Time to rebuild the structure that allowed for mom's to raise their kid's at home again ?

So your excuse is to use the wrecklace actions of a few in order to justify ignoring a huge problem in the nation ?? Then you refuse to address the real problems of promoting family and family values again by way of your cherry picking ? It's an old tactic, but one that is seen through out now. What it comes down to, is that we are dealing with institutionalized greed, the dollar not being worth anything much anymore (cost of living way to high), and if anyone seeks to challenge the greed and immoralism that has created it all, then there is enough cherry picking to put down the conversation in which the conversation should be used to fix the problems, and not to hide the problems by way of this cherry picking used.
No. I'm saying there is a problem as verified by the slow degradation of the Middle Class over the past 35+ years. Millennials cannot expect to command the same pay levels as their parents. It's one reason why many are still living at home even up to age 25.

OTOH, it's not unusual to see a young Texas couple living in a rental trailer home with a $60,000 late model pickup truck parked out front. The maxim of "living within one's means" still applies even in the post-Obama year of 2017.

My employer hired his son to work with us. We were on dead time a few weeks ago and had a conversation about people his age. He told me he was embarrassed by his fellow millennials. He said he loved his friends and former classmates, but they are lazy as all hell. They don't want to work, and if they do, it has to be a job they approve of that has perfect hours, first shift only, and pays really well. Outside of that, they will just be happy living with their parents forever.

People don't have enough money! Our middle-class is shrinking! Who do we blame???

Not ourselves of course. But how can we maintain a middle-class and income when over one-third of our working age population are not working or looking for a job????
All part of the problem. While the Middle Class has degraded, moving us closer to the lower income class, we're also victims of our own success.

Not to derail the topic, but the fact remains I support abortion because we have too many "lazy as all hell" citizens.

I don't support abortion, but I don't support making it illegal either. Like you, as a taxpayer, I don't want to be financially liable for more kids parents can't afford. I'm paying enough of my money for kids that are not my own as it is.

Abortion should be between the woman and her doctor, or a woman and the father; a woman and her preacher if she's religious; a woman and her family. I do not think that abortion should be between a woman and her government.
. Do you have anything real to add or are you just a partisan hack always ?
sure ill skip through all your misgyny, strawman attacks, chavinism conspiracy theories bible thumping and blatant sexism and pick one sentece
They even made statements like your kids are no longer your kids anymore, and that they belong to the community to be raised now.

whats wrong with raising kids as a community? if your serious about things like taking care of orphans reducing poverty especially in the inner city, making sure kids who have done nothing wrong receive an equal chance as everyone else. Than you should support raising kids as a community. Children of single mothers, orphans, and even just the kids suffering domestic abuse with parents who are alcoholic drug addicted etc. Shouldn't be punished for their parents mistakes.

Other than making sure your daughter keeps her legs closed and your wife stays in the kitchen what are you trying to do? Maybe you would like to setup some government police agency to outlaw poor people from having sex?
. You actually make my case with all that you speak of, because all of it is a result of systems that worked being destroyed by the left with their misguided agenda's, and by the right who became super greedy, and thus sold this country down the road with their bull crap. You try and attack with your constant insinuations, so aren't you embarrased about your tactics ?
whatever system your rallying against exists because the old one wasn't working.
. You actually made that statement with a straight face ?? LOL. After world war two we had one of the most vibrant and prosperous society of all time. It was one that all envied and wanted part of (sadly some were being held back from like the blacks), but they wanted part in it, and they fought extremely hard for it, and finally took part in it to their ultimate prosperity and freedoms in which they enjoy today. We knew what worked for all, and even those who came late loved the system in place also, and for a period it lifted all boats. Then something began happening, and it began to sink all boats again, create dependency from hell, and divided the entire nation again. Who is behind it all ? This must be figured out for America to thrive for all again. We may be on the precipice of figuring it out now, and that is a great thing for all.
after WW2 the ENTIRE WORLD was bombed to shit. We also had one of the highest tax rates on the rich, massive government employment, income inequality was nowhere near what it is today, union membership was at an all time high, you can thank mccarthyism and reaganomics for destroying that........ but thats another subject you're too stupid to understand.

so let's stick to why you think you need to control all the women's vaginas in your town

Those who rail against free borders and globalism today, forget that this is EXACTLY what made American rich in the 1950's.

Let's be realistic: The US was so prosperous in the 1950's because Europe and Japan had been bombed back to the stone age. When Germany and Japan, the two industrial powerhouses, got their production back up and running, it was with the latest equipment and technology. Instantly, they could compete against the Americans with higher quality and lower prices, and so it began.

But Americans always blame someone else for their short-sightedness, and they always want the government to bail them out for these mistakes. American cars weren't ready to higher emissions standards in the rest of the world, because no such emissions standards were required in the US, and Americans seldom look beyond their own borders to see what's going on in the rest of the world.

Now you want your President to put "America First", which means that America no longer wants to be the leader of the Free World. It soon won't qualify for the title anyway. The European Union seems poised to take over that role.
Ray has it. People should be not having kids. The vast majority cannot support them within reasonable means. Less and less kids helps the nation.
Should we as a nation work harder to support the mother's who want to stay at home in order to raise their kid's again ? I am seeing children shuffled off to this place and/or to that place (or) they are being handed off to this person or that person while the dad goes off to his full time job, and the mother tries to balance going to school for her wanted career choice, and then she tries to work a full time job, and then comes home for a few hours to try and be the mom for her children ?

The kids are losing big time in these situations I feel, but the parents can't seem to get out of the situation no matter what they try or don't try these days.. It is affecting millions of up and coming American families & their children now.

The children sadly in many of the cases could be set up for abuse, brainwashing, and other bad situations as a result of it all. It is exactly why we had commentators like what we have seen on MSNBC when it was suggested that America's kids are no longer to be raised by the parents, but instead they are to be raised by the government or leftist run systems in which they were claiming as being a good thing. They even made statements like your kids are no longer your kids anymore, and that they belong to the community to be raised now. Then you had Hillary saying it takes a village to raise these kids now, and that was just more code talk that the kids will now be brainwashed as the agenda of the globalist left.

In order to truly make America great again, I say restore the ability for mom's to choose to stay at home if they want to with their children or to work if they want to, but not have it where they absolutely have to. If the working mom works part time, then she should have it to where her full income is a huge help to her family, and not an income that is keeping their heads just above water. If going to make America strong and great again, we need to fix this problem big time in this country. The kids are absolutely worth it.
I take it that you are for major increases in the wages of those working for living. That is the only way that mothers can afford to stay at home. Now get that past the GOP controlled by the corporations.
The structure, the only structure, to make this happen is marriage between a man and a woman.

There is zero reason more people can't make this a reality if they want it. When my daughter was born my wife chose to stay home with her. We has to cut back on our expenses. Be frugal and industrious with what we do have. But we are making it work.

It's a matter of priorities.

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