Time to start ARRESTING left wing stalkers...

Bodecea is right. You guys aren't about content of character. You repeat that line from King only to divert and deflect, but when it comes right down to it, you don't give a damn.

You are a Flucking bigot....

You have no character what so ever...……...

Like coming from you this is supposed to bother me. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

I don't give a shit what your RACIST ass thinks....

You can't post a racist quote I have said.

I stand corrected on this...…

But you have told White people to go back to Europe.

I am sure if I told you to go back to Africa

everyone would consider that racist....
He was probably talking to someone who told him to go back to Africa
You are a Flucking bigot....

You have no character what so ever...……...

Like coming from you this is supposed to bother me. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

I don't give a shit what your RACIST ass thinks....

You can't post a racist quote I have said.

I stand corrected on this...…

But you have told White people to go back to Europe.

I am sure if I told you to go back to Africa

everyone would consider that racist....
He was probably talking to someone who told him to go back to Africa

If that's the case then he's covered...……….
Bodecea is right. You guys aren't about content of character. You repeat that line from King only to divert and deflect, but when it comes right down to it, you don't give a damn.

You are a Flucking bigot....

You have no character what so ever...……...

Like coming from you this is supposed to bother me. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

I don't give a shit what your RACIST ass thinks....

You can't post a racist quote I have said.

I stand corrected on this...…

But you have told White people to go back to Europe.

I am sure if I told you to go back to Africa

everyone would consider that racist....

Almost very damn day I'm told to go back to Africa by one of you republicans. So if that's the case take your asses back to Europe.
Almost very damn day I'm told to go back to Africa by one of you republicans. So if that's the case take your asses back to Europe.

Yep, racism is alive and well. Be a bigger man and rise above it...if you're capable
I've been around so many hard core white AND black racist. They are some fucked up people .

If you're truly not racist then cool. But you come across as one angry ass black man.
I suspect you or someone in your family has a white GF or wife or you're mixed.
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You are a Flucking bigot....

You have no character what so ever...……...

Like coming from you this is supposed to bother me. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

I don't give a shit what your RACIST ass thinks....

You can't post a racist quote I have said.

I stand corrected on this...…

But you have told White people to go back to Europe.

I am sure if I told you to go back to Africa

everyone would consider that racist....

Almost very damn day I'm told to go back to Africa by one of you republicans. So if that's the case take your asses back to Europe.

Racist are ugly regardless of their color.
It's time to start beating the living shit out of them when they invade personal space.


Violence is the left.

By invading the personal space of the Senator and his wife, these thugs posed a clear and present threat. Have them arrested and prosecuted for terrorism. Want to threaten violence to effect political change? Then spend the next decade in prison.

You guys have held rallies where people were killed.
When anti Nazis confront Nazis the Nazis always get violent. They talk violence to the camera. They want a race war. If that’s not violent I don’t know what is.

I like how whites cry when nat kills whites or malcom x threatens violence and they completely ignore all the lynchings
We haven't had a lynching in this country in over 50 years, you fucking douche nozzle. Antifa has a well documented history of violence.

Antifa doesn't have near the history of violence as right wing groups. Ask McVeigh, Eric Rudolph, the Republic of Texas, and other similar right wing individuals and groups before you talk about Antifa. The Department of Homeland Security did not deem antifa as the number 1 terrorist threat, but they did deem right wing groups as the number one threat of terror in this country.
Almost very damn day I'm told to go back to Africa by one of you republicans. So if that's the case take your asses back to Europe.

Yep, racism is alive and well. Be a bigger man and rise above it...if you're capable
I've been around so many hard core white AND black racist. They are some fucked up people .

If you're truly not racist then cool. But you come across as one angry ass black man.
I suspect you or someone in your family has a white GF or wife or you're mixed.

I get tired of reading angry whites mad because they have to pay taxes or allow equal opportunity talking about how I come across. If I am angry, I have the right to be. I don't know what goes through the minds of some of you white people, but in the minds of normal humans you tend to get pissed off when you a part of being mistreated for 3-400 years. I don't need any lecture from a white person telling me what I need to do. I'm a 57 year old grown ass man. I'll tell YOU what YOU need to do. End the racism in the white community. That's how we rise above it. You don't know any black racists. What you guys call black racism isn't even racism. You call us racists for pointing out that whites are still racists. That is not us saying we are superior to you because we are black. Therefore it is not racism. So it's time for some of you whites to end this use of false equivalences in order to deny the facts we see in the 21st century. End white racism.
I can't stand Ted Cruz's politics. However imho he deserves to be able to dine in a public restaurant with his family without being accosted by the screaming me-me's.
No one disagrees with this.

But the notion of arresting those who do protest is authoritarian rightwing idiocy.

Republicans love the constitution until they don't.

They love the second amendment but not the 1st so much.

Prove it, time and time again a right wing leaning supreme Court has tried to rule on the Constitution instead of feelings. From Roe vs Wade. To Obama care. To gay marriage...

Time and Time again a left wing leaning court has ruled by feelings and not the Constitution see the 9th


Why do you say "ruled by feelings and not the Constitution"? Don't you believe in freedom of religion and equal protection of the law? Due process?

"From Roe vs Wade. To Obama care. To gay marriage..." all involve Americans' rights under the United States Constitution. Your feelings are immaterial. The Supreme Court is supposed to defend our rights and freedoms. It is not the role of the Supreme Court to cater to your personal preferences and your emotions.

Emote how you like. You don't have to have an abortion, you do not have to accept "Obamacare," you do not have to marry a person of your same sex. Just what is your problem? You didn't want to marry Jimmy? Somebody messed up your hair?

What are you arguing? All you are doing is making my point that a right wing leaning court follows the Constitution instead of feelings like a left wing leaning court does .


How does a right-wing leaning court follow the Constitution? What you have argued just follows your emotions. People having abortions or marrying someone of the same sex, or getting health care though the Obama plan somehow disturbs you and your emotions. Let people have their rights and freedoms under the Constitution. Your emotions have absolutely nothing to do with the Constitution. They live just in your head.
Our modern world, from the technology that you use, to the institutions that protect your freedoms, to the arts that you enjoy, ect ect ect.

were all built by people who as a group were, by modern standards, very religious.

It is modern secularists that are struggling to even maintain what they have inherited from their greater ancestors.

Yup, um, okay... dun der, Cleetus... nothing of any value was ever invented by an inbred white trash from the south.
You really have to question the sanity of a group of people who preach violence, wants everybody to have a gun, threaten people with "second amendment remedies," always talks about coming to arms against any opposing idea, preaches fascism, elitism, racism, sexism, xenophobia, homophobia and white nationalism, complaining about the angry reaction they are getting from people because of the crap they believe.

You also really have to question the sanity of a society who votes for this group or political party.

Americans are pretty stupid. I blame it on reality tv and a corporate controlled media.

You're siding with mob violence.

You say that some one is a monster, and when some one believes you and does the obvious thing and fights back against the "monster", you don't see a connection between the ideas you support and obvious reaction?
You really have to question the sanity of a group of people who preach violence, wants everybody to have a gun, threaten people with "second amendment remedies," always talks about coming to arms against any opposing idea, preaches fascism, elitism, racism, sexism, xenophobia, homophobia and white nationalism, complaining about the angry reaction they are getting from people because of the crap they believe.

I think the problem is our warped sense of Christianity. For some reason American christianity has been used to manipulate the masses. Republicans figured out how to use religion as a wedge issue. Now we have Republicans who doubt science and facts and they don't trust science. They don't believe in evolution or global warming. So they use religion to brainwash manipulate and con them. This is why I dislike religions. It's a lie and it makes people dumb. Starts at a very young age too.

Teaching kids to ask imaginary beings to solve their problems creates irresponsible adults who fail to find solutions.

Our modern world, from the technology that you use, to the institutions that protect your freedoms, to the arts that you enjoy, ect ect ect.

were all built by people who as a group were, by modern standards, very religious.

It is modern secularists that are struggling to even maintain what they have inherited from their greater ancestors.
Imagine how much smarter we would be if we weren't brainwashed with a lie that doesn't make sense from a very young age.

Every society from the Greeks to the Islam to China were all great at one time because they stopped being too religious or they were great at one time and religion stifled that intelligence.

Muslims invented math. Algebra. Algorithems. Those things all came from the middle east. Then Islam took over and today they are as backward as can be. You don't see how Christianity has held us back because it's not as obvious.

Just the fact that religion denies evolution is all you need to know to prove how religion is making you dumb. I'm sorry, religion and being a Republican. There are many good liberal religious folks. Still they too believe a fairy tale.

And even if today Christianity doesn't hold us back, which it does, it absolutely did for 2000 years. Men who dared suggest the earth wasn't the center of the universe were murdered by the church.

Are you aware of the rule the Church played in the development of Universities?

So what? Muslims have universities too over in the middle east. That doesn't mean Islam is good for anyone.

And yes, after the Catholic Church stopped murdering people because they were scientific, the church became very pro science. Unless that science contradicts their fairytale.

Nope. Even way back, in the middle of the fucking Dark Ages, they built the schools that grew into the modern university system.

Not knowing that, leaves a huge factor out of your analysis. You should read up on it.
You're siding with mob violence.
No I'm not. I said earlier leave the man alone. Go vote in November. And get the stupid Americans around you who don't vote to show up. It's their fault Ted Cruz is a politician. WTF is wrong with us?

You support the bullshit IM2 was talking about the GOP "preaching fascism,...racism, sexism,"ect ect ect?

THe demonization of the other, is the justification for the mob intimidation and violence that we are seeing today.

I can't help it if liberal snowflakes over react. Same way you can't help it when one of your nuts goes on a rampage or murders an abortion doctor.

YOu can not support their insane delusions that justify the violence.
I wouldn't act like them no.

But you support a rapist being on the supreme court. Or a potential rapist. Because of politics, you believe him not them. I don't believe anyone yet. But I sure wouldn't vote to put him on the court YET. You would. You want to hurry up! Typical of middle class Republicans. You appoint right wing nutjobs who don't give a fuck about the middle class. He's an elitist and nothing he does is going to be good for America or you.

Why don't you find a more moderate candidate?

You are raving.

YOu say you won't act like them, but you are supporting the hysteria that justifies violence.

This guy is not a rapist. A few last minute ginned up utterly unsupported accusations is not a reason to not appoint this guy.

I would not buy this shit from anyone about anyone.

As a judge his job is not to do shit that is "good for me" but to rule on the law, that other parts of the government democratically enact.

THe idea that he should rule on what he thinks is good for me, this un elected, life time appointment "elitist", that's an idea from your side of the aisle.

As a conservative, he should be relatively harmless. YOu want to change policy or laws? Win elections and do it the right way.

Like we did.
It's time to start beating the living shit out of them when they invade personal space.


Violence is the left.

By invading the personal space of the Senator and his wife, these thugs posed a clear and present threat. Have them arrested and prosecuted for terrorism. Want to threaten violence to effect political change? Then spend the next decade in prison.

You guys have held rallies where people were killed.
When anti Nazis confront Nazis the Nazis always get violent. They talk violence to the camera. They want a race war. If that’s not violent I don’t know what is.

I like how whites cry when nat kills whites or malcom x threatens violence and they completely ignore all the lynchings
We haven't had a lynching in this country in over 50 years, you fucking douche nozzle. Antifa has a well documented history of violence.

Antifa doesn't have near the history of violence as right wing groups. Ask McVeigh, Eric Rudolph, the Republic of Texas, and other similar right wing individuals and groups before you talk about Antifa. The Department of Homeland Security did not deem antifa as the number 1 terrorist threat, but they did deem right wing groups as the number one threat of terror in this country.

McVeigh was the patsy and it was your beloved "gubermint" under your beloved president Bill 'drop trou" to protect him. Eric Rudolph killed how many people? Ever heard of the weather underground and Bill Ayers?

BTW, Antifa doesn't scare me in the slightest....it's simply time to put them in their place and stop "babying" those commie snowflakes.
Our modern world, from the technology that you use, to the institutions that protect your freedoms, to the arts that you enjoy, ect ect ect.

were all built by people who as a group were, by modern standards, very religious.

It is modern secularists that are struggling to even maintain what they have inherited from their greater ancestors.

Yup, um, okay... dun der, Cleetus... nothing of any value was ever invented by an inbred white trash from the south.

Joe Blow Sez????? "The only good inventions and progress made in da whole worlds was by us lil libruls that only want to save all da peoples with our doctrine and everyone is white trash that wont embrace us!!!"

Since I am better educated than you, know more than you and understand how things really work and you don't? Because of those facts, I will never, EVER be hopping on the leftard clown posse of sniveling commie pussies "Hope and Change" train.
Are we clear on that, lil slow Joe???
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Almost very damn day I'm told to go back to Africa by one of you republicans. So if that's the case take your asses back to Europe.

Yep, racism is alive and well. Be a bigger man and rise above it...if you're capable
I've been around so many hard core white AND black racist. They are some fucked up people .

If you're truly not racist then cool. But you come across as one angry ass black man.
I suspect you or someone in your family has a white GF or wife or you're mixed.

I get tired of reading angry whites mad because they have to pay taxes or allow equal opportunity talking about how I come across. If I am angry, I have the right to be. I don't know what goes through the minds of some of you white people, but in the minds of normal humans you tend to get pissed off when you a part of being mistreated for 3-400 years. I don't need any lecture from a white person telling me what I need to do. I'm a 57 year old grown ass man. I'll tell YOU what YOU need to do. End the racism in the white community. That's how we rise above it. You don't know any black racists. What you guys call black racism isn't even racism. You call us racists for pointing out that whites are still racists. That is not us saying we are superior to you because we are black. Therefore it is not racism. So it's time for some of you whites to end this use of false equivalences in order to deny the facts we see in the 21st century. End white racism.

Be angry, I don't give a shit. It's your right to be angry. Personally, I don't know why you remain so angry and are obsessed with the tint of one's skin.

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