Time to stop playing military games for political posturing

There's no political posturing. Iran has been threatening to attack US forces or allies in the ME in response for US sanctions, and Trump is making sure they know what it will cost them if they do.
Funny how you think Iran is going to EVER attack US forces ....but Israel actually did attack US forces......

Iran is not going to attack US forces, but if you want to go to war with a country because of threats -- why are you not gung ho about going to war against North Korea? They not only threaten to attack, they actually launch missiles to go along with the threats....

....but since Trump said he fell in love with lil Kim, the thought of going to war is ridiculous to even talk about....

So it was our imagination when the Iranians held our embassy for over a year?

It was our imagination when they mined the Persian Gulf and damaged numerous ships?

It was our imagination when Iran captured US sailors in the middle of the Gulf?
So you want to wage war against Iran for something from 40 years ago...

But you want to continue to suck Lil Kim's dick for something that happened recently?

Got it

I just countered your argument, dumbass!

You lie!

You can't help it!
If that was a counter, it was weak....pretty much like your cult leader....

So what else are you willing to cheerlead for that your cult leader's neocon puppet master Bolton is willing to pull out of his ass? Re-invade Iraq? pre-emptive war with Cuba? what?
Commander Bone Spurs knows shit about threats from Iran or any military intelligence. The fucking slimeball doesn't even attend intel briefings half the time & when he does the briefing has to be softened like cream cheese lest idiot gets his tightie whities twisted. So we have Bolton, another war monger never in the military blowing smoke up Dotard's ass.

We are doomed with these fucktards in charge.
only in the ME can Humas fire 700 rockets into Israel, have Israel defend itself, and Israel is takes the blame. it is simply amazing. In fact, Jews in the US blame Israel as well, not the christians. I'm so done with stupid leftists who have eyes wide shut.
BTW, my wife asked me yesterday, why do so many people hate the jews? I told her I had no idea. Iran wants the entire jewish nation dissolved.
There's no political posturing. Iran has been threatening to attack US forces or allies in the ME in response for US sanctions, and Trump is making sure they know what it will cost them if they do.
Funny how you think Iran is going to EVER attack US forces ....but Israel actually did attack US forces......

Iran is not going to attack US forces, but if you want to go to war with a country because of threats -- why are you not gung ho about going to war against North Korea? They not only threaten to attack, they actually launch missiles to go along with the threats....

....but since Trump said he fell in love with lil Kim, the thought of going to war is ridiculous to even talk about....
Apparently you don't follow the news. The US sanctions have already taken such a big bite out of the Iranian economy that the government is drawing up plans to ration essential goods, and the Iranian government has been making many threats to attack US forces and US allies in response. Trump is merely sending a warning to the Iranian government that if they do, they will pay a heavy price for it. It's diplomacy, asshole, not war.
Its war asshole, not diplomacy.
There is no war, asshole, but the US is involved in diplomacy with Iran and Iran is threatening war against the US and its allies.
No, asshole, there is no involvement in diplomacy with Iran. Only naked aggression is involved and the US is using it to drive Iran to its knees.
There's no political posturing. Iran has been threatening to attack US forces or allies in the ME in response for US sanctions, and Trump is making sure they know what it will cost them if they do.
Funny how you think Iran is going to EVER attack US forces ....but Israel actually did attack US forces......

Iran is not going to attack US forces, but if you want to go to war with a country because of threats -- why are you not gung ho about going to war against North Korea? They not only threaten to attack, they actually launch missiles to go along with the threats....

....but since Trump said he fell in love with lil Kim, the thought of going to war is ridiculous to even talk about....
Apparently you don't follow the news. The US sanctions have already taken such a big bite out of the Iranian economy that the government is drawing up plans to ration essential goods, and the Iranian government has been making many threats to attack US forces and US allies in response. Trump is merely sending a warning to the Iranian government that if they do, they will pay a heavy price for it. It's diplomacy, asshole, not war.
Its war asshole, not diplomacy.
There is no war, asshole, but the US is involved in diplomacy with Iran and Iran is threatening war against the US and its allies.
No, asshole, there is no involvement in diplomacy with Iran. Only naked aggression is involved and the US is using it to drive Iran to its knees.
There is no war and it is all diplomacy. You apparently only like diplomacy that involves the US falling to its knees as Obama did in dealing with Iran. Were you not so anti American you would see that the President is trying to repair to non proliferation protocols that Obama destroyed.
Funny how you think Iran is going to EVER attack US forces ....but Israel actually did attack US forces......

Iran is not going to attack US forces, but if you want to go to war with a country because of threats -- why are you not gung ho about going to war against North Korea? They not only threaten to attack, they actually launch missiles to go along with the threats....

....but since Trump said he fell in love with lil Kim, the thought of going to war is ridiculous to even talk about....
Apparently you don't follow the news. The US sanctions have already taken such a big bite out of the Iranian economy that the government is drawing up plans to ration essential goods, and the Iranian government has been making many threats to attack US forces and US allies in response. Trump is merely sending a warning to the Iranian government that if they do, they will pay a heavy price for it. It's diplomacy, asshole, not war.
Its war asshole, not diplomacy.
There is no war, asshole, but the US is involved in diplomacy with Iran and Iran is threatening war against the US and its allies.
No, asshole, there is no involvement in diplomacy with Iran. Only naked aggression is involved and the US is using it to drive Iran to its knees.
There is no war and it is all diplomacy. You apparently only like diplomacy that involves the US falling to its knees as Obama did in dealing with Iran. Were you not so anti American you would see that the President is trying to repair to non proliferation protocols that Obama destroyed.

The deal Obama and (6 OTHER FUCKING NATIONS) brokered with Iran was far more substantive and binding than the deal Trump brokered with North Korea..oh wait! There is no deal with North Korea.
Apparently you don't follow the news. The US sanctions have already taken such a big bite out of the Iranian economy that the government is drawing up plans to ration essential goods, and the Iranian government has been making many threats to attack US forces and US allies in response. Trump is merely sending a warning to the Iranian government that if they do, they will pay a heavy price for it. It's diplomacy, asshole, not war.
Its war asshole, not diplomacy.
There is no war, asshole, but the US is involved in diplomacy with Iran and Iran is threatening war against the US and its allies.
No, asshole, there is no involvement in diplomacy with Iran. Only naked aggression is involved and the US is using it to drive Iran to its knees.
There is no war and it is all diplomacy. You apparently only like diplomacy that involves the US falling to its knees as Obama did in dealing with Iran. Were you not so anti American you would see that the President is trying to repair to non proliferation protocols that Obama destroyed.

The deal Obama and (6 OTHER FUCKING NATIONS) brokered with Iran was far more substantive and binding than the deal Trump brokered with North Korea..oh wait! There is no deal with North Korea.
NK offered Trump the same deal they gave to Clinton and Clinton ended up financing NK's nuclear research, but Trump realized the offer was no good and rejected it. If only Obama would have had the integrity and balls to have rejected the nuclear deal Iran offered him, the issue of a nuclear Iran would have been settled years ago.

So you would rather we wait until after we are attacked to move military assets into the region rather than do it now in hope it avoids an attack.
I would rather we stopped meddling with the camel jockeys. If we started minding our own business there would be nothing for Iran to attack in the middle east. We have more than enough problems of our own without policing everyone elses.

When Americans are being targeted, it is our problem and not someone else's.
Americans wouldn't be targets if we minded our own business and only responded to actual threats.
Don't you people ever get tired of being misled? The war machine loves you to be sure.
Why are we still occupying sand dunes? It's a waste of American blood and treasure.

But but but if we pull troops from the middle east, what will happen to Israel?

Don't you care about ISRAEL?

If the US backs off, Israel wipes Gaza, Syria and Syrian occupied Lebanon off the face of the earth and Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia cheer the result.
Apparently you don't follow the news. The US sanctions have already taken such a big bite out of the Iranian economy that the government is drawing up plans to ration essential goods, and the Iranian government has been making many threats to attack US forces and US allies in response. Trump is merely sending a warning to the Iranian government that if they do, they will pay a heavy price for it. It's diplomacy, asshole, not war.
Its war asshole, not diplomacy.
There is no war, asshole, but the US is involved in diplomacy with Iran and Iran is threatening war against the US and its allies.
No, asshole, there is no involvement in diplomacy with Iran. Only naked aggression is involved and the US is using it to drive Iran to its knees.
There is no war and it is all diplomacy. You apparently only like diplomacy that involves the US falling to its knees as Obama did in dealing with Iran. Were you not so anti American you would see that the President is trying to repair to non proliferation protocols that Obama destroyed.

The deal Obama and (6 OTHER FUCKING NATIONS) brokered with Iran was far more substantive and binding than the deal Trump brokered with North Korea..oh wait! There is no deal with North Korea.
oh fk!!!!!!

and Clinton ended up financing NK's nuclear
Madeup bullshit...
Nope, it's a fact. NK offered to allow UN inspectors monitor their main reactor to insure that they were not using plutonium to build nuclear weapons in exchange for US aid. So the US sent rice and oil to NK thinking we had stopped NK's nuclear weapons program, but NK had enrichment sites we knew nothing about and they proceeded to produce highly enriched uranium while we were sending the food and fuel. If you review Clinton's foreign policy decisions, you will see he was spectacularly inept everywhere.

When Trump met Kim US intelligence had discovered several NK enrichment sites NK had thought were secret, and when Kim offered to close a reactor in return for easing of sanctions, Trump showed him we knew about his secret nuclear sites and demanded they all b be closed or opened to inspectors, Kim was shocked and humiliated and the talks ended.
and Clinton ended up financing NK's nuclear
Madeup bullshit...
Nope, it's a fact. NK offered to allow UN inspectors monitor their main reactor to insure that they were not using plutonium to build nuclear weapons in exchange for US aid. So the US sent rice and oil to NK thinking we had stopped NK's nuclear weapons program, but NK had enrichment sites we knew nothing about and they proceeded to produce highly enriched uranium while we were sending the food and fuel. If you review Clinton's foreign policy decisions, you will see he was spectacularly inept everywhere.

When Trump met Kim US intelligence had discovered several NK enrichment sites NK had thought were secret, and when Kim offered to close a reactor in return for easing of sanctions, Trump showed him we knew about his secret nuclear sites and demanded they all b be closed or opened to inspectors, Kim was shocked and humiliated and the talks ended.
No , i reject that argument and call it dumb. They were not given cash. And we don't blame our leaders for the actions of our enemies. Saying they were given rice and fuel while refining material means we financed that is stupid.
and Clinton ended up financing NK's nuclear
Madeup bullshit...
Nope, it's a fact. NK offered to allow UN inspectors monitor their main reactor to insure that they were not using plutonium to build nuclear weapons in exchange for US aid. So the US sent rice and oil to NK thinking we had stopped NK's nuclear weapons program, but NK had enrichment sites we knew nothing about and they proceeded to produce highly enriched uranium while we were sending the food and fuel. If you review Clinton's foreign policy decisions, you will see he was spectacularly inept everywhere.

When Trump met Kim US intelligence had discovered several NK enrichment sites NK had thought were secret, and when Kim offered to close a reactor in return for easing of sanctions, Trump showed him we knew about his secret nuclear sites and demanded they all b be closed or opened to inspectors, Kim was shocked and humiliated and the talks ended.
No , i reject that argument and call it dumb. They were not given cash. And we don't blame our leaders for the actions of our enemies. Saying they were given rice and fuel while refining material means we financed that is stupid.
lol You're as loyal as a dog and apparently just as stupid.
and Clinton ended up financing NK's nuclear
Madeup bullshit...
Nope, it's a fact. NK offered to allow UN inspectors monitor their main reactor to insure that they were not using plutonium to build nuclear weapons in exchange for US aid. So the US sent rice and oil to NK thinking we had stopped NK's nuclear weapons program, but NK had enrichment sites we knew nothing about and they proceeded to produce highly enriched uranium while we were sending the food and fuel. If you review Clinton's foreign policy decisions, you will see he was spectacularly inept everywhere.

When Trump met Kim US intelligence had discovered several NK enrichment sites NK had thought were secret, and when Kim offered to close a reactor in return for easing of sanctions, Trump showed him we knew about his secret nuclear sites and demanded they all b be closed or opened to inspectors, Kim was shocked and humiliated and the talks ended.
No , i reject that argument and call it dumb. They were not given cash. And we don't blame our leaders for the actions of our enemies. Saying they were given rice and fuel while refining material means we financed that is stupid.

Who gives a shit what you think?

On Oct. 18, 1994, Clinton approved a plan to arrange more than $4 billion in energy aid to North Korea over the course of a decade, in return for a commitment from the country’s Communist leadership to freeze and gradually dismantle its nuclear weapons development program, according to The New York Times.

The “complex” deal was to de-escalate the situation on the Korean peninsula, where the two Korean nations never negotiated a peace treaty after the Korean War ended in armistice in 1953."


" “The North Koreans duped Jimmy Carter — an emissary of Clinton — and the Clinton administration to subsidize the North Korean nuclear program in exchange for the counterfeit promise that North Korea would limit itself to civilian nuclear power.”"

Bill Clinton Paved the Way for a Nuclear North Korea | LifeZette
So you would rather we wait until after we are attacked to move military assets into the region rather than do it now in hope it avoids an attack.
I would rather we stopped meddling with the camel jockeys. If we started minding our own business there would be nothing for Iran to attack in the middle east. We have more than enough problems of our own without policing everyone elses.

When Americans are being targeted, it is our problem and not someone else's.
Americans wouldn't be targets if we minded our own business and only responded to actual threats.
Don't you people ever get tired of being misled? The war machine loves you to be sure.
Why are we still occupying sand dunes? It's a waste of American blood and treasure.

But but but if we pull troops from the middle east, what will happen to Israel?

Don't you care about ISRAEL?

If the US backs off, Israel wipes Gaza, Syria and Syrian occupied Lebanon off the face of the earth and Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia cheer the result.
Agreed. We're the proud owners of a pitbull on a leash
I would rather we stopped meddling with the camel jockeys. If we started minding our own business there would be nothing for Iran to attack in the middle east. We have more than enough problems of our own without policing everyone elses.

When Americans are being targeted, it is our problem and not someone else's.
Americans wouldn't be targets if we minded our own business and only responded to actual threats.
Don't you people ever get tired of being misled? The war machine loves you to be sure.
Why are we still occupying sand dunes? It's a waste of American blood and treasure.

But but but if we pull troops from the middle east, what will happen to Israel?

Don't you care about ISRAEL?

If the US backs off, Israel wipes Gaza, Syria and Syrian occupied Lebanon off the face of the earth and Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia cheer the result.
Agreed. We're the proud owners of a pitbull on a leash
Gaza and Syria are irredeemable.
I would rather we stopped meddling with the camel jockeys. If we started minding our own business there would be nothing for Iran to attack in the middle east. We have more than enough problems of our own without policing everyone elses.

When Americans are being targeted, it is our problem and not someone else's.
Americans wouldn't be targets if we minded our own business and only responded to actual threats.
Don't you people ever get tired of being misled? The war machine loves you to be sure.
Why are we still occupying sand dunes? It's a waste of American blood and treasure.

But but but if we pull troops from the middle east, what will happen to Israel?

Don't you care about ISRAEL?

If the US backs off, Israel wipes Gaza, Syria and Syrian occupied Lebanon off the face of the earth and Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia cheer the result.
Agreed. We're the proud owners of a pitbull on a leash
I should note that Lebanon needs to be liberated; if possible.

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