Time to rebuild the structure that allowed for mom's to raise their kid's at home again ?

Before Reagan, a single income held families together in most cases. What happened?
. The over reaching government/internal revenue service happened. First the women decided to help the husband make a little extra money to pay off some bills, build some savings, take a vacation, keep the kids stay looking sharp for school, and pay for the school of choice etc. Then the government gets wind that the American family is getting ahead in these ways, so up goes the taxes, cost of living, and everything that would consume the income to the point that it pushed the woman to work longer and longer to help out the family. After a while the system got to the point that it takes two full time incomes to even think about supporting a family anymore, and when this happened it is when the wolf (the leftist agenda) began to see the kids being separated more and more from the mama goat's (becoming vulnerable), and this is when it moved upon them in the public school systems, and in the college's. We are seeing the results of it all being played out on the nations stage right now as we speak.
its not a government conspiracy you dumbass. why dont you talk about the women who were widowed or the women whose husbands would leave them and couldn't afford to take care of themselves much less their kids.
. Can you talk without using curse words to engage your brain ?
Before Reagan, a single income held families together in most cases. What happened?
. The over reaching government/internal revenue service happened. First the women decided to help the husband make a little extra money to pay off some bills, build some savings, take a vacation, keep the kids stay looking sharp for school, and pay for the school of choice etc. Then the government gets wind that the American family is getting ahead in these ways, so up goes the taxes, cost of living, and everything that would consume the income to the point that it pushed the woman to work longer and longer to help out the family. After a while the system got to the point that it takes two full time incomes to even think about supporting a family anymore, and when this happened it is when the wolf (the leftist agenda) began to see the kids being separated more and more from the mama goat's (becoming vulnerable), and this is when it moved upon them in the public school systems, and in the college's. We are seeing the results of it all being played out on the nations stage right now as we speak.
its not a government conspiracy you dumbass. why dont you talk about the women who were widowed or the women whose husbands would leave them and couldn't afford to take care of themselves much less their kids.
. With the combination of Hollywood brainwashing the vulnerable kids & the government being controlled by a leftist agenda, we have suffered greatly because neither were forces of good for the American family, family values or the family structure over time.

These things have weakened America greatly, but you leftist know this, and it was part of the leftist agenda in which the left is now thinking that it is being attacked for. Why else are we seeing what we are seeing in it all now ?
"hollywood brainwashing" "leftist agenda" try to stay out of the mental asylum
. I guess Hollywood is doing all it's crying as an act ? You saying that there was no leftist agenda ? Why are you crying so loud about Trump again ? Uh, I think you are fit for the asylum now, and if things get better I know you will be heading there soon (admitting yourself), because America getting better somehow kills you leftist for some reason.
Before Reagan, a single income held families together in most cases. What happened?

Progress, and women deciding to use their brains and well men cheating on their wife's, and wife's booting their assess out, that is what happened.
you can't even take of orphans you might want to try that first, before you start crying about your ex-wife not learning her place
A little early this morning to be hitting the bong?
shouldn't you be bombing an orphanage somewhere?
. If that orphanage is in the womb, then that is something you like to do or advocate for (blowing them up while in the womb). Conservatives want to save lives in all orphanages, including the one in the womb.
Why cant women stay at home to bring up the kids ?
What are the barriers ?
. Not enough income to keep the family a float these days. Are you that out of touch with the struggling families of America ? Do you realize how many American families are on assistance programs these days ?
Why cant women stay at home to bring up the kids ?
What are the barriers ?
. Not enough income to keep the family a float these days. Are you that out of touch with the struggling families of America ? Do you realize how many Americans are on assistance programs these days ?
Thats a bollox answer. People could choose to have a cheaper car,house and so on. They dont though, they want it all.
Before Reagan, a single income held families together in most cases. What happened?
. The over reaching government/internal revenue service happened. First the women decided to help the husband make a little extra money to pay off some bills, build some savings, take a vacation, keep the kids stay looking sharp for school, and pay for the school of choice etc. Then the government gets wind that the American family is getting ahead in these ways, so up goes the taxes, cost of living, and everything that would consume the income to the point that it pushed the woman to work longer and longer to help out the family. After a while the system got to the point that it takes two full time incomes to even think about supporting a family anymore, and when this happened it is when the wolf (the leftist agenda) began to see the kids being separated more and more from the mama goat's (becoming vulnerable), and this is when it moved upon them in the public school systems, and in the college's. We are seeing the results of it all being played out on the nations stage right now as we speak.
its not a government conspiracy you dumbass. why dont you talk about the women who were widowed or the women whose husbands would leave them and couldn't afford to take care of themselves much less their kids.
. With the combination of Hollywood brainwashing the vulnerable kids & the government being controlled by a leftist agenda, we have suffered greatly because neither were forces of good for the American family, family values or the family structure over time.

These things have weakened America greatly, but you leftist know this, and it was part of the leftist agenda in which the left is now thinking that it is being attacked for. Why else are we seeing what we are seeing in it all now ?
"hollywood brainwashing" "leftist agenda" try to stay out of the mental asylum
. I guess Hollywood is doing all it's crying as an act ? You saying that there was no leftist agenda ? Why are you crying so loud about Trump again ? Uh, I think you are fit for the asylum now, and if things get better I know you will be heading there soon (admitting yourself), because America getting better somehow kills you leftist for some reason.
no i think you have an agenda... and you make up some weird leftist agenda in your mind to justify what an incredible asshole you are.

The TV isn't brainwashing you seriously get help
Before Reagan, a single income held families together in most cases. What happened?

Progress, and women deciding to use their brains and well men cheating on their wife's, and wife's booting their assess out, that is what happened.
You call that progress ? All the stresses and the decay of values in which were products of the hippie generation is what you are talking about ? Then you have a government that became completely disrespectful of the direction Americans were heading towards, so instead of helping to fix things, it decided to take advantage of the crisis in America? Yes it did, and during the Obama administration it really came out as to what was going down in America. He had the left so emboldened, that they figured they could talk openly about the destruction of America in order to usher in a new.
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Why cant women stay at home to bring up the kids ?
What are the barriers ?
. Not enough income to keep the family a float these days. Are you that out of touch with the struggling families of America ? Do you realize how many Americans are on assistance programs these days ?
Thats a bollox answer. People could choose to have a cheaper car,house and so on. They dont though, they want it all.
. Like I said, you are out of touch with American families today. Millions are suffering, and are being worked to death or they are on some form of assistance. Pathetic.
. The over reaching government/internal revenue service happened. First the women decided to help the husband make a little extra money to pay off some bills, build some savings, take a vacation, keep the kids stay looking sharp for school, and pay for the school of choice etc. Then the government gets wind that the American family is getting ahead in these ways, so up goes the taxes, cost of living, and everything that would consume the income to the point that it pushed the woman to work longer and longer to help out the family. After a while the system got to the point that it takes two full time incomes to even think about supporting a family anymore, and when this happened it is when the wolf (the leftist agenda) began to see the kids being separated more and more from the mama goat's (becoming vulnerable), and this is when it moved upon them in the public school systems, and in the college's. We are seeing the results of it all being played out on the nations stage right now as we speak.
its not a government conspiracy you dumbass. why dont you talk about the women who were widowed or the women whose husbands would leave them and couldn't afford to take care of themselves much less their kids.
. With the combination of Hollywood brainwashing the vulnerable kids & the government being controlled by a leftist agenda, we have suffered greatly because neither were forces of good for the American family, family values or the family structure over time.

These things have weakened America greatly, but you leftist know this, and it was part of the leftist agenda in which the left is now thinking that it is being attacked for. Why else are we seeing what we are seeing in it all now ?
"hollywood brainwashing" "leftist agenda" try to stay out of the mental asylum
. I guess Hollywood is doing all it's crying as an act ? You saying that there was no leftist agenda ? Why are you crying so loud about Trump again ? Uh, I think you are fit for the asylum now, and if things get better I know you will be heading there soon (admitting yourself), because America getting better somehow kills you leftist for some reason.
no i think you have an agenda... and you make up some weird leftist agenda in your mind to justify what an incredible asshole you are.

The TV isn't brainwashing you seriously get help
. Everytime you open your trap, you fall right into it... LOL
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It isn't going to happen. Without 2 people grinding away working, people cannot afford housing, transportation and food. Most jobs simply don't pay enough so it takes two...reality. And with the cost of everything going up and wages and benefits being cut, middle class folk are rapidly falling behind. Most all families live paycheck to paycheck with no opportunity to save.
you can't even take of orphans you might want to try that first, before you start crying about your ex-wife not learning her place
A little early this morning to be hitting the bong?

Being a former bong user I can tell you it is not the herb causing Purple Owl mental midget syndrome but instead it could be from hitting the glass pipe one too many times while having crack in it!
Before Reagan, a single income held families together in most cases. What happened?
. The over reaching government/internal revenue service happened. First the women decided to help the husband make a little extra money to pay off some bills, build some savings, take a vacation, keep the kids stay looking sharp for school, and pay for the school of choice etc. Then the government gets wind that the American family is getting ahead in these ways, so up goes the taxes, cost of living, and everything that would consume the income to the point that it pushed the woman to work longer and longer to help out the family. After a while the system got to the point that it takes two full time incomes to even think about supporting a family anymore, and when this happened it is when the wolf (the leftist agenda) began to see the kids being separated more and more from the mama goat's (becoming vulnerable), and this is when it moved upon them in the public school systems, and in the college's. We are seeing the results of it all being played out on the nations stage right now as we speak.
Partially agreed, but with a different view point. In no particular order:

1) Women's rights. More women wanted educations and careers. Social stigmas said they were bad moms if they didn't continue to take care of their kids so they tried to do it all. Of course dad just worked all day and came home expecting a clean house, a full dinner and the kids doing their homework. Mothers turned into Jack-of-all-trades, masters-of-none.

2) Greed. College age kids leave their parent's 3 bedroom, 2 car garage home with pool and large screen TV. Something those parents had spent their entire lives working toward. The kids want it now! So instead of beginning with a "starter home", they leap into a 3 bdrm, 2 car garage home with all the appliances. This requires two jobs to pay the costs.

3) Erosion of the Middle Class. Things like NAFTA helped spread the wealth of the US, but also eroded the basis for Middle Class income. Tax cuts for the rich and entitlement programs for the poor further burdened Middle Class income Americans to foot the bills.
It isn't going to happen. Without 2 people grinding away working, people cannot afford housing, transportation and food. Most jobs simply don't pay enough so it takes two...reality. And with the cost of everything going up and wages and benefits being cut, middle class folk are rapidly falling behind. Most all families live paycheck to paycheck with no opportunity to save.
. It is why we need to rebuild a system that truly allows for family values to thrive again, and for women to have a choice as to whether they want to work part time, full time, or no time at all on a job, otherwise to just stay at home in order to raise their kids in the ways that both parents agree upon. The young married couples I speak to say that the woman has to work to keep the families head above water now, and then it matters what the woman makes as to whether they can afford day care etc. If not, then the woman has to stay at home, but then having to qualify for public assistance in order to subsidize her husband's pay until things change somewhere down the road somehow. We should not be penalizing a family where as the wife decides not to work or works part time so she can be there to raise her children instead of someone else doing it for them. The cost of living needs to come down to the point that a family can make it on a single income again, and yes if nessesary give a single parent assistance if things happened in which caused a single mom or dad to have to raise the children alone, but not as an incentive to pile more children on in order to increase the assistance in a corrupt and scheming way.
.....The young married couples I speak to say that the woman has to work to keep the families head above water now....
I was talking to a young coworker who was complaining about his pay. It turned out his wife was a vet and, even though they lived on land given by his father-in-law, he also had a new truck, ATVs and a deer lease. There's a financially wise thing about "living within one's means".

As has been noted on other threads, even our "poor" often have a roof over their head, indoor plumbing and a television set. Usually a car too. In short families keeping their "head above water" is relative to how much crap they are carrying with them. If they had less stuff, maybe it wouldn't be so hard for them to swim.
Before Reagan, a single income held families together in most cases. What happened?
I recall it happening under Nixon when due to the OPEC oil embargo gasoline went from '32 cents a gallon to up over a dollar. Inflation went nuts. I've always thought the cost of the Great Society and the Vietnam War were also contributing factors, but it was the embargo that really seemed to trigger the end of the single income family. Along with gasoline, my parents home tripled in value, so you can imagine how hard it was for a young family just starting out.
.....The young married couples I speak to say that the woman has to work to keep the families head above water now....
I was talking to a young coworker who was complaining about his pay. It turned out his wife was a vet and, even though they lived on land given by his father-in-law, he also had a new truck, ATVs and a deer lease. There's a financially wise thing about "living within one's means".

As has been noted on other threads, even our "poor" often have a roof over their head, indoor plumbing and a television set. Usually a car too. In short families keeping their "head above water" is relative to how much crap they are carrying with them. If they had less stuff, maybe it wouldn't be so hard for them to swim.

That's exactly it. When parents (or people who plan on having children) buy a house, what kind of house do they usually buy? Usually it's the nicest house in the safest neighbor hood their combined paychecks could barely afford.

If things go right, they may get pay increases, but they also get property tax and house insurance increases to help offset those gains.

In some instances, the mother has to work, but in most cases, they choose it as an option.

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