Time to start ARRESTING left wing stalkers...

Our modern world, from the technology that you use, to the institutions that protect your freedoms, to the arts that you enjoy, ect ect ect.

were all built by people who as a group were, by modern standards, very religious.

It is modern secularists that are struggling to even maintain what they have inherited from their greater ancestors.

Yup, um, okay... dun der, Cleetus... nothing of any value was ever invented by an inbred white trash from the south.

Joe Blow Sez????? "The only good inventions and progress made in da whole worlds was by us lil libruls that only want to save all da peoples with our doctrine and everyone is white trash that wont embrace us!!!"

Since I am better educated than you, know more than you and understand how things really work and you don't, Because of those facts, I will never, EVER be hopping on the leftard clown posse of sniveling commie pussies "Hope and Change" train.
Are we clear on that, lil slow Joe???
This has got to be the most incomprehensible post I have read on USMB. It's off the charts.
Our modern world, from the technology that you use, to the institutions that protect your freedoms, to the arts that you enjoy, ect ect ect.

were all built by people who as a group were, by modern standards, very religious.

It is modern secularists that are struggling to even maintain what they have inherited from their greater ancestors.

Yup, um, okay... dun der, Cleetus... nothing of any value was ever invented by an inbred white trash from the south.
How about Anesthesia?
Our modern world, from the technology that you use, to the institutions that protect your freedoms, to the arts that you enjoy, ect ect ect.

were all built by people who as a group were, by modern standards, very religious.

It is modern secularists that are struggling to even maintain what they have inherited from their greater ancestors.

Yup, um, okay... dun der, Cleetus... nothing of any value was ever invented by an inbred white trash from the south.

Joe Blow Sez????? "The only good inventions and progress made in da whole worlds was by us lil libruls that only want to save all da peoples with our doctrine and everyone is white trash that wont embrace us!!!"

Since I am better educated than you, know more than you and understand how things really work and you don't, Because of those facts, I will never, EVER be hopping on the leftard clown posse of sniveling commie pussies "Hope and Change" train.
Are we clear on that, lil slow Joe???
This has got to be the most incomprehensible post I have read on USMB. It's off the charts.

You are not "smart" enough to get the gist of the post. Afterall you are a leftard female and those two obstacles are tough to overcome.

Hope this....nah, just go fuck yourself.

You really have to question the sanity of a group of people who preach violence, wants everybody to have a gun, threaten people with "second amendment remedies," always talks about coming to arms against any opposing idea, preaches fascism, elitism, racism, sexism, xenophobia, homophobia and white nationalism, complaining about the angry reaction they are getting from people because of the crap they believe.

You also really have to question the sanity of a society who votes for this group or political party.

Americans are pretty stupid. I blame it on reality tv and a corporate controlled media.

You're siding with mob violence.

You say that some one is a monster, and when some one believes you and does the obvious thing and fights back against the "monster", you don't see a connection between the ideas you support and obvious reaction?
Yes I remember Bill O'Reilly called Dr. Tiller the Baby Killer and then some right wing nut job murdered the man.
I think the problem is our warped sense of Christianity. For some reason American christianity has been used to manipulate the masses. Republicans figured out how to use religion as a wedge issue. Now we have Republicans who doubt science and facts and they don't trust science. They don't believe in evolution or global warming. So they use religion to brainwash manipulate and con them. This is why I dislike religions. It's a lie and it makes people dumb. Starts at a very young age too.

Teaching kids to ask imaginary beings to solve their problems creates irresponsible adults who fail to find solutions.

Our modern world, from the technology that you use, to the institutions that protect your freedoms, to the arts that you enjoy, ect ect ect.

were all built by people who as a group were, by modern standards, very religious.

It is modern secularists that are struggling to even maintain what they have inherited from their greater ancestors.
Imagine how much smarter we would be if we weren't brainwashed with a lie that doesn't make sense from a very young age.

Every society from the Greeks to the Islam to China were all great at one time because they stopped being too religious or they were great at one time and religion stifled that intelligence.

Muslims invented math. Algebra. Algorithems. Those things all came from the middle east. Then Islam took over and today they are as backward as can be. You don't see how Christianity has held us back because it's not as obvious.

Just the fact that religion denies evolution is all you need to know to prove how religion is making you dumb. I'm sorry, religion and being a Republican. There are many good liberal religious folks. Still they too believe a fairy tale.

And even if today Christianity doesn't hold us back, which it does, it absolutely did for 2000 years. Men who dared suggest the earth wasn't the center of the universe were murdered by the church.

Are you aware of the rule the Church played in the development of Universities?

So what? Muslims have universities too over in the middle east. That doesn't mean Islam is good for anyone.

And yes, after the Catholic Church stopped murdering people because they were scientific, the church became very pro science. Unless that science contradicts their fairytale.

Nope. Even way back, in the middle of the fucking Dark Ages, they built the schools that grew into the modern university system.

Not knowing that, leaves a huge factor out of your analysis. You should read up on it.

I know all about that. I also know that during the Socrates day, the people with money had a decision. Push science/truth or push religion. They chose religion. Soon after Christianity came.

They didn't feel the masses could handle the truth. So religion has held us back thousands of years. Even as your religion goes along with life saving scientific breakthroughs and space exploration today, they deny evolution and global warming because it goes against their lies and it goes against the corporations with which they serve.

You are the one who isn't getting it. We should be 10,000 years ahead of where we are now intelligence wise. We aren't because throughout history religion has held us back. Even if you don't think your god has, consider how long it took the Greeks to figure out the science behind thunder and lightening. Stupid religion said it was Zeus
I think the problem is our warped sense of Christianity. For some reason American christianity has been used to manipulate the masses. Republicans figured out how to use religion as a wedge issue. Now we have Republicans who doubt science and facts and they don't trust science. They don't believe in evolution or global warming. So they use religion to brainwash manipulate and con them. This is why I dislike religions. It's a lie and it makes people dumb. Starts at a very young age too.

Teaching kids to ask imaginary beings to solve their problems creates irresponsible adults who fail to find solutions.

Our modern world, from the technology that you use, to the institutions that protect your freedoms, to the arts that you enjoy, ect ect ect.

were all built by people who as a group were, by modern standards, very religious.

It is modern secularists that are struggling to even maintain what they have inherited from their greater ancestors.
Imagine how much smarter we would be if we weren't brainwashed with a lie that doesn't make sense from a very young age.

Every society from the Greeks to the Islam to China were all great at one time because they stopped being too religious or they were great at one time and religion stifled that intelligence.

Muslims invented math. Algebra. Algorithems. Those things all came from the middle east. Then Islam took over and today they are as backward as can be. You don't see how Christianity has held us back because it's not as obvious.

Just the fact that religion denies evolution is all you need to know to prove how religion is making you dumb. I'm sorry, religion and being a Republican. There are many good liberal religious folks. Still they too believe a fairy tale.

And even if today Christianity doesn't hold us back, which it does, it absolutely did for 2000 years. Men who dared suggest the earth wasn't the center of the universe were murdered by the church.

Are you aware of the rule the Church played in the development of Universities?

So what? Muslims have universities too over in the middle east. That doesn't mean Islam is good for anyone.

And yes, after the Catholic Church stopped murdering people because they were scientific, the church became very pro science. Unless that science contradicts their fairytale.

Nope. Even way back, in the middle of the fucking Dark Ages, they built the schools that grew into the modern university system.

Not knowing that, leaves a huge factor out of your analysis. You should read up on it.

You should read up on the Enlightenment period. Do you know who fought the Enlightenment period? You guessed it. Religions

European politics, philosophy, science and communications were radically reoriented during the course of the “long 18th century” (1685-1815) as part of a movement referred to by its participants as the Age of Reason, or simply the Enlightenment. Enlightenment thinkers in Britain, in France and throughout Europe questioned traditional authority and embraced the notion that humanity could be improved through rational change. The Enlightenment produced numerous books, essays, inventions, scientific discoveries, laws, wars and revolutions. The American and French Revolutions were directly inspired by Enlightenment ideals and respectively marked the peak of its influence and the beginning of its decline.

Now, after the Enlightenment came the Great Awakening. Not good. The churches didn't like people using reason and science.

The Great Awakening was a religious revival that impacted the English colonies in America during the 1730s and 1740s. The movement came at a time when the idea of secular rationalism was being emphasized, and passion for religion had grown stale. Christian leaders often traveled from town to town, preaching about the gospel, emphasizing salvation from sins and promoting enthusiasm for Christianity. The result was a renewed dedication toward religion. Many historians believe the Great Awakening had a lasting impact on various Christian denominations and American culture at large.

I would say today, in America, we are going through another Awakening. We are idiots. Or at least half of our citizens are. Nothing new

Most historians consider Jonathan Edwards, a Northampton Anglican minister, one of the chief fathers of the Great Awakening.

Edwards’ message centered around the ideas that humans were sinners, God was an angry judge and individuals needed to ask for forgiveness. He also preached justification by faith alone.

In 1741, Edwards gave an infamous and emotional sermon, entitled “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God.”

Not everyone embraced the ideas of the Great Awakening. One of the leading voices of opposition was Charles Chauncy, a minister in Boston. Chauncy was especially critical of Whitefield’s preaching and instead supported a more traditional, formal style of religion.

By about 1742, debate over the Great Awakening had split the New England clergy and many colonists into two groups.

What a waste of time.

The Great Awakening came to an end sometime during the 1740s.

In the 1790s, another religious revival, which became known as the Second Great Awakening, began in New England. This movement is typically regarded as less emotionally charged than the First Great Awakening. It led to the founding of several colleges, seminaries and mission societies.

So they finally started getting the idea that they could no longer deny science and logic.

Newer denominations, such as Methodists and Baptists, grew quickly. While the movement unified the colonies and boosted church growth, experts say it also caused division among those who supported it and those who rejected it.

Many historians claim that the Great Awakening influenced the Revolutionary War by encouraging the notions of nationalism and individual rights.

The revival also led to the establishment of several renowned educational institutions, including Princeton, Rutgers, Brown and Dartmouth universities.

The Great Awakening unquestionably had a significant impact on Christianity. It reinvigorated religion in America at a time when it was steadily declining and introduced ideas that would penetrate into American culture for many years to come.

I think the problem is our warped sense of Christianity. For some reason American christianity has been used to manipulate the masses. Republicans figured out how to use religion as a wedge issue. Now we have Republicans who doubt science and facts and they don't trust science. They don't believe in evolution or global warming. So they use religion to brainwash manipulate and con them. This is why I dislike religions. It's a lie and it makes people dumb. Starts at a very young age too.

Teaching kids to ask imaginary beings to solve their problems creates irresponsible adults who fail to find solutions.

Our modern world, from the technology that you use, to the institutions that protect your freedoms, to the arts that you enjoy, ect ect ect.

were all built by people who as a group were, by modern standards, very religious.

It is modern secularists that are struggling to even maintain what they have inherited from their greater ancestors.
Imagine how much smarter we would be if we weren't brainwashed with a lie that doesn't make sense from a very young age.

Every society from the Greeks to the Islam to China were all great at one time because they stopped being too religious or they were great at one time and religion stifled that intelligence.

Muslims invented math. Algebra. Algorithems. Those things all came from the middle east. Then Islam took over and today they are as backward as can be. You don't see how Christianity has held us back because it's not as obvious.

Just the fact that religion denies evolution is all you need to know to prove how religion is making you dumb. I'm sorry, religion and being a Republican. There are many good liberal religious folks. Still they too believe a fairy tale.

And even if today Christianity doesn't hold us back, which it does, it absolutely did for 2000 years. Men who dared suggest the earth wasn't the center of the universe were murdered by the church.

Are you aware of the rule the Church played in the development of Universities?

So what? Muslims have universities too over in the middle east. That doesn't mean Islam is good for anyone.

And yes, after the Catholic Church stopped murdering people because they were scientific, the church became very pro science. Unless that science contradicts their fairytale.

Nope. Even way back, in the middle of the fucking Dark Ages, they built the schools that grew into the modern university system.

Not knowing that, leaves a huge factor out of your analysis. You should read up on it.

A number of novel ideas about religion developed with the Enlightenment, including deism and talk of atheism. According to Thomas Paine, deism is the simple belief in God the Creator, with no reference to the Bible or any other miraculous source.

Deism holds that God exists but does not intervene on Earth. ... Religious tolerance:Though skeptical of religious institutions, many Enlightenment thinkers believed that people should be free to worship as they wished.

The Enlightenment philosopher Voltaire was one of the most vociferous questioners of Catholic doctrine. Enlightenment philosophers were generally opposed to the Catholic Church and organized religion in general.

For centuries, the Catholic Church had characterized human beings as naturally sinful and in need of forgiveness through religion. Enlightenment philosophy was in direct opposition to this because of their positive emphasis on the importance of the individual. Enlightenment thinkers did not think the Church was necessary to make people be "good" or behave morally. They sought to motivate individuals through education and reason to work for the betterment of society and themselves. Especially in light of the ideal of religious freedom and tolerance, humans should be allowed to reason out their own morals and ethics.

Violence is the left.

By invading the personal space of the Senator and his wife, these thugs posed a clear and present threat. Have them arrested and prosecuted for terrorism. Want to threaten violence to effect political change? Then spend the next decade in prison.

You guys have held rallies where people were killed.
When anti Nazis confront Nazis the Nazis always get violent. They talk violence to the camera. They want a race war. If that’s not violent I don’t know what is.

I like how whites cry when nat kills whites or malcom x threatens violence and they completely ignore all the lynchings
We haven't had a lynching in this country in over 50 years, you fucking douche nozzle. Antifa has a well documented history of violence.

Antifa doesn't have near the history of violence as right wing groups. Ask McVeigh, Eric Rudolph, the Republic of Texas, and other similar right wing individuals and groups before you talk about Antifa. The Department of Homeland Security did not deem antifa as the number 1 terrorist threat, but they did deem right wing groups as the number one threat of terror in this country.

McVeigh was the patsy and it was your beloved "gubermint" under your beloved president Bill 'drop trou" to protect him. Eric Rudolph killed how many people? Ever heard of the weather underground and Bill Ayers?

BTW, Antifa doesn't scare me in the slightest....it's simply time to put them in their place and stop "babying" those commie snowflakes.

Bill Ayers? Boy have you milked that incident for all it's worth.

You're lucky black Americans weren't more like Arabs who would walk into white malls and suicide bomb the place. I'm surprised more blacks in the 50's didn't go into a white restaurant in Alabama and take everyone out. Arabs would have.

Please don't try to distance yourself from McVeigh. He was a patsy? So you say. He's still one of yours.
You guys have held rallies where people were killed.
When anti Nazis confront Nazis the Nazis always get violent. They talk violence to the camera. They want a race war. If that’s not violent I don’t know what is.

I like how whites cry when nat kills whites or malcom x threatens violence and they completely ignore all the lynchings
We haven't had a lynching in this country in over 50 years, you fucking douche nozzle. Antifa has a well documented history of violence.

Antifa doesn't have near the history of violence as right wing groups. Ask McVeigh, Eric Rudolph, the Republic of Texas, and other similar right wing individuals and groups before you talk about Antifa. The Department of Homeland Security did not deem antifa as the number 1 terrorist threat, but they did deem right wing groups as the number one threat of terror in this country.

McVeigh was the patsy and it was your beloved "gubermint" under your beloved president Bill 'drop trou" to protect him. Eric Rudolph killed how many people? Ever heard of the weather underground and Bill Ayers?

BTW, Antifa doesn't scare me in the slightest....it's simply time to put them in their place and stop "babying" those commie snowflakes.

Bill Ayers? Boy have you milked that incident for all it's worth.

You're lucky black Americans weren't more like Arabs who would walk into white malls and suicide bomb the place. I'm surprised more blacks in the 50's didn't go into a white restaurant in Alabama and take everyone out. Arabs would have.

Please don't try to distance yourself from McVeigh. He was a patsy? So you say. He's still one of yours.

I have never been recruited into the black ops program that is ran by the shadow government. Your posts reveal an ignorance that if it was a tangible odor, would give off a very pungent smell, ya dipshit.
You say that some one is a monster, and when some one believes you and does the obvious thing and fights back against the "monster", you don't see a connection between the ideas you support and obvious reaction?

Yawn, Correll is going full fascist now.

Hey, Correll is having Himalayan Possum stew for dinner. He found Himalayan on the side of the road.
You really have to question the sanity of a group of people who preach violence, wants everybody to have a gun, threaten people with "second amendment remedies," always talks about coming to arms against any opposing idea, preaches fascism, elitism, racism, sexism, xenophobia, homophobia and white nationalism, complaining about the angry reaction they are getting from people because of the crap they believe.

You also really have to question the sanity of a society who votes for this group or political party.

Americans are pretty stupid. I blame it on reality tv and a corporate controlled media.

You're siding with mob violence.

You say that some one is a monster, and when some one believes you and does the obvious thing and fights back against the "monster", you don't see a connection between the ideas you support and obvious reaction?
Yes I remember Bill O'Reilly called Dr. Tiller the Baby Killer and then some right wing nut job murdered the man.

Actually, I was thinking of that issue too. (not that specific incident)

Yep. When pro-lifers call abortion doctors, "Baby killers" they are engaged in the same type of dangerous escalation.

If you really believe that over a million babies are being killed a year, then violence is certainly called for.

Similarly if you really believe that "nazis" have taken over the US, by colluding with russians to steal the election,

then why the fuck are you NOT supporting violence? Are you just a coward?

And if you don't believe, that stop spreading that shit, because some people will take you (plural) and fight back.

And that blood will be on your hands.

Trump is a center right politician with an odd and somewhat off putting style.

Anything beyond that is utter bullshit.

Dangerous bullshit.
I'm pretty sure it's not getting them any votes. Repubs would be better served letting it continue. Dems really need to focus on things that actually get them more votes....
This is just as wrong and ridiculous as the OP.

The thread topic has nothing to do with ‘Dems.’

You think the people harrasing were on the right, dumbass?

Dear God you're fucking stupid...and that's no "generalization fallacy".....yes I'm mocking you. Now scamper off....again
Our modern world, from the technology that you use, to the institutions that protect your freedoms, to the arts that you enjoy, ect ect ect.

were all built by people who as a group were, by modern standards, very religious.

It is modern secularists that are struggling to even maintain what they have inherited from their greater ancestors.
Imagine how much smarter we would be if we weren't brainwashed with a lie that doesn't make sense from a very young age.

Every society from the Greeks to the Islam to China were all great at one time because they stopped being too religious or they were great at one time and religion stifled that intelligence.

Muslims invented math. Algebra. Algorithems. Those things all came from the middle east. Then Islam took over and today they are as backward as can be. You don't see how Christianity has held us back because it's not as obvious.

Just the fact that religion denies evolution is all you need to know to prove how religion is making you dumb. I'm sorry, religion and being a Republican. There are many good liberal religious folks. Still they too believe a fairy tale.

And even if today Christianity doesn't hold us back, which it does, it absolutely did for 2000 years. Men who dared suggest the earth wasn't the center of the universe were murdered by the church.

Are you aware of the rule the Church played in the development of Universities?

So what? Muslims have universities too over in the middle east. That doesn't mean Islam is good for anyone.

And yes, after the Catholic Church stopped murdering people because they were scientific, the church became very pro science. Unless that science contradicts their fairytale.

Nope. Even way back, in the middle of the fucking Dark Ages, they built the schools that grew into the modern university system.

Not knowing that, leaves a huge factor out of your analysis. You should read up on it.

I know all about that. I also know that during the Socrates day, the people with money had a decision. Push science/truth or push religion. They chose religion. Soon after Christianity came.

They didn't feel the masses could handle the truth. So religion has held us back thousands of years. Even as your religion goes along with life saving scientific breakthroughs and space exploration today, they deny evolution and global warming because it goes against their lies and it goes against the corporations with which they serve.

You are the one who isn't getting it. We should be 10,000 years ahead of where we are now intelligence wise. We aren't because throughout history religion has held us back. Even if you don't think your god has, consider how long it took the Greeks to figure out the science behind thunder and lightening. Stupid religion said it was Zeus

That's a pretty bold claim. You want to support that?
Our modern world, from the technology that you use, to the institutions that protect your freedoms, to the arts that you enjoy, ect ect ect.

were all built by people who as a group were, by modern standards, very religious.

It is modern secularists that are struggling to even maintain what they have inherited from their greater ancestors.
Imagine how much smarter we would be if we weren't brainwashed with a lie that doesn't make sense from a very young age.

Every society from the Greeks to the Islam to China were all great at one time because they stopped being too religious or they were great at one time and religion stifled that intelligence.

Muslims invented math. Algebra. Algorithems. Those things all came from the middle east. Then Islam took over and today they are as backward as can be. You don't see how Christianity has held us back because it's not as obvious.

Just the fact that religion denies evolution is all you need to know to prove how religion is making you dumb. I'm sorry, religion and being a Republican. There are many good liberal religious folks. Still they too believe a fairy tale.

And even if today Christianity doesn't hold us back, which it does, it absolutely did for 2000 years. Men who dared suggest the earth wasn't the center of the universe were murdered by the church.

Are you aware of the rule the Church played in the development of Universities?

So what? Muslims have universities too over in the middle east. That doesn't mean Islam is good for anyone.

And yes, after the Catholic Church stopped murdering people because they were scientific, the church became very pro science. Unless that science contradicts their fairytale.

Nope. Even way back, in the middle of the fucking Dark Ages, they built the schools that grew into the modern university system.

Not knowing that, leaves a huge factor out of your analysis. You should read up on it.

You should read up on the Enlightenment period. Do you know who fought the Enlightenment period? You guessed it. Religions

"Religions"? Religion is not an entity to fight something.

European politics, philosophy, science and communications were radically reoriented during the course of the “long 18th century” (1685-1815) as part of a movement referred to by its participants as the Age of Reason, or simply the Enlightenment. Enlightenment thinkers in Britain, in France and throughout Europe questioned traditional authority and embraced the notion that humanity could be improved through rational change. The Enlightenment produced numerous books, essays, inventions, scientific discoveries, laws, wars and revolutions. The American and French Revolutions were directly inspired by Enlightenment ideals and respectively marked the peak of its influence and the beginning of its decline.

Now, after the Enlightenment came the Great Awakening. Not good. The churches didn't like people using reason and science.

Yet many of our founding fathers were quite religious. Indeed, the idea of God Given Rights is a core, if not the CORE founding principle of our entire system.

The Great Awakening was a religious revival that impacted the English colonies in America during the 1730s and 1740s. The movement came at a time when the idea of secular rationalism was being emphasized, and passion for religion had grown stale. Christian leaders often traveled from town to town, preaching about the gospel, emphasizing salvation from sins and promoting enthusiasm for Christianity. The result was a renewed dedication toward religion. Many historians believe the Great Awakening had a lasting impact on various Christian denominations and American culture at large.

I would say today, in America, we are going through another Awakening. We are idiots. Or at least half of our citizens are. Nothing new

Most historians consider Jonathan Edwards, a Northampton Anglican minister, one of the chief fathers of the Great Awakening.

Edwards’ message centered around the ideas that humans were sinners, God was an angry judge and individuals needed to ask for forgiveness. He also preached justification by faith alone.

In 1741, Edwards gave an infamous and emotional sermon, entitled “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God.”

Not everyone embraced the ideas of the Great Awakening. One of the leading voices of opposition was Charles Chauncy, a minister in Boston. Chauncy was especially critical of Whitefield’s preaching and instead supported a more traditional, formal style of religion.

By about 1742, debate over the Great Awakening had split the New England clergy and many colonists into two groups.

What a waste of time.

The Great Awakening came to an end sometime during the 1740s.

In the 1790s, another religious revival, which became known as the Second Great Awakening, began in New England. This movement is typically regarded as less emotionally charged than the First Great Awakening. It led to the founding of several colleges, seminaries and mission societies.

So they finally started getting the idea that they could no longer deny science and logic.

Newer denominations, such as Methodists and Baptists, grew quickly. While the movement unified the colonies and boosted church growth, experts say it also caused division among those who supported it and those who rejected it.

Many historians claim that the Great Awakening influenced the Revolutionary War by encouraging the notions of nationalism and individual rights.

SOunds ok to me. Are you sorry that we broke away from the Empire? Do you think our focus on individual rights is a bad thing?

Have you heard of the decline of "Free Speech" going on in Europe?

The revival also led to the establishment of several renowned educational institutions, including Princeton, Rutgers, Brown and Dartmouth universities.

The Great Awakening unquestionably had a significant impact on Christianity. It reinvigorated religion in America at a time when it was steadily declining and introduced ideas that would penetrate into American culture for many years to come.


More university and new ideas. Interesting. Which ideas?
Mad Max has been busted by the House ethics committee on 3 counts. Breaking House rules and violating Federal regulations. It will be interesting to see if she gets canned. She also threatened to "knock off" the Pres and the VP. Don't know what that entails.


Time to put this pond scum in prison.
I'm pretty sure it's not getting them any votes. Repubs would be better served letting it continue. Dems really need to focus on things that actually get them more votes....
Funny you should say that. For years my father always voted republican. But but now after he's passed away, he suddenly starts voting democrat.
Of course trumpanzees have a problem with someone being judged based on the content of their character.
A bunch of pussy's chanting bull shit... The only character they are showing is one of spoiled brats needing a good ass whooping!

Only a fucktard liberal pussy would think this is ok...
Only an authoritarian rightist would advocate arresting those engaged in lawful protest in an effort to silence dissent.

And Democrats have consistently condemned the nature of the protest, however lawful, exposing your lie that the protesters are ‘representative’ of ‘the left.’

Your thread premise is factually wrong and devoid of merit, and your ‘argument’ has consequently failed.

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