Time to stop playing military games for political posturing

Trump didn't order it be done. He authorized it be done in response to a request from the DoD.

You're almost awake!

Indeed they requested it. The war machine must move forward at all times to justify it's existence.

It's a good thing I know how to tell the bunker manufacturer that NO, I don't need a bomb shelter to defend me from some perceived danger. They can request my approval but I'm smart enough to recognize snake oil when I see it.

Get it yet?
Then I'd be a mental midget.

Iran attacks we wipe them off the map. War is for adults not teenage boys in a dick waving competition.

What does that mean? You against deploying military assets to DETER attacks? From the "death to america" people who THREATENED to use military force in the Straits of Hormuz this month???
If they attack you DESTROY THEM.

Enough with these fucking games.

Time to stop babysitting the worlds shitholes.
That used to be Trumps motto and it was widely applauded. Course now the machine is steering him and as a result you apparently

Don't think you're thinking this thru.. We HAVE navy presence there.. The purpose of the carrier is to MAKE CERTAIN that we destroy them if they attack our assets.. Glad you're not in the Pentagon....

So you would rather we wait until after we are attacked to move military assets into the region rather than do it now in hope it avoids an attack.

These lefty loons are just that. Lefty loons.

They obviously wouldn't know gamesmanship if it slapped them in their stupid faces.

Trump is doing the right thing. Iran needs the warning that an aircraft carrier brings to the game.

The left sure are whiny, stupid little shits.

So you would rather we wait until after we are attacked to move military assets into the region rather than do it now in hope it avoids an attack.
I would rather we stopped meddling with the camel jockeys. If we started minding our own business there would be nothing for Iran to attack in the middle east. We have more than enough problems of our own without policing everyone elses.

When Americans are being targeted, it is our problem and not someone else's.
Americans wouldn't be targets if we minded our own business and only responded to actual threats.
Don't you people ever get tired of being misled? The war machine loves you to be sure.
Why are we still occupying sand dunes? It's a waste of American blood and treasure.

But but but if we pull troops from the middle east, what will happen to Israel?

Don't you care about ISRAEL?

Don't think you're thinking this thru.. We HAVE navy presence there.. The purpose of the carrier is to MAKE CERTAIN that we destroy them if they attack our assets.. Glad you're not in the Pentagon....
It’s all BS. There never was going to be an attack. Iran and it’s government may crank up the silly rhetoric from time to time to keep up appearances yet they know that they can be wiped off the map.
This is Bolton’s move to further reduce the amount of Iranian oil on the world market.

All the places the US tries to crush have one thing in common...OIL.
Then I'd be a mental midget.

Iran attacks we wipe them off the map. War is for adults not teenage boys in a dick waving competition.

And yet, what you're suggesting is the equivalent of a teenage boy waving his dick like a blue ribbon depended on it.
Bolton’s modern version of the Gulf of Tonkin fraud.

Would not surprise me if there was an "incident" that required a military response.
“Surprise”? I absolutely expect it. Predictable as a sunrise.
Every war since the revolution has been predicated by lies to prepare the populace as to the necessity for bloodshed.
Bolton’s modern version of the Gulf of Tonkin fraud.

Would not surprise me if there was an "incident" that required a military response.
“Surprise”? I absolutely expect it. Predictable as a sunrise.
Every war since the revolution has been predicated by lies to prepare the populace as to the necessity for bloodshed.

The NeoCons did not get the expected results from the invasion of Iraq so it seems they want to try it again with Iran.
Bolton’s modern version of the Gulf of Tonkin fraud.

Would not surprise me if there was an "incident" that required a military response.
“Surprise”? I absolutely expect it. Predictable as a sunrise.
Every war since the revolution has been predicated by lies to prepare the populace as to the necessity for bloodshed.

The NeoCons did not get the expected results from the invasion of Iraq so it seems they want to try it again with Iran.

They didn't?

Some people say US does war for war's sake. To grease the wheels of the military industrial complex and generate $$$

Some say US foreign policy in the middle east is done for Israel's sake at the behest of powerful influencers.

What do you think the goal was? You don't really buy that "spread democracy" baloney, do you?

Trump is playing the same ole 'swamp' maneuver he claimed to run against in his campaign.

Drain the swamp? FLOFL ............... Trump is the same ole fucking swamp that never left DC ............

No, the swamp was the two previous buffoons who couldnt get enough war.

So you would rather we wait until after we are attacked to move military assets into the region rather than do it now in hope it avoids an attack.

These lefty loons are just that. Lefty loons.

They obviously wouldn't know gamesmanship if it slapped them in their stupid faces.

Trump is doing the right thing. Iran needs the warning that an aircraft carrier brings to the game.

The left sure are whiny, stupid little shits.

Grandpa is not a lefty.

So you would rather we wait until after we are attacked to move military assets into the region rather than do it now in hope it avoids an attack.
I would rather we stopped meddling with the camel jockeys. If we started minding our own business there would be nothing for Iran to attack in the middle east. We have more than enough problems of our own without policing everyone elses.

When Americans are being targeted, it is our problem and not someone else's.
Americans wouldn't be targets if we minded our own business and only responded to actual threats.
Don't you people ever get tired of being misled? The war machine loves you to be sure.
Why are we still occupying sand dunes? It's a waste of American blood and treasure.

But but but if we pull troops from the middle east, what will happen to Israel?

Don't you care about ISRAEL?


It's always been about Israel.
The entire Cold war was about Political posturing but it's bad when a republican is in office.

Why? Because it was typically Democrats who entered conflicts during the Cold War through proxy wars like Vietnam, the longest, most costly war we've been in since WWII.

The reason Benghazi happened, or so Hillary and the Obama Admin said (apart from the lie of the video) was that we did not have "assets" close enough to respond in time to save the Ambassador and three security people. Personally, I think we could have responded form bases in Southern Italy or elsewhere, but if we had a carrier group off the coast it would have been easier.
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Bolton’s modern version of the Gulf of Tonkin fraud.

Would not surprise me if there was an "incident" that required a military response.
“Surprise”? I absolutely expect it. Predictable as a sunrise.
Every war since the revolution has been predicated by lies to prepare the populace as to the necessity for bloodshed.

The NeoCons did not get the expected results from the invasion of Iraq so it seems they want to try it again with Iran.

They didn't?

Some people say US does war for war's sake. To grease the wheels of the military industrial complex and generate $$$

Some say US foreign policy in the middle east is done for Israel's sake at the behest of powerful influencers.

What do you think the goal was? You don't really buy that "spread democracy" baloney, do you?

I think the goal was greater control over the world's oil supply.

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