Time to stop playing military games for political posturing

When Americans are being targeted, it is our problem and not someone else's.
Americans wouldn't be targets if we minded our own business and only responded to actual threats.
Don't you people ever get tired of being misled? The war machine loves you to be sure.
Why are we still occupying sand dunes? It's a waste of American blood and treasure.

But but but if we pull troops from the middle east, what will happen to Israel?

Don't you care about ISRAEL?

If the US backs off, Israel wipes Gaza, Syria and Syrian occupied Lebanon off the face of the earth and Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia cheer the result.
Agreed. We're the proud owners of a pitbull on a leash
Gaza and Syria are irredeemable.
So are untrained dogs.
When Americans are being targeted, it is our problem and not someone else's.
Americans wouldn't be targets if we minded our own business and only responded to actual threats.
Don't you people ever get tired of being misled? The war machine loves you to be sure.
Why are we still occupying sand dunes? It's a waste of American blood and treasure.

But but but if we pull troops from the middle east, what will happen to Israel?

Don't you care about ISRAEL?

If the US backs off, Israel wipes Gaza, Syria and Syrian occupied Lebanon off the face of the earth and Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia cheer the result.
Agreed. We're the proud owners of a pitbull on a leash
I should note that Lebanon needs to be liberated; if possible.
Americans wouldn't be targets if we minded our own business and only responded to actual threats.
Don't you people ever get tired of being misled? The war machine loves you to be sure.
Why are we still occupying sand dunes? It's a waste of American blood and treasure.

But but but if we pull troops from the middle east, what will happen to Israel?

Don't you care about ISRAEL?

If the US backs off, Israel wipes Gaza, Syria and Syrian occupied Lebanon off the face of the earth and Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia cheer the result.
Agreed. We're the proud owners of a pitbull on a leash
I should note that Lebanon needs to be liberated; if possible.
It’s seems only White males can fight a revolution against oppressors.
and Clinton ended up financing NK's nuclear
Madeup bullshit...
Nope, it's a fact. NK offered to allow UN inspectors monitor their main reactor to insure that they were not using plutonium to build nuclear weapons in exchange for US aid. So the US sent rice and oil to NK thinking we had stopped NK's nuclear weapons program, but NK had enrichment sites we knew nothing about and they proceeded to produce highly enriched uranium while we were sending the food and fuel. If you review Clinton's foreign policy decisions, you will see he was spectacularly inept everywhere.

When Trump met Kim US intelligence had discovered several NK enrichment sites NK had thought were secret, and when Kim offered to close a reactor in return for easing of sanctions, Trump showed him we knew about his secret nuclear sites and demanded they all b be closed or opened to inspectors, Kim was shocked and humiliated and the talks ended.
No , i reject that argument and call it dumb. They were not given cash. And we don't blame our leaders for the actions of our enemies. Saying they were given rice and fuel while refining material means we financed that is stupid.
lol You're as loyal as a dog and apparently just as stupid.
And you're a delusional little trump cultist with clinton tourettes syndrome.

Pleased to meet you.
But but but if we pull troops from the middle east, what will happen to Israel?

Don't you care about ISRAEL?

If the US backs off, Israel wipes Gaza, Syria and Syrian occupied Lebanon off the face of the earth and Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia cheer the result.
Agreed. We're the proud owners of a pitbull on a leash
I should note that Lebanon needs to be liberated; if possible.
It’s seems only White males can fight a revolution against oppressors.

Race dude? Wtf
If the US backs off, Israel wipes Gaza, Syria and Syrian occupied Lebanon off the face of the earth and Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia cheer the result.
Agreed. We're the proud owners of a pitbull on a leash
I should note that Lebanon needs to be liberated; if possible.
It’s seems only White males can fight a revolution against oppressors.

Race dude? Wtf
Arabs kill Arabs and the US is supposed to save them.
Let them save themselves.
But but but if we pull troops from the middle east, what will happen to Israel?

Don't you care about ISRAEL?

If the US backs off, Israel wipes Gaza, Syria and Syrian occupied Lebanon off the face of the earth and Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia cheer the result.
Agreed. We're the proud owners of a pitbull on a leash
I should note that Lebanon needs to be liberated; if possible.
It’s seems only White males can fight a revolution against oppressors.
Guess you never heard of Muslims huh? Killed more humans than any other group
If the US backs off, Israel wipes Gaza, Syria and Syrian occupied Lebanon off the face of the earth and Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia cheer the result.
Agreed. We're the proud owners of a pitbull on a leash
I should note that Lebanon needs to be liberated; if possible.
It’s seems only White males can fight a revolution against oppressors.
Guess you never heard of Muslims huh? Killed more humans than any other group
Muslims aren’t fighting oppressors, they are the oppressors.
Agreed. We're the proud owners of a pitbull on a leash
I should note that Lebanon needs to be liberated; if possible.
It’s seems only White males can fight a revolution against oppressors.
Guess you never heard of Muslims huh? Killed more humans than any other group
Muslims aren’t fighting oppressors, they are the oppressors.
They are the reason white men fight them. We stand up
So we are rattling our sabers over Iran while Trump's love muffin Kim is shooting off actual rockets?


The both of you are way off the mark.. We've never taken an inch of ground for oil... In fact, NOW -- thanks to the private sector DESPITE all the roadblocks from the Dems, we're now pretty much an oil products net exporter.

You Chomskyites are living the 60s... And the Straits of Hormuz are one of the most vital shipping lanes in the world. You'd let a bunch of pirates with a "death to America" govt just shut it down anytime they get pissed at the world.. Which is MOST days of the week...

Of course since Iran intends on getting nukes, they could EASILY bankrupt the Sunni oil states by closing that chokepoint any time they wanted. And then we could watch them turn the Mid East into a toxic waste dump that would cause the Earth to die 6 years earlier than AOC has declared it will...
So we are rattling our sabers over Iran while Trump's love muffin Kim is shooting off actual rockets?


The both of you are way off the mark.. We've never taken an inch of ground for oil... In fact, NOW -- thanks to the private sector DESPITE all the roadblocks from the Dems, we're now pretty much an oil products net exporter.

You Chomskyites are living the 60s... And the Straits of Hormuz are one of the most vital shipping lanes in the world. You'd let a bunch of pirates with a "death to America" govt just shut it down anytime they get pissed at the world.. Which is MOST days of the week...

Of course since Iran intends on getting nukes, they could EASILY bankrupt the Sunni oil states by closing that chokepoint any time they wanted. And then we could watch them turn the Mid East into a toxic waste dump that would cause the Earth to die 6 years earlier than AOC has declared it will...
Yet every place where US troops have been sent to dominate the locals and bring the governments to heel are oil producing states. It’s just a coincidence.
Bolton’s modern version of the Gulf of Tonkin fraud.

Would not surprise me if there was an "incident" that required a military response.
“Surprise”? I absolutely expect it. Predictable as a sunrise.
Every war since the revolution has been predicated by lies to prepare the populace as to the necessity for bloodshed.

The NeoCons did not get the expected results from the invasion of Iraq so it seems they want to try it again with Iran.

They didn't?

Some people say US does war for war's sake. To grease the wheels of the military industrial complex and generate $$$

Some say US foreign policy in the middle east is done for Israel's sake at the behest of powerful influencers.

What do you think the goal was? You don't really buy that "spread democracy" baloney, do you?
Some say the very opposite.

They are ALL liars.
So we are rattling our sabers over Iran while Trump's love muffin Kim is shooting off actual rockets?


The both of you are way off the mark.. We've never taken an inch of ground for oil... In fact, NOW -- thanks to the private sector DESPITE all the roadblocks from the Dems, we're now pretty much an oil products net exporter.

You Chomskyites are living the 60s... And the Straits of Hormuz are one of the most vital shipping lanes in the world. You'd let a bunch of pirates with a "death to America" govt just shut it down anytime they get pissed at the world.. Which is MOST days of the week...

Of course since Iran intends on getting nukes, they could EASILY bankrupt the Sunni oil states by closing that chokepoint any time they wanted. And then we could watch them turn the Mid East into a toxic waste dump that would cause the Earth to die 6 years earlier than AOC has declared it will...
Yet every place where US troops have been sent to dominate the locals and bring the governments to heel are oil producing states. It’s just a coincidence.
There aren't many things worth fighting for as much as oil is. Our entire economy and national security depend on it. And despite the silly little victory dances, "we" are not exporting ANY oil. Private companies are exporting oil. "We" have NO oil, as our energy sector is not nationalized. Yes, "energy independence" is a scam. It's a scam wrought by private energy companies who want to fool people into letting them extract and move oil at will, anywhere, anytime.

These private companies export oil because they are selling to those willing to pay the most for it. And they will continue to do this, no matter who that someone is, be it Americans, Brazilians, etc. That is literally the entire point of the Keystone XL pipeline: to allow a cheaper way for companies to export oil. Prior to the XL pipeline, the Midwest enjoyed cheaper energy prices due to the glut of oil that would build up at the terminus of the pipeline. Being the kind souls we are, we relieved the oil companies of this nasty little annoyance by making it easier for them to ship this oil overseas. Of course, Americans now pay more as a result.

So every blip in the world oil supply affects what you pay for a gallon of gas, or for any goods that travel to you by truck, train, plane, or boat. Which is all of them.
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So you would rather we wait until after we are attacked to move military assets into the region rather than do it now in hope it avoids an attack.
I would rather we stopped meddling with the camel jockeys. If we started minding our own business there would be nothing for Iran to attack in the middle east. We have more than enough problems of our own without policing everyone elses.
i would rather we left a bulk of the world alone, stopped sending them $$$ for whatever, and used that money at home to take better care of ourselves and our own issues.
I should note that Lebanon needs to be liberated; if possible.
It’s seems only White males can fight a revolution against oppressors.
Guess you never heard of Muslims huh? Killed more humans than any other group
Muslims aren’t fighting oppressors, they are the oppressors.
They are the reason white men fight them. We stand up

You never did.

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So we are rattling our sabers over Iran while Trump's love muffin Kim is shooting off actual rockets?


The both of you are way off the mark.. We've never taken an inch of ground for oil... In fact, NOW -- thanks to the private sector DESPITE all the roadblocks from the Dems, we're now pretty much an oil products net exporter.

You Chomskyites are living the 60s... And the Straits of Hormuz are one of the most vital shipping lanes in the world. You'd let a bunch of pirates with a "death to America" govt just shut it down anytime they get pissed at the world.. Which is MOST days of the week...

Of course since Iran intends on getting nukes, they could EASILY bankrupt the Sunni oil states by closing that chokepoint any time they wanted. And then we could watch them turn the Mid East into a toxic waste dump that would cause the Earth to die 6 years earlier than AOC has declared it will...

Nobody you responded to said one fucking word about oil.
So we are rattling our sabers over Iran while Trump's love muffin Kim is shooting off actual rockets?


The both of you are way off the mark.. We've never taken an inch of ground for oil... In fact, NOW -- thanks to the private sector DESPITE all the roadblocks from the Dems, we're now pretty much an oil products net exporter.

You Chomskyites are living the 60s... And the Straits of Hormuz are one of the most vital shipping lanes in the world. You'd let a bunch of pirates with a "death to America" govt just shut it down anytime they get pissed at the world.. Which is MOST days of the week...

Of course since Iran intends on getting nukes, they could EASILY bankrupt the Sunni oil states by closing that chokepoint any time they wanted. And then we could watch them turn the Mid East into a toxic waste dump that would cause the Earth to die 6 years earlier than AOC has declared it will...

We are not in the Middle East because we like their food, it is all about the oil. Oil is the only reason the straits are of any importance at all...

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