex marriage ruling, so the so call safety issue you claim is bogus and pure bullshit by you!

So, please explain why you think its a good idea that a 14 year old girl should be forced to share a gym locker room or shower with a person that find females sexually attractive?

Curious HUH?
The signs that prevented African Americans from entering your Lilly White WASP way of life worked because you could see someone skin color, but telling if someone is Gay or a Lesbian is not as easy as you believe.

Also what would happen if your daughter came home and told you she was a lesbian?

Would you still support those bans?

If so then what type of father are you?

Also before you claim it would never happen just remember the most bigoted fool usually get the thing hate the most to happen to him or her, and seeing how you hate Gay and Lesbians I am going to bet someone in your family is or will be a Gay or Lesbian, and then it will be fun to watch you deny them to be treated equal...

Also I would not obey the signs and will crap and piss anywhere when the need arises, and I do not care if it is a Gay bathroom, Hetero Bathroom, and I have used a female one before, but just a single toilet because the manager told me the men room was out of order or were you in there doing a toe tapping square dance?

Funny, your post actually shows why my rights need to be addressed.

I have no doubt your type does not want to be excluded even though it only affirms my right, just the same as women's rights are affirmed by segregating men from their shower rooms.

Sad you don't embrace rights and freedoms

I do embrace your right to take a crap or piss out in the woods, but reality is still not your friend.

You can not enforce your stupidity and the fact a business will not have four different restrooms just because of your fear.

Iran might be a great nation for you to move to...

Since when did a business have a choice.

What, you 12?

Businesses meet code, if the code separates people based on privacy and safety issues (which by the way, is the reason they do), they have no choice.

Grow up kid, the worlds leaving you behind.

Your response was childish as can be, and you're calling me a kid?

There is no safety issue!

You just want to be able to read a sign that has " No Gays or Lesbians allow! "!

So at your house put up those signs, but in the general society it will never happen...

Gays have been using that bathroom all this time before same sex marriage, and lesbian teenagers have been showering all this time before same sex marriage ruling, so the so call safety issue you claim is bogus and pure bullshit by you!

So, please explain why you think its a good idea that a 14 year old girl should be forced to share a gym locker room or shower with a person that find females sexually attractive?

Curious HUH?

Again, if you fear this then Home School your daughter...

The answer is really simple, and why would you want your daughter in a Liberal School, and if she is going to a private school then you need to ask those that run the School why they are letting Teenage Lesbians in and if they answer does not suit you then pull your daughter out, and HOME SCHOOL her and that end all your fears...

How do you know there is a Lesbian in the shower at the same time with your daughter?
Funny, your post actually shows why my rights need to be addressed.

I have no doubt your type does not want to be excluded even though it only affirms my right, just the same as women's rights are affirmed by segregating men from their shower rooms.

Sad you don't embrace rights and freedoms

I do embrace your right to take a crap or piss out in the woods, but reality is still not your friend.

You can not enforce your stupidity and the fact a business will not have four different restrooms just because of your fear.

Iran might be a great nation for you to move to...

Since when did a business have a choice.

What, you 12?

Businesses meet code, if the code separates people based on privacy and safety issues (which by the way, is the reason they do), they have no choice.

Grow up kid, the worlds leaving you behind.

Your response was childish as can be, and you're calling me a kid?

There is no safety issue!

You just want to be able to read a sign that has " No Gays or Lesbians allow! "!

So at your house put up those signs, but in the general society it will never happen...

Gays have been using that bathroom all this time before same sex marriage, and lesbian teenagers have been showering all this time before same sex marriage ruling, so the so call safety issue you claim is bogus and pure bullshit by you!

So, please explain why you think its a good idea that a 14 year old girl should be forced to share a gym locker room or shower with a person that find females sexually attractive?

Curious HUH?

Again, if you fear this then Home School your daughter...

The answer is really simple, and why would you want your daughter in a Liberal School, and if she is going to a private school then you need to ask those that run the School why they are letting Teenage Lesbians in and if they answer does not suit you then pull your daughter out, and HOME SCHOOL her and that end all your fears...

How do you know there is a Lesbian in the shower at the same time with your daughter?

Answer the question, it's really quite simple.

So, please explain why you think its a good idea that a 14 year old girl should be forced to share a gym locker room or shower with a person that find females sexually attractive?

You do understand you make an argument against public accommodations? Right?

Because the baker does not want to bake the cake, the gay couple could just go elsewhere. But that's bigoted, right?

But dig this

Because the customer does not want their 14 year old sharing a shower room with someone that finds that sex attractive, THEY MUST EITHER GO HOME, NOT GO AT ALL, or WAIT TILL THEY GET HOME TO SHOWER.


Rampant idiocy from the right.


So two gay married women can go shower together after a workout, but I can't with my spouse (that is, I could, but I would then risk a arrest or indecent exposure, jail time and life on a sex offenders list)

Does not sound equitable to me
There were gays and lesbians before last week. They were using public restroom before last week. Some states already allowed same sex marriage before last week.
What the heck is the different today?
Rampant idiocy from the right.


So two gay married women can go shower together after a workout, but I can't with my spouse (that is, I could, but I would then risk a arrest or indecent exposure, jail time and life on a sex offenders list)

Does not sound equitable to me
There were gays and lesbians before last week. They were using public restroom before last week. Some states already allowed same sex marriage before last week.
What the heck is the different today?

I'll ask you then:

What makes you think it's a good idea to allow a teenager to shower in the same room with someone who finds that teenagers gender disirsble?
I do embrace your right to take a crap or piss out in the woods, but reality is still not your friend.

You can not enforce your stupidity and the fact a business will not have four different restrooms just because of your fear.

Iran might be a great nation for you to move to...

Since when did a business have a choice.

What, you 12?

Businesses meet code, if the code separates people based on privacy and safety issues (which by the way, is the reason they do), they have no choice.

Grow up kid, the worlds leaving you behind.

Your response was childish as can be, and you're calling me a kid?

There is no safety issue!

You just want to be able to read a sign that has " No Gays or Lesbians allow! "!

So at your house put up those signs, but in the general society it will never happen...

Gays have been using that bathroom all this time before same sex marriage, and lesbian teenagers have been showering all this time before same sex marriage ruling, so the so call safety issue you claim is bogus and pure bullshit by you!

So, please explain why you think its a good idea that a 14 year old girl should be forced to share a gym locker room or shower with a person that find females sexually attractive?

Curious HUH?

Again, if you fear this then Home School your daughter...

The answer is really simple, and why would you want your daughter in a Liberal School, and if she is going to a private school then you need to ask those that run the School why they are letting Teenage Lesbians in and if they answer does not suit you then pull your daughter out, and HOME SCHOOL her and that end all your fears...

How do you know there is a Lesbian in the shower at the same time with your daughter?

Answer the question, it's really quite simple.

So, please explain why you think its a good idea that a 14 year old girl should be forced to share a gym locker room or shower with a person that find females sexually attractive?

You do understand you make an argument against public accommodations? Right?

Because the baker does not want to bake the cake, the gay couple could just go elsewhere. But that's bigoted, right?

But dig this

Because the customer does not want their 14 year old sharing a shower room with someone that finds that sex attractive, THEY MUST EITHER GO HOME, NOT GO AT ALL, or WAIT TILL THEY GET HOME TO SHOWER.



Again, how do you know that there is a Lesbian showering with your daughter?

Also how will you know if the girl showering at the same time as your daughter is a Lesbian?

It seem to me you are butt hurt over the same sex marriage, and now you let be known about the anti-gay baker too...

The reality is you will never get " No Gay or Lesbians " allow signs that will prevent them from using the same restrooms as you and your daughter use.

Also the so-call safety issue you claim is the issue has been there all this time, so why care now?
Since when did a business have a choice.

What, you 12?

Businesses meet code, if the code separates people based on privacy and safety issues (which by the way, is the reason they do), they have no choice.

Grow up kid, the worlds leaving you behind.

Your response was childish as can be, and you're calling me a kid?

There is no safety issue!

You just want to be able to read a sign that has " No Gays or Lesbians allow! "!

So at your house put up those signs, but in the general society it will never happen...

Gays have been using that bathroom all this time before same sex marriage, and lesbian teenagers have been showering all this time before same sex marriage ruling, so the so call safety issue you claim is bogus and pure bullshit by you!

So, please explain why you think its a good idea that a 14 year old girl should be forced to share a gym locker room or shower with a person that find females sexually attractive?

Curious HUH?

Again, if you fear this then Home School your daughter...

The answer is really simple, and why would you want your daughter in a Liberal School, and if she is going to a private school then you need to ask those that run the School why they are letting Teenage Lesbians in and if they answer does not suit you then pull your daughter out, and HOME SCHOOL her and that end all your fears...

How do you know there is a Lesbian in the shower at the same time with your daughter?

Answer the question, it's really quite simple.

So, please explain why you think its a good idea that a 14 year old girl should be forced to share a gym locker room or shower with a person that find females sexually attractive?

You do understand you make an argument against public accommodations? Right?

Because the baker does not want to bake the cake, the gay couple could just go elsewhere. But that's bigoted, right?

But dig this

Because the customer does not want their 14 year old sharing a shower room with someone that finds that sex attractive, THEY MUST EITHER GO HOME, NOT GO AT ALL, or WAIT TILL THEY GET HOME TO SHOWER.



Again, how do you know that there is a Lesbian showering with your daughter?

Also how will you know if the girl showering at the same time as your daughter is a Lesbian?

It seem to me you are butt hurt over the same sex marriage, and now you let be known about the anti-gay baker too...

The reality is you will never get " No Gay or Lesbians " allow signs that will prevent them from using the same restrooms as you and your daughter use.

Also the so-call safety issue you claim is the issue has been there all this time, so why care now?

A lot of things were taken for granted, now it appears this is an appropriate time to bring to light what millions of people have thought for years.

So why do you fear answering the question?

So, please explain why you think its a good idea that a 14 year old girl should be forced to share a gym locker room or shower with a person that find females sexually attractive?


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